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[4e] Etene - OOC Thread


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I would like to join. I was thinking about to make an Avenger who would have come to this world to hunt an arch nemesis.

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[sblock=Al-har, Goliath Barbarian]Paragon Path: , Epic Destiny:
Class Feature: Feral Might - Rageblood Vigor
Barbarian Agility

Background: Goliath - Lightlost (+2 Athletics)

Str 18 +4 +4
Con 18 +4 +4
Dex 12 +1 +1
Int 8 -1 -1
Wis 12 +1 +1
Cha 10 +0 +0
Starting Ability Scores: Str 16, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

AC: 15
Fort: 16
Reflex: 12
Will: 12
HP: 33/33 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 8

Trained Skills:
Athletics (+12)
Endurance (+8)
Nature (+8)

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Other Skills of Note:
Insight/Perception (+1)

(please list sourcebook)
1: Goliath Greatweapon Prowess - PHB 2

At-Will Powers
Devastating Strike - [Barbarian 1]
Howling Strike - [Barbarian 1]

Encounter Powers:
Stone's Endurance - [Racial Feature]
Swift Charge [Class Feature]
Avalanche Strike - [Barbarian 1]

Daily Powers:
Swift Panther Rage - [Barbarian 1]

Granted Items:
+1 Maul

Purchased Items:
2 Throwing Hammers
Hide Armor
Standard Adventurer's Kit
45 gp

A mountain of a man would describe him fairly well. Taller and broader than almost all but the giants themselves, his body is a brick wall. His muscles bulge and are rock hard and a good portion of his light grey skin is covered in ornate tribal tattoos. He keeps himself armored at almost all times and even if he's in his average clothing of a shirt and shorts with sandals he wears his maul on his back just in case someone thinks they can take him down. His dark green eyes are a stark contrast to his personality and make him look softer than he really is, a quality he actually likes as it provokes people more often than not.

Al-Har still doesn't know how he ended up in Skaug as a small child and he doesn't care either since he is glad that is where he was raised. Its rough in Skaug, rough enough as an adult let alone a child but his overbearing size and violent nature in a fight granted him respect at a young age that only grew with him. As soon as he turned 13 he started on a ship, a deckhand, and learned to love a life out to see... as a pirate. It was something he kind of figured he would end up doing anyway and enjoyed every second of it. Taking what you wanted when you wanted came easy for a beast of a man such as himself and when it was time to fight he never hesitated to jump headlong into the action and begin to smash the heads of anyone that opposed his captain.

Three years later he left his first ship, his captain had been paid by the money he was saving up so that he could go free, a luxury not many of the crew could afford, but Al-Har had bigger dreams than just that one ship could offer and the next voyage that the ship took it was sacked by other pirates and all the crew killed. When Al-Har heard this he didn't even flinch, that's how it goes in the pirate world and everyone aboard that vessel knew that. His search for a new ship came easy, due to his size and reputation, and he continued on plundering the seas and making small raids into coastal towns. He had sailed from one end to the other of the land and saw many sights, plundered many ships, and indulged in many pleasures all the while gaining strength as a deckhand and learning all that he could.

When the ship he was on, the Zephyr, returned to Skaug he left that ship as well, a fight with one of the other deckhands, well seven of them, persuaded the captain to let him go before his time was up as the rest of the crew grew jealous of him. Bidding the captain farewell, and having taken two cases of rum off of him, Al-Har smiled as they set off again only to be sacked as they neared the coast. Al-Har started to notice a pattern. For three years he was with that ship and for eight years he would join a ship for a tour or two then leave and each one was sacked in that next voyage, captains became reluctant to take him on board but as he was now a qualified Boatswain and a good addition to a crew they kept hiring him on.

Right before he turned 27 he found himself under the employ of his current captain and enjoys it immensely, lots of plunder, women, rum, and fights to be had and on his recent trip to his home town he was able to roll it all into one encounter. Unfortunately, this ill-fated trip was to be his last, at least for a while. Al-Har signed on and travelled aboard the Ebon Vale heading into the turbulent Blood Sea, but he had no fear. During a particularly violent storm, the goliath was tossed overboard when a wave washed over the ship, snapping the main mast, crippling the vessel. Still clutching his weapon, Al-Har struggled to find some floatsam to grab onto. That's when he noticed the whirlpool of water that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Strong as he was Al-Har was no match for the raging tempest of the sea and was drawn inexorably towards the center. Being sucked down, the goliath thought his time was over, but after being pulled under the waves, he felt a strange pulling sensation and a terrible feeling of being pressed under a giant's foot. He realized that he could still breath, and coughing up some water from his lungs the barbarian looked around at the green surroundings in great confusion. "Is this the afterlife?" he thought. Al-Har only recently landed here, but sees the world as a new opportunity.

He holds many mottos to his heart and one of them that applies to being a pirate is this, "If you take something from someone, one way or another, and you still possess that item after any confrontation then you were meant to have that item.", something he practices on a regular basis. Through and through he is a pirate, not so bound to chaos he can't work with others but his motives and intent are clear as can be. To his crew he is firm but fair, he doesn't treat anyone harsher than they deserve, punishing too much for too little results in mutiny and not punishing at all makes a crew lax. He has a respect for the crew he overseas, all the deckhands, not only because he was one but because you are only as high as the shoulders you rest upon. When his crew does well he reaps more rewards and when they fall he falls harder.

In battle he has laid the ground rules for his deckhands, anyone who brings him an enemy scalp gets a bottle of rum on him and the person with the most scalps between trips from port to port gets a woman with all costs paid for by Al-Har himself, these incentives entice them to fight harder and it seems to have had great success over the years as a few crew members followed him on his last couple ships and to his current one. He also has another major rule about captures at sea, any persons captured(usually the women), not claimed by Al-Har or the captain become property of that person until the next port or the captain says otherwise. If two people lay claim to one prize then to settle it Al-Har throws the hostage out to sea and waits for them to drift off a bit then has the two crew show which one wants the prize more as determined by who swims out to them the fastest. Al-Har loves it when the two crew can't swim well enough to risk it as no one else can claim the prize, except by the captains orders, and also when it's in shark infested waters.

When the ship pulls into a port he orders all deckhands to remain aboard except for those designated to gather supplies with him and twenty crew he selects from a rotation of all the deckhands to enjoy liberty. He does this not out of punishment but in case they need to set sail quickly they can't be caught without a readied ship and the crew seems to stay happy when Al-Har brings the entertainment to them. As far as his loyalty to his captain goes, he gives the same amount expected from his own men. When the captain says something, that word is final, and regardless of his feelings toward the subject he will carry out the orders as long as he is under his command.

His personal loves include ships, rum, women, women and rum, women on ships with rum, and treasure with his ultimate being women on a pile of treasure aboard a ship carrying a lot of rum. He dreams of the day that will happy but worries that after it nothing will even come close in comparison.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Ronen, Deva Avenger]Paragon Path: Oathsworn , Epic Destiny: Chosen
Class Feature: Armor of Faith
Censure of Retribution
Channel Divinity
Oath of Enmity
Background: Deva - Brink of Corruption (+2 Stealth)

Str 10 +0 +0
Con 14 +2 +2
Dex 13 +1 +1
Int 16 +3 +3
Wis 18 +4 +4
Cha 8 -1 -1
Starting Ability Scores: Str 10, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 15
HP:28 Surges:9 Surge Value:7

Trained Skills:
Perception +9
Religion +10
Stealth +8
Streetwise +4

Other Skills of Note:
History +5
Insight +4

1: Armor Proficiency (Leather)

At-Will Powers
Bond of Retribution [Avenger 1]
Radiant Vengeance [Avenger 1]

Encounter Powers:
Memories of Thousand Life [Racial Feature]
Abjure Undead [Class - Channel Divinity]
Divine Guidance [Class - Channel Divinity]
Oath of Enmity [Class Feature]
Avenging Echoes [Avenger 1]

Daily Powers:
Aspect of Might [Avenger 1]

Granted Items:
Leather Armor +1 (Uniform)

Purchased Items:
Holy Symbol
Adventurer's Kit
LockBurst Chalk (Alchemical lvl 4)[/sblock]

In this pocket planes, the gate town of Girone is a cursed town. Of the few city, this one have gateway to many planes, and many of them are not safe. The population have changed over the centuries, and most of the population have been tainted by the many travelers. Genasi, Tiefling and Deva are numerous.

The criminality is high and the law is strict. That lead to many clash. To solve the problem, the lord of Girone have created a group of loyal guard that would make sure the most dangerous criminal would be hunted until they would never bother the city peace anymore.

Ronen is among them. But even among his group, he is a stranger. It is told the deva had been sent to pursue a criminal who had escaped through a portal that lead to the limbo. The deva have been back quickly, but he had changed since that time.

So, when Ekrose, a Genasi accused of rape and murder, escaped and found his way to a portal, Ronen's captain choose him to hunt the escapee. Mainly because he had some experience in tracking criminal on other planes, but also because the captain was happy to not see him around for some time. His order was to come back with him alive of with a proof of his death.

But this time, it seems it will take him a bit more time, as Ekrose seems to have a serious head start, and the world of Etene seemed to be more concern with the portal problem then a Genasi on the run.


First Post
Nice Velmont, I'll work out the background tomorrow. So how long have the PC's been here? Would a goliath be confused for a giant and be attacked?


Haven't seen much in the controller role yet, so I'd like to offer a dwarven invoker of Moradin. Background will follow.

[sblock=Baern, Dwarven Invoker]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Baern, level 1
Dwarf, Invoker
Build: Wrathful Invoker
Divine Covenant: Covenant of Wrath

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 20, Cha 8.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 8.

AC: 10 Fort: 14 Reflex: 11 Will: 16
HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6

Religion, Arcana, Endurance, Insight.

1: Ritual Caster
1: Invoker Defense

1, At-Will: Avenging Light
1, At-Will: Grasping Shards
1, Encounter: Thunder of Judgment
1, Daily: Angelic Echelon

Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Magic Rod +1, Warhammer

Hand of Fate, Make Whole
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======


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A bit sparse on leaders, and that's where I've found my niche anyway. I have never wanted to try a bard in previous editions of the game, but I'm actually intrigued with the 4E version, so I present
[sblock=Wil, half-elven bard]Wil, level 1
Half-Elf, Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Starting Ability Scores
Str 10, Con 14, Dex 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Arcana, Bluff, Streetwise, History, Diplomacy.

1: Ritual Caster
1: Linguist

1, At-Will: Misdirected Mark
1, At-Will: Vicious Mockery
1, Encounter: Burning Spray
1, Encounter: Fast Friends
1, Daily: Stirring Shout

Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Chainmail, Light Shield, Short sword, Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)


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Voda Vosa - I'm all for that. Here's what I have so far-

As a boy, Koehro grew up in Ashabenford, the capital city of Mistledale. The son of a human merchant and an elven woman from Myth Drannor, he quickly became aware of the ever increasing tension between the powerful kingdoms of Cormyr and Sembia to the south and the elven-ruled Cormanthor Forest to the north. Situated in the center of these nations, pressures from both sides forced him to take a side. He chose the forest. Sworn to protect the woodlands, he wanders throughout the forest, preventing all those who wish to bring harm from entering.

Those who travel with him have said the worst thing an enemy of the forest can do is attempt to run from Koehro. Calling upon the power of nature, opponents who attempt to run or flee become enveloped in thorns and vines, immobilized. Some, foolish enough to persist, have witnessed the spirits of nature manifest themselves in him and take the form of a ram, chasing foes down and knocking them about.

When strange beasts began appearing in the forest, he attempted to clear them out, but they seemed to be endless. After scouring the forests for many weeks, he discovered the source- a strange portal in the base of decaying tree. With the intent to stop these beasts from plaguing his forest, he pressed forward, into the dark gateway.
Here's a map of Forgotton Realms 4e for reference in case anyone is interested:

Also, I might change a few things on my CS (an at-will power, mainly) to better suit this background.
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