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A Little Night Music

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
This is my new D&D 3.5 game, set in my homebrew world.

The OOC/Character Creation thread can be found here.
Characters for the game can be found here.

The Life's Bazaar game listed in my signature also takes place in my homebrew, albeit a slightly different version of it.

The current party is:
* Thaern Zorus, Human Rog1 [Douane]
* Roland, Human Rgr1 [johnsemlak]
* Traubon Mithrilaxe, Mountain Dwarf Ftr0/Abj0 [GnomeWorks]
* Seamus Shadowstep, Canis Kobold Rog1 [Shoggoth]
* Aston Morwin, Canis Kobold Wiz(Conj)1 [Jarval]
* Valathorn, Human PsyW1 [rangerjohn]
* Quintus Valdemere, Elf Mar1 [Uriel]
* Ferus Arthuard, Human Clr1 of Fharlanghn [Keia]


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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
13 Leaffall, 695 NE, about 2230 hrs
The Recital Hall at the Imperial University, University Ward, Tharokas

Thaern, Roland, Valathorn, Quintus, Traubon, Ferus: The immense recital hall stretches in front of you, scores and scores of seats lined up, throngs of Tharokans dressed in their best finery shuffle in, filling the seats. The walls of the hall are oak, stained a deep and somber brown, and the ceiling is high and vaulted. Gas lamps line the walls, illuminating the hall with flickering, smoky light. The stage proper, raised to a height of seven or eight feet, is currently shielded from your view by a brilliant blue curtain of imported silk, and the proscenium arch is ornately carved with myriad fauns, satyrs, and woodland beasts. A number of box seats, filled with Elven nobles (including some senators, you think, and the Lord Governor), and the main balcony, filled with to the point of overflowing with commoners, loom overhead, casting dark shadows. On the whole, the hall is considered by experts to have almost supernaturally good acoustics and is the pride of the Euphonestin (1).

Your seats end up being in a bit of an odd section, somewhere between the upper classes and the mobs of commoners. Looking around you see a dwarf (it looks like he's not from the Swamp, could he be a mountain dwarf?), an Elven soldier, and a number of humans in various types of attire, including one who appears to be a priest of Fharlanghn. There are two empty seats at the end of the row.

At about 2240 hrs, the curtains part, revealing a giant pipe organ some twenty feet tall at it's highest point. The crowd hushes; Mintwhistle has always been a harpsichordist. Two large glass cylinders filled with a strange green energy are attached to the organ by massive leather tubes. A few canis dressed in black worker's clothes move around quickly, checking the connections and adjusting them at times. A low, throbbing hum can be heard in the silence.

Seamus, Aston: After a couple of near misses and one desperate moment when three Elven bluecoats (2) passed by, looking fot Pelor-knows-what, although they could very well have been looking for uninvited guests such as yourselves, you reach a small practice room, just west of the Recital Hall. An ornate clock on the wall reads 2237 hrs, and you are just starting to settle in to enjoy the concert, when you notice two small envelopes sitting on your chairs. One of them bears Seamus's name (his proper, birth name and his alias); the other, Aston's. Inside is a brief, unsigned note and a ticket to the recital.

You'll find the seating in the hall proper much more comfortable and the concert far more entertaining. Please accept the enclosed tickets with my compliments.​

Everyone: The concert starts promptly at 2245 hrs, when Calan Mintwhistle, garbed in formal black robes, enters from the eastern wing to thunderous applause (the crowd all but forgetting the strange instrument). He bows slightly, coughs, and speaks in a low, melodious tone. "Friends! Welcome, welcome. I am pleased to see so many of you here and touched that you all remember me this far north, as I've not been here for ages. Tonight, I would like to do away with tradition and let my program speak for itself, although you shall not be too much in the dark, as I've selected a couple familiar pieces for the first segment. One brief word about the two middle selections: they've yet to be performed anywhere, and I am proud to debut them here in the presence of so many esteemed and honored guests." He bows to Catullus Erenore's (3) box, and then turns to the pipe organ and starts to play.

The first piece is familiar, the second movement of Amblecrown's Requiem in D Minor (4), and the organ's sounds fill the room. Oftentimes, it feels as if three men are playing the organ, but Mintwhistle never shows any sign of fatigue or stress. The second piece, Mintwhistle's Variations on Ilvara's Dance of the Woodlands, is far more jovial and pleases the crowd very much (5).

Finally, he seques into the first movement of his new piece. The tones are dark and Mintwhistle frequently sustains dissonant notes longer than is popular (or, some may argue, necessary). He also manages to make the notes bend and twist, going sharp or flat at his whim. The piece moves through two slow segments and an odd waltz into a frenzied march. He plays faster and faster, pushing himself, beads of sweat sliding down his face until he releases into a series of oddly melodic tone clusters set over a pedal bass.

Just as he seems to be ending his foray into ordered noise, the lights go out and, almost on cue, a woman screams.

OOC: Occasionally, it'll be necessary for me to "footnote" things in the game, things that your characters would know. I'll do this by putting a number in parentheses after the item and then list it at the end of the post.

OOC for Shoggoth and Jarval: You may or may not go into the concert hall with your new tickets. If you do not, you will not see anything I describe inside the hall, but you'll hear the concert as well as the others. Please let me know what you want to do.

(1) The Euphonestin: The faculty of the University's bardic college, Euphones Tympanum.

(2) Elven bluecoats: Trained soldiers assigned to guard the city and usually present at large public gatherings. A step above the rank and file town guardsman, who usually is a human or elven commoner forcibly pressed into duty. Named for their high-collared blue coats, these soldiers always carry at a flintlock pistol and a saber.

(3) Catullus Erenore: The Lord Governor and public face of the Emperor.

(4) Amblecrown's Requiem in D Minor: William Amblecrown was a human bard from around the time of the 4th Peloran Crusade. His requiem masses have become extremely popular as of late, and this one is notable for its frequent use at state funerals. The second movement has a charming, if simple, melody, and is often called "The Soldier in Ysgard."

(5) Ilvara's Dance of the Woodlands: A light piece, fast and airy. Liandra Ilvara was the daughter of an Elvish diplomat who helped a band of adventurers clear out some troubles in Cauldron some 150 years ago.


Valathorn greatly enjoys the opening number, and is pleased with the second. However he feels the chap has made a mistake with this new piece.

At the lights going out and the woman screaming: Valanthorn strains to find the location of the woman.

OOC:Listen Check +3.

If he is able he moves to her location to offer aid.
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I aim to misbehave
Ferus frequently looked to where his great aunt was seated in the concert hall. It was unfortunate that he couldn't get seats together for himself and his great aunt, but Ferus did the gentlemanly thing and gave the best ticket to his aunt.

She looked overjoyed to be at the concert, and Ferus beamed with pride at escorting the elderly woman. Ferus was seated with several others that he did not recognize at once.

'I almost hope the concert were over so that Aunt Freyr and I could discuss how wonderful it was,' Ferus thought. 'I better calm down and enjoy the moment for what it was or I'll miss it . . . and I don't want that reputation.'

Ferus listend to the concert and enjoyed it immensely. When the lights went out and the woman screamed, Ferus, for a few moments, believed that it was still part of the show. Then, panic struck.

'Aunt Freyr' he thought, his mind and body locked with dread.


First Post
Seamus is frightened for a moment, then realizes that his friend Aston is having a fine joke at his expense. "You needn't have bought the tickets, Aston--but it's appreciated!" he says.

Ignoring Aston's surprised protestations, he strides to his new seat and hopes that no one notices how underdressed he is. "Relax, mate," he says to a dwarf sitting next to him. "I've got a ticket."

When the lights go out, Seamus understands that he's made a horrible mistake--he has finally stolen something from the wrong person, and now they know who he is.

Convinced the whole thing is a set up, Seamus hides under his seat, hopes for the best, and gives his nose a chance to find out more.

OOC: Hide +5, Scent (Canis ability).


The lone dwarf seems slightly uncomfortable in his seat. He looks around repeatedly, though when the music starts he settles back into his seat, and his demeanor calms slightly. He doesn't seem particularly interested or disinterested in any of the pieces played; instead, he just simply seems to be listening and taking in the music.

Well, I coulda picked a better seat. Gonna hafta get used to th' taller things up here...

"Relax, mate, I've got a ticket."

Traubon nods, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the kobold. "Aye." He says quietly.

That was certainly strange. These sunwalkers don't like bein' talked to by strangers, odd 'ow he talked ta me...

When the lights go out, the dwarf smiles slightly, reminded for a short moment of his subterranean home. However, upon realizing that this isn't standard procedure, he takes a quick look around. When he hears the woman screaming, he quickly jumps to his feet.

"What th' hell is goin' on 'ere!" He calls out, his accent thick and harsh. He quickly looks to where the kobold had been sitting, and upon his lack of seeing him there, Traubon looks to the others in the aisle.

"Anyone know what's goin' on 'ere?"


Living EN World Judge
OoC: Wearing Swords, two daggers in boots, no armor.

Bringing up Accurate Strike as a reaction to the scream, in case there was an attack of some sort, Quintus jumps to his feet, his training taking hold and moves towards the location <Listen +4> of the outburst, his pale grey coat (with matching hair-ribbon) and green hose looking out of place with the grim expression on his face.


First Post
WHERE are the girls?

Thaern sighs inwardly when he sees the position of his seat, noting immediately the great distance to any potential marks. Well, perhaps upon leaving when they are crowding the exits. If I'm not too occupied with ... other things. [grin] A nice necklace, though, lady.

So, come on. Show yourself! I really gotta check the merchandise ahead. [grin]


The concert begins and Thaern realizes to his horror that he has been had. Badly.

Curses on you, Marsten, you son of a kewa! I bet you and the others are having a good laugh at my expense back at the Waterfront. But just you wait ...

I wonder how anyone can stand that infernal wailing. Bah, they even seem to like it. I really should have brought the plugs, but as usual, when you need something ...


The darkness and the scream shock him into action, his hands going for Left and Right, cunningly hidden within his high boots. Just short of drawing them, Thaern releases his grip on the weapons and lets them slide back into their hiding places.

Yeah, just what I need. The light goes back on and I stand there wielding two swords. Sure.

Think, man! You just can't afford to attract any special attention, especially not with those bluecoats around.

So, what's with the shuffle going on here, guys? Don't you have anything better to do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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