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(4th IR) Year 1 (thread 1)

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My affairs - II

Unless otherwise noted all quotes are from edena. Some of the topics will be directed against the other rulers too.


You are successful in creating this drug, Serpenteye.
The Meritocracy Mind Control Elixir, it is completely non-magical.

I will sent the following letter to my friend Alarah Gomenei.

Dear Friend

I have learned aboput your new mind controlling drug. And, while I understand your reasoning behind it, I disaprrove of it, and ask that you take extreme care with that drug and do not led it fall in the wrong hands. Furthermore I ask you that you do not allow the drug to circultae outside your land, for I wish my people to still make their own decisions.

You can expect more letters from me in the coming future, for I have heard that many a disturbing has been made against you and iw ill not stand for that.

I hope this letter arrives to you in good health and that the Meritocracy may prosper forever!

Your Friend

Muad Dha Bin.


I will contact The silver Cabal and lend them all the power I can spare to fight the diseases of earth, this has to be stopped.
I will leave 1/2 army on earth, most of them being the ones already sick, but if this number isn't great enough I will fill it up till I have 1/2 an army, based in Japan, that protects all my holdings on earth. No futher travel between Toril and Earth will be initiated from my side.


Mina is all for destroying the Red Death.
And she has thought of a way to do it!
She will spread the worship of the One God on Earth, and that worship shall crush the Red Death and drive it away.
And, indeed, vast numbers of the people of Earth, are turning to the One God.

Mina's Knights have gone to the peoples of the European Colonies.
These people, oppressed and downtrodden, are revolting against the European powers, declaring their independence, and - sadly - turning to Mina and the One God.
The Dutch East Indies.
British India.
French Indo-China.
Most of South America.
Central America, where the surviving Incas are wild with elation at their newfound freedom.
All of Africa except South Africa and Ethiopia (which was never taken by Europe.)
Europeans are being massacred in these areas, as the colonized people take a bloody revenge for the colonization of their lands. (Revolutions are never reasonable, and this one is not an exception. Mina and her Knights could not stop this from happening, even if they wanted to.)

I will send Mina the following note

Noble Mina.

I wholeheartily agree of your aproach to battle the red Death, you have my support and I support the claims that the one god has made for this world, You have the support of all my armies on earth I would ask just one thing from you. Would you be so kind as to close off the gate from earth to Toril. This way you can claim the entire earth as yours and no reinforces can be sent fgrom Toriul to youre world.

May your cause thrive and our Friendship be long!


Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of the Zakaharian Empire


The Veiled Alliance wants to know WHY Zakhara and the Meritocracy have allied with the Dragon Kings??
Are they crazy?
These are madmen. They will destroy Toril's forests. They will drain Toril's oceans. They will exterminate Toril's demihumans. They are worse than that Red Death everyone is talking about - and people on Toril are ALLYING with them???!!

I have taken counter measures for this too happen edena, you said you would come on that, so please do!


I will order half of my spies (1 army) to find out who committed the vile act on earth. I want to know who is responsible, wher they are and how theya re defended, I will alo want to know who leads them and what best can be done to eridicate me.

I will sent the following letter to all leaders that I know off (everyone minus TFO I think)

Dear [Insert name here]

You have no doubt witnessed the atrocity committed by undead and dragons on the face of earth. It is my convincement that we should stop anything like this from happening again, by mouting an attack of those responsible. Only trying to contain the damage done is not enough, for the beast that did this will undoubtly have more vile acts up his sleeve, and not all may be directed against earth. If anybody knows more about the people who commited this crime plz come forward and share it with the rest of Toril. I reapet, Theis evil must be dealed with, or the consequences will unaccountable.


Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of The Zakharian Empire.

I will print books and leaflets, and will let the dragons of the gazetteer know about the vile things that happened and will ask them to print my letter.


You invade southern Maztica. It, of course, fights back. There is furious fighting now, in Maztica ... you will win, unless someone aids Maztica.
Kara-Tur is heavily defended. A number of powerful nations exist there. They are stridently neutral about what is going on to the west.
The Hordelands are worth 10 PL, if you can take them. Creamsteak has them right now.
I will work on a PL list.

Edit: In light of the war between SE and creamy, I will occupie the hordelands with my forces from the corsair domains. I will send one extra army (Cities of the heart) to Southern Maztica. Thank you for the PL list in advance.


the half army I get back from Earth will be put on the mother of mist isle and begin the development of several anti-ship weapons. I am highly intersested in the ideas of the Earthern S\ages Leonardo Davince and Jules Verne, and I will try to make a submarine as well as get control of the recipe for blackpowder.


You impress many of the Oerthian nations. Gotta decide what they do now.

I will repaet the same process and send the same letter to all of the smaller Powers on Oerth. All states interested will besent the following letter

Great and Noble [Insert name here]

My research about who was utterly responsible for the first attack of the disease still goes on, more and more clues are found, bt noithing is final at the moment. The more recent attack by undead and dragons on earh has brought back the red plague as well as other sicknesses, I will offer you any information I will get about these diseases. But I think I know who is utterly responsible for this attack, I will have the final conclusions of that pretty soon and ask that you ready your armies so we can take that evil down. I will accept any genreals or emmisaries send to me to form a great council that candecide what is best for Oerth and all nations concerned.

I hoe to see your emisaries here soon, so we can begin a long lasting friendship and cooperation


Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of The Zakharian Empire.



Edena, We aren't at all that powerfulll as you say you are, the combined leaders of the forces of good are so much mor powerful. and serpenteye and I haven't really done anything that can offend everyone, as I strive to make Toril a better place, using unorthodox starategies, such as allying with the athasians,but I have nuetralized the threat they posed to Topril (or tried to, no reaction yet)


The revolt of Amn shocks me to the core, and I sent 1 army of spies to spread beneficial information about the meritocracy, and it's allies in amn, while at the smae time being on a search and destroy mission for any spies from inez hull. I will spread rumors in the armies of Creamsteak thatw ill demoralize them and make them flee their army (Forgot the word). Any pamphlets wriiten by inez will be destroyed when found.

I will send aletter to Alarah Gomeie, under extreme safety measures explaining what I have done up to know.

I maybe wrong, indeed I am often wrong, but I can't remember Timothy, Serpenteye or even Mina say that they were using the Domination Books or The Mind Control Elixir on Earth.
So, Timothy and Serpenteye, were you?

Indeed, I did not use any books of domination, except for the athasians. I do not think Serpent eye did that as well. I am just counting on the effect of normal writing combined with rumors, geresay and superstition.


I will sit back and watch the mess the good guys are maing of themselves now, while redoubling my efforts to learn more about TFO's doings.

I excuse myslef for any arreors made in this post, grammatical or otherwisem but I do not have the time to re read it twice like usual, becaue I have exams on monday.
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First Post
Raynar is walking through one of the new factories that have been created after the arrival of the Russian engineers. Big, smoking and powerful machines are being created. The steam engine is near finalizing state. First expiriments with gunpowder and guns are being done, as well as the use of TNT, or nitroglycerine.

But more interesting is the work on new medicines. The cause of the Red Death has been discovered, the use of magic triggers it. Also the portals made to Earth let the death come back. Now the combination of Dwarven scientists and Russia's scientists are making great progress in finding a cure. Raynar knows the medicine will stop all magic, and that's why the completion of the steam engine is so important.

More and more Russians are being evacuated from Earth. The 2 armies sent there will stay there until the most of the scientists, the doctors and other wise men are brought to Toril. They inform the Russians that they will shut the gates soon, so new invaders cannot harm them. The Russians are supplied by the books about masonry, mining and warfare. The secret of the Steam Engine, the use of Gunpowder and all of that will be shared with the russians. As soon as the gates are closed, Russia can defend themselves against other nations on Earth, or even assault them as they please.

But that's not the only thing. Other nations on Earth are begging for help, and many of them are recieving them. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Sweden, they are being given a proposal.

"We are your salvation. We are the Underground Alliance. Russia has allied with us. The combination of their technical progress and ours has gained us many secrets. Yes, we have created an engine, making mechanical work possible. We have discovered the secret of gunpowder. We can create rifles very soon, no longer will be sword-to-sword combat the only way to go. These rifles will be done very soon, and Russia will be given these weapons.

The proposal. Join the Underground Alliance, work with us, and you get your share of the technical highpoints of our creation. Other nations are still fighting for you to become their allies, because they know they need you, as otherwise we shall trample them with great ease. They have not yet discovered the powder we call gunpowder. They have not created the Steam Engine. They think their magic will save them.
It will not. The anit-magic spells are near completion, and when used, ALL magic will end. Yes, ALL. No more help from our homeworld for you Earth, as well as no more invaders. Do understand we have given Russia the power to crush anyone they please by this time, as they have allied.

They will crush you. You can think this is a lousy threat. It is not. You can test us. But you will fall. We are offering you the same we offered Russia. Russia was smart. They are working on new mines as we speak, much more advanced and effecient than they ever had. Also, we do not offer everyone on Earth this. We offer this to the countries in Eastern Europe, the countries near Russia.

We will hear you out. The Underground Alliance has faith that your decision will be joining us, as that is the decision any smart being would make, be it human or dwarf."

If any of the countries decline, they will be shown what power we possess. The 2 armies in Russia will move out to one of the declining countries, as well as some of the Russia's militia, and will take over some of the cities. Again, these countries will be contacted by then, and given a second chance. Again, decline means destruction.

To quote Timothy:
I will also want to know who leads them and what best can be done to eridicate me.
Well I want to lay low but when you just openly ask me to... :D That can be arranged! /insert evil laughter

All spies we find I'll kill (offcourse) and I'll raisem and then makem talk as the good undead servants they will become. Now I'm just curious if they'll even ever find my deep below the Great Glacier and if they ever do if they'l make it out alive :D /insert evil laughter.

Tremble before the Scourge!


First Post

The Forsaken One said:
On another evil matter... I'm sending a few Necromancers over to Earth and on those places that were destroyed with all the hundreds of thousands of people dead... heh heh heh.... In pokemon phraise:
I'm gonna raisem all.... :D

Please come. I previously stated that my Dragons are there to help reconstruction (even without magic, dragons are impressive heavy workers). I'm sure my troops would be very glad to welcome your Necromancers. In fact, they are a little hungry.

I'm also sending a few powerfull and shapechanged or polymorphed Dracoliches under the personal leadership of Daurgothoth to go and capture members of the Silver Cabal who will be turned into intellient and loyal undead when brought back... And for fun I'll be killing as much of them before any direct action is taken against this action. When the abducting and massacaring of Silver Cabal scientists is discovered and direct action taken I'll just get out with the Dracoliches... 'll use these people to make vaccins for everything for my living Cultists...

Again my Dragons are massively helping the Silver Cabal, in every possible way. They are right there. They know your stench. They know what you do to their world. Your bones will remain on Earth. As a matter of fact, I think nothing ever threatened the Dragons like the Red Death, and it was you who released it again into our world. I guess I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to.

If I find out that Russia and the Dwarves too are working against the Red Death, I'll send them a letter asking them to join their forces with the Silver Cabal, because united we have more chances to defeat it.

If a strange undead plague appears in Cormyr or the Dalelands, I'll immediately order them to close their borders, and ask the clerics and paladins of Torm and Tyr to drive it back, until we can return.

The Ark Project is prepared and set ready as the extreme survival resource for my kind. The place is hidden with any mean known to dragons, and I encourage the dragons remained on Toril to bring their hatchlings there so they could survive and depart immediately should anyone use anti-magic devices on Toril. The location will be revealed only to the magical races that were interested (such as Kal's Faerie.)
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Janos Audron


Two armies in Halruaa will occupy Akhlaur Swamp.

This action has three goals:

1) Retrieve Akhluars research of Interplanar connections.

2) Stop the swamp from growing.

3) Capture some magic draining Demons for research.

Please come. I previously stated that my Dragons are there to help reconstruction (even without magic, dragons are impressive heavy workers). I'm sure my troops would be very glad to welcome your Necromancers. In fact, they are a little hungry.
The Earth is a big place I mind you... And wizards are among the smarter folk as you may know.

And you are using dragons on alot of points and places and a precise strike of concentrate and sudden effort might surprise you. But we'll see what Edena has to tell and you are not the only person with Silver Cabal personel at work :D


First Post
Armies: 14


Zhentil Keep (PL 7) (Moonsea League) - - - - - > 1 Armies (Remaining Defenses of the Moonsea League)
The Zhentarim (PL 10) (Moonsea League) - - - - - > 1 Armies
Yulash (PL 2) (Moonsea League)
Hillsfar (PL 5) (Moonsea League)
Phlan (PL 3) (Moonsea League)
Melvaunt (PL 5) (Moonsea League)
Thentia (PL 3) (Moonsea League)
Hulburg (PL 2) (Moonsea League)
Mulmaster (PL 6) (Moonsea League) - - - - - > 1 Armies

Armies of the Imaskari Empire Withheld from war, preparing the cities and countries against a demon led invasion.
Damara and all Cities Therein (PL 10) (Imaskari Empire) - - - - - > 1 Armies
Mulhorand and all Cities Therein (PL 15) (Imaskari Empire) - - - - - > 1 Armies
Murghom and all Cities Therein (PL 3) (Imaskari Empire)
Narfell and all Cities Therein (PL 5) (Imaskari Empire) - - - - - > 1 Armies
Semphar and all Cities Therein (PL 4) (Imaskari Empire)

Invasion Army
Amn and all Cities Therein (PL 7) (The Meritocracy) - - - - - > Knights of the Shield led Invasion Force - 4 Armies
Calimshan and all Cities Therein (PL 13) (The Meritocracy) - - - - - Secondary Target of the coordinated Knight-led invasion
Tethyr and all Cities Therein (PL 7) (The Meritocracy) - - - - - > Iron Throne led Invasion Force - 4 Armies

Serpenteyes: Surrender the home countries of my Knights and I'll gladly prevent any fighting. I'm willing to aid you in war, but I need to clean up these bad connections first. I WILL take them from you if your not willing to surrender them, so I certainly hope you wisely allow us to become friends. If you accept this demand, I no-longer need an invasion army, and instead will move my 8 armies to attack the Dark Crusaders.

"No selfrespecting Merchant allows a thief to go unpunished, Mr Gustav. In your youthful folly you have chosen an enemy that has the ability to destroy you.

Alarah Gomenei"

Three of my armies from Maztica will teleport in combat formation into Tethyr and three armies into Amn where they will unite with my 1+1 armies in those areas. 1 army of beholders and their servants will also arrive in Amn from the Lake of Steam. In sudden teleported strikes they will appear in the middle of enemy encampments and fortresses, equipped with all the latest weapons and war-spells, wreaking enormous destruction, and releasing large quantities of the Drug in gaseous form, before suddenly disappearing, redeploying and appearing somewhere else. That way they should always greatly outnumber the enemies and defeat them easily.
Simultaneously our agents, in the guise of civilians, will approach enemy positions and cities and place large amounts of the Drug in their water supply while Wizards and Sorcerers fly above and, protected by spells, release huge amounts of the drug in gaseous and areosol form. The goal being to addict large portions of the enemy armies and populations with the Mind Control Drug and make them turn against their former comrades. This tactic will be repeated troughout the Imaskari Empire, where it will be complimented by smuggling in as much of the drug as possible trough criminal organizations in Creamsteak's land, after addicting the crime-lords themselves. A new wave of the new and improved Domination Books will also enter Imaskari territories. And to further destabilize them our five armies in The Moonsea area (1/2a), Vaasa (1/2a), Implitur, The Great Dale, Thesk and the Ashanath will launch an all out invasion against Narfell, Damara and Creamie's Moonsea holdings while 2 armies from the Shaar arrive to conquer Mulhorand.


The REALLY bad news - Thanks to Inez and help from the Iron Throne (under Creamsteak) Amn defects from the Meritocracy, and joins the Dauntless!!

Regardless of the fact that my people have been drugged and dominated to not read any of his books or listen to his propaganda? And that by spreading the Drug in Amn I should have addicted a lrage number of their operatives?

Misha is livid about the plight of the Red Death, and order that his forces on Earth will have to remain until this situation can be handled. Misha will move forces about and Protect Amn, in the name of the Dauntless...

Interesting. He is concerned about the red death but simultaneously acts to strenghten it.

And also note that as far as the two 'major' threats are concerned, I'm probing Serpenteyes character for a non aggression pact,



Further pamphletts begin to circulate within the lands of the Meritocracy.

"The Anarchist Utopia"

"The Plight of the Peasantry"

"Meritocracy or Magocracy?"

"Class Relations & Capital"

Stealing shamelessly from revolutionary works from Earth, these pamphletts are produced quickly and pumped into the Western Heartlands. Due to Orinil's reduced capacity in these lands, these books are not tailored to the local politics but rather are intended to foment dissent through saturation.

Fortunately the citizens of the Meritocracy will not read anything written by anyone but me.


A silvery gate appeared before the gates of the Imperial Palace in Peking and the throng of people crowding the square stirred in excitement. They had been told this would happen but it was another thing entirely to experience it first hand. Trough the gate they could see a vast open plain covered in rich lush grasses and occasional copses of trees clinging to the banks of a glittering river. The land looked beautiful and pristine.
Some of them turned to look at each others, faces drawn with starvation, the skin wound too tight over the bones of the face. Children, thin as sticks with grotesqely swollen stomaches. Men and women bent and aged before their time. Their faces betrayed both hope and fear, both longing for a better life and regret for leaving the lands of their ancestors. Some of them turned away in anguish, perhaps to return again, perhaps to stay in the home they knew and loved. But others walked towards the Gate, drawing carts with all their belongings, too small and too empty carts to define a man's lifes-work, and yet that was all they had. A steady stream of people poured trough the Gate into the plains of the western Shaar and the city that shone like a beakon in the distance.
Similar scenes took place in all the major cities of the Chinese Empire as millions of people took one step to journey to a new world. In Guangdong (Canton) the gate lead to the coastlands of Samaranch and Thindol. In Wuhan they led to Thesk, From Shanghai people arrived in Calimport, from Kunming in Chult and from Hanzhou they arrived in Maztica. All over the Meritocracy a flood of people poured in from China, day after day after day, carrying with them the food they would need to survive until harvest. Those who owned no food were given what they would need, for thanks to the Books of Domination the Meritocracy had plenty of skilled farmers and Druids.

As the flood of people arrive the Meritocracy is prepared to recieve them. New villages quickly spring up and new fields get plowed for the first time. In the tropics and subtropics the rice paddies spread over swamp, jungle, grasslands and hills and in more temperate and drier zones extensive fields of maize and wheat are soon cultivated with the aid of druids. Schools and factories are soon under construction and the Books and the Drug brings peace and happiness to all.
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Lichtenhart said:

The Ark Project is prepared and set ready as the extreme survival resource for my kind. The place is hidden with any mean known to dragons, and I encourage the dragons remained on Toril to bring their hatchlings there so they could survive and depart immediately should anyone use anti-magic devices on Toril. The location will be revealed only to the magical races that were interested (such as Kal's Faerie.)

A sending is returned to Krysophrenos when this news arrives.

"Our thanks, friend, we owe you deeply and will repay the favour at your request. "


First Post
Halruaa now has 1 army left in it.as it has attacked a territory of mine, I will do the following.

This letter will be send to Janos


Your attacck on the area of Akhuar will be seen as an attack on the Zakaharian Empire as an whole and we are now in a state of war! I hereby give you 24 hours (out game time) to leave that area, or retribution shall follow, one way or the other. If indeed you believe to have a rightful clamim of that area we can discuss that like gentlemen as soon as you have left the area.

Please let your answer be swiftand your decision wise, it is what we both need.

Muad Dha Bin, Grand Caliph of the Zakaharian Empire and Holder of Maztika, The Earthern Pacific and Ally of the great Meritocracy!


First Post
New Army roster

Zakhara - The Four Cities of the Heart (PL 10)
Zakhara - The Seven Cities of the North (PL 8) - 1 Army
Zakhara - The Six Cities of the Pantheon (PL 7)
Zakhara - The Five Cities of the Pearl (PL 5)
Zakhara - The Four Cities of the Ancients (PL 9)
Zakhara - Hawa and the Domains of the Corsairs (PL 7) - 1 army

The Desert Tribes (PL 5)
The Djinn (PL 10)

The Pantheon of the One Thousand Gods (PL 15)

City of Krenalir (PL 1) (Faerunian)
Arhkaur Swamp (PL 3) (Faerunian)
Mortik Swamp (PL 3) (Faerunian)
Rethild, the Great Swamp (PL 5) (Faerunian) - 1 Armies

The Arnrock (PL 1) (Faerunian) - nothing, see below
Mother of Mists Isle (PL 1) (Faerunian) - 1/2 army
The Nelanther Isles (PL 5) (Faerunian) - 2 Armies

The Great Wild Wood (PL 5)

Japan (earth) - 1/2 army

The Hordelands (Attaking creamsteak) - 1 1/2 Armies
Murghom (Attacking Creamsteak) 1/2 Army
Southern Maztica - 4 armies

About my spy armies, inez seems to get the same results without spending any of his military on spies, so I will assume that armies are military only and that other tasks can be taken care of by other parts of my population.
Note that I am still working on a way to open a gate to ghelspad, but I haven't received word from you on that question.
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