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A Chronicle of Ice, Luck and Honour - updated 19th December

good to see another post! great ettin dialogue BTW :)
Thanks, the ettins were fun to write up - gotta love the long pauses for low intelligence. Things go crazy when the ettins reach the village, but I can't let on anything more. Glad you're enjoying it so far!

For those of us that DON'T know, where is the original thread???
Well, the original thread is here, but (and this is to everyone unfamiliar with the original) I implore you not to look ahead. I haven't deleted or altered any posts from the original for keeps sake, but the material turning up now has been changed and things added/taken away to make everything flow a little better.

My first attempt at this SH was flawed in its momentum. Posts were irregular and I wasn't happy with some of the chapters (I'm my own worst critic, but isn't everyone). Have a gander at the old stuff if you like, but please do keep pace with these new ones - and plus, it sure ain't long until the new new new stuff hits.

Anyway, enough of me babbling on.

Spider J

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First Post
I am now caught up on this story hour and it is wonderful! Great story and great writing, Spider! I can't wait to see what happens when the ettins arrive in the town.

Hey OaxacanWarrior, great to have you as a reader!
I am now caught up on this story hour and it is wonderful! Great story and great writing, Spider! I can't wait to see what happens when the ettins arrive in the town.
Thanks for the praise, I really appreciate it. Well the ettins do cause a slight ruckus, but as always, the PC's plan doesn't quite fly straight. Poor Milo. He should never have picked up that sword... ;)

No problem Ashy, enjoy.

Anyway, I'm going to post a small, all new, interlude before the next chapter (so interlude projected saturday day, then update on sunday...), entitled A Story of Wolves, which gives a little hint at a new thorn in the character's side.

Cheerio for now,

Spider J
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Interlude Number Five: A Story of Wolves

Arkella Noreth stooped across the body and rolled it over. He was a hulking barbarian, his face a mess of blood and gristle. She sighed and stood up. Around her lay a patchwork of dead, hands and faces jutting from the light snow like grotesque flowers. The burnt out cargo train had long been looted, and anything of meagre worth already lifted from their unmoving owners. A constant Vaasan wind tugged at her mouth veil, and she tucked it back into place as she wondered which bloodied corpse was the one she was after.

A throaty howl bayed, followed by three quick answering calls. Arkella narrowed her eyes. She began to pick a route towards Onyx, who had found something or someone of interest. Onyx was neck deep in the entrails of an ogre. As his master approached, he lurched backwards, soft whirrs hissing from his metal spine.

"Back" snapped Arkella. The wolf obeyed. His eyes followed her movements, one eye was an animal slit and the other a metal ball. Arkella cast a languid glance at the ogre and shook her head.

"I'm not searching every damn body" mused Arkella, though Onyx seemed to understand and padded heavily to the next limb and began to unearth it's owner.

Another two copies of Onyx skulked up to Arkella and made grunts over towards the wagon train. Their wolf pelts were bolted at various points with metal plating and shared the same spine as their brother. Arkella felt nothing for these creatures, but they were certainly useful servants. What a truly awful betrothal present, thought Arkella, I hope you're being skinned by a Dretch right now. Just like I planned, you miserable bastard.

The fourth and final Onyx was no doubt eating his fill of goblin. Arkella called out in her mind and as expected, the fourth Onyx thudded towards her call with a mouth full of green skin. The wolf scampered to a standstill. She commanded the Shield Guardian to stay back. As one, Onyx loped away.

In the shadow of the blasted cargo train was the pinned body of the Ratmage, his lower half long abandoned to the scavengers. The snow had been scraped back to reveal a carpet of frozen rats. One of the Ratmage's arms had been pulled free like a bloody torch. The smell was overpowering and Arkella thanked the thin gauze that covered her jaw for filtering the stench. The staff certainly wasn't nearby, she knew that, but the torso before her was her best lead yet.

"Well," Arkella said, "it's about time you gave me some answers."

Onyx watched from afar, their eyes dim with command as their master filled the air with old and putrid power. Arkella grinned as the Ratmage stirred. His eyes would have snapped open, but his sockets were empty shells of crow feed. Arkella gave him a moment to recollect, then began her questioning.
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Just when you think it can't get any better...
Thanks Ashy. Arkella is a brutal little creation and she deserved a minor introduction at this point, so there it is. Plus, I wanted to flex a miniature piece of all-new writing (what did you think - compared to older?).

I've decided to push up the number of Interludes through this SH, because... well, I enjoy writing them (different perspective etc) and it gives you guys a bit of insight into the behind the screens approach. One thing to remember though is that the majority of the interludes did involve the players, or were read out to them, such as the Robar interlude.

ANYWAY. I've really got to edit just my general typing. I just go on and on and on and update!

Spider J
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"Men who can and will fight, then do so"

- - - - - - - - - -​

Thalin snapped his head up as a flurry of small birds swirled overhead. Their furious forms blurred away from the tree line in a cacophony of squawks.

Rising from his crouch next to the sleeping knight, Thalin slowly guided his hand to the hilt of Shard as he scanned the dense foliage.

- - - - - - - - - -​

“By all the gods, demons and devils,” exclaimed a portly priest as he was helped to his feet, his eyes full of incomprehension as he surveyed the burnt ruins of the hall. Torious gripped the hand of another villager from the darkness of the basement and hauled them into the afternoon light.

A young woman passed a crying baby into Torious' waiting hands. As she pushed the infant to safety, Torious saw a dirty red cloak was slung around her shoulders. Before Torious could react, she had ducked back into the darkness. A moment later, the woman’s head returned into the pool of light.

“There are only two more left now. A grandson and grandma,” said the woman with the red cloak as she squinted up at Torious from the shadows of the basement. Torious gazed back, his words suddenly lost in the woman’s steely brown stare. She let the stare linger a moment too long before dropping back down.

A rasping voice drifted up from the darkness, “I’m not his grandma. Simply a guardian…”
“Whatever you say, but you still need to get out of this pot boiler,” said the disembodied voice of the woman in return.

A young man of about seventeen appeared in the spotlight of sun, his black hair wild and unkempt. He looked up as Torious offered a hand to help him, but instead he jumped and gripped the basement edge, hauling himself into the light without a word.

Milo chatted excitedly to one of the halfling villagers, happy to have found a fellow half-man in a situation such as this. Keeping half an eye on the basement exit, Milo suddenly trailed off his sentence as a young man with black, unkempt hair pulled himself out of the basement.

Milo blinked once, then looked again. I've seen him somewhere before… but where?

- - - - - - - - - -​

Thalin pounded up the steps to the town hall, skidding to a halt in the doorway entrance. A loud, guttural roar echoed past Thalin and everyone in the hall turned in surprise to look at the silhouetted ice mage.

“Ettins! In the village!” shouted Thalin before ducking back out of the door in a flurry of robes.

The villagers began to panic, their momentary sanctuary from the marauding knights shattered by this new threat. The women and children rushed towards the back of the town hall with a symphony of frightened screams, picking their way across the scattered debris in the hope of finding a hiding place.

The woman in red snapped her head back into the darkness as she heard the mages warning, “Curses. The old woman can wait. Here, help me up”.

She extended a gauntleted hand to Torious, who faltered for a moment then helped her into the light. Her face was coated with a sheen of sweat from the heat of the basement and her hair was plastered against her forehead. Despite this, a few slivers of beauty shone through from beneath her overworked exterior.

“Wait… there are ettins… you might get hurt,” uttered Torious, doubting his own words as he looked at the tarnished half-plate and the longsword slung at her side.

Pushing herself to her feet, she threw a playful glance back at Torious, “Don’t worry about me. You can stay here and help out the old woman if you’re scared.”

With that, the woman in red dashed out of the hall. Torious stood unmoving for a moment, his thoughts reeling as he tried to sift through his own judgements and the dead priest’s warnings about the woman in red. The distinct hiss of Thalin’s icy bolts followed by a thundering roar of pain from outside brought Torious to his senses. He unsheathed Freedom’s Edge.

“Men who can and will fight, then do so,” shouted Torious over the chaos of noise around him, “women and children take shelter at the rear of the hall.”

Surveying the beginnings of the skirmish at the base of the steps, Torious watched as five men rushed out of the hall to join the fray. Stepping into the light, Torious glanced back to check for any remaining volunteers. Instead, his eyes met the sight of the wild-haired man carefully helping an aging woman from the basement. Her wiry body was draped with sleek red robes. A heavy hood shadowed her face from the afternoon light…

To be continued in…

Ice, Luck and Honour
Chapter 9: Eye of the Blizzard

The heroes valiantly defend against the maraudering ettins, but as the combat rages, a bizarre twist of fate snares the attention of a deity. As tempers flare and suspicions clash over the true identities of the mysterious women in red, the heroes attempt to guide the homeless villagers through a deadly mountain pass.
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Hey guys,

I'm putting up a "Behind the DM's screen" section over in the Rogue's Gallery. Here is the link. Please continue to post up any questions you have here, unless they are full on metagame. Oh, and please vote in the poll! And the poll is multiple choice...


Spider J
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Good stuff, as ever, SJ. Keep it coming.

And I like the extra "interludes" giving us a look as what's going on "off-screen". As well as heightening the tension for the reader with a bit of foreshadowing, it lets us see (at least some of) the logic by which the plot unfolds as it happens, rather than relying solely on retrospective explanation. Which, in my view at least, is a good thing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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