A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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The old man brings you into the back room of the tavern and spends a few minutes casting a spell after gesturing for you to have a seat.

[sblock=Arcana DC 17]
The spell is known as Eavesdropper's Folly, a warding effect that helps block others from listening in.

After the spell is cast the man smiles and says "There, we should be all set. So you all seem to have rather unique talents and I'm quite confident in the outcome of this expedition, oh but wait yes I've gotten ahead of myself. I represent a certain group who have authorized me to contract a group of adventurer's who are independent from the group to undertake this mission. I'm not sure if you've heard the latest news in the Screamer, but despite the ridiculous claims of that rag there is always an element of truth to it. A piece of the heavens has indeed crashed down here on our fair island and it's had all sorts of wild effects that we are just beginning to understand. We've divined that a certain item was uncovered by the crash of this meteor. We've long searched for the tomb of a sorcerer who specialized in harnessing the magic of the earth. There is an item that we require from this location, it is a staff that has the ability to add the power of the earth to its wielder. I am authorized to give a reward of 150 gold crowns for each of you if you return it to me. So what say you?" Ezren long-windedly says.

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Crag walks into the room before Ezren gave his long speech and sits in the chair. Listening to the details of the mission he tried, once again, to get in contact with Terra. Is this what she wanted? If the staff had the power to harness the earth, and it was the same staff from his visions only minutes ago, was he supposed to get the staff and give it to this Ezren, or should it be destroyed?

"I accept your proposal. I will seek out this earth staff." Crag purposefully left out the "for you." that should have ended his sentence, but only because he was not yet sure, as of yet, what he was supposed to do with this staff. Only time (and Terra) would tell...hopefully.


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Ingot follows shortly behind its fellow warforged. As it crosses the room, it nods at the githyanki and kobold. "I am called Ingot," it says. "I look forward to encountering new experiences alongside you."

In the back room, Ingot listens to Ezren's long dissertation attentively. When he concludes, after waiting to hear Crag's response, the priest says, "I will also undertake the mission. I have one question, as well. Do you believe this... 'meteor', you called it? Do you believe that this meteor uncovered the tomb just through coincidence, or might there be some sort of connection?"


Jax tarries in the main room for a minute as he waits for his food to be ready. He finally walks into the backroom while Erzen is casting his spell, a bowl of stew in hand. The kobold grumbles something about "No meat..."

After the speech, Jax says dejectedly "150 crowns? Is that all?" At the same time, his tail is wagging heavily.

[sblock=roll]That is such a lie by Jax as to maybe even require a bluff check. It's a ton of money for him. But he wants more!

Bluff (1d20+8=16)[/sblock]


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Rrek follows Ezren into the backroom, watching the spellcasting with interest but confusion warring with feigned disinterest as the spell ends.

He ignores the others as they enter the room, leaving against a wall away from the rest of the group.

"Who is this group? Why do they need us?" Rrek asks.
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Dorn watches admiringly as Ezren works his magic. Such discipline, such elegance in word and form, he thinks. By contrast, Dorn feels it is a near miracle that his own arcane power hasn't incinerated any of his allies. Dorn seems especially interested in the description of the magical staff. And a piece of the heavens! By the Gods, this is amazing stuff!

"I'm in!" Dorn says, perhaps a little too eagerly.


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In the back room, Ingot listens to Ezren's long dissertation attentively. When he concludes, after waiting to hear Crag's response, the priest says, "I will also undertake the mission. I have one question, as well. Do you believe this... 'meteor', you called it? Do you believe that this meteor uncovered the tomb just through coincidence, or might there be some sort of connection?"

"Yes, 'a piece of the heavens' is too unwieldy for long term discussions. We are currently unsure of exact nature of this meteor so I can't confidently say either way, but I have heard reports of all manner of strange behaviour resulting from its sighting." Ezren replies.

Jax tarries in the main room for a minute as he waits for his food to be ready. He finally walks into the backroom while Erzen is casting his spell, a bowl of stew in hand. The kobold grumbles something about "No meat..."

After the speech, Jax says dejectedly "150 crowns? Is that all?" At the same time, his tail is wagging heavily.

[sblock=roll]That is such a lie by Jax as to maybe even require a bluff check. It's a ton of money for him. But he wants more!

Bluff (1d20+8=16)[/sblock]

insight (1d20 9=10)

The mage seems oblivious to the excited wagging tail and even seems swayed by the kobold's words. "Very well, I can offer you 175 gold crowns, but can go no higher" Ezren says, somewhat begrudgingly.

Rrek follows Ezren into the backroom, watching the spellcasting with interest but confusion warring with feigned disinterest as the spell ends.

He ignores the others as they enter the room, leaving against a wall away from the rest of the group.

"Who is this group? Why do they need us?" Rrek asks.

"I am not authorized to reveal the exact name or nature of the group I represent. They need you because of the diverse talents offered by such a party and the staff may not be unguarded so your skills with combat will also be useful." Ezren says

"I accept your proposal. I will seek out this earth staff." Crag purposefully left out the "for you." that should have ended his sentence, but only because he was not yet sure, as of yet, what he was supposed to do with this staff. Only time (and Terra) would tell...hopefully.

"I'm in!" Dorn says, perhaps a little too eagerly.

"Thank you." the wizard says simply.


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"Excellent, just need our koboldian friend here to throw his hat into the ring and we'll be ready to go on with the directions" Ezren says anxiously.

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