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D&D 5E 101 Mercenary missions


Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
13. A rival organization has started up and is undercutting your prices and the members seem to be much more effective. Infiltrate them and find out why.

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First Post
Is this a "lawful good" kind of game or are you up for some morally ambiguous missions?

14. Putting down a peasant uprising for a lord
15. Stamping out a religious splinter group for the local church
16. Lord Y wants to you to impersonate soldiers of lord X and attack a merchant caravan
17. Ferret out rebels in a recently occupied city
18. An heir of the deposed king has been found. Find and kill him

These missions would obviously lead to a more Game of Thrones feel than typical D&D.
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First Post
Is this a "lawful good" kind of game or are you up for some morally ambiguous missions?

- Putting down a peasant uprising for a lord
- Stamping out a religious splinter group for the local church
- Lord Y wants to you to impersonate soldiers of lord X and attack a merchant caravan
- Ferret out rebels in a recently occupied city
- An heir of the deposed king has been found. Find and kill him

These missions would obviously lead to a more Game of Thrones feel than typical D&D.

It's not necessarily for my own game that I started this thread (any ideas I can poach are just an added bonus) so any and all ideas that fit in with the feel of a mercenary guild are valid :)

So those are 14 to 18. Anyone got a number 19?


First Post
19. A slave ship from a distant land recently arrived in port and is paying handsomely for us to fill it up. Slavery, however, is outlawed in our fine city. Naturally, we want the cash, so collect some merchandise from the nearby farms without leaving a trail for the authorities to follow.


Steeliest of the dragons
101 is an ambitious goal to attempt. But, at the same time, there are limitless options. By its very definition, a "Mercenary Guild" is going to undertake anything as long as the pay is enough. So, with that in mind...

20. There is an expedition to a, previously unknown, island. Go survey it. Kill what needs killing/Find what needs finding/Establish what needs establishing.
21. [trope] Merchant's Guild needs a guard for their caravan from trade/port/production region of goods/city/kingdom X to trade/port/production region city/kingdom Y.
22. Noble/lord/king of a region needs the funds/supply trains/troop movements of rival noble/lord/king disrupted/harried.
23. Wizard needs a body guard...won't disclose to where/why but paid full up front with promise of a second full payment upon safe return! So, your superiors make quite clear, you do what he/she says!
24. High Priest of religion X needs bodyguard to get to peace conference/pilgrimage site/friendly temple/unfriendly temple/[summer/winter estates?].
25. Tyranical new Warlord has come to your region. He/she/It wants to impress the merchant's guild into their fighting force (or makes promises of pay after taking over the neighboring wealthy territory)...what is the Merchant's Guild (and individuals within it) going to do about it?
26. Mercenary Guild has been approached by Thieves' Guild to serve as envoy to rival [Guild or individual] encroaching on their territory. If diplomacy/a show of strength doesn't work...do what is necessary.
27. A Bard/Sage/Noble has uncovered forgotten location of some knowledge/secret/treasure. Just needs someone to help them go get it/go get it for them.
28. A "hive" of Warlocks [and/or the result of a coven of Hags?] is slowly tainting/corrupting/influencing the town/village/region. Go get rid of them before we are all lost in madness and bloody sacrifice to their demon masters.
29. "Kill duh Wabbit!" a.k.a. The Monster [being Monsters] Problem. Bulette erupts in the town square! Ankheg infestation in the fields! The annual running of the Otyughs is heading your way (and no one knows why)!
30. "Kill duh Wabbit!" variant A: The Catastrophic/Seige Monster Problem. Dragon!!! Giants!!! Demon!!! Tarrasque!!!
31. "Kill duh Wabbit!" variant B: "Catch" duh Wabbit! The "Escaped the Zoo" Scenario. Something's loose in the city. No one knows how it got there/where it came from [maybe not even what "it" is to begin with]. Catch/Stop it, preferably without killing it. Displacer Beast, Owlbear, a flock of Axe Beaks,...a Black Pudding?
32. "Natural" Disasters: Raging fire has broken out for the third time in a month. The Mercenary Guild (and, likely, other town/city organizations) is deputized as investigators and firefighters. Why? Who/what's responsible? Find it/them. Stop it/them!
33: "Natural" Disasters: The city is flooding. The guild is hired to put all of its resources to figuring out why and stopping/fixing it.
34: "Natural" Disasters + Non-Hire: Just in town going about your "downtime" business between jobs. A Hurricane/Blizzard/Major Thunderstorm hits (out of no where). What do you do?
35. Non-Hire: You were paid beautifully for your last job and have earned some/X time off to "relax" [Common practice by the guild to, in theory, spend your wages so you will have to work/go on a job again soon]. What do you and your pals do with a month of freetime and pocket full of gold?
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First Post
The population of The Kingdom becomes overcrowded and restive. The Kingdom desperately needs to expand it's territory and aquire access to new resources to pacify the common rabble. The Elven Kingdom nearby has plenty of good land they're barely using. We need YOU to incite anti-elf sentiment. Hit this target, do a lot of damage, make it look like an elf did it.


A paladin has fallen from grace after profanating a temple to his god. The temple hires you on a mission: go kill him. No one must know about this.

What the PCs don't know, is that the paladin fell in love with an acolyte of the temple, and the cleric killed the acolyte for desobeying his vows of chastity. The paladin avenged his love's death.

Perhaps spice it up with a dark power that contacted the paladin to lure him into the darkness of his own heart...


First Post
"There are too many would be heroes about with nothing to occupy them. They're hassling barmaids, rummaging through the graveyard and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Go find or build a dungeon, fill it with traps. Collect monsters to staff it (capture them, hire them, BUILD them for all I care). Get something up and going to keep these hare-brained adventurers out of our town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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