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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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Janos, wherever you are, you're next.
However, since you seem to be AFK, I will skip to the next person my dice say is in line.
That would be William.

William, you have 13 Armies. It's your turn.

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Misha looks upon the elves with some pity, and decides to establish a bond with the American's that they must teach his people their ways of industrialization, but also learn the ways of the elves so that they can ind a middle ground between the march of progress and that of nature and natural progress.

Druids shall go to the Indians, and help them prosper, and clerics of Corellon and of all the elven Gods shall go to America and profess the faith, and teach them the ways opf healing, they will not convert, only teach, and learn of their medicines, and teach them of their clerical magic those that have the aptitude. The arts of warfare will be taught to his soldiers, and the art of battle magic to the Americans.

Misha pens a book...


an excerpt...

…The matters of Unity are of a great matter to a nation, and its people. The Unification of people is one that can only be achieved with tolerance, with respect and understanding. It can be said, that not all peoples shall seek this tolerance or understanding, but to form a more perfect union, it must be sought. The people as a whole must cultivate it, and it must be tended to.

Only through Unity can a nation grow strong, there must be a strong sense of faith in the order to be, a sense of patriotism, if one can achieve this then unity can be achieved. We must accept each other as brothers, for surely only together can we prosper, and together we can prevail. Unity is a source of strength for the people; it is the foundation of a good just society, a society that can endure long beyond the mailed fist a tyrant. If the people want to support the order of there own free will, then the nation shall endure.

We must not become complacent, we must stay alert, for internal strife, prejudice, and racism can destroy unity quite quickly. These must be eliminated as best as possible, for they promote stratification, strife, and fractionalization. The Order must be whole, we must all support the banner, or the nation shall not endure. Not without internal change and strife. Internal conflict is a source of weakness and must be abated, take heed, and accept your brethren for their talents combined with thine own, can only help to increase the bounties of a nation. In variety there is strength, that is the way of Unification…

End Excerpt...

This tome is printed and spread throughout his lands, the Veiled Alliance, and America in the native languages of those regions. Of course he Queen has the first copy, signed by Misha himself... Mina is gifted a tome as well.

- Misha Koldun
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Tanirth Daiwo from his dojo in Starmantle suddenely opens his eyes from his meditation.

"It has begun," barely a whisper on his lips, the words betray a mind full of questions, and a soul full of hope.

Upon receiving the letter from Mina, Tanirth Daiwo begins a reply, "Fair Queen, I will not betray my beliefs. However, I am open to trade and possible friendship between our people. If you have any questions regarding this land of Toril, feel free to ask them and I will respond."

As for Earth, Tanirth Daiwo personally goes to visit the rulers of Russia, Spain, the Dutch, and the United States. He goes, offering the assistance of his people to them, and tries to open trade lines. Anything they ask about Toril, or anything else in his knowledge, he will answer truthfully, and even presents them with magic items of great power. *note- if the red death wasn't wiped out on Earth too, then Tanirth does not present them with magic items*

All he asks of those countries is that they share their experience with technology with Tanirth's people. That they too might gain some benefits from the expertise of the Earth nations.

William Ronald

Edena of Neith wrote:

One person in the IR. This could be a very short IR ...

But that's ok. After this was over, I intended to check myself into Hogwart's Happy Holiday Hospital anyways.

- - -

OOC: Two people in the IR. Edena, this will not be a short IR if I have anything to say about it. I am going to post then go offline until tomorrow afternoon.

Check your e-mail. You solved one problem that people complained about. If you like my approach to some of the combat issues, then feel free to use them.

Hang in there. I have faith in you.

By the way, the only truly recognizable weapon of the U.S. Army, circa 1885, to Faerunians would be the cavalry sabre.

Ardan Turval gazes over the globe of Earth in his desk. He chats with his chief of staff, Mara Suvrin. The dark haired woman, dressed in the robes of a priest of Lathander, looks at the globe with him.

"So, do you think they will be a good ally?" Ardan asks Mara as he points to a country on the globe.

"Quite possibly," she replies in a melodious voice. "They do have a good foundation for an ethical, effective government. Sadly, they do not seem to live up to the true vision of their founders."

"Possibly we can work with them in doing so. They need to extend more rights to their people, and protect and respect the rights of their minorities. Especially the indigenious peoples.," Ardan says.

"A pity that their greatest leaders can't return and speak with them. The great fiery writer. The wise general who chose love of country over a crown. The scientist-philosopher who rallied against slavery. The leader who was murdered after he lead his nation through bloody civil war," Mara says as she frowns. "Perhaps we can help them realize their true greatness of spirit."

"That gives me an idea. Thank you, Mara." Ardan says passionately.

"First, we will ally with this United States. I rather like their Declaration and their Constitution. Especially the Bill of Rights."

"I will ask for one of their citizens to see me. Frederick Douglass the abolitionist. Perhaps he might be willing to advise me on his world."

"We shall send the other nations and peoples of Earth books on our world, the rudiments of magic, our histories and our faiths."

"What is your idea?" Marah says, smiling as she looks at Ardan.

"I would like to discuss this with Mr. Douglass and a few others. may be able to make a difference for both our worlds."

Edena: I make alliance with the United States of America and visit. I would like to hear Misha's thoughts on this land.

I would like to have Ardan visit the United States and meet with some of its notables in politics, technology, religion, science, and philosophy. I would like him also to meet with a few common, everyday folk.

He will also try to see what is right and wrong with their society while learning more of the rest of the world.


First Post
Misha is willing to speak with Ardan, "I am pleased you wish to discuss the Americans, there people have made an llaince with my lands, and we are currently involved in a avriety of programs to further cement our loyalties."

Misha stands and pours some whiskey for Ardan, "This is an Americna creation perhaps you would like a drink?" he places the drink before Ardan, "as far as the American ideals, they are perhaps clouded, their world is very different from our own. it is perhaps alien, they are one specieis but they divide themselves into various races based on the color of skin, and differing physical features, but they are all human. Interesting don't you think?"

"I am working to break this tradition, perhaps you have seen my latest tome, Unity? It is a piece that I am hopefully will be read by the people, and perhaps strike a chord, though i do not expect it to change minds, it should show awareness that the Dauntless are forward thinking. I am intrigued that you wish to ally with the American's, there are several nations on Earth, willing to trade with our respective peoples... we would not want the rest of that planet to become jealous, eh Ardan?"

"The British are quite forward thinking as well, in fact the American's are descened from that great Empire, though they broke away perhaps a century or so ago... relatively minor country... while britain seems to be the true power on this world. it is said that the Sun never sets on the British Empire... or something. to that effect," Misha finishes.

William Ronald


I had not expected the IR to restart in the action phase so soon, so I have not really thought where to put my armies. Maybe make the next day or so a time for people to figure that and other things out. As well as to have people get a feel of this strange new age. (I am also going to bed and will not be online again until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.)

I seem to recall that Timothy is on a trip today as well.

Do we e-mail where to put our armies or do we list them here on the boards? (Sorry for making you wait.)

Hang in there, Edena. The best is yet to come.
Ardan makes copies of his works, translated in the appropriate languages to the leaders of Earth's nations. He also makes sure that the books are available for the common people as well. (He tries to secure a publisher who is socially conscious for that age.)

Ardan tries to visit the leaders of each nation, trying to determine why they seem unwilling to work together. He tries to investigate any social ills that he can determine. He also tries to visit some of the areas that the colonial powers have claimed for themselves. If he learns of the nature of colonization, he will try to discreetly determine if any of the leaders seek to colonize Toril. (Ardan is quite subtle.)

He suggests in meeting with the leaders that they might wish to form a League of Nations to discuss relationships between themselves and other worlds. He discreetly warns them that not everyone is Toril is reasonable -- and there are other worlds besides to consider.

Mr. Draco

First Post
"My dear Ardan. I understand your opinions about such a League of Nations, and feel it would be an admirable task. You have my full support with this.

Also, have you seen the innovations these Earth humans have? Metal carts that cross entire continents in days, and messages sent along metal string that span thousands of miles in but moments! I suggest we attempt to open trade as much as possible, and if we can, set up a central authority for the League of Nations, so that the industrial knowledge of any one nation therein can be distributed to all, for the benefit of the people. Of course we will however need to be careful in order to properly preserve our rich natural heritage."

William Ronald

Okay, Edena. I failed my DC 100 Will Save and I will have to post before bed. :D I presume this is a secret meeting.

"The whiskey is indeed a delicacy," Ardans says. "Of course, moderation in all things -- save virtue."

"Perhaps the British would be a good choice for an ally. Perhaps our friendly relations can draw them together. The American language is English, as I recall. Perhaps the family members could become closer through us. Can you smooth over relations with the Americans for me?"

"It seems the nations of Earth are unwilling to help us save individually. Perhaps we can draw them more closely together."

"I have read and heard of something called colonialism. I also have heard of a few people that I should speak with who are men and women of great virtue."

"Your book is quite good. Perhaps I should meet with the British Queen, Victoria and Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. I can have Mara contact their representative>"

"Indeed, I have a few ideas that might benefit both peoples. As well as Earth and Toril."

"I believe you and like minded leaders should extend your apologies to Oerth, Krynn, and Athas for the wrong that the former rulers of Lantan did. I beleive it would be wise as well as compassionate."

"We can and should help these worlds as we gain more knowledge of technology and Earth's cultures. While the former Lantanese leadership wrought much evil, they may have inadvertently done some good as well by bringing Earth into contact with other worlds."

"Misha, while I oppose domination books, I do like Hannover Fist's effort to use them to spread knowledge. I would like to do so for some skills and suggest one that you should not oppose.
Edena, to be fair to Tokiwong, I will approach the British. If need be, I will apologize profusely to the Americans, while praising them. Regardless I give the leaders of the nations who contacted me magical gifts if the Red Death is off of earth. If not, I give them books, gems, and other items of great value. (Books are translated and none magical.)

"Additionally, Misha, I highly approve of the Constitution of the Dauntless. Ironically," Ardan says with a sheepish grin, "it is much in line with something that I am working on."

(OOC: Edena going to bed. I will be back. Check for one more e-mail.)

Mr. Draco

First Post
*OOC: just a small thing william, but it was Tanirth's idea for using the domination books to spread knowledge in the first place

*Edena: In case I'm not home when my turn rolls around, all of my armies will remain in defensive positions on the outskirts of my territory. I'm laying back and trying to befriend the nations of Earth that i contacted.


First Post
Misha nods in reply to Ardan's words, "I will not stop you if you choose that route, my stance on those infernal tomes is clear, but if you wish to tempt fate, then do so, I have no right to stop you, unless the tomes are twisted for some unforseen foul purpose. Do know that such tomes can create chaos, even in the best intentioned hands... perhaps the simple ways of tutelage may be more reliable means, and certainly the people will have a better understanding of what it is they are doing, and a greater respect as well. I would trust the man who has spent decades honing his skill, then a man who read a book one afternoon, and decides he too can use magic... just call me cautious."

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