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[Adult] Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, thread 2

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Okay, here it is, toned down and reworked. Comments? I think this one doesn't need to be scrapped and restarted.

The Passionate

"Some people think that pleasure is magic. They are fools. They take the most wonderful thing in the world and corrupt it in to a lesser state. We know better. Pleasure is a power unlike any other, and we are its masters."

The Passionate (always written with a capital P) are a loose organization of sexual cabalists who gain power from sexual contact directly, without using it to power sexual rituals or calling on the gods of pleasure. They tap directly in to the nascent power of the Elemental Plane of Eros, and can, through this power, become living emblems of the ideal of passion. They move faster, harder, and stronger. Their beauty is unmatched. Their touch can change someone forever. They are the warriors of love, passion, and lust.
The Passionate are divided in to four cults, each worshipping, and drawing power from, a different Incarna. In this manner, they are not dissimilar to Clerics. The Passionate gain slightly different powers depending on which Incarna they worship, and must undergo slightly different initiation rites to gain the favor of the Incarna. Despite this, all four cults of Passionate stick together, willingly (and frequently) having sexual contact with each other in order to fuel their abilities. Together, the Passionate are an imposing force, but alone they are vulnerable. Because of this, when traveling they frequent the company of like minded individuals, preferably powerful ones.
As an organization, the Passionate are generally concerned only with themselves. When they do become involved in a political situation, it is generally to undo some act that they believe to be an affront to their Incarna. Whenever a law dictates arranged marriage, the followers of Love will be there. Whenever young lovers turn away from their desire in fear of the consequences, the followers of Desire will be there. Whenever sex is deemed a sin outright, the followers of Lust will be there. Whenever the perverse or depraved deny their own minds for the fear of cruel punishment, the followers of Perversion will be there. They can't change the world overnight, but that doesn't stop them from trying.

Sexual Prowess: 8 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus (Sexual Prowess), Endurance
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Sex Tricks: Adaptive Lover (Any), Easy to Read, Intuitive Lover, Species Focus (Any)
Special: Must have visited the Elemental Plane of Eros and coupled with a Lust Elemental while there. It is highly recommended that this requirement not be waived under any circumstances.
Special: If a follower of Lust, the aspiring Passionate must have had sexual contact with at least four creature types or subtypes besides his own. If a follower of Desire, the aspiring Passionate must have the Sex Appeal feat. If a follower of Love, the aspiring Passionate must seduce and make love to a complete stranger twice in one day. If a follower of Perversion, the aspiring Passionate must have at least two distinct sexual perversions.

Class Features:
Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: As Cleric
Saving Throws: As Bard
Class Skills, Skill Points: As Monk + Sexual Prowess

Class Abilities by Level:
1st: Sex is Power, Sex Appeal, Passionate Heart
2nd: Sensual Touch
3rd: Heartwatch
4th: Perfect Touch
5th: Burning Heart
6th: Touch of the Passionate
7th: Dazing Beauty
8th: Pounding Heart
9th: Proxy of the Incarna
10th: Eyes of the Passionate

Sex is Power (Ex): The abilities of a Passionate are limited by the strength of their connection to the elemental plane of Eros. This connection is intensified and renewed by sexual contact between the Passionate and another thinking being, where sexual contact is defined as intimate physical contact ending in the orgasm of one or more parties.
All Passionate have an additional statistic measuring the strength of their connection to Eros, called Sexual Power Level, or SPL. Normally a Passionate's maximum SPL is their Passionate level, but there are feats that can raise it. SPL drains away at a constant rate of one SPL every two hours. Almost all of a Passionates special class abilities require that the character have an minimum number of SPL in order to use. For example, in order to use Perfect Touch, a Passionate must have at least 4 SPL. Passive abilities (such as Sex Appeal or Heartwatch) immediately wink out when their SPL requirements are no longer met.
Every time a Passionate has sexual contact, his SPL increases. The more people he has sexual contact with at once, and the higher his level, the more the SPL increases. From level 1 to 4, he gains 1 SPL for every person he has sexual contact with. For levels 5 to 8, this increases to 2 SPL per person, and 3 SPL for levels 9 to 10.
For example, if a Passionate were to have sexual contact with four people (besides himself) at eighth level, he would gain 8 SPL, refilling his SPL to maximum. It would decrease by one every two hours thereafter, until 16 hours later his SPL will have dropped to zero.

Sex Appeal (Su): At 1st level, a Passionate gains Sex Appeal as a virtual feat. If he actually has the feat Sex Appeal, the bonuses gained from that feat are doubled. This ability requires an SPL of at least 1.

Passionate Heart (Su): A Passionate gains a Competetence bonus to all sexual prowess checks equal to twice their SPL. Their reputation for being sexual dynamos is easily true.

Sensual Touch (Su): At 2nd level, a Passionate gains the ability to helplessly daze an opponent with his caress at will. As a standard action, he may make a melee touch attack that affects his target as the Daze cantrip unless they succeed at a Will save DC 10 + half your SPL + Cha modifier. This is a mind affecting effect. This ability requires an SPL of at least 2.

Heartwatch (Su): At 3rd level, a Passionate gains the ability to see a lifeforms sexual aura (or lackthereof) and its details. A Passionate can acertain the sexual orientation, level of sexual arousal, and all sexual perversions of any creature within 60 feet as a move equivalent action. This ability requires an SPL of at least 3.

Eros Strike (Su): At 4th level, a Passionate learns to channel his erotic energy in to a dangerously potent form. As a standard action once per hour, he can make a melee touch attack to caress a foe with his hand, sending a surge of eros energy through their bodies. The target must make a Will save DC 10 + half your SPL + Cha mod or fall unconscious for 10d6 minutes, during which they remain in a state of erotic dream. This ability requires an SPL of at least 4.

Burning Heart (Su): At 5th level, a Passionates erotic energy begins to infuse his very being, giving him an unflappable confidence and flair. They gain a +2 Enhancement bonus to their Charisma, become immune to fear, and gain a bonus equal to half their SPL (rounded down) to skill checks involving seduction, sexual innuendo, arousing one or more creatures, or insulting a creatures sexual adequacy, potency, or performance. This ability requires an SPL of at least 5.

Touch of the Passionate (Su): At 6th level, a Passionate is blessed by their patron Incarna, gaining the ability to permanently change those whom they make love to in to forms more pleasing to their masters. This ability can be suppressed or reactivated by the Passionate at will, and is activated by having sexual contact (as defined previously) with the target. Will save DC 10 + half your SPL + Cha mod to resist. All alterations last 1d4 days. This ability requires an SPL of at least 6.
Love: The target is filled with love, becoming one step less hostile towards all characters (Indifferent to Friendly, Friendly to Helpful.) Player characters are encouraged to role play this effect but suffer no other consequences.
Desire: The target immediately acquires the Sex Appeal feat if they didn't have it already.
Lust: The target immediately becomes cabable of being physically attracted to all genders and species, even ones wildly different from their own species, should the specific creature be considered attractive by its own species.
Perversion: The target immediately acquires a sexual perversion, chosen at random by either the random perversion table, the DM, or the relevent player.

Stunning Beauty (Su): At 7th level, a Passionate's beauty becomes so overwhelming that it can leave mortals breathless with awe. All targets within 30 feet of the Passionate who look directly at him are Stunned for 1 round unless they succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + half your SPL + Cha modifier.) Targets of this ability, whether they make their save or not, are immune to it for one day thereafter. If the Passionate has the Sex Appeal feat, the victims are Dazed for one round after being Stunned. This is a mind affecting effect. This power cannot be deactivated, but the Passionate can prevent others from seeing him using a heavy cloak or other highly modest garment. Creatures or characters who have grown accustomed to a Passionate with this ability (i.e., have been exposed to it on three distinct occasions) are immune to its effects - A Passionate's long term companions inevitably learn to cope, though there is no guarentee that they won't become jealous of the Passionate's beauty. This ability requires an SPL of at least 7.

Pounding Heart (Su): At 8th level, a Passionate becomes completely infused with erotic energy. Even his metabolism is primarily powered by erotic power. The Passionate no longer needs to eat or drink, and can hold his breath for five times as long as normal, although this gives him no special protection against crushing depths of water or the vacuum of space. Additionally, he gains a +2 bonus to Constitution as long as he's had sexual contact in the last thirty minutes. This ability is limited by Sex is Power like any other Passionate ability.

Proxy of the Incarna (Su): At 9th level, a Passionate becomes a Proxy for his patron Incarna, gaining the authority to command other Passionate and act as a representative of his Patron. Against all Passionate of your level or lower, as well as all other creatures with less HD than you who respect the authority of the Incarna, you gain a circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks equal to your SPL. Additionally, you always know what your patron Incarna would do in a given situation. This abilty does not require a minimum SPL.

Eyes of the Passionate (Su): At 10th level, a Passionate gains a potent gaze attack that he can activate and deactivate at will. This gaze attack exactly duplicates the effects of Touch of the Passionate, except that it is not rendered permanent by Proxy of the Incarna. It has a range of 30 feet. This power is usually accompanied by eyes that glow in a constantly shifting spectrum, but this can be suppressed by the Passionate should he so choose. This ability requires an SPL of at least 10.


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Combination repost/bump


"Love and pleasure," began Alrue, "Have a power all their own. They can fuel happiness. They can create life. To some - like me - they are magic. Learn to see the flow of love. Learn to breathe it, and to live it. Make it yours. Love is all you need."

- The eromancer is a mage who has tasted the flow of love and pleasure across the fabric of reality. A master of ritualistic sex magic, he can bestow great boons and heal horrible wounds with an intimate touch, creating magic through the sheer power of his erotic spirit. Frequently acting at odds with established authority, they're also blessed with skill for the roguish arts of running away, hiding, and looking good doing it. Although most eromancers were originally bards, who seem to have a natural affinity for the power of passion, wizards, sorcerors, clerics of the gods of pleasure, or powerful druids of certain primal sects also take this path occasionally.
- As PC's, eromancers usually serve to "buff" other party members before engaging in significant encounters using their sexual ritual magic, as well as occasionally serving as the charismatic "face" of the party. As NPC's, eromancers vary significantly depending on their previous class.
- Bardic eromancers are usually wanderers leaving a trail of broken hearts and jealous lovers as they go. Clerical eromancers are often found working secretly in nations under the control of conservative mores, shaking things up, often at great personal risk to themselves. Druidical eromancers, occasionally called "the primal," often serve as shamans for primitive cultures. Wizardly eromancers are often shy, bookish types looking to find something that they missed in their youth, while sorcerous eromancers often have always powered their spells with sheer erotic energy, attaining the peak of their sorcerous powers early in their teens.

- Prequisites:
- Alignment: Any Chaotic
- Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least three 2nd level spells, one of which must be Detect Thoughts, and the ability to cast Detect Magic.
- Sexual Prowess: 8 ranks.
- Spellcraft: 8 ranks.
- Feats: Sexual Ritual Magic, Aroused Casting
- Special: Must have engaged in sexual activity with a sentient partner while under the effect of a Detect Magic spell, or have observed two sentient partners engaged in sexual activity using a Detect Magic spell.

- Hit Die: d6
- Saving Throws: As Bard
- Base Attack Bonus: As Bard
- Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
- Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Move Silently, Perform, Sexual Prowess, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Tumble

- Special Abilties By Level
- 1st: Eros Focus
- 2nd: Master of Eromancy 1
- 3rd: Heartwatch
- 4th: Master of Eromancy 2
- 5th: Enduring Love
- 6th: Master of Eromancy 3
- 7th: Perfect Love
- 8th: Master of Eromancy 4
- 9th: Nexus Of Passion
- 10th: Master of Eromancy 5

- Spells Per Day
- 1st: +1 level of Bard
- 2nd: +1 level of Bard
- 3rd: -
- 4th: +1 level of Bard
- 5th: +1 level of Bard
- 6th: -
- 7th: +1 level of Bard
- 8th: +1 level of Bard
- 9th: -
- 10th: +1 level of Bard

Spells Per Day: Eromancers train in a form of magic very similar to that of Bards as they go up in level. On every level that isn't divisible by three, they are considered to gain one level of Bard for the purpose of learning new spells and spells per day only.

Eros Focus: The Difficulty Class for all saving throws for spells with the Erotic descriptor cast by you increases by +2. This doesn't stack with Spell Focus, or any other "Focus" feat.

Master of Eromancy: Because of your burning passion, you count as more than one participant for the purpose of Sexual Ritual Magic. Specifically, you count as your Master of Eromancy level +1. For example, a 4th level Eromancer counts as 3 participants for the purpose of Sexual Ritual Magic.

Enduring Love: You can apply the Extend Spell feat to Sexual Ritual spells that you cast even if you don't have that feat, although it increases the spell slot required normally. If you have the Extend Spell feat, you can apply it to your Sexual Ritual spells without increasing the level of the spell slot the spell requires.

Perfect Love: You can apply the Maximize Spell feat to Sexual Ritual spells that you cast even if you don't have that feat, although it increases the spell slot required normally. If you have the Maximize Spell feat, you can apply it to your Sexual Ritual spells without increasing the level of the spell slot the spell requires.

Nexus of Passion: The fire of your sexuality increasing to a glorious flame that inspires others to incredible new heights of love and desire. All participants in a Sexual Ritual spell that you cast are considered to have Master of Eromancy 1.


You can cast a spell as a sexual ritual, allowing you to cast a spell without losing it for the day.
Prerequisites: Aroused Casting
Benefit: You can cast a spell without expending it from your memorized spells (or spell slots per day in the case of spontaneous casters like the bard or sorceror) but you face some significant restrictions.
The spell can only be a beneficial spell, such as a healing spell or a spell that gives an enhancement bonus - It cannot cause damage, inflict negative levels, or otherwise cause harm. The DM's discretion may be necessary.
Second, the spells casting time is extended by one full hour, during which the sexual ritual orgy or lovemaking must take place. All participants much take part (I.E., make love, bang, screw, yiff, or whatever euphemism you prefer) from the beginning to the end of the hour, or they don't count for purposes of the number of participants in the ritual.
Third, your maximum caster level is limited to the number of participants in the ritual. For example, if you're casting a 2nd level Bard spell, which requires you to have a Caster Level 4, you'd need to have at least four participants in the ritual. This can also limit number of targets, variable healing or duration, and other such things. All participants must be completely willing to take part in the ritual in order to count, although magical coercion can be used.
A Sexual Ritual Spell takes up the same spell slot as the base spell, modified by any other metamagic feats.
Previous: This option for spellcasting is not available.

EXAMPLE: Ryss, a cleric of Sharess, is busy at work healing the many wounded Dragon Knights under her care. Spending an hour in a sexual ritual with each one, she can cast a Cure Light Wounds prepared as a sexual ritual spell with a caster level of two, healing 1d8+2 points of damage. If she had the healing domain, she would heal 1d8+3. She must spend the entire hour in uninterrupted activity in order to successfully cast the spell. Once the hour is up, the spell is cast but is retained in memory.
Elsewhere, Kris is engaged in passionate activity with, oh, let's say Hennet, Mialee, and Jozan. Kris is a Brd5/Eromancer2, and because of this, counts as two participants for Sexual Ritual magic. There are three others besides him, so his maximum caster level is 5 for this spell - Which happens to be an Endurance spell. It'll last 5 hours... he has a long night ahead of him.
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First Post
The Elemental Plane of Eros:
It is where wet dreams come to life.
It is where angels go on their honeymoons.
It is where pleasure is made manifest.
The plane Eros is not the origin of all things sexual, passionate, and lustful, but it is where most of them end up eventually. The plane appears, for the most part, as a vast translucent cloud of pastel smoke, containing small 'sub planes' that could hold almost anything. Many quasi-deities make their homes here, and all who know how to reach this place enjoy spending time here.
The plane Eros is primarily a transitive plane - It can only be accessed through a spell requiring an intense sexual ritual or through Gates cast using an intense sexual ritual. HOWEVER, using another spell, you can shunt yourself from Eros in to any spot in the multiverse where an erotic act of any kind is occuring. This tends to ruin the mood for the poor people you barge in on, but sacrifices must be made for proper travel arrangements through the multiverse.

There are many locations worth visiting in Eros, either for entertainment or because there are things there worth killing and looting.

Lady Larlo's House: Home of the patron quasi-deity of harlots, hookers, gigolos, and other lovers for hire, Lady Larlo. Anyone is welcome here, for a price, be they mortal or angel or fiend. Throughout most of the universe, this House is considered neutral ground - but the area around it is not. If you're going to enter this House, you'll have to get past the near-constant brawl between juxtaposed outsiders on the front porch. It's said to be worth a thousand deaths to enter this place.
Pillow talk holds many secrets, and if you want dirt on an Outsider of any status, one of the performers here will likely talk - Be warned, though, for Larlo dissapproves of gossip, and she deals with spies harshly.

The Garden of Eden: Home of certain major deities of fertility and love, this jungle planet is filled with benevolent animals, beautiful plant life, and very friendly natives. The people here can be of any race but are always neutral in alignment, outgoing, and welcoming to strangers. They aren't unusually sexual - This is a place of fertility and life more than lust and debauchery. Of course, they like strangers. One advantage to this place is that sexually transmitted diseases cannot be transferred in the Garden of Eden.

The Scriptorium of the Bard: This Eladrin outpost is the finest, largest, and most complete library of erotica in the universe. Guarded by Lillends, it stores the finest, the most beautiful, and the most perfect.

The Vault of Perversion: The devils keep an outpost here that is the dark shadow of the Scriptorium of the Bard. It's much larger, and contains a copy of every piece of pornography ever painted, etched, spoken, written, or formed of illusion. It has everything the Scriptorium has, but also infinite pieces of worthless, poorly drawn art, disturbing, unnatural perversion, or vile, disgusting malefaction. It's a vast trove of goods, but few are willing to search for their desires in this hell hole.
As for the question, "Why?" Their answer is simply, "Because it can be done."

The Savage Plains: This vast savannah is the incarnation of masculinity, forcing all who exist there to strive to fight harder, run faster, think quicker, and be stronger than ever before, every day, or fall behind. The environment is fiercely dangerous and dampens magic greatly, but those who survive the trials get the Nymphs every evening... On the downside, this sheer masculinity of this savage landscape imposes itself on any woman unlucky enough to be stranded here, eventually dooming them to eternity as one of the Nymphs.

The Incarna

The incarna are the elemental lords of Eros, the purest incarnations of eroticisms various manifestations. They are massive and godlike in their power, having fed off of aeons of sexuality throughout the multiverse.
Their appearance is varying, and they usually appear completely different to different people.

Lust: Lust is the oldest, most primal of the Incarna. It is never without a victim, and will only discard one of its victims upon sighting a new one. Very few have survived its attention - It is amoral and depraved. It has been likened to a wildfire, eternally consuming.
It's appearance is different to all who look at it. Generally, it appears as a devastatingly beautiful, immensely strong, and imposing member of the viewers species, always naked, always aroused.

Love: Love is not as strong as Lust, but has more influence in the world at large, being more charismatic and more intelligent. It seeks new lovers to bring joy and happiness to, but is viciously dangerous to those who spern its attention. It has been likened to the sea - Potentially nuturing and potentially lethal.
It's appearance is different to all who look at it. Generally, it appears as a sweet and loving member of the viewers species, not necessarily attractive, but always something you want to be near.

Desire: Desire simply seeks beautiful and lovely creatures to add to its collection of lovers. It is passionate and intense, always searching for someone new and exhilirating, and never discards something it deems entertaining. It has been likened to the wind, fickle and always moving.
Desire always appears as whatever would appear most attractive to the viewer. Given that it picks from all possible forms of any kind anywhere, most are desperate to get it on with Desire.

Perversion: Perversion is a dark thing, always looking for a new seasoning for the act of coupling, a new way, a new quirk to add. Anything different is good as far as it's concerned, no matter how horrible, bleak, unnatural, confusing, or just plain weird it seems to mortals. It has been likened to the earth, containing rare and beautiful gems and metals in a vast mass of dirt.
Perversion has no fixed form, and always appears as an embodiment of the deepest, most hidden kink the viewer has, raised to the highest power.

New Spells

Eros Shift
Alteration (Erotic)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S (Lots of S), M
Casting Time: Full Round Action
Range: Personal and Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

You instantly transport yourself and whoever you touch to the Elemental Plane of Eros. This is a permanent shift, and offers no special protection from either the effects of the plane or its denizens. You cannot shift to any specific point in Eros, but always land in the fog.
In order to cast this spell, you must have reached sexual climax at least once in the last minute, and one other time before that in the last ten minutes.
Alternatively, if this spell is cast while on the plane of Eros, you can immediately teleport to any plane in the Multiverse you have either previously been to (In which case there is no chance for error at all) or you have read or heard about (in which case there is a percentage chance of error as though you were casting Teleport.) However, you have no control over exactly what spot on said plane you land on, and will always teleport to a spot where sexual activity is occuring.


First Post
sorry for not participating. I was laid off two weeks ago and had other stuff to care for.

It seems, that this project is somehow slowing down. The deadline is only 23 days away.
Could everyone involved give some kind of status report?


First Post
Indeed... Such time has past that I've forgotten our goals. Kolvar, could you give us a rundown of our assignments and deadline again, or do you not have that info?


First Post
oops, assignments?
As far as I remember,
- the pregnancy-rules should be reworked (arcady),
- a decision about piercing magic items has to be made (all),
- a decision on XP for abortion, pregnancy and sex (all)
- the harem guild (Sorn's friend)

after 29th of june:
- editing (Averil)
- dropping of spells (Averil, where is he anyway?)
- layouting (Sorn)

At the moment, I can not think of much more.

Does anybody know, if these board have an upper limit for posts, else we need to open a new thread soon.

Lily Inverse

First Post
On the subjects of votes:

I'm going to say make piercing a spell that allows pierced items to work until removed, and abstain from the XP thing (Since I still don't understand the issue)

Oh, and I'll have the other stuff I've been working on done in a few days. At that time I'll leave it up to the public whether to put it into this guide, dedicate it to Guide II, or just strike it down utterly.
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