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A Simple Errand (DM:renau1g, Judge: covaithe)


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[sblock=Nature check][20,1] = (21)[/sblock]

Thinking quickly Finch reaches into his pouch of freshly picked herbs, sprinkling a few leafs and flowers over himself as he yells to the dragon,

"Have you ever tried Elf's Bloodflower? I hear the taste is tantalizing!"

Finch glances at Jax as if he just remembered his near-miss.

"Sorry about that! Seems my aim is a little off today!"
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Dorn is still in shock from Rrek's parting when the dragon appears and attacks. Dorn staggers from dragon's breath, his eyes unable to make sense of the swirling mass of sand around him.

"Is everyone ok?" Dorn shouts over the storm. Dorn hesitates, not wanting to harm himself in the sandstorm.Time to slow this beastie down, he thinks. He lobs a bolt of frozen energy near where he last saw the dragon, hoping it will explode into the beast (Ice Dragon's Teeth hits Refex 17 - it is an area attack so no line of sight needed. If hit, does 24 cold damage with furious assault and slows dragon TENT. I suspect it missed, though...). Instinctively, Dorn calls forth a dark shroud, enclosing the area around him in protective cover (Dark shroud - Dorn's square and all squares adjacent are heavily obscured)

Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 3
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 17 (base defenses)
HP 19/32 Bloodied 16 Surge Value 8, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +8
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
Wild Soul: Cold (resist 5, ignore 5 enemy resistance)
Dark Shroud

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
USED Deep Shroud
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

1x potion of healing


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Jeeze, Reklaw, next time you switch characters do you think you can avoid triggering a dragon attack??? ;)

Finch should have had the dragon marked when it used its breath weapon, don't know if you accounted for that or if it would have made any difference for Dorn...

I'll post a move later tonight.[/sblock]


First Post
Forgot that, but I don't think it matters. As an aside, can you please note if you mark Reklaw. I'd prefer not to assume each attack you mark the foe (just in case you don't want to mark Crag's mark off)


Oh as an aside, this is my first dragon fight in 4e (well first real dragon) so we'll see how it goes.


First Post
[sblock=RE:Marking]Will do! Sorry about that, tend to forget about marking! Dragon fights are interesting. One strategy I was reading about with dragons was the ability to make them an ongoing opponent instead of making them a kill-and-move-on type of foe.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Evil Idea]
Yes the idea of having a recurring villian, especially a dragon (and perhaps the gith at a later date) seems especially fun :devil:

He's only a young right now, wait until he's an adult... time works different in different planes so he can age faster


First Post
[sblock=Nature check]Nature check (1d20+2=7)[/sblock]

"This dragon is a different color than the ones we've fought before!" Ingot points out just before getting caught in the blast of hot sand. "Different breath weapon, too," it chokes out.

Fighting its way out of the scouring sands, the warforged circles around the dragon, muttering a prayer to Vulkar as it goes. It focuses for a moment, and the holy symbol on its chest rotates and clicks as its fullblade is covered with radiant light. Ingot chops with the blade, trying to penetrate the dragon's tough, armored hide.

Even as it follows through with the swing, its holy symbol rotates another half-turn. The "click" as it settles into place seems extra loud. Ingot pivots on a metal heal and whirls the blade with a quick motion. It seems like a clear miss... but the blade cuts the air in front of the dragon's chest with an echoing "CRRRAAACK"! The blast of air and sound slams into the dragon, battering it and throwing it back, where it lands awkwardly. As a finishing touch, acid sprays off the magic fullblade, burning into the beast's skin.

"Obviously you have not heard of our group," Ingot taunts the dragon. "We are considering taking the name 'Wyrmling Slayers'!"

(Ingot is still working on his taunts.)

[sblock=Actions]Take 5 damage from sand zone; hp now 19/37.

Move: U22->T23->S23->R23->Q22. (avoids attacks of opportunity)

Free: Divine Fortune (+1 next attack)

Free: Spend AP (+1 attacks & defenses TENT, Veteran's Armor)

Standard (AP): Healing Strike. (1d20+9+1+1=21, 2d12+5=17) I'm guessing that doesn't hit, but it might be close... if it's a hit, Ingot will spend the surge (+3 for +12 hp total). Also if it's a hit, Ingot marks the dragon. But if some warden or fighter or somebody wants to overwrite the mark, be my guest. :)

Standard: Split the Sky. vs. Fort (1d20+9+1=27, 1d12+5=17) Woot, that looks like a hit, max damage as well! Thunder damage if it matters... Ingot also gets to push the dragon 2 squares and knock it prone. Push two squares to the northeast, I think.

Free: use Acidic Fullblade's daily power to add 5 ongoing acid damage.

Phew, big turn! It'll be nice if that healing strike actually hit... if not, Ingot may want to use a healing word on itself.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ingot stat block]Ingot- Neuter Warforged Cleric 3
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC:19 + 1, Fort:15 + 1, Reflex:12 + 1, Will:17 + 1 -- Speed:5
HP:19/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/9
(healing pending on result of attack - 31/37 if HS hit)
Initiative 0
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers: Sacred Flame, Righteous Brand, Healing Word(x2), Healing Strike, Split the Sky, Avenging Flame, Armor of Faith, Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune/Turn Undead), Warforged Resolve, Acidic Fullblade, Acidic Fullblade


Jax raises an arm to shield his eyes from the intense sandstorm. He stumbles forward a few paces, knocking into Dorn as he goes, until he finally emerges into safety. In those few seconds of movement, a layer of molting scales was already torn from his hindquarters. Jax opens his eyes and sees that the dragon has changed his position - and is lying on his belly! Realizing the opportunity, the kobold scurries forward to the dragon and hacks away at its frontside.

After the attacks, Jax turns his head back to the sandstorm and calls out, "Crag! Its neck is wide open! Come help me!"

ooc: You'll get bonus damage if you do. ;)

[sblock=actions]Move: Walk to R20, via X20->W20->V20->U20->T20->S20->R20. Take 5 damage from the sand, so 28/23 hp.

Standard: Piercing Strike hits Reflex 28 for 16 damage. The dragon is prone, so Jax has CA.

AP-Standard: Sly Lunge hits (or probably misses) AC 20 for 16 damage. Note that I applied Sneak Attack to the Piercing Strike, so this attack gets an extra 1d6 damage (included).

Minor: Sneak in the Attack. "Until the start of Jax's next turn, the next ally who hits the target and has combat advantage against it deals 2d8+3 extra damage."

(free): If Jax happened to bloody the dragon, he'll use his free action daily. I don't think that's happened yet unless the dragon is made of cardboard, so I won't roll.[/sblock][sblock=Jax stat block]Jax- Male Kobold Rogue 2
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 17
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:28/33, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Second Wind


Clever Strike
Piercing Strike
Sly Lunge
Sneak in the Attack
Press the Advantage
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[sblock=Confused about positioning...] If Ingot was at Q22 (one square NE of the Dragon), how could the dragon be pushed 2 squares NE? Don't pushes have to move a creature away from you? [/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]I think it's legal, because each square moved is increasing the distance to the east. The total distance between Ingot and the dragon goes up by one with each square moved, it doesn't matter if it's not increasing along the north/south axis. That's how we play it in our home game at any rate.[/sblock]

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