13th Age Bestiary

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5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

The stand-out features include the strong ties to the world, the lists of what icons would make use of the monsters and how, and selected plot hooks. Like all of 13th age, this book is aimed at not giving you anything unless it helps you make the game better, no bloat, no filler, nothing that you want to skip over. The only bad side of this book is that it is hard to just look a up a monster for something and just use it. You read the entry, get inspired, and soon have a completely different story because the text made you think of so sing even better ...


5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

This book should be a reference for designers of any RPG, because it takes the traditional monster manual and re-invents it for maximum flavor and utility. You can't help but read these monster entries and want to use them in your game. Each entry is full of story and setting hooks, full of ideas you can put to use, and full of neat concepts a DM can use both mechanically and for story. Monsters often have variants or alternate mechanics that increase the utility. The book has sections where it encourages DMs to think about monster ecology and other important topics. It reinvigorates the idea of random monster tables with neat ways of grouping by types that suggest to the DM great story hooks and fun adventure encounter concepts.This is a must-have book for a 13th Age DM. It is a monster book against which other monster books should be measured.


New Publisher
5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

This is a great resource for 13th Age, 4e, and even 5e. You can really come up with great ideas, and either convert, or use almost as is. Super thrilled I bought this** I bought the pdf version, someday, these will be ebooks instead.....

5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

Masterfully written descriptions that make the creatures fairly leap off the page. Detailed encounter suggestions. Easy to use at the table and a welcome addition to the 13th age line of books. I have a shelf-full of monster manuals from all editions of D&D and from other games -- most of these with a few exceptions (Monsternomicon I & II for 3.5e) provide seemingly endless variations on a theme. I look at them for reference not to be inspired. The 13th age Bestiary is inspiring!


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

As the authors state, designing monsters in 13th Age is easy, so to make this book worth picking up, they had to go beyond what most GMs would be able to pull off within a week (in addition to their other RL obligations). This book accomplishes that very well! Each entry is basically an advertisement begging you to put them in your campaign. (When the book first came out in PDF form, I MAY have had an encounter with a basilisk, a couple of rust monster, and chuuls because I wasn't able to control myself.) The monsters aren't always what is traditional. Any GM can open up their other RPG tomes to get something traditional. 13th Age comes up with quirky new ideas or alternative takes to these monsters that you have the option of using instead (or throwing away in favor of traditional). Though there are only 52 entries, each monster is given around 3-5 pages. These pages have a couple of stat blocks, but also have sections about building battles, the relationship between these monsters and some of the icons, names, adventure hooks, random loot that monster may be carrying.


5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

The 13th Age bestiary gives some more depth and alternate backstories that can be stolen for commonly used monsters, even if you're not into the 13th Age rules. A few of the creatures get a little gonzo, but these have been rehashed so much that most are a welcome breath of fresh air.


5 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

I will be mining the ideas in this book for years to come. The take on dragon varieties is particularly excellent, with different forms of each chromatic color, with different agendas and spins on their powers.


First Post
4 out of 5 rating for 13th Age Bestiary

13th Age is a damn-fine roleplaying game in and of itself. I wholeheartedly endorse the 13th Age Bestiary, and encourage anyone who’s got the corebook to pick it up immediately…while it’s still in print.

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