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3rd Edition Classic Dungeon Crawl


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[tiptoe] death

OOC: Meepo-
Though I appreciate the sentiments, falling to be impaled would be a somewhat fitting end to the tragic hero of Tiptoe.
//He died the way he lived//

I just ask that you tell my brave tale to the people in town so I can be forever remembered with love.

Hm. Maybe Tiptoe should just pretend to be dead and live in the caves in hopes that the town will remember him better than way.
But I hate to make him seem more like Gollum ;)

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Vanlain successfully launches the spell, filling it encompass the minds of the goblins across the pit. He earges them to sleep through the bond created to him by the spell. He's sure there arte other things that he could do with this bond, but have found that he can only manipulate one part of the mind with the spell to this point. Perhaps a different spell component to access different parts of the mind. Well, it's hard to say and in need of further study.

He feels 3 of them fall to his manipulations and on gaining his senses he sees 3 of them on the floor with only one standing.


Tiptoe looks over his wounds and feels a bruise, but nothing more, and munch and Gnash had faired better, suffering no injuries at all. Finding nothing else in the cell other then what he brought with him, Tiptoe goes to the bottom of the door to listen and hears breathing right on the other side of it, though from head level rather then somthing breathing right next to the opening. It's deep and even as if someone is sleeping, maybe leaning against the door.

Dagart's turn!


First Post
[tiptoe] Heaven?

Tiptoe bites his lip, rubbing his bruise softly with his hands.

I seem to be alive... unless this is the afterlife...
Considering the way the room is kept, I rather doubt it.

I'll have to be careful

Tiptoe turns from the door, softly calling over Munch. Fetching a waterskin from his back, Tiptoe will take a small drink, then replace the skin on Munch's back.
Turning up to the chute, Tiptoe will attempt to guess the distance he's fallen before moving back to the door. He quietly beckons Gnash and Munch over to him (standing at my right and left side) and places his hand on the knob. Preparing himself for the burst of an alarm, Tiptoe will take his shortspear in hand and slowly turn the knob to see if it is locked.
(If it is, let me know if there's a keyhole... I assumed there wasn't because I figure light would come through there as well as through the bottom of the door, but if it was an oversight no problemmo)
If the door opens towards Tiptoe, he'll beckon Gnash or Munch (whomever the door would open on) to move behind him... If it opens outward, he'll slowly move the door outward to see if the creature breathing on the other side lays against the door. If it does, Tiptoe will attempt to glance into the room for a moment, then duck back behind the semi-opened door.


There is no knob, but there is a smoother place on the door where it looks as if others had pushed to open the door. There is a key hole, though no light comes through it (either the key is still in it, it's blocked by something, or the person on the other side happens to be covering the key hole, not allowing light to get through). Pushing on the door causiously, the dwarf finds that he's unable to move it, either from it being locked or from the weight on the other side, he can not be sure without applying more force, but then he would risk waking the person on the other side.

Studying the chute, the dwarf is pretty sure that he has fallen no more then 50 feet, but perhaps as few as 30.


Dagart's bolt flies wide of the standing gobin as he attempt to reveal as little of himself as possible.

Faust also fires his crossbow and the bolt flies wide. The goblin then moves to the side passage outside the veiw of the others.


First Post
[tiptoe] push

Tiptoe considers for a moment.

I have to either push through or wait here... The others I came with could have forgotten me, left me, or died. If I have to go the rest of the way alone, so be it, but I can't stay here.

Tiptoe takes ahold of his spear, leveling his shoulder against the door. He'll start by simply pushing against the door in the grooved area, hoping to dislodge whatever lies against it without waking it... he'll risk waking the creature if it will allow him to open the door, but will only attempt to open the door to peek through again.

If the door refuses to budge...
OOC: I don't know if rats can understand a countdown from three, but...
Tiptoe will call attention to himself from the rats, naming the two, then step back from the door, counting down with three on his fingers. Each count, he'll make a little movement to the door as if about to charge, then, on the third count, will rush the door with full speed, slamming into it with his side so he can attempt to keep ahold of his spear.


Epic Commoner
Using my only defensive spell and move back around the corner hoping that someone can kill the standing Goblin.
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The dwarf is able to push the door open slightly, but the sound of something falling to the ground on the other side can be heard followed imediately by a grunt. "Greichtel!" comes an explination as the 'thing' catches himself, and then pushes back on the door to it's original possision. "Kelisma de'hortinae!" it yells in a foreign tonge that TIptoe does not under stand. He then hears something scrape against the door, as if in an attempt to jam it shut.

The keyhole still does not emit light.

Voidrunner's Codex

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