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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island


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[sblock=Neurotic]Oh, he's Already begun using it. It is simply something particularly special, and I'd hate for it to seem commonplace, or to be taken for granted. As to appearance, I'll admit I became interested in Eberron only since 4th edition, so am not entirely familiar with them yet, but I believe the distinctions are purely behavioral - unlike the half-elves which have distinct biological dissimilarities. If I am wrong, could you elaborate? I'd been looking for a detailed description of Kalashtar, but can't seem to find one that satisfies me.[/sblock]
[sblock=Leonard]Leonard can hear a gentle voice speaking, unimpeded and separate from the sounds of preparation around him. Leonard, keep your eyes open, especially the way we came. It is important that we are not caught unawares and the others all seem focused ahead.[/sblock]
[sblock=Actions]Delaying my action. If you need a default action in the near future, please assume Astral Seal on an enemy adjacent to the most damaged ally, move to keep as many allies as possible within 5 squares, and Healing Word on any bloodied ally.[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Didn't one of you nature types said that they burrow underground? How fast can they move like that? That is, could they attack from bellow?

I'll draw them out, be ready."

Martelai carefuly walks toward the center of the clearing. As he goes, it seems it get colder as mist gathers around him obscuring him. Soon it's veritable snowstorm raging around him.

Move: F9 via D line so to avoid difficult terrain, gain concealment
Minor: as he goes Perception (1d20+2+1=17)
Standard: Ready action: Move back toward the group (use Ethereal Stride if surrounded or restrained)

Immediate Interrupt: if non-minion enemy hits Martelai with melee attack he suffers Delban's Deadly Attention (2d8+8 necrotic and enemy can choose to do half damage or suffer additional 1d8)


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GM: If Ozy does not post an action for Zharne by the end of the day then I will just assume that he is still reading his action to Chill Wind.


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Gloom slowly move forward and get ready to charge any hostile creature coming for him.

"Didn't one of you nature types said that they burrow underground? How fast can they move like that? That is, could they attack from bellow?

I'll draw them out, be ready."

Martelai carefully walks toward the center of the clearing. As he goes, it seems it get colder as mist gathers around him obscuring him. Soon it's veritable snowstorm raging around him. Martelai does notice many odd tracks on the ground that look as if they were made by spikes being driven into the ground and then being pulled out where he now stands.

At the moment the ground around Martelai and Gloom shakes slightly before bursting forth in a spray of mud and dirt. Through the freshly opened earth four chitinous reptilian like creatures appear, two by Gloom and two by Martelai.

The creatures lash out with their claws, the two by Martelai each drawing blood with their attacks while the two by gloom cannot penetrate Glooms defenses.

The first creature to Hit Martelai shrieks out in pain as Martelai immediately reacts inflicting pain on the creature.


Conditions were not met for Zharnes held action, so no action taken
Minharath delayed his turn.

Young #4 bursts through the ground and attacks Martelai; 19 vs AC, hits for 8 damage.
Young #1 bursts through the ground and attacks Martelai; 22 vs AC, hits for 7 damage.
Young #2 bursts through the ground and attacks Gloom; 14 vs AC, misses
Young #3 bursts through the ground and attacks Gloom; 7 vs AC, misses


[sblock=Status Update]
OK guys, so it looks as if no one took the time to take a short rest after the last fight. Your current status is the same as it was at the end of the last encounter. Remember that after an encounter, if you want to take a short rest you need to let me know that you are doing so.

Good Guys

Gellan – HP: 28/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 1
Gloom – HP: 33/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1
Martelai – HP: 38/38; HS: 9/9; AP 1 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention
Minharath – HP: 29/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1
Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1
Zharne – HP: 22/36; HS: 9/9; AP 1

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Bad Guys
Young 1: Hit Points -0 AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?
Young 2: Hit Points -0 AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?
Young 3: Hit Points -0 AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?
Young 4: Hit Points -16 AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?

Initiative is now all players and NPCs can go, then all bad guys go & repeat.




[sblock=Terrain features]
- The grass looking squares are normal terrain.

- The brown looking squares are Mud, and are difficult terrain (2 squares to move through)

- The water looking squares are knee deep water, and are difficult terrain and require a DC 10 Athletics check to move through or you get stuck (immobilized) until you break free.

- The gray rocky squares near the bottom of the map between the water and grass are slick wet rocks. Moving over these require a DC 12 Acrobatics check. Failure means you fall prone and slip into the nearest water square.


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Gloom quickly move aside. "Your mine!" tells Gloom and strike at one of the young lizard with a vicious blow.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Please, show the name of each monster. It is hard to figure them out.

Previous Round:
Start: Regen 2 => 35/39 (That was in previous round, while he was still considered Bloodied because of the sword power. I forgot I was still wounded.)
Ready Action: Ardent Strike vs AC (1d20+10=19, 1d12+7=12) That wasmy roll, should hit 18 (I was including the charge bonus, but my ready action also state I would attack someone next to him, in that case, Young#2 would have been the first to trigger my attack. Did it miss?

This round:
Move: Shift to K3
Minor: Combat Challenge Young (J3)
Standard: Holy Strike vs AC on Young (J3) (1d20+9=27, 1d12+11=19) Probably a hit for 19 damage.[/SBLOCK]


As much as he would love to charge into battle, Thorn moves next to the boy (Leonard) he has sworn to protect. He stands ready with his spear pointed toward the earth, incase more 'bugs' emerge from the ground.

Move action: walk to D2.
Standard action: ready/delay a Sure Strike against the first creature to emerge from the ground, within reach of his longspear.
Last edited:


First Post
GM: Sorry Velmont, I was in a rush to get the post up before I went for lunch and missed your readied action. Its all good now...

As the creature swipes at Gloom he brings his blade down upon it and then quickly moves aside. "Your mine!" tells Gloom and strike at one of the young lizard with a vicious blow.

As much as he would love to charge into battle, Thorn moves next to the boy (Leonard) he has sworn to protect. He stands ready with his spear pointed toward the earth, in case more 'bugs' emerge from the ground.

[sblock=Status Update]
Good Guys
Gellan – HP: 28/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 1

Gloom – HP: 35/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1 <= Divine Challenge on Young 2, used Blood Fury Longsword & Longtooth Shifting

Martelai – HP: 38/38; HS: 9/9; AP 1 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention

Minharath – HP: 29/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1

Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1

Zharne – HP: 22/36; HS: 9/9; AP 1

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Bad Guys
Young 1: Hit Points -0, AC <19, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?

Young 2: Hit Points -31, AC <19, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ? <= Bloodied

Young 3: Hit Points -0, AC <19, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?

Young 4: Hit Points -16, AC <19, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?





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Zharne points with his hand at the creatures facing his ally, the paladin of doom, then the druid raises hand and says,"into the water with you!" and a wind of cold slashes at the beast and forces them closer to the puddle of water then he walks over to Gloom and asks, "mind if I join the 'fun'?"

[sblock=Action Details]
Standard Action:Chill Wind @I4(hits fort 14 & 20 for 8 cold and young2 are slided 1 square back to I3 and young 3 to I4 if it hits that is)
Move Action:walk to K1
Minor Action:N/A


First Post
Gellan dashes forward as the insectoid creatures erupt from the ground, landing a heavy blow on one of the beasts threatening Martelai. His tattoos flash red as he strikes, and the echoes of a roaring cat are faintly audible in the air.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Walk to D-9
Minor: Designate Young 1 as Hunter's Quarry.
Standard: Attack Young 1 with Swift Panther Rage. Hits AC 28 for 24 damage. Gellan enters the rage of the Swift Panther: until the end of the encounter his speed increases by 2 and he can shift 2 squares as a move action.
If that bloodies the target, Gellan will shift to E-10 and both targets grant him Combat Advantage until EONT.[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw - Level 2 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Initiative: +4 Senses: Normal
AC: 19, Fortitude: 17, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 28/33, Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy

Swift Panther Rage[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: DMDanW, ignore that part about minions

Martelai quickly recovers from surprise attack which, on second thought, wasn't so much of a surprise. He glares at the one he burned, focusing Delban's attention squarely on poor creature. He then teleports back toward the group and his hands flash with eldritch fire hitting it squarely in the chest. Immediately, Delban's fire flares and redoubles it's agony.

Minor: Curse Young 4
Move: Ethereal Stride to F6 if it counts as mud, E6 if F is water
Standard: Eldritch blast vs Young 4 Ref; damage; curse (1d20+6=24, 1d10+5=13, 1d6=6)

concealment, +2 to defenses TENT
young 4 cursed

Voidrunner's Codex

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