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A Problem of Nobility or Things that go Bump in the Night (Covaithe Judging)


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"Aggghhh...there is no room to jump to and fight. So be it. I'm jumping anyway." As he prepares to do so he hears Georg's instructions and stops.

Kruk shout "Got it Georg. Go for it."

Kruk delays attack until after Georg.
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Georg concentrates on his flaming sphere, moving it behind the dragon. He opens his free hand towards their enemies and notices at the last moment Kruk is standing slightly ahead of him. He quickly changes his chant and instead of fire flying from his hands, a smaller shower falls on their foes.

[sblock=OOC]Okay, to be safe let's not hit any more allies with area spells.
Minor: sustain Flaming Sphere
Move: move the Sphere to M6
Standard: cast Scorching Burst at M6
1d20+4=8 (vs dragon Reflex) 1d20+4=22 (vs dragonborn2 Reflex) for 1d6+4=10 and sphere 1d4+4=8

Looks like a good hit on the dragonborn and good damage on the sphere for their next turns.

AC: 16 NAD:13/14/14
HP: 31/31 Surges: 9/9 Surge Value: 7 AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:10 Wis:14 Con:16 Int:18 Cha:10

Scorching Burst
Burning Hands
Second Wind
Flaming Sphere (used)


Carolina curses as she falls into the water, and climbs back out on the same side after the rest of the group moves to where she was going. Crossbow in hand, she moves to the end of the run and launches a volley of bolts at her enemies.

[sblock=Actions]Move to I9
Blinding Barrage (daily): 1d20+7=24 vs. Dragon, 1d20+7=21 vs. DB2 for 2d6+5=13 damage. If hit, the targets are blinded until the end of Carolina's next turn. Half damage on a miss.

The roll results should be 22 and 19 after concealment penalties.


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a small little dwarf can fit on that ledge at k7 can he? :)

sure he can!

If not Renau1g, I redo my post. Who knows, maybe I'll land in the sewage anyway.

"Kruk, seeing that everyone is on the other side of the sewer, screams "I'm not gonna sit here and watch you guys have all of the fun!"

He takes a step and leaps..


movement: step back to G6: Running leap: Run from G6 to H7-I7, then leap to K7: Athletics check for the jump: 8
lands at J8 right in the middle of the sewer.


[sblock=OOC: Option 2: If the sewer is not deep here.]
movement: walk the last square to k7: Athletics Check to get out: 1d20+6=10
can't get out
minor: none
attack: tide of iron: 1d20+9=27
Damage: 1d10+5=15
free action: use thundering weapon
additional 1d8 thundering damage= 2 and NO PUSH

mark black dragon


"Ah black dragon, it seems my axe has taken a liking to you. Stop being a coward and fight me!"

[sblock=kruk's stats]
Adverse Condition: none
Initiative: +1
Kruk- Male Dwarf Fighter Level 2
*Passive Insight 13
*Passive Perception 13
*Senses low light vision
*HP 42
*Bloodied 21 Surge Value 10; Surges Per-Day
*AC =22
*Fortitude 17 Reflex 13 Will 13 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
+armor bonuses: resist 5 fire & resist 5 necrotic
*action Points: USED
*Second Wind: 1
basic attack:+1 Thundering Battleaxe: To Hit: +9: Damage 1d10+5: additional 1d6 for a crit
*At will: Cleave, Tide of Iron
*Encounter: Passing Attack :
*Daily Standard: Comeback Strike:
*Daily Minor: Unstopable:
*Daily Free Action: Thundering Weapon (Deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage on a hit and push the target 1 square.) USED
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Xoc moves to aid raiyek. "Raiyek, awaken to fight another day. Get up now and cleans this evil from this place. Show them the wrath of a mad palidan!" He then waits for an opprotunity to be in position to fight the foes next round.

movement: move to I9
minor: inspiring word on Raiyek: Raiyek spends healing surge and get an extra 1d6 = 4


[sblock=xoc stats]
Xoc- Male Orc Warlord Level 1
Adverse Condition: None
Initiative: +2
*Passive Insight: 9
*Passive Perception: 9
*Senses: low light vision
*HP 26
*Bloodied 13 Surge Value 6; Surges Per-Day 9
*AC = 16
*Fortitude 15 Reflex 13 Will 14 Speed 6
**action Points:1
*Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack: Broadsword +6 vs. AC 1d10+4 damage
Ranged Basic: Handaxe +6 (1d6+4) (ranged)
At will: Opening Shove, Viper’s Strike
Encounter: Nimble Footwork, Inspiring Word (2: Both Used), Warrior’s Surge
Daily Standard: Lead the Attack
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Sewer's not deep here

So you'll be at HSV+4 hp, but still prone on your turn

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=ooc]It's my turn, right?
First, take 5 ongoing acid damage.
Death Save (1d20=19) safe for another round.
Save vs. ongoing acid and -4 AC (1d20=17) and no more burny acid. Yay!

Ouch is right, Tinwe. I should've done some healing last round ...

So, what's the plan for getting Raiyek conscious again? It looks like I'm the only source of healing left other than 2nd winds and potions, now that Xoc used his last inspiring word, so I'll start playing healer now. If someone can revive me before my next turn, I'll start to throw some surges out to Grim and myself, unless someone else gets beaten on between now and then. Did we pick up any potions over the course of this adventure? Raiyek has 1 that he bought beforehand, does anyone else have any potions?

Tactics: We should spread out as much as possible so the dragon can't get more than one of us in that breath weapon. We should pick one enemy to focus fire on and take them down as soon as possible to reduce the amount of incoming damage.

Dimsdale: If Xoc could drop Lead the Attack on the dragon as soon as possible that would help us immensely. His next turn would probably be a good time since the dragon will be blinded, which means he won't need to flank to get the +2 attack for combat advantage. Xoc does have +8 Athletics, so jumping or swimming into position shouldn't be too difficult.

Here's my estimate of how much damage each of the baddies have taken (including flaming sphere damage at the beginning of their next turns):
Dragon: 58
DB1: 7
DB2: 105

If DB2 isn't dead yet he's very close, so I say we throw a few more attacks his way to finish him off, then focus on the dragon. Thanks to Carolina, DB2 and the dragon are blinded until the end of her next turn, so now would be a good time to hammer on them. Thoughts, everyone?[/sblock]
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