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A Simple Job (Erekose13 Judging)


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Seeing one of the opponents drop down to melee range, Calren dropped his boomerang and grabbed his Sharash from its sheath on Ghostsnout's side. With a whooping battlecry, he urged Ghostsnout in the bandit's direction, stabbing upward at the bandit when directly underneath him.

[sblock=OOC]I'm not even going to bother with the 'Guide With Knees' check anymore unless you really want it. I just realised I cant really fail a DC 5 :lol:

Guiding Ghostsnout to directly under the bandit.
Using move action to grab Sharash (Dropping Boomerang)
Attack with Sharash (Reach) 1d20+4=13
Damage 1d8+3=10

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Round 3

(For you guys on mounts, your PC is in the upper left-hand corner of the mount's squares.)

Thral'k's shot is way on the mark for bandit #1 as he moves closer, but the shot does minimal damage.

Irrianaer's crossbow shot misses the mark completely.

Calren urges his dinosaur mount to move and his sharash strike misses.

Swift jumps into action and fires a shot at the bandit M.C. Longbow shot (w/ skirmish) (1d20+5=21, 1d8+2+1d6=9)

Bandit #1 floats down to the ground.

Combat over.

Thral'k 20 (full hp)
Irrinaer 16 (full hp)
Calren 15 (full hp)
Swift 14+ (full hp)
Benedict 14 (full hp)
Bandits 13 (#1 down pwned, #2 pwned)


First Post
"How is Hubble?" asks Benedict, putting back his chain at his belt. He jump back in teh wagon and grab his bow before looking at Hubble. "I wonder what they wanted. Generally, if they want the stock, you take down the guard, not the rider. What are we carrying?" he asks to Swift.


First Post
Calren guided Ghostsnout back over the recent combat area to recover his tossed boomerangs. Giving Ghostsnout a stay command, he used his Sharash for balance and dismounted, landing near one of the bandits. He quickly checked to see if the bandit was still breathing and searched the body. "Do we want to keep any of them alive if they're still breathing?"
Search 1d20+2=16


First Post
"Yes. Try what you can, but if you can't save any of them, don,t feel too sorry, either. What is interesting, is the knowledge." tells Benedict as he kneels next to Hubble. He looks this state. "I am not quite good at first aid. You have any skill in it?" he asks to Swift.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The lizardfolk scout spits. "If sssoft ssskin payer isss dead, job isss over." It starts looking over the items that are visible in the carts to see if any are worth picking over before the job ends.


"Master Hubble will be ok. He is unconscious but stable, and now I will attend to him," Swift says as he puts his bow away and retrieves another potion. He feeds the potion to Hubble, who becomes conscious.

"We got the bandits sir," Swift says. "It looks like your help is competent."


On bandit #1:
m.w. light crossbow
16 bolts
m.w. leather armor

Gerald inspects the injured Fred. "Can someone help Fred?" he asks.

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