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A Problem of Nobility or Things that go Bump in the Night (Covaithe Judging)


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Well this stinks. I was under the assumption that Grim was the only one down. I didn't know that Raiyek was also. Had I known that I would have had Xoc do the inspiring word to raiyek, then raiyek could have healed Grim on his next turn. Sorry everyone. I misread the post.

Renau1g, I know this is a stretch, but since Grim hasn't gone yet, is there any chance that I can edit Xoc's action post so that raiyek gets the inspiring word, not grim? :eek:

Also, Raiyek, would you like to take over Xoc's actions from here on out?

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First Post

Grim, hang in there, healing is coming. :)

thanks renau1g...Editing Xoc's last post now for Raiyek getting the inspiring word instead of grim

Lord Sessadore

As Xoc's rousing shout brings Raiyek out of his temporary lapse of consciousness, a muttered prayer to Palladys falls out of his lips. Golden light stitches together some of the damage caused by their draconian enemies, and the paladin stands. "You spoke too soon, dragon. You won't have won this fight while any of us are still breathing!" Suddenly reinvigorated, he shifts closer to the dragon, between it and Grim's unconscious form. "Palladys smite you, evil beast!" the elf shouts as he plunges his blade towards its scaled side, and his goddess' power reaches down and heals some of Grim's wounds in reward for the mighty strike.
[sblock=ooc]Sure, dimsdale, I can take over running Xoc. My pleasure :) I'll start by doing Total Defense for Xoc's unused standard action for this round ;)

Regain 8+4=12 hp from Xoc's inspiring word.
Take 5 ongoing acid damage.

Minor: Lay on Hands on myself, healing 8 hp.
Move: Stand up.
Standard: sub for move, shift to M7
AP: Paladin's Judgment on the dragon: 1d20+7+2=23 vs. AC, 3d10+3+4=25 damage. On a hit or miss, Grim gets to spend a healing surge.

For completeness, reposting my save:
Save vs. ongoing acid and -4 AC (1d20=17) and no more burny acid. Yay!

Your turn, Grim. Hit 'em hard ;) Or heal yourself, since the ongoing damage kicks in after this healing ...[/sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 2
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:21, Fort:16, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP: 15/33, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges Left:9/11
Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: available
Valiant Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands (2/3)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Elven Accuracy, Hunter's Quarry
Paladin's Judgment, Martyr's Blessing
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]
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First Post
Grim's eyes flutter open again, and he stumbles to his feet before almost collapsing again as acid burns his flesh. He leans heavily on the hilt of his sword, saying "Thanks for the hand. I just need a moment to catch my breath!"

Grim is at 7/30 after the LoH, but drops to 2/30 at the start of his turn.
Move: Stand from prone
Standard: Second wind (heal 7, +2 to defenses EoNT)
Minor: Quarry dragon
Save vs. ongoing (1d20=17)[/sblock]
Grim is at 9/30 hp and is bloodied

Grim: Male Bugbear Ranger 1
Low-light Vision
HP: 30 Bloodied: 15 Surge Value: 7 Surges/day: 4/7
AC: 16 NAD: 15/14/12 Speed:6
AP:0 Second Wind: Used

Basic Attack: Bastard Sword (large) +7 vs AC 1d12+4 damage

Hunter's Quarry
Twin Strike
Hit and Run

Predatory Eye
Off-hand Strike

Jaws of the Wolf[/sblock]


First Post
Georg concentrates on his flaming sphere, moving it behind the dragon. He opens his free hand towards their enemies and notices at the last moment Kruk is standing slightly ahead of him. He quickly changes his chant and instead of fire flying from his hands, a smaller shower falls on their foes.

"Kruk, seeing that everyone is on the other side of the sewer, screams "I'm not gonna sit here and watch you guys have all of the fun!"

He takes a step and leaps, landing with a *Splash* as the sewage again covers the dwarf. He moves towards the dragon, ignoring the smell and slashes hard with his thunder axe, drawing a nice wound in the dragon's side.

"Ah black dragon, it seems my axe has taken a liking to you. Stop being a coward and fight me!"

As Kruk swings at the dragon, the dragonborn slashes out with his bastard sword causing a minor wound in the dwarf. "You shall not harm the master!" it says to Kruk.

Carolina curses as she falls into the water, and climbs back out on the same side after the rest of the group moves to where she was going. Crossbow in hand, she moves to the end of the run and launches a volley of bolts at her enemies. The dragon roars in anger as the bolt causes a wound just above her eye, while the dragonborn is struck right through its left eye and into the soft gray matter behind. It falls to the ground and its weapon clatters into the sewage.

Xoc moves to aid raiyek. "Raiyek, awaken to fight another day. Get up now and cleans this evil from this place. Show them the wrath of a mad palidan!" He then waits for an opprotunity to be in position to fight the foes next round.

As Xoc's rousing shout brings Raiyek out of his temporary lapse of consciousness, a muttered prayer to Palladys falls out of his lips. Golden light stitches together some of the damage caused by their draconian enemies, and the paladin stands. "You spoke too soon, dragon. You won't have won this fight while any of us are still breathing!" Suddenly reinvigorated, he shifts closer to the dragon, between it and Grim's unconscious form. "Palladys smite you, evil beast!" the elf shouts as he plunges his blade towards its scaled side, and his goddess' power reaches down and heals some of Grim's wounds in reward for the mighty strike.

As you swing, the dragonborn still standing takes a swipe at Raiyek, but the weapon bounces off the paladin's back. The dragon falls to the ground as his bodyguard fails in its bid to protect her.

Grim's eyes flutter open again, and he stumbles to his feet before almost collapsing again as acid burns his flesh. He leans heavily on the hilt of his sword, saying "Thanks for the hand. I just need a moment to catch my breath!"

The black-scaled dragonborn roars as the dragon falls from the air, he opens his mouth and unleashes a gout of acid at Kruk, Raiyek, and Grim. It slashes at the paladin and after that bounces off Raiyek's shield, tries again with similar results.

*If you don't have low light vision the enemies are treated as having concealment (from the dim light)
**Georg hits DB 1 for 10 dmg
***Raiyek & Grim hit for 7 acid damage from dragon breath from DB1. It attacks Raiyek, missing 20 AC, then AP's missing again... Grrr*

*Well that ended quicker than I expected*

Status: Dragon - dead
DB 2 - dead


Carolina - 21
Raiyek - 20
Grim - 20
Georg - 12 < - You're up.
Kruk - 13 (delayed)
Xoc - 12

Illumination: The moss coating the ceiling fills the room with dim illumination
Ceiling: The ceiling is 20' high
Sewage: Still difficult terrain, requires athletics check DC 14 to climb out of it
Rubble: (M,N 5,6) - Difficult terrain, but leads into water. Can get out of sewage here without athletics check.

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First Post
Grim glares at the Dragonborn "Really? With the acid again?" I'll not be sorry to see your twice cursed corpse breath its last!" and swings, hard, and keeps swinging.
Minor: Quarry DB1
Standard: Twin Strike (1d20+7=22, 1d12=6, 1d20+7=22, 1d12=7, 1d6=2)
Move: sub Minor: Off Hand Strike (1d20+7=26, 1d12+4=16)

Not quite a crit, Dimsdale, but it's still max damage on that last swing. :D[/sblock][sblock=stats]
Grim is at 2/30 hp and is bloodied

Grim: Male Bugbear Ranger 1
Low-light Vision
HP: 30 Bloodied: 15 Surge Value: 7 Surges/day: 4/7
AC: 16 NAD: 15/14/12 Speed:6
AP:0 Second Wind: Used

Basic Attack: Bastard Sword (large) +7 vs AC 1d12+4 damage

Hunter's Quarry
Twin Strike
Hit and Run

Predatory Eye
Off-hand Strike

Jaws of the Wolf[/sblock]


First Post
I moved your quarry last turn to the DB1 as the dragon was already dead. You still have either a minor or move action if you'd like

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