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[4e] covaithe's E1: Death's Reach

Lord Sessadore

A question: Gloves of the Healer, AV p 135. Does the healing bonus only apply to powers where the target of the power is the recipient of healing, like healing word or mass cure light wounds? Or does the healing bonus also apply to powers such as healing strike, where healing happens as a result of the power but it isn't the "target" that gets healed?

Edit: No mount for me. If I were to get a mount it would probably be an Obsidian Steed just for faster overland travel, and that can be put in my pocket when I'm done with it.
Wearing an item to get through the wards would be fine with Sarenax.
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Throwing this out there...

Pact of the Iron Ring, reflavored, taken by anyone who wants to enter Massacre's Tower. The pact oath would be something to the effect of protecting Orelal's phylactery... Or whatever, I'm not sure yet, but it sounded like fun RP.

EDIT: sorry... it's a ritual from FRCG

EDIT 2: L.S. thanks for the info on mounts, and don't worry, Orelal should never get hit ;)
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Lord Sessadore

Throwing this out there...

Pact of the Iron Ring, reflavored, taken by anyone who wants to enter Massacre's Tower. The pact oath would be something to the effect of protecting Orelal's phylactery... Or whatever, I'm not sure yet, but it sounded like fun RP.

EDIT: sorry... it's a ritual from FRCG
What does it involve, exactly? I'm thinking mostly of cost, but also a summary of the mechanics would be nice. Sounds cool though :)
EDIT 2: L.S. thanks for the info on mounts, and don't worry, Orelal should never get hit ;)
Never, eh? I'd say "I want that in writing", but it already is. We'll just see how well you fulfill that prediction :p


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This brief ritual reinforces the bond between the Warlock Knights of Vaasa. Willing participants swear loyalty to one another or pledge to accomplish some task.
During the ritual, you hold forth your iron ring for all to see and focus upon. Participants who swear the oath required by the pact are bound by their word. Not all participants in the ritual need swear the oath—it can bind some and not others. You can secretly exclude any participant, including yourself, even if he or she appears to swear the oath. However, even someone who is coerced or charmed into swearing the oath is still bound by it.
Those who forge such a pact are bound for all time. Any who fail to uphold the bargain are cursed for the rest of their days, considered pactbroken by their peers. The Remove Affliction ritual ends the effects of the Pact of the Iron Ring, before or after a creature breaks the pact. A ritual caster gains a +2 bonus to Heal checks when lifting the curse from one who was magically compelled to swear the pact.

There is the fluffy stuff...

costs 1000 at market 400 component A ring for a focus.


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Uhm... My connection is still working a bit unreliably... I started slowly reading allll the threads I've left behind these days (and there's a lot!). I'm starting from here since I did work a bit on Anostor these days...
Yeah, that was just a temporary sheet I was working on. Too many items, some bad choices, etc. The one I'm posting below is more complete, although it's still not final. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

First of all, in this version Anostor is actually less optimized than before, but he reflects better the idea of him I had. I dropped scale armor proficiency, which reduces his AC by one, but nets me +3 to reflexes, and 2 more feats. I lose that minor action healing surge, but I took Rageblood vigor which is a free action surge per ecounter (in theory) so that's fine.
Some choics are consciously un-optimized and dictated by flavour. A couple of powers are lower level than they should be, most notably I think I'm not taking Winter Phoenix Rage, it really doesn't fit with my idea of Anostor.
As for feats , cov asked us to use that extra feat from the free Expertise to get a skill training: Acrobatics.

I also took Improved grab for sheer fun, I doubt I'll use it in combat. In that regard, here's a request for a custom magic item, covaithe. I looked with interest at a couple of items in AV, the Goliath's belt and the Giant Gloves (which are listed in my equipment). Would it be possible to merge their effects in a ring? I still have some more money to spend so a bit higher-level item is fine.

Finally, I didn't like any of the PHB2 backgrounds much, is it okay to make my own?
Shameless Scoundrel: Anostor abandoned his country, his army, his father, wife, and a huge quantity of illegittimate sons. Benefit: Bluff is selectable as a trained skill.

A last note: Anostor Duran is the father of Alexander Duran, my first L4W character. I was pretty fond of the idea of playing him in a high-level game sooner or later, so here he is. He's 30 years old now, at this moment Alexander would be 12, and, of course, on another Material Plane. I might well start a legacy of characters, if I have the chance!

[sblock=Anostor Duran]"I was given this strenght, and this wilderness,so that I would not be bound by any chains, nor of the body, nor of the mind."

"I got LUST FOR LIFE!!!"

"Wanna see the Great World Serpent, babe?"

There he is, standing 8ft tall*, bigger than any orc you've ever seen. A man, long black hair loose in the wind, a couple of thick dreadlocks held by silvery wires. He scratcthes his dark beard lazily, and yawns, spreading a not-so-refreshing reek of booze. Must have been a long night. A black, leathery hide armor, long to the knee and stripped away by a fearsome Astral Stalker, ripped on the chest and the arms, reveals big, hard muscles, and they look like they could lift hills. Battered iron armbands and half-gloves with sturdy metal knuckles cover his arms, a heavy torque of lead at the neck.
He's spinning and rolling on his arms, hands and shoulders a big, jagged axe giving off a menacing sparkle, like a juggler would play with a light rod. He moves slowly, like a bear that just got out of its long sleep.
A split second later, you see a blur, hear a roar that shakes your skull, and then no more. The Storm has come, and went right through you.

Anostor Duran was born in a far away world, in a big, strange place called the Imperium, from Kratos Duran, a soldier, a renowned commander of the empire, and, most of all, a strict father.
Too many rules didn't do much good, though, because even though Anostor displayed great strenght and endurance since a very young age, when he entered the first military academies, he also showed to have absolutely no love for discipline and military life. When in his Teens he was unished for the hundredth time, and kicked most of an instructor's teeth out of his mouth, his old man first beat him senseless, and then brought him on a warcamp in a frontier land where he had been assigned.
Figuring out that defying his father would be way tougher than ditching lessons at the academy, Anostor waited for a moonless night, and fled.
There started the first adventures of a man that would later become a living legend. He started out gaining experience in mercenary war bands, on ships of varying moral nature, occasionally as a bandit, though of mild character. In those early years, he started to develop his neverending love for booze and women.
Half of Bacarte was stunned by surprise when he seemed to settle, at age 18, with a fine, fair girl, and a son was born soon. Alexander, he named, wishing him future glory, and glory the child would eventually grasp, but that is another story.
Three short years later, Anostor was tired of the small brawls at the Drowned Man, and set off on a ship heading to some newly-rediscovered, ancient continent, and was never to be seen again by his family.
He traveled, sailed, fought and generally trashed ethics, and when the world itself had started to seem too small for him, he started roaming in other worlds.
His life of excesses and his incredible prowess in battle earned him a score of bardic songs and nicknames.
The Raging Storm, he was called by those that had witnessed the blinding speed of his axe. The Wyrm-Grappler, after he strangled to death a Red Dragon, after betting on it drunk. Or Roaring Duran, because of the noise he produced when he battered his foes against walls, or on the ground.
And then, perhaps less honorably, the Great Harasser, and even the Orc-lover, because of his hardly ethical behavior in regards to women; aside from the small army of half-elves, half-shifters, half-tieflings and what not, spread through at least five different planes of existance, and tales of a night in company of, some say four, some say more, succubi, perhaps the most renowned story tells of a time he got drunk with improbable quantities of a certain popular drink from his world of birth mixed with Black Dragon's acid and then got laid by the female shaman of an orc tribe. They say a young half-orc** is looking for him through the Near Isles...
And in fact, Duran the Fearless, after participating to a siege at the City of Brass (still got a tan after two years!), making clothes out of Abominations, and eating Slaad eggs for breakfast, is still scared of two things: his old man, and orc women.

*I know the Eternal Defender size increase kicks in at 24th level, but it's just flavor anyway. It also makes more sense than growing up in the middle of an adventure, I guess :heh:
**Yeah, I'm pretty sure my 3rd L4W character will be a young half-orc barbarian... named after the drink that made his existance possible! (if cov will reveal its name) :heh:[/sblock]

[sblock=stats]Anostor Duran,human Rageblood Barbarian/Adroit Explorer/Eternal defender

Str 26(+2 race,+6 level,+2 feature)
Dex 16(+2 level)
Con 20(+6 level)
Int 10(+2 level)
Wis 12(+2 level)
Cha 14(+2 level)


Senses:perception 27, Insight 21

AC: 36

Surge value:45(50 when bloodied)

Racial Features:

Class features:
Rageblood Vigor:gain 20 temp HP when you Ko a foe.

Feats (*bonus):
-Action Surge*
-Power Attack
-Weapon Focus
-Deadly Rage
-Improved Rageblood vigor
-Improved Grab
-Student of the sword
-Rageblood Vigor
-Armor Specialization
-Charging Rampage
-Skill Training: Acrobatics
-Enduring Rage
-Primal Resurgence

Basic attack:

Background: Shameless Scoundrel (Bluff is a class skill)

Skills (*trained; °armor penalty):
Acrobatics° +18
Arcana +10
Athletics°* +23
Bluff* +17
Diplomacy +12
Dungeoneering +11
Endurance°* +25
Heal +11
History +10
Insight +11
Intimidate +12
Nature +11
Perception* +16
Religion +10
Stealth° +13
Streetwise +12
Thievery° +13

Basic attack: Greataxe +27 vs AC, 2d12+20
Grab: +29 vs Ref

Howling Strike: 2d12+3d6+20 (during charge, move +2 if raging)
Pressing Strike: shift 2 squares and 2d12+20(+1d6 if raging) and push 1
Recuperating Strike: 2d12+2d6+20 and gain 5 temp hp(10 if raging)

S-Swift Charge
2-Tiger's Leap*
7-Curtain of Steel
12-Destined for Greatness*(P)
13-Storm of Blades
13-Storm of Blades(P)

6-Combat Surge*
9-Oak Hammer Rage
15-Thunderfury Rage
16-Spur the Cycle*
15-Iron Hammer Rage(19)
20-Bloodied Greatness(P)
S-Rage Strike

Equipment-125,000(normal load 520; medium load 1040; maximum load 2600):
lvl 22-Jagged GreatAxe +5
lvl 21-Stalkerhide Armor +5(9 AC, 1 For)
lvl 20-Brooch of vitality
lvl 10-Belt of blood (5,000)
lvl 16-Iron armbands of power(45,000)
lvl 15-Carcanet of psychic schism(25,000? (+1 will)
lvl 13-Giant Gloves (17,000)
lvl 7-Rushing Cleats(2,600)
lvl 14-Iron ring of the dwarf lords(21,000)
lvl 5-Bag of holding(1,000)
lvl 4-Everlasting provisions(840)
lvl 4-Sunblade +1(840)


First Post
You guys have been busy.

I've been slowly plugging away at my character, should have a sheet put together in a couple of days.

You all tied your concepts into the Raven Queen a little more tightly than I expected to I changed mine up a bit. I'm doing a dragonborn dragon magic sorcerer -> Blizzard Mage -> Demigod. Which makes me happy actually since I can do a tightly themed caster, which I like, and it ties into the Raven Queen's winter aspect.

Kylek the Ice Lord, Wrath of Winter, Godking of Ch'thuul, blah blah blah et c. (He likes titles).

He's set himself up as the divine ruler of a backwater city-state in the far North where he enjoys the adulation and fear of the populace. But Kylek has grown restless on his throne and then came the dreams. Feeling drawn, and believing them to hold the key to the next level of his apotheosis he's left his cults and kingdom and come to look for the meaning behind the visions.

At this point, I've not thought much about how or even if he's got a past with any of the other characters, but I'm certainly open for ideas.

[edit: oh yeah, he'll have the Ritual Caster feat since it seemed appropriate that he should. He won't doesn't have very good knowledge skills but should be able cast raise dead or the like if needed to.]
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Orelal, before he became a Lich, did hire out for ritual work. If Kylek needed any large scale repairs, enchantments, or teleportation circles, he could have rented out the eccentric Eladrin from the Shadowfell.

I don't know how else they could have met, other than to do some great deed... or some other such something...


First Post
Hmm, unless I've missed something, I've seen a Wizard, a Sorcerer, a Barbarian and Paladin proposed so far.

I'm thinking a very adaptable/generalist Half-Elf Prescient Bard / Adroit Explorer / Eternal Seeker with a handful of multiclass feats.

Provided the 6th slot isn't full yet I'll provide more detail over the next day or two. :)

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