I just downloaded it and found the same problem as Carlos. I use VB 2005 at work so downloaded and hacked the source to work in that dev studio. From my testing, the problem is that the monster powers are no longer terminated with the # symbol that the code looks for. I've built my own fix for this, and for various other tweaks to make it run really nicely on a umpc.
I'm handling the moster powers as:
ElseIf sType = "" Then
' Type/Size/Keywords
sType = line
'ElseIf line.Trim.EndsWith("#") Or line.ToLower.Trim.StartsWith("aura") Then
' ' Power Detail Line
' If PowerList.Count > 0 Then
' PowerList.Item(PowerList.Count - 1).Power_DetailImport(line)
' End If
' First line of power - create
Select Case line
Case "Traits", "Move Actions", "Standard Actions", "Minor Actions", "Free Actions", "Triggered Actions", "Other Powers"
sLastType = line
Case Else
If sLastType = "Senses" Then
If sSenses <> "" Then sSenses = sSenses & ", "
sSenses = sSenses & line
If line.ToLower.Trim.StartsWith("@") Then
PowerList.Add(New Power(line, sLastType))
itraitcount = 1
If PowerList.Count = 0 Then
PowerList.Add(New Power(line, sLastType))
itraitcount = 1
If itraitcount >= 2 Then
If line.ToLower.Contains("effect:") Or line.ToLower.Contains("attack:") Or _
line.ToLower.Contains("miss:") Or line.ToLower.Contains("hit:") Or line.ToLower.Contains("vs.") Then
PowerList.Item(PowerList.Count - 1).Power_DetailImport(line)
itraitcount = itraitcount + 1
PowerList.Add(New Power(line, sLastType))
itraitcount = 1
End If
PowerList.Item(PowerList.Count - 1).Power_DetailImport(line)
itraitcount = itraitcount + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End If