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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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Since it is likely Mina will attack, here are the Ansalonian Powers and their PL:

Whitestone (PL 3)
Mount Nevermind (PL 1)
Northern Ergoth (PL 5)
Hylo (PL 3)
Southern Ergoth (held by Gellidius) (PL 7)
Free Solamnia (PL 5)
Solamnia (held by Khellendros the Storm Over Krynn) (PL 7)
Nightlund (held by Lord Soth) (PL 7)
Throtyl (PL 2)
Kaolyn (PL 3)
Lemish (PL 2)
Sanction (PL 3)
Kalamar (PL 2)
Estwilde (held by several smaller Dragon Lords) (PL 8)
Taman Bursak (held by the Knights of Neraka) (PL 4)
Neraka (Capital of the Knights of Neraka) (PL 5)
Kern (PL 4)
Khuri-Khan (PL 2)
Nordmaar (PL 3)
Saifor Isle (PL 2)
Kothas Isle (PL 3)
Mithas Isle (PL 7)
Balifor (held by the Red Marauder) (PL 3)
Kenderhome (held by the Red Marauder) (PL 15)
The Dairy Plains (held by the Red Marauder) (PL 3)
Abanasinia (PL 5)
Qualinesti (held by Beryl) (PL 7)
Thorbardin (PL 5)
Tarsis (PL 3)
The western Plains of Dust (PL 2)
Icewall Bay (PL 1)
Icewall (PL 3)
New Coast (held by Onyx) (PL 7)
The eastern Plains of Dust (held by several Dragons) (PL 10)
Silvanesti (still under the Shield) (PL 5)
Bloten (PL 7)
Zhakar (PL 3)

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Misha offers aide to the British, United States, and Japan, offering texts on magic, texts on the history of Faerun, and perhaps an exhange program where prominent professionals shall stay in their respective lands to teach, and their respective proffessionals come to live on faerun, and teach and learn, and then return to hare what they learn, and perhasp even bridge gaps.
If possible intermarriage between powerful houses may be used to cement bonds, though parties should enter freely by their own accord.


The United States states that if you help Japan or Britain, you are an enemy.
Japan states that, if you help the United States or Britain, you are an enemy.
The British state, that if you help either the United States or Japan, you are an enemy.

So, what do you do?

- - -

Mina of Krynn comes to Toril.
She comes to one of your countries, Tokiwong, and has a good look around.
She states you have quite a wondrous civilization here, and that you are a wise person and a wise leader.
But what are these Books she keeps hearing about? The Books of ... Domination? Who is using these? And why?
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Misha looks at the doctrines of the countries, and decides to side with the United States, sending tomes of learning to both the Japanese and the British, books of Magic, Faerun History, and Culture. Misha will send emissaries to the United States and meet with the President, and anyone else who wishes to meet them. Lanes of trade shall be established, and technology and magic shall be shared.

Misha goes to Mina and speaks, "These tomes of domination are an abomination used by less then scrupulous forces to control their populaces. You would do well to steer clear of them, because they cause nothing but chaos, and strip the people of their freedom. I do not use them, and make it a point to destroy those that I find, there is an inherent evil in them, and if you seek them, hopefully it is purely educational, an unhealthy interest may draw out forces in this world that may attempt to sway your people with the books, and countering the effects with tomes of your own, will only confuse your people and sow chaos."

Allies of the Dauntless, I reccomend we take a defensive stance for now, until we can assess what threats exist, with the Red Death diminished, we have to look at both Mina from Krynn, Athas, and the threats here on Faerun, we can't engage on too many fronts or we may fail...
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Mina nods, and says your words are wise, Tokiwong.
She asks for a tour of the Dauntless Countries ... would that be ok?

The United States of America agrees to an alliance and sharing, Tokiwong.
As of now, they are sharing their technology with you, and you are sharing your magic with them.
There is cultural intermingling, exchanges, trade has opened ... it's all going on now.


First Post
One person in the IR. This could be a very short IR ...

But that's ok. After this was over, I intended to check myself into Hogwart's Happy Holiday Hospital anyways.

- - -

Janos! Where are you? You're next. Or so say my dice.
Where are you placing your Armies? Are you attacking anyone?
You have 12 Armies, Janos.


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Edena_of_Neith said:
Mina nods, and says your words are wise, Tokiwong.
She asks for a tour of the Dauntless Countries ... would that be ok?

Misha will give her a tour of his lands within the Dauntless, and will seek permission of the member nations before showing her around their respective lands. But she is given a grand tour, and of course, Misha will present her countenance with wonderous gifts from his people, as a show of good faith of his people.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
One person in the IR. This could be a very short IR ...

But that's ok. After this was over, I intended to check myself into Hogwart's Happy Holiday Hospital anyways.

I just think I either scared them of, or everyone is asleep, I got the day off, so I have nowhere to go :)


First Post
Mina, in fascination, tours Evermeet, Evereska, and all the elven lands.
She listens with fascination as you discuss the Seldarine.
She listens, hears everything, wants to know it all.

And then ... she says she must return to Krynn.
She has to deal with the chickenpox, says she. With the power of the One God, she can defeat it, says she.

- - -

Tokiwong, the United States is a strange place.
They have something called the Industrial Revolution in progress there.
The place is full of huge buildings they call factories, and inside these factories are strange, gnomish type gadgets of all kinds - but the noise, stench, and uproar is worthy of the dwarves.
They are making ... well, they seem to be making everything that is produced in the Dauntless Lands, but they are producing MASSIVE quantities of these items.
They are sending these goods along roads they call railroads.
They communicate back and forth via something they call the telegraph. (It works by something they call electricity.)
They have something that drives everything which they call engines. These engines are powered by something they call coal, or sometimes oil, and sometimes they use wood.
The people, live on the farm, and they also live in huge cities. By huge, I mean ... HUGE. Even Calimport, one of the biggest cities in Faerun, is small compared to their big cities.
The buildings are strange, too. Many, say they, are fortified with steel - massive amounts of it. And they use something called concrete, to build walls.
The people of America run on what they call Time Zones. Everyone goes by the clock - and they have more clocks there than Lantan could have produced in a hundred years.
It is really a different place, this America.
It isn't like Faerun at all.
There are no druids. Nature is considered an enemy to be destroyed. Animals are hunted to extinction. There are no clerics. Disease is rampant ... and nobody cares. There is no overt magic of any sort ... everything that is done, is done by sweat, blood, and tears.
They have no fighters. Instead, they have one great standing army. This army wears no armor, and carries no recognizable weapons.
Instead, they use very advanced versions of the arquebus, called firearms, and they have very large firearms called cannon, and firearms that shoot hundreds of bullets per minute called gatling guns.
They also have non-magical equivalents of fireballs, which they produce using something they call dynamite. They use this dynamite to blast tunnels through mountains, to blow up beautiful Sequoia trees for their grape arbors, and to kill each other with.

Did I mention that, much of America is untamed and very beautiful?
There are great prairies, high mountains, deserts, huge forests (but those are being cut down rapidly), and all manner of strange birds and animals (those are being shot and killed rapidly.)
There is a group of people in this land called Indians.
They are, for the most part, being held forcibly in what are called reservations - everyone else seems to hate them or look down on them, and they seem to hate the people around them.
The Indians seem to come closest to anything Faerunian, in their ways and culture.

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