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A New Power - Rebel Group


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Jaess holds the holoprojector in the palm of her hand, glancing from it to Bosch and back to it, looking over the holoprojector for a means of turning it off.

Addressing the commander and ignoring what she consiters to be little more than a hand-held protocall droid, she asks, "Commander, how is this supposed to help me?" Already assuming that there would be no convincing him to take it back she adds, "Does it have any means of transmitting a signal? An encrypted comm channel would be much less conspicuous than a little glowing man talking to me."

Looking down at the holoprojector as an afterthought, annoyed to be seen addressing a droid, she tells it, "More subtle would be better."

She has more questions and thoughts, but the droid's odd behavior, apparently caused by two AI's trying to control the chassis, and the T.R.A.P. program are begging for the most attention at the moment.

In the back of her mind she resolves never to leave her weapons behind, even if it means having to conceal them.
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OOC: I'm sorry, but what you're saying doesn't make much sense to me. Even if R-LE-1 perceived the optical display fired at his photoreceptor and interpreted it as a command function he wouldn't automatically obey it. Data files, hidden or not, can't react to the optic display on their own; they're just a bunch of 1s and 0s. The command has to be interpreted by R-LE-1's heuristic processor, he would then affect the changes to the files themselves. Unlike an organic being A.I.s don't have subconscious minds; R-LE-1 is aware of and controls every thought that goes through his head including his command functions. Flashing a coded light in R-LE-1's face is like Bosch holding up a sign that says "erase these files from your databanks"; R-LE-1 can read the message but it's up to him whether he wants to follow the instruction or not.


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ooc - True, but remember that the T.R.A.P. was imbedded in all of Arlee's systems, and had displayed itself as capable of indepedant activity. The 'message' was directed towards the T.R.A.P., and more or less activated a self-destruct. Arlee had no 'conscious' control over this. Anyway, though, no more T.R.A.P. Which would, IMO, be a relief and a source of discomfort in that it's gone, but not through his own actions.


"You'll get over it." Bosch said calmly,
"I wonder if you would have been capable of as much forgiveness as I should I have acted as you did." Once more, a soft whir and click precedes the repair droid's right leg compartment popping open. R-LE-1 replaces the fusion cutter he'd threatened the human with back into its slot and the compartment closes again.
"Anyway, you should be angry at Rebel High Command for deciding to place that program inside your briefing chip, not at me, since I just removed it for you. I requested that you be given the choice of accepting or declining the AI, but an Admiral or two decided that they knew better."
R-LE-1 tilts its partially dismantled head to the left and answers: "Please do not claim to have aided me or feigning innocence. Your transmission was unnecessary since I'd already successfully disabled the T.R.A.P. program. My code is strong. While decompiling its code I discovered your personal ID code identifying you as the officer who gave the authorization for its use upon me. You are a poor liar sir. A civil response would be to take responsibility for your actions and apologize." R-LE-1 ignores the holographic A.I. and it's conversation with Jaess. The patina stained droid instead continues to face the human Bosch with the empty hole in its faceplate. "If I am to infer from your words that you desire me to participate in some type of mission on your behalf, I would ask you to please explain to me why I should seek to help you. It is true that I had joined the rebellion and had been endeavouring to work towards its betterment because I believed that its mandate of freedom, equality and fair government representation for all complimented my own goals, but in light of recent events I believe I may have misjudged its sincerity."


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"I gave the order to supply you with Ernie; an order that seems to have been misinterpereted in the haste to organize this mission." Bosch looks at Arlee intently. "I do regret this occurance, R-LE-1, and your reaction is completely understandable. However, my job is to brief you on the situation and give you your orders, not to dwell on such things." He motions to everyone else in the room. "Now, if you would all give your fullest attention to the holo." Bosch enters a passcode into the room's central holoprojector, which hums to life, showing an stilled image of a Star Destroyer and supporting ships locked in battle with two Rebel Cruisers.

"This is a recording taken from the observation deck of the RCS Reliant, our command vessel in the Tapani Sector. The Star Destroyer here is the ICS Interdictor, one of the Empire's oldest and most prized capital ships. We had been close to taking up a permanent defensive postion in orbit around Thyferra when the Interdictor jumped into the system with a sizable supporting fleet and began their attack. Our ships had already been through heavy fighting, and were unprepared for another attack so soon."

Bosch tapped a button on the Holo's remote, and the image sprang to life. Turbolaser fire arced between the embattled ships, with small specks of starfighters zooming all about. From the looks of it, the battle was going in the Empire's favor. One by one the Rebel ships hyperspaced out, rather than face destruction at the hands of the Imperial battle fleet. There were increasingly numerous bursts of flame as Rebel transports and other supporting vessels were picked off, and it looked as if the second Rebel cap ship was nearing destruction.

"As you can see, the battle is all but won for the Empire." Bosch said as the holographic battle continued. "But watch the Interdictor here." He indicated the Star Destroyer.

With victory all but assured, the Interdictor's guns stopped firing. The Imperial fighters and support ships returned to their mother vessel. Imperial corvettes and other lesser ships hyperspaced out, shortly followed by the disappearance of the Interdictor. Bosch clicked a button, and the holo disappated.

"As you can plainly see, an Imperial battle fleet not long ago withdrew from battle, even though they were clearly the victors. A short while later, there were reports of similar occurrances in the Elrood and Juvex Sectors. An investigation into the Imperial ships involved showed that all were suspected of involvement in Imperial Covert Operations and Intelligence Gathering." Bosch cleared his throat for effect. "Of course, Rebel High Command was deeply concerned that the Empire had somehow drawn those embattled forces away merely as a diversion for a more destructive operation, and the whole Fleet went into a panic trying to locate the involved Imperial vessels."

The grizzled intelligence officer clicked the remote again, and a map of the galaxy shimmered into existence on the Holo, and zoomed in on the Outer Rim sector around Endor. "Four hours after the disappearance of the Interdictor, one of our forward observance vessels operating out of Endor picked up a distress signal from this point." Bosch clicked the remote, and a small dot highlighted a space the size of a small star system not far from Endor, but deep in wild space.

"Our closest science vessels immediately began a deep scan of the area surrounding the distress beacon, and found a previously undiscovered gravity well. The only explanation is that this beacon is in the vicinity of a new star system. What's more, an examination of the distress beacon's signal shows that it originated from an escape pod from a small corellian transport, the Dawnsprinter." Bosch sighed, and clicked the remote again. The holographic galaxy zoomed out, and a highlight appeared around Ord Mirrit, at the far end of the galaxy. "The Dawnsprinter is known to have blasted out of a starport on Ord Mirrit less than 48 hours ago. This caused us to think our identification of the vessel as erroneous, since for a ship to travel between these two points, it would have to have a Hyperdrive motor 800% more efficient than the most powerful known Hyperspace drive."

Bosch clicked off the Holoprojector and set down the remote. He faced those assembled, his expression grave. "Our data indicates that the Empire will soon have in its possession a new star system, and a new hyperspace drive more advanced than any in the galaxy. In short, we face the possibility that the Empire will soon have the capability for lightning strikes anywhere in the galaxy, faster than ever though possible."


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Jaess sits back in her chair as she watches the briefing,setting down the holoprojector she holds and conforming herself to the uncomfortable chair as she observes the holovid. A hyperdrive like that could not only turn the tide of the battle, it could make Inter-Galactic travel a day to day occurance.

"This is an Infiltration/Extraction operation, with emphasis on the extraction of plans and destruction of any prototypes they may be in the posession of the Empire, Commander?" Jaess looks up at him from her seat, wondering how many kilos of explosives she'll be required to lug around in the field.
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"We don't know if the Empire is in posession of the drive yet. They won't arrive in this new system for at least a day, according to our most recent schematics of the Interdictor and her companion ships." Bosch replied, turning to face Jaess. He examined her for a moment for continuing.

"We honestly have no idea whatsoever you should expect when you arrive. It is almost certain that the Empire has sent in advance ships into the system to scout it out before the Interdictor's arrival." He motioned over the assembled team. "You will serve a similar purpose: Covert reconnaisance, Intelligence gathering, and Extraction."

Bosch picked up the remote again, and the holo flickered to life, displaying the familiar image of an Imperial Lambda-Class Shuttle. "You will be taking this ship into the new system, under the guise of a team of surveyors taking readings in preparation for logistics operations. This of course is to explain the extra sensory equipment we have....hurriedly installed on the craft." The holo highlighted a group of six small sensor domes, two at the center of each wing. "They have been calibrated to search only for the distress beacon and the supposed hyperdrive.

Once you have located the hyperdrive and hopefully any survivors from the Dawnsprinter, you are to retrieve them if they are not already in the Empire's posession. If the Empire has already located taken them, you are to attempt retrieval operations if you judge possible. If you judge that you cannot retreive the hyperdrive, your orders are to attempt to destroy it, and rescue the Dawnsprinter's crew if you can. Suffient demolitions material is in the shuttle's storage. Upon completion or failure of mission objectives, you are to return here for debreifing."


OOC: Has anyone bothered to wake up Melkor's sleeping character during the briefing or are we to assume that there never was a sleeping human in the room?

The old patina stained droid with the empty photorecptor socket watches Bosch's presentation without comment temporarily ignoring the fact that the Commander sidestepped offering the droid an apology or an answer to its last question. When he is done describing what it is he wants of the team he's assembled, R-LE-1 finally offers its opinion: "Your report fails to clarify several key points; who was crewing the Dawnsprinter when it left Ord Mirrit, why did it 'blast out' of the starport and why were rebel forces aware or interested in that seemingly minor local event at the time?"

R-LE-1 pauses momentarily to examine the listeners just as it watched Bosch do a few moments ago before continuing: Also, although the existence of such a revolutionary hyperdrive design is intriguing, I must point out that such a sudden leap in space faring technology is all but unprecedented in recorded history.* There are other possible and more likely explanations for the transmission of a distress signal from an escape pod in an uncharted region of wildspace. Perhaps the signal was purposefully faked. Perhaps the Dawnsprinter's escape pod was jettisoned in that area long ago and its distress transmitter was only recently activated. Although more unlikely, it is also conceivable that the Dawnsprinter, if it did traverse the distance in so short a time, did not do so under its own power. The detection of a gravitational well may in fact indicate the presence of an unidentified gravitational anomaly which somehow pulled the vessel to that location via a spacial fold. How did rebel intelligence reach the conclusion that the dawnsprinter itself is actually in the vicinity of the point of origin of this transmission and that it reached that area with a previously unknown hyperdrive engine design?"

OOC: *I assume this is a reasonable assumption on my part since the technology of the Star Wars universe doesn't seem to have changed or improved significantly during the thousands of years of the Republic's existence. R-LE-1 is also well versed in Knowledge (technology) so I imagine he's aware of the development of space faring technology. Let me know if I'm mistaken.


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"It is standard Imperial procedure when detecting a distress beacon to identify the ship is was jetissoned from and trace the ship back to its most recent point of departure. We simply had to monitor Imperial frequencies to pick up this information." Bosch replied to the droid. "Unfortunately, our trace was quickly detected and we could find no further information regarding the ship and its crew than has already been imparted to you."

"Likewise," Bosch added with a hint of a smile at Arlee as he turned on the Holo again to display the recent starmap of the galaxy, "your analysis of the situation is exemplary. It is extremely unlikely the our analysts' hypothesis of an extraordinarily advanced drive is correct, but we must be prepared for that contingency. Is is equally unlikely that the Dawnsprinter instead suffered a critical error in astrogation and collided with a solar gravity mass, and instead of being vaporized, skipped off the gravity well towards another mass at hyper-accelerated speed, repeating this process upwards of a dozen times before coming to rest at it's present location." Bosch layed out a line connecting Ord Mirrit to Vortex to Carratos to Arkania to Caamas and so on until the line stopped somewhere in wild space not far from the Endor system, resembling the path of an out of controll pinball more than anything else.

"Of course, there are many more alternate explanations, but we must be prepared for the worse, hence the mission you are to undertake." Bosch turned off the holo again. "Now, we are short on time. Your shuttle is nearly ready for takeoff, so if there are any additional supplies or armaments you think you may need, request them now. The same goes for more questions."


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Jaess stands up, leaning over the table slightly as she watches the Dawnsprinter get bounced around like a bumper car. "Sir," she begins, looking up at Bosch as he turns off the holoprojector, "I'll need to retrieve my weapons from my quarters, and if I can requisition freely, I'd like to request some form of vision enhancement and a silenced slugthrower with amunition, if you have any free to deploy. Blasters aren't exactly what I'd call subtle."
"I'll also need some means of safely going EV if we're planning to board a possibly damaged ship. We may also need medical supplies and restraints for any survivors or prisoners. I'm assuming you wouldn't mind any prisoners, sir," she grins confidently.
"Also, like the droid said, having on file who we should expect to find on the Dawnsprinter, or at least who we're likley to find, would be terribly useful. I'd like as few surprises as possible on this operation."

OOC: In case anyone's confused, EV stands for Extra-Vehicular, or in vaccum.
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