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3.5e Planescape - Cold Black Mask OOC Thread


Cage-Rattler said:
I believe consensus has been reached on using Toril as the prime-of-origin, and I believe Thay or Cormyr were suggested as possible home regions.
I thought NMF wanted to be from elsewhere, since his character sheet still lists Heironeous as his patron god.

As for background, I'd just like to know how, where and when our characters met before we all get dropped into Planescape. If at all possible, I'd also prefer to have my character chose to leave the prime rather than be forcefully ejected somehow.

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Nac Mac Feegle

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If I can manage to be from another Prime than these other guys it'd make it easier on me fluff-wise (the Ordained Champion class is specific to Heironeous and Hextor), but if you really need us to be from the same Prime I was going to adapt it.


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Ambrus: We'll brainstorm something out. :) How about this: an npc friend / relative of one or more PCs gets in over their head and ends up stranded on the wrong side of a planar portal, with the primes being their best (read: only) chance for survival?

Nac Mac Feegle: Another idea that might work would be to simply replace a couple of the Faerunian gods with Heironeous and Hextor.

Let me know your thoughts!


First Post
Like I mentioned, Tyr is almost a carbon copy of Heironeous minus the Hextor link. You could easily replace Tyr with Heironeous and nothing in Toril would change.


I'd suggest replacing Heironeous and Hextor with Torm and Bane. They've been staunch rivals since they've battled in avatar form in Tantras during the Time of Troubles. And Torm is simply put, an awesome patron with his inscribed "duty" and "loyalty" gauntlets, his lion aspect and his undeniable chutzpah; the guy's got a pair... :cool:

Edit: My character doesn't really need a reason to go through a portal to another world; he's been heading for the horizon since he fled. A portal to another world would be an irresistible lure to him. ;)
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Nac Mac Feegle

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I'm up for just handwaving the flavor to whatever extent you think is appropriate. I think the most appropriate answer would be to give it a single LN deity of war, because the style of the Ordained Champion is not the most happy fluffy type.


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Cage-Rattler said:
Ambrus: We'll brainstorm something out. :) How about this: an npc friend / relative of one or more PCs gets in over their head and ends up stranded on the wrong side of a planar portal, with the primes being their best (read: only) chance for survival?

If Sindr's parents were in trouble, he'd do damned near anything to rescue them. Even go back to school!

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
I can easily tell why Heinrich would be on another plane, and that's crusading against an evil wizard or cleric with a few too many levels and a sense of humor who decided to use Plane Shift instead of Disintegrate to get a pesky holy warrior out of his hair.


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Sorry about the delay, folks; my internet had a little hiccough that kept me from logging in for a while. I just wanted to run one final idea by you all for the opening scenes of our campaign before I make the first post.
Primes: [sblock] In Cormyr's port city of Marsember, Heinrich, Jacoby, and Sindr receive an impassioned plea from the wife of a mutual friend -- one Hagen Vanuz, who disappeared quite suddenly. Hagen had, in one way or another, played a significant role in each of your lives. Hagen offered his aid to the gnome Jacoby when the former slave had nowhere to turn; Hagen had taken Sindr under his wing as a favor to the boy's parent's. Hagen was also a devout follower of Heironeous, and worked closely with the Church as a historian. Given his expertise in the area, explorers and treasure hunters came to him frequently for his thoughts on this trinket or that artifact.

As Hagen's wife explains, her husband's disappearance seemed to be tied to the object of his latest research. A brief investigation of the man's room revealed two peculiar items of note. The first was the presence of an odd black iron mask, set on Hagen's desk and surrounded by research notes.
The second was the presence of a glowing, swirling portal which silently hovered within the frame of the room's only window.

Perhaps out of a sense of duty, or comraderie, or simply a desire to explore the unknown; but you have a feeling that the best -- perhaps only -- way to get your friend back is to go in after him.

Planars: [sblock]Although the Grand Bazaar in Sigil's Market Ward isn't particularly known for its portals to the Prime, any berk knew that it wasn't unsual to see some clueless sod pop in practically anywhere in the City. What was unusual was hearing a clueless sod babbling about "Darkspine" practically before his feet even touchd the ground. It was also unusual to see a scowling barbazu shove its way through the Bazaar crowds, grab the same prime by the scruff of his neck, and haul him off to -- somewhere.

'Course, Cagers are used to unusual. When three more bashers fall out of the same portal as the first in short order, looking all cage-struck, most bodies didn't even seem to notice.

You noticed, though; something about those three seemed to demand your attention. At the very least, they'd need the help of a real blood -- someone keen on the ways of the planes -- if they wanted a deva's chance in the Abyss of surviving the City of Doors.[/sblock]

DireLemming, BlindAzathoth: I don't need them immediately, but the sooner I can get a charater sheet from you posted in the Character Gallery, the better. To answer your question, Lemming; no, I won't need your equipment list at the very start, but you'll probably want to put something down before the adventure begins in earnest.

All: I think we're about ready to do this thang. :cool: If most everyone's fine with the proposed prologues posted above (read: if I don't hear screams of displeasure), I'll go ahead with the first post tomorrow morning.

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