1st ed ranger conversion?

Pagan priest

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qstor said:
I did a search on google but only came up with the versions that were on the old EN 3rd edition news site.

I like the 3.5 version a lot better.


Where are these versions that used to be on the old EN site? I didn't realise that any of that was still available.

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Search on google. I found a mirror site or something or in the cache that had a lot of the old stuff conversion stuff from Erics site on it. Sorry for catching this late.


Pagan priest

First Post
I tried to google for "1st edition ranger conversion" and got numerous sites for a ford truck. :( I also got the old conversion page. :D All but one of the rangers on that old page was simply a 3.0 varient to "correct" the "flaws" in the 3.0 ranger. :rolleyes: There was one link that was broken. That was probably the one I wanted. :mad:


First Post
qstor said:
Good luck! Maybe the author is still on the boards!


I'm not that author, but I have a first edition conversion that I did. I also incorporated the abilities from 3.5, like endurance, wild empathy. I nixed a few things like the D8 hit die, grrrr, and evasion, though. If you want it, I could email it to you. I'd post it, but I'm lousy at formatting.


First Post
Pagan priest said:
Please do. I'd very much like to see it.

Why drop the d8 for hit points, since that is what they originally had?

Indeed they did, but they got 2 at first level and a total of 11, compared to the fighter's 9. Add con bonuses to this and it's as much or more than the fighter - though the fighters 1 extra per level adds up at higher levels.

Pagan priest

First Post
True, the hit points can add up. I had a ranger with an 18 con, levels one through four, every die rolled for hit points came up an 8... 60 hit points for a 4th level character!!!! Oh, and the DM had declared that for monks and rangers, only the first die at first level was automatically maxed, had to roll the second one.


I got the e-mail today, I have glanced at it but not yet read it in detail. Thank you.


First Post
Pagan priest said:
True, the hit points can add up. I had a ranger with an 18 con, levels one through four, every die rolled for hit points came up an 8... 60 hit points for a 4th level character!!!! Oh, and the DM had declared that for monks and rangers, only the first die at first level was automatically maxed, had to roll the second one.


I got the e-mail today, I have glanced at it but not yet read it in detail. Thank you.

You are most welcome. Let me know what you think.

Pagan priest

First Post
Just wanted to give this one last bump.

JRRNeiklot, unless I get hit with a major dose of ambition, I will likely use the one you sent me, and I thank you again for it. It's not exactly what I was looking for, but it will definately get the job done.

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