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A casual Pathfinder adventure? (Recruiting Closed)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The starting situation will be you are traveling through the wilderness (well, technically following a road through the wilderness) in search of rumored treasures. So make sure your PC is equipped with exploration in mind.
Will do!

I could go halfsies on a cart and horse, if anybody's interrested in driving it around? Mighty useful for the the heavier, camp-related stuff, and it would help keep the rest of us light on our feet (I know *Cauldron*, for one, is having problems lugging that alchemist lab around without going into medium emcumberance, "portable" or no "portable" :).).

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Here's Cauldron Mark I! I think I may be off by 100 gold or so gear-wise, but other than that he's fairly final. Tell me what you think.

Question: Is there a language that's tied to the local ruins/ancient civilisations of the area we're exploring? I'd take that as my final language. -> Bird taken

Question 2: Could I trade an ability point for, say, 3-4 skill points? -> 4 skill points added, thanks Rhun. :)

List of magical items for easy reference : Mithral chain shirt, Mithral chain barding, MW Staffsling, Belt of incredible dexterity, "door-buster explosives" (re-skinned Chime of Opening), Campfire Bead.

[sblock=General Stats]Name: Cauldron
Alignment: CG
Race: Halfling
Class: "Alchemical" Sorceror 4/Ranger 1
Experience: 15000/23000 XP

Level: 5
Age: 24
Height: 3'1 (95 cm)
Weight: 33 lbs

(20 points +1 at 4th)
STR: 08 -1
DEX: 18[20] +4[+5 with magic Belt]
CON: 12 +1
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 10
CHA: 16 +3 (+2 Cha racial)

Focused Mind (+2 Concentration)
Magical Knack (+2 caster level, max HD caster level)

- Weapon proficiencies (Simple, Martial, Halfling Weapons)
- Armor proficiencies (Light, Medium, Shields)
- HALFLING OUTRIDER: Traded +2 Climb/Acrobatics for +2 Ride/Handle Animal
- RANGER: Favored Enemy Goblinoids (+2 Att/Dam/Perc/Know/Social/Track)
- RANGER: Track (+1/2 level Survival checks to Track) Through dog
- RANGER: Wild Empathy (1d20+L+Cha Diplomacy, -4 Mag Beasts) Through Dog
- SORCEROR: Eschew Material (No need for materials costing 1gp or less)
SPELLS: Entangle
ARCANA: +2 save DC on Compulsion spells
POWER 1st: Laughing Touch (Sp) (Touch, Only a move, 2+3Cha/Day)
POWER 3rd: Woodland Stride (Ex) [/code]
- 1st: Mounted Combat (1/r, Ride check vs Attack roll to negate hit)
- 3rd: Arcane Armor Training (-10% failure chance)
- 5th: Mounted Archery (-2 double move, -4 full run)

SKILLS: (23 + 1 fc + 4 for one Ability point= 28)
                        Rank Bonus Trained   
- Bluff (Cha, CC)            0 + 3 + 0 =  0  (+2 vs Gobs)
- Climb (Str)                3 - 1 + 3 =  5 
- Concentration (Cha)        - + L + Cha + 2 = 10
- Craft: Alchemy (Int)       4 + 2 + 3 =  9  (+1 with kit)
- Handle Animal (Cha)        0 + 5 + 0 =  5
- Intimidate (Cha)           2 + 3 + 3 =  8 (Through dog)
- Knowledge: Goblinoids      3 + 4 + 3 = 10 
- Perception (Int)           1 + 4 + 3 =  8 (+2 vs Gobs)
- Ride (Dex)                 5 + 6 + 3 = 14
- Sense Motive (Wis, CC)     0 + 0 + 0 =  0 (+2 vs Gobs)
- Spellcraft (Int)           2 + 2 + 3 =  7
- Stealth (Dex)              4 + 8 + 3 = 15
- Survival (Wis)             4 + 0 + 3 =  7 (+2 vs Gobs, +1 Track)
- Languages (Common, Halfling speach, Goblin snarl and Bird calls)
EQUIPMENT: (10, 500 gp)
Name				enc notes
HELD: MW Staffsling      3 (size of a small spear)

Medieval hood            - (Faded green with orange and yellow trim)
Mithral Chain Shirt      6
Alchemichal bandolier
   Metal flasks          - (Brightly coloured; spell warded)
      Liquid Ice X 2     4 (1d6+1hp splash, freeze liquids) 40gp
      Smoke bomb X 2     1 (Smokestick, 3m cube for 1min) 20 gp
      Flashpowder X 2    - (3m radius, Blind for 1r) 50gp
   Clay and glass vials  1 (Empty, ready to be filled)
   Flint and steel       - (Button pouch with two tinder twigs)
   Explosives + fuse     1 (Chime of Opening 10/10 uses left)
   Campfire Bead         - (8h on, 16 hours off)
Belt of incredible dex   - (+2 Dex, Green and gold)
   Dagger                1 (Wirewrapped handle, heavy leather sheath)
   Dog whistle           - (Tied to the belt with leather cord)
Belpouch                 2
   Fishing line, 10m     - (rolled around a piece of wood + fishing hook)
   Coloured chalks       -
   Tindertwigs X 5       - 
   5 sp                  -
Beltpouch                2 (Painted with swirly explosions)
   Sling Bullets X 10    5 (Lead, acorn-shaped)
Light leather boots      - (Pale brown)
Light encumbrance       26 pounds (27 Medium, 54 Heavy, 80 Max, Drag 400)
[/sblock][sblock=Spell Book]EFFECTIVE CASTER LEVEL: 5 (with Magical Knack feat)

CANTRIPS: Infinite, Save DC at 10+3Cha
Distractions/Glue pot X 2, Fairy Essence, Large Red Cristal X 2, Alchemist Glue
- Daze (25'+5/2L, <5HD, Will +2, Takes no action this round)
- Laughing Touch (Sp) (Touch, Only a move, 5/5 available)
- Light (Touch, 20' rad for 10 min/L+dim light for additional 20')
- Arcane Mark (Touch, an imprint of his palm doing various gestures)
- Detect Magic (60' cone, 1 min/L, p.267)
- Read Magic (Personal, 10 min/L)
- Mending (10min, 1 lb/L)

FIRST LEVEL: 7/7 available, Save DC at 11+3Cha
Glue Bomb, Vaporous Chloroform, Slip Oil, Powder blast/Test Tube Tsunami
- Entangle (40' rad in 400+40'/L, diff terrain, Ref or Entangled, 1min/L)
Entangled = 1/2 speed, no run or charge, -2 Attacks, -4 dex
- Sleep (1r, 10' radius within 100'+10/L, Will +2, 4HD uncons)
- Grease (10'sqr in 25'+5'/2L, Ref or prone, Acr or 1/2 speed; fail by five and prone, 1min/L)
- Stumble Gap (25'+5'/2L, Ref par, 1d6+Prone;Fail -1 for 1r, 1r+1/L)

SECOND LEVEL: 4/4 available, Save DC at 12+3Cha
Fire Bomb
- Stone Call (40' radius within 100+10'/L, 2d6+difficult terrain, 1r/L)[/sblock][sblock=Combat]AC: 20 (+1 Small +5 dex +4 Chain shirt)
HP: 36/36
MV: 20'(6m)
INI: +4

BAB = 3
Melee = 3 (+2 Goblinoids)
Range = 9 (+2 Goblinoids)
CMB: 1
CMD: 15

Weapon stats:
MW Hafling staffsling +10, 80' range incr, 1d6 (+2 Gobs), X3, B.
As Club +4, 1d4-1, B.
Dagger +3, 10' range incr, 1d3-1 (+2 Gobs), P.

Saving Throws:
Fort 1 Racial + 2 Ranger + 1 Sorc = 5
Reflex 1 Racial + 2 Ranger + 1 Sorc = 8
Will 1 Racial + 4 Sorc = 5 (+2 Fear Racial)[/sblock][sblock=Riding Dog]STR: 15 +2
DEX: 15 +2
CON: 15 +2
INT: 2 -4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 6 -2

Acrobatics 6 (14 Jumping)
Perception 8
Survival 1 (5 Scent tracking)

FEATS: Low-light vision, Scent

Riding saddle           12
Mithral Chain Barding   12
Bit and Bridle           1
Saddle bags              2 
   Trail Ration X 6      2 (For him and his dog)
   Water skin            4
   Oiled tarp           10 (With eyeholes and lengths of twine) 
   Winter blanket        1 (Heavy grey wool)
   Paneled wooden box    1 (Abstract pattern, vaguely leafy) 
      Wooden bowl        - (Dark grained wood)
      Fork and Spoon     -
      Spice packets      - (Salt and flaming root)
   Small hatchet         3
   Large sacks X 2       2 (Neatly folded)
   Sling bullets X 30   15    
Alchemichal lab         20 (Folded-up portable version)
Medium encumbrance      85 pounds + 59 halfling (100 Medium, 201 Heavy, Drag 1500)

AC: 17, flatfooted 15, touch 16
HP: 18 (2d8+4)
MV: 40'(12m) Presently 30' with Encumberance
INI: +2

Melee +3 (1d6+3 & Trip)
CMB : +3
CMD: 15 (19 vs Trip)

Saving Throws:
Fort 5
Reflex 5
Will 1[/sblock]
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First Post
Question: Is there a language that's tied to the local ruins/ancient civilisations of the area we're exploring? I'd take that as my final language.

Let me double check the region and make sure which language is spoken there. :) I'll try to get you an answer tonight.

Question 2: Could I trade an ability point for, say, 3-4 skill points?

I wouldn't be opposed to this. I think the trade off would be more than fair. What skills do you need extra points for? Also, you could take the Open Minded feat...which doesn't look like Pathfinder has it, but essentially it is a feat that gives you 5 extra skill points.


First Post
I had a bit of a busy weekend, so I didn't get anything posted for the game. I'll try to get the relevant info posted up tonight. I hadn't thought about the fact that most of it was made for 3E, and might need some changes to fit in with Pathfinder. :D (I know they are similar, but there are some definite differences.)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I wouldn't be opposed to this. I think the trade off would be more than fair. What skills do you need extra points for? Also, you could take the Open Minded feat...which doesn't look like Pathfinder has it, but essentially it is a feat that gives you 5 extra skill points.
I'm a bit short of feats already (since I'm now missing that second Ranger level and its Combat Style feat) so I'd like to keep those I do have as they are, ideally. Thinking about this a bit more scientifically, how about this reasoning: right now I would need 5 ability point to go up +1 in Int, which would give me 8 skill points (5 for levels + 3 for the 3 Int-based skills I've already invested points in) plus an extra language. So trading in that one(1) ability point should therefore get me something like 1 or 2 skill points... Right?

I'd use up the points getting some of my existing skills up to the +5 or +10 critical steps and maybe learn to Swim. :)


First Post
House Rules for 3.x D&D and Pathfinder
This is my initial batch of house rules...there may be others, but this is what I had actually typed up. If I see something on your PC that would also be house-ruled I will let you know so we can discuss it, but this should cover most everything.

I have no problem with players min-maxing their PCs to be effective, but with that said I do not like full-on powergamers. Although my games can be combat heavy, I prefer to have as much roleplaying as I do rollplaying in my games.

Hit Points
PCs start with maximum hit points at first level. As the PC levels up, hit points are ¾ of the maximum possible roll at each level (for classes using d6 or d10, round down at even levels, up at the odd levels).

A general statement: I am not a fan of animal companions and familiars. I realize that for certain classes these are rather important class abilities, but if you can find a way to build your PC without an animal companion, that would make me happy. With that said, I am not going to bar the class feature either. Also, if you want to use an alternate class feature from PHB2, please do so…anything to encourage further diversity among the characters.

- Cleric: Clerics can ONLY spontaneously cast spells on their domain spell lists. If you want a cleric capable of spontaneously healing, he will need to have the healing domain, or the Spontaneous Healer feat. Additionally, all clerics are automatically proficient with their deity’s favored weapon, if their deity has a favored weapon.

- Fighter: Fighters receive a bonus feat at every level. 3E house-rule only

- Ranger: Rangers are not spellcasters, and instead use the Ranger Variant from Complete Warrior, page 13. A ranger may also opt to forego his Animal Companion class feature, and may take a bonus feat as a replacement for the animal companion at level 4 instead(or use the alternate class feature Distracting Strike from PHB2).

- Paladin: The paladin class exists only as the Prestige Paladin from the SRD. 3E house-rule only

- Wizard: All variant wizards are available from the PHB and SRD, including Domain Wizards and Specialist Wizard Variants. Wizards are well-respected in the campaign world, generally considered to be learned sages and teachers by most common folk. However, Wild Mages (as per the prestige class) are considered outlaws, and hunted down by the Enclave (High Order of the Arcane). 3E house-rule only

- Sorcerers: Sorcerer Variants from the SRD are also available for play (notably the Battle Sorcerer). Although the general populace cannot tell the difference, sorcerers are certainly looked down upon by true wizards as “unschooled upstarts”. 3E house-rule only


- Dodge: The dodge feat grants a flat +1 dodge bonus to armor class. 3E house-rule only

- Improved Toughness: Improved toughness can replace toughness anywhere that toughness is required as a prerequisite. 3E house-rule only

Maximum skill ranks for a class skill is (level + 3), as per 3.5 rules. Maximum skill ranks for a cross-class skill is ([level + 3]/2) as per the 3.0 rules. 3E house-rule only

- Intimidate: A character can substitute his STR bonus for his CHA bonus on Intimidate checks, if appropriate. For example, a powerful brute character towering over a lesser character, or lifting him by the neck with a single arm, would be able to apply their STR bonus to an Intimidate check instead of CHA.

- Speak Language: Speak Language is a class skill for ALL classes.

- Backpack: A backpack gives you a +2 equipment bonus to Strength, but ONLY for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.

- Brigandine Armor: Named for the brigands that generally favor this armor, brigandine is very similar to scale mail. However, the scales are sewn between two layers of leather backing, making brigandine much harder to detect at a distance. Type: Medium Armor; Cost 75gp; Armor Bonus +4; Max Dex Bonus +4; Armor Check Penalty: -3; Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 20%; Weight: 30lb.

- Asarandi Armor: The hobgoblins of Asarand are famed for their very finely fitted armor. Asarandi Armor is considered masterwork quality, but armor check penalty is lessened by 2 instead of 1, maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1, and ASF penalties are reduced by 5%. Costs associated with Asarandi crafted armor are as follows:

- Light Armor +350gp/sp
- Medium Armor +1500gp/sp
- Heavy Armor +3500gp/sp

Asarandi Armor benefits apply only to armor, and is not applicable to shields.

- Koradian Armor: Where the Asarandi focus on mobility, the dwarven armorers of Koradar focus their craft on providing the best protection. Koradian armor is thick and heavy, but it does provide better protection. Few can penetrate a suit of Kordadian Battle Plate. Armor/Shield Bonus is one point better than normal, but ASF is 10% higher than normal, and Armor Check Penalty is one point worse. Additionally, Koradian Armor weighs 10lb more than normal, 5lb more for shields. It is considered masterwork quality, and costs associated with Koradian crafted armor are as follows: 500 gold pieces over and above the normal cost of armor.

- Light Armor +1000gp/sp
- Medium Armor +3000gp/sp
- Heavy Armor +7500gp/sp

Koradian Armor benefits can only be applied to mostly metal armors and shields.

Spell Components
All casters automatically gain the feat Eschew Material Components when they take their first level in a spell-using class. (I kind of despise the whole idea of material components.)

When rolling dice to determine amount of healing from a curative spell, all 1s should be rerolled.

Death on the great orb of Elia is to be feared; although the ability to bring the dead back to life does exist, it is fairly rare, expensive, and the person being brought back is never quite the same as they were before. Being brought back to life weakens the fortitude of one’s body and the force of one’s personality. If recalled to life too many times the corporeal shell can no longer sustain one’s soul. Minor physical changes (eyes that have lost their “spark,” pale complexion, etc.) and mental and psychological changes are often noted in people that are brought back from The Great Beyond.

The following changes apply to the spells necessary to bring the dead back to life:

- Raise Dead: Cleric level 7 spell; Casting time: 24 hours; 5,000gp in items sacred to the deity granting the spell*; subject being raised permanently loses 1 point of constitution or 1 point of charisma (player’s choice). Raise Dead allows the raising of a creature that has been dead for no longer than 2 days per caster level.

- Resurrection: Cleric level 8 spell; Casting time: 24 hours; 10,000gp in items sacred to the deity granting the spell*; subject being raised permanently loses 1 point of constitution or 1 point of charisma (player’s choice). Resurrection allows the raising of a creature that has been dead for no longer than 1 year per caster level.
- True Resurrection: Cleric level 9 spell; Casting time: 24 hours; 25000gp in items sacred to the deity granting the spell*; subject suffers no loss of constitution or charisma. True Resurrection allows the raising of a creature that has been dead for no longer than 10 years per caster level.

* Items sacred to deity granting spell: For example, Drazor (the god of war) and Sivar (the god of skill in battle) require the components be a collection of masterwork arms and armor; Trylia (the goddess of thieves and greed) requires the components be valuable goods of any type, so long as said goods are stolen. Galadan (god of magic and learning) requires the components be valuable tomes, books or magical items. Some of the dark gods are known to require blood sacrifices to grant the gift of life.

Additionally, other restrictions may apply to casting these spells: site and time restrictions are common. For example, Uktar (the god of Night and the Moons) requires the spell be cast outside under the light of a full moon, and Kanana (the god of forests and green places) requires the spell be cast within a ring of toadstools on the night of a solstice or equinox.

Magic Items
Magic items exist and are by no means rare. However, only lesser magic items can be commonly found available for purchase. Powerful magic items need to be crafted, found or quested for. If your PC is equipped with items of power (something beyond potions, or minor rings, or a +1 weapon), please right up a line or two about where/how you found the weapon, as it isn't something that would have been purchased. I think this helps to add background and depth to the characters. For example:

[sblock=Naraithus]A family heirloom from long ago, the +1 flaming longsword Naraithus should have went to Skyler's older brother Lane. Lane showed no interest in the fighting arts, though, and thus the sword was given to Skyler instead. Crafted of the finest steel, with a single fuller running down the keen edged blade, Naraithus is an elaborately wrought weapon. The blade, the guard, the hilt, the square capped pommel...all are excellently and tastefully decorated by a master craftsmen.[/sblock]

The economy of Ailioth works on the silver standard. For simplicity’s sake during character building, simply step everything down one type of coin. Things that normally cost gold cost that same amount in silver instead, and the amount of starting wealth is in silver, instead of gold. For anything that normally costs copper and would be stepped down to below that, simply assume you have for free. I’ve got a much more complex system, but little of it is actually typed up.

Here is a list of some of the major gods of good in my campaign world. This list is by no means completed, and if you have something else in mind for a PC, feel free to design your own deity. Note that the domains are all 3.x domains, and may or may not apply to Pathfinder


Aditi (Sun Goddess, the Glorious, Light of the World)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Greater Power
Portfolio: Sun, light, summer
Domains: Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun
Preferred Weapon: Scimitar

Baharr (God of Ocean & Seas, Protector of Sailors, Bringer of Fair Weather)
Chaotic Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Ocean, seas, sailing, weather
Domains: Ocean, water, weather
Preferred Weapon: Trident

Brithiri (the Great Mother)
Lawful Good
Greater Power
Portfolio: Hearth & Home, Family
Domains: City, Community, Family, Healing, Protection
Preferred Weapon: Light Crossbow

Cerys (the Compassionate)
Neutral Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Love, purity, compassion, mercy
Domains: Good, Healing, Purification
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Dionhar (the Harvester)
Lawful Good
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Agriculture, farming, harvest
Domains: Commerce, Feast, Plant, Weather
Preferred Weapon: Sickle

Eilion (the Reveler)
Chaotic Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Music, poetry, revelry, delights
Domains: Feast, Joy, Pleasure
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Fabricius (of the Forge)
Lawful Good
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Forges, craftsmen, artisans
Domains: Artifice, Commerce, Craft, Metal
Preferred Weapon: Warhammer

Ghanima (the Golden Gambit)
Chaotic Good
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Good luck, fortune, prosperity
Domains: Commerce, Luck, Protection, Trade
Preferred Weapon: Shortsword

Girish (the Stone Lord)
Neutral Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Mountains, hills, stone places, mines/miners
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Metal
Preferred Weapon: Heavy Pick

Kanana (Forest Mother)
Chaotic Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Forest, woodlands, green places
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant
Preferred Weapon: Quarterstaff

Kaeomae (Radiant Beauty)
Neutral Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Beauty, gentleness, happiness
Domains: Charm, Joy, Nobility
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Kelile (the Traveller)
Chaotic Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Travel, safety, exploration
Domains: Celerity, Protection, Travel
Preferred Weapon: Rapier

Seluska (Lady Dawn)
Neutral Good
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Spring, rebirth, dawn, fertility
Domains: Healing, Life, Purefication, Renewal
Preferred Weapon: Morningstar

Sondya (the Wise)
Neutral Good
Greater Power
Portfolio: Wisdom, enlightenment, truth
Domains: Healing, Meditation, Oracle, Planning, Truth
Preferred Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Sivar (the Ascended)
Lawful Good
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Justice, honor, loyalty, courage, skill in battle
Domains: Glory, Law, Retribution, War
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword

Torr (of the Mighty Thew)
Lawful Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Strength, athleticism, endurance
Domains: Competition, Endurance, Strength
Favored Weapon: Maul

Vandar (the Peerless Hunter)
Neutral Good
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Archers, trappers, hunters
Domains: Animal, Good, Travel
Favored Weapon: Longbow


Aohd (the Flaming One, Fire Guardian)
Chaotic Neutral
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Fire, heat, volcanoes
Domain: Destruction, Fire, Purefication
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Ashoun (of the Ebbing Sun)
Lawful Neutral
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Autumn, sunsets, aging
Domains: Darkness, Repose, Time
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Drazor (the Invincible Warrior)
Greater Power
Portfolio: War, warriors, blood
Domains: Courage, Endurance, Protection, Strength, War
Preferred Weapon: Greatsword

Galadan (the Mystic)
Greater Power
Portfolio: Magic, reason, learning, knowledge
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Mysticism (Good/Evil), Spell, Summoning
Preferred Weapon: Quarterstaff

Kathia (Air Walker, Lady of the Sky)
Chaotic Neutral
Intermediate Goddess
Portfolio: Air, wind, sky
Domains: Air, sky, storm, weather
Preferred Weapon: Spear

Naria (Keeper of Time)
Lawful Neutral
Greater Power
Portfolio: Space, time
Domains: Creation, Force, Law, Sky, Time
Preferred Weapon: Longsword

Nerine (the Water Guardian)
Chaotic Neutral
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Water
Domains: Chaos, Ocean, Water
Preferred Weapon: Spear

Nulekha (the Farseer)
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Fate, destiny, prophecy
Domains: Destiny, Fate, Oracle
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Manxx (the Bestial)
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Nature, beasts, animals
Domains: Animal, Balance, Plant
Preferred Weapon: Spiked Gauntlet

Melok (Earth Guardian)
Chaotic Neutral
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Earth
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Metal
Preferred Weapon: Maul

Thanatos (the Shepard, Guardian of the Dead)
Lawful Neutral
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: The Dead
Domains: Death, Law, Protection, Repose
Preferred Weapon: Glaive

Uktar (of the Night)
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Night, the Moon(s), Dreams, Stars
Domains: Darkness, Dream, Moon, Transformation
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Vorlauth (the Disciplined)
Lawful Neutral
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Order, discipline
Domains: Law, Healing, Planning
Preferred Weapon: Longsword


Apsu (the Darkest Evil)
Neutral Evil
Greater Power
Portfolio: Darkness, shadows, evil
Domains: Darkness, Evil, Magic, Mysticism (Evil), Shadow
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Ashlea (the Betrayer)
Chaotic Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Pain, betrayal, deceit, misery
Domains: Evil, Illusion, Suffering
Preferred Weapon: Whip

Avimaatz (Dark Fury)
Chaotic Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Anger, fury, rage
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Storm
Preferred Weapon: Greataxe

Bayle (Harbinger of Chaos)
Chaotic Evil
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Strife, discord, conflict
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War
Preferred Weapon: Greatspear

Coeus (the Terror in the Dark)
Chaotic Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Feat, hate, terror, nightmates
Domains: Evil, Hatred, Madness
Preferred Weapon: Unarmed Strike

Gulor (the Famished)
Neutral Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Gluttony, sloth
Domains: Evil, Feast, Hunger
Preferred Weapon: N/A

Herodius (the Silent Blade)
Neutral Evil
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Murder, poison, assassins
Domains: Darkness, Death, Evil, Trickery
Preferred Weapon: Shortsword

Jahi (the Temptress)
Lawful Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Lust, seduction
Domains: Evil, Passion, Pleasure
Preferred Weapon: Dagger

Kehydrius (the Savage Victor)
Lawful Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Victory, slaughter, plunder
Domains: Destruction, Strength, War
Preferred Weapon: Two-bladed sword

Lalok (the Destroyer)
Chaotic Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Destruction, storms, chaos
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Storm
Preferred Weapon: Heavy Flail

Nasu (the Pestilent One)
Lawful Evil
Great Power
Portfolio: Violent death, disease, decay, undeath
Domains: Death, Decay, Evil, Pestilence, Undead/Undeath
Preferred Weapon: Scythe

Skorm (of the Steel Fist, the Enslaver)
Lawful Evil
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Tyranny, subjugation, slavery
Domains: Domination, Suffering, Tyrant, War
Preferred Weapon: Longsword

Trylia (the Unseen Hand)
Neutral Evil
Intermediate Power
Portfolio: Thieves, trickery, greed, misfortune
Domains: Evil, Luck, Trade, Trickery
Preferred Weapon: Dagger

Shakak (of the Icy Heart)
Neutral Evil
Lesser Power
Portfolio: Winter, cold, ice, snow
Domains: Cold, storm, weather
Favored Weapon: Morningstar
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First Post
I posted some of my house-rules, and some of the deities in my setting above for reference. Many of the house-rules won't apply, as they are there for 3.x games when I run them.

I'll post some more setting info when I have a but more time.


First Post
IThinking about this a bit more scientifically, how about this reasoning: right now I would need 5 ability point to go up +1 in Int, which would give me 8 skill points (5 for levels + 3 for the 3 Int-based skills I've already invested points in) plus an extra language. So trading in that one(1) ability point should therefore get me something like 1 or 2 skill points... Right?

I'd use up the points getting some of my existing skills up to the +5 or +10 critical steps and maybe learn to Swim. :)

I would allow you to trade in a single ability point for 4 bonus skill points, actually. Just make sure to note that somewhere on your character sheet.

Walking Dad

First Post
Have Ashoun and Thanatos paladins at their service?
A sacred servant with either the Darkness (Night) or the Repose (Souls) domain would be interesting.

If not I will be more classic and play a 'standard' paladin of Sivar.


First Post
Have Ashoun and Thanatos paladins at their service?
A sacred servant with either the Darkness (Night) or the Repose (Souls) domain would be interesting.

If not I will be more classic and play a 'standard' paladin of Sivar.

To be honest, I've never considered paladins serving either Thanatos or Ashoun. I wouldn't be opposed to them, but not sure exactly how paladins would serve in the battle against evil while serving those particular gods. So let's hear some ideas? What are you thinking?

(A lot of the gods I posted are not fully developed...so there is plenty of wiggle room to work in some ideas.)

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