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A Warlock Alone, Island Empire solo game

J. Alexander

First Post
The Mask

"I would be honored sir, six it shall be"...For the heck of it Michaels will sense motive on the man
Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 7, getting [8,7] = (15) Sense

MIchael will then turn towards the group and say "I do beg your pardon gentlmen for being so rude, would anyone care to partaks of the remaining one or perhaps try a longtail."

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The Masque

Michael senses an earnestness in the man, no duplicity, but also that he doesn't really want to be here. He puffs contentedly again when a large darkhaired woman in what is likely a very expensive costume adorned with exotic feathers and precious stones approaches. "Vitorio, are you going to sit here puffing that disgusting thing all night or treat your wife properly and take me down to the grotto?" She produces a fan and opens it with a crisp flick of her wrist. She fans the accumulated smoke away. "Ug, I don't want my costume reeking of that foul swamp weed while I'm dancing with royalty. Do hurry up dear." She turns away and the man takes a final deep pull on the cigar and blows the smoke at her back with a mischievous grin. He takes out his scissors and snips the burning end and carefully stows the remaining half of the cigar. "Perhaps later he says wistfully, good evening gentlemen." He nods at Michael, "until tomorrow sir," and sets off after his wife. She is a little large, but still a handsome woman in her late 50's.


The Masque

OOC: Make a knowledge the sea or knowledge nobility and royalty roll.

A couple of other smokers take you up on your offer and gather around. "Poor guy. All that money and power and he still has to be led around by the nose." Another man laughs, "still can't find a woman to marry you eh Petros." The first speaker looks a little sheepish.

J. Alexander

First Post
The Mask

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 2, getting [16,2] = (18) Know - Sea

Michale will say his hands "Now gentlemen we all know that we can be terribley foolish and indulgent with those we love. I dare say there is not a man alive that has not been lead around by the nose at one point or another by a pretty lass." Michael will then finish take a few more puffs of his cigar and listen to the conversation. After taking the puffs, he will clip his cigar and replace it in his holder. In a self mocking manner he will say "Alas i have yet to develope the stamina to finish a complete one at one burning."


The Masque

Michael vaguely remembers hearing something about a Vitorio Latzarri. He is a minor noble, crewe leader and politition of some note in the Western Reach. His ships specialize is exotic goods from far ports--spices, foods, drink and so forth. The conversation continues about women and cigars for a while.

J. Alexander

First Post
The Mask

Michael will contiune with the conversation for perhaps another 10 mniutes, lisiting and catching names more than talking. After his self imposed time limit he will excsue himself and walk around. Finding a secluded spot he will open the link to the priestess and update he and ask her to right the names etc down. Providing nothing of signifance is going on aboard ship, Michael will continue to nose about for another ten minutes before heading to the line waiting to be transported to the grotto.

J. Alexander

First Post
The Mask

Michael will thank her for her vigliance and recommend that the ship maintain its alret status till 9 am or so but also cauting that the crew should not go into fatiguq. Michael will state "Something is afoot i am sure, I just do not know what"

Completing this task, Michael ill noise about and perhaps filrt with a pretty lady or two befor making his way to the line waiting transport in the carriages.


The Masque

There aren't as many ladies about as one might expect. At least not unescorted ones. Perhaps it is a factor of the location of the Masque? Trays of food and drink are both excellent quality. The costumes of the other party-goers range from the simple, like Michael's, to elaborate magically enhanced creations. You suspect a couple of people are using polymorph type magic as well.

J. Alexander

First Post
The Masque

Feeling much like the country cousion at a big city shindig, Michael will make his way towards the line, He will be polite to all but limit his conversation to pleaseantries etc, unless and obivious invite occurs to stray to other matters. Basically he will just listen to the gossip and try to get his bearing of the place as he makes his way to the grotto.

Voidrunner's Codex

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