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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)


Zuri is surprised to find herself the focus of Gray's question, "The Way?"


Pleasantly surprised to find Remus more concerned with the fate of his friend than her heritage, Zuri thanks him for answering her questions. "Is there anything else you can tell us? Any detail you might have overlooked? Something you think we should know?"

Regardless of whether or not Remus has anything additional to tell them, Zuri will assure him that he's been very helpful and that they will do everything they can to find Orlando.

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Rain had departed the Manor quietly after arranging to meet with the group in the town square later.

Her Uncle’s home and warehouse had been protected during the attack by its own surrounding walls; one look at both the latter and the intimidating guards had sent the Xivort attackers off elsewhere in search of easier looking victims.

It was at the warehouse, guardroom and office that the Factor and his employees dealt with the transport and sale of goods that both arrived in and departed from Crystal Brook through the family network, or indeed via his own local connections. It was a fine line that Uncle Tuan skilfully walked; as well as trading directly for local produce, he even might offer lines of credit to both local and overseas parties in advance of a delivery for a variety of goods or services when he could be certain of an eager market and yet Tuan tried to be certain that those lines of credit could be repaid. If they couldn’t be, it was bad for long term business all round and consideration of the long term was the family line; it had held them in good stead for an innumerable count of years, though when it came to business, Tuan was a versatile Tiefling.

The plain stone house and small private garden had no windows on the lower floor and the even those on the upper floor were heavily shuttered. Those that had been invited within were not entirely surprised to find the Factor lived very, very comfortably on his share of the commission that passed into his hands.

The current situation was bad for this steady long term business. Certainly some money was to be made from the current state of hostilities, but Tuan had merely made an adjustment to help the Crystalbrookers in an unobvious way to offset the damage to his finely tuned revenue stream; after all, he also dealt with the inhabitants of the Sildaine Forest as well and it wouldn’t do to offend either side.

One of those inhabitants of the Sildaine happened to be a distant relative of his currently absent wife. A feared recluse on the eaves of the far side of the forest, the Tiefling Master Swordmage Dahn was left alone on his hilltop retreat by nearly all. At Tuan’s suggestion, it had been to here that his unruly niece had been banished for almost four years until quite recently.

Dahn had been a very cold and hard master to have lived with in servitude to during a girl's formative years and upon being granted leave to depart by her master, she- who- was- called Rain had left Elestial as quickly as possible to effect a return to Sybaran. However, her passage had been observed by the Factor’s agencies and when the current conflict had arisen, he had instantly contrived and conspired to get her back here as soon as possible. It was high time that his niece took up her familial obligations and thanks to his foresight and now to his deep satisfaction, a possible solution to Tuan's current problems was now before him.

What he hadn’t expected was how nervous he felt. Upon receiving Rain in his office, she’d been curt and returned the bare minimum of polite greetings and enquiries. It was obvious that she was in fact rather angry and during a consideration of her demeanour whilst making expected platitudes, he realised that she suspected or knew that he was the cause of her return to Elestial ( “Hmm, something to consider later.” ) .

A mannerly pretence was made of enquiring as to the reasons for her visit, “Ah, a noble cause indeed and one which I as the Factor thoroughly approve of and support,” though the almost snarled conversation on her part made him wonder if the interview had been a mistake. As much of that seething anger, ( “But not all perhaps?” ) was currently directed at him, he briefly had to resist an impulse of reaching for the bell-rope that he used to summon his chief guard or at least fingering his concealed weapon. Thankfully, the tea he had still managed to beautifully prepare, whilst being watched in a now sullen silence, appeared to have some considerable calming effect.

As they now sat drinking the tea, Tuan contemplated her appearance from a more relaxed position. The lean and wiry girl had grown into a fierce, lean and wiry young woman. The hard hands and the ease in the way she had carried her blade (now resting in a rack near the door, but “That wouldn’t matter if she wanted it,” he realised) gave cause for further satisfaction. He’d been correct about what to do with the troublesome child; she’d indeed learned some discipline after all, though it was now all too clear that she hadn’t liked the lesson and held him partially responsible.

Solemnly, “It is good and perfectly correct that you have taken the time to visit, though I am certain that time is pressing and your fellow ambassadors will soon be expecting your return to their company. Is there perhaps anything I can do to help you on your way?”

Rain bowed in the sitting position to the floor, though her response was more direct and to the point, “Yes, a place called the Crystal Cave came to light in our meeting with Lady Tamora as a place where the trysters would go. Do you know where it is and will you be so kind as to give me directions there?”
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Zuri is surprised to find herself the focus of Gray's question, "The Way?"

"Oh, I am sorry, " Gray says with a slight bow, "I forget often that many do not know about The Way..." Gray contemplates for a moment, brow furrowing in an attempt to formulate the words he wants to say.

"The Way...I guess you could call it a way of thinking...but it's really more than that. It's like someone has opened a hole in your head...no wait...that's not a good way to say it...it's like...a path, yes, a path...has been shown to you in your mind that lets you reach out and reach in. The Way, makes some fast, and some strong. It makes some tough. It can even make some move things with their mind! The Way that I was taught is called Fasach Cruach Anail...I believe you would call it...Desert Wind? With the power of my mind, I can move with the ease of a desert breeze, or I can burn my enemies with the heat of the desert sun!"

In demonstration, Gray walks over to the circle of pillows that he had laid out for the group. Crouching low, with one leg out beside him, he weaves his arms about him in graceful arches above him and about him. Suddenly, he stands and leans forward, arms working furiously in front of him so quickly that they appear as a blur. A rush of air can be felt pulling from around Gray and the pillows on the ground pop into the air, their centers caving in from an unseen force at a distance of more than six feet! Crouching again in an instant, a single pillow still up in the air, Gray claps his hands just before his solar plexus and and then thrusts his hands before him, waves of heat rolling out from his outstretched palms. That pillow quickly darkens as it falls and hits the ground, smoke rising slightly from its singed surface.

Gray's form suddenly blurs leaving only an after-image as he appears back at Zuri's side, smiling at the shy girl.



First Post
Remus shrugs helplessly. "If I knew anything more, I would not have hesitated to tell lady Tamora. I just hope Orlando is safe. Please bring him back. Soon. Alive." Remus turns away to hide the fact he is blinking back tears and heads back in side the kennels.

Tuan raises an eyebrow. "The Crystal Caves. If the young lovers have gone there ... This is troubling news. I had heard rumours that the Lady had indeed sent a search party into the Sildaine, but I did not know they were sent to the Crystal Caves. This makes their disappearance more worrying. I have never had cause to go to such a place. The stories I have heard about it are all of death and tragedy. How to reach the place ...? If I understand your position as ambassador of Count Varis, it would not do well to only hear one side of the story. Lord Carric has also lost a daughter. And as Lord of the Sildaine, he will know more of this place and how best to get there safely."


Margery glowers and hustles over to the scorched pillow.

"If you have quite finished murdering Lady Tamora's valuable cushions, perhaps you should be on your way. With any luck you will have the chance to enlighten some of the ruffians within the Sildaine about your Way. Just remember, cushions don't hit back."

With a no nonsense face she hustles you out the door and onwards towards your destination.


Zuri looks to Gray (and whomever else might have joined them) and says quietly, "I suppose this means we're headed for the cave once Rain re-joins us?"

It's clear she expects someone else to establish a plan.

OOC: I'm assuming Zuri is at 3 of 7 surges and full HP at this point. Did we sort out what was happening with the potions from Lady Tamora? I believe Rain wanted one - Gray for the other?

Gray flinches slightly at Margery's reprimand about the pillows and gives her a look that says "I'm sorry!" and then moves quickly out of the room to escape that uncomfortable situation.

"Oops. I think I made her mad with the pillow. Let us see what what Rain has to say about her trip and then we will go to the Cave, yes?" he says aloud to the group.

OOC: Gray is full up on surges, so feel free to give the 2nd potion to someone who is more likely to need it.



First Post
GM: You are gathered at the gates of Crystalbrook in the plaza once more. The mist has since thinned. normal activity has not returned, the hawkers and vendors having packed up their wares early after today's tragedy.

There are a good number of shops still open within the city where you can buy goods.
Please do any shopping before you leave in or out of character.

Where do you head?

Into the Sildaine via the main road, across the Toll Bridge to meet Lord Carric
Into the Sildaine via your own route to meet Lord Carric
Follow the Crystal Brook up river in search of the Crystal Caves directly
Into the Sildaine via a route of your own making in search of the Crystal Caves directly
Or some other idea as yet not mentioned


First Post
Rain meets up with the others in the plaza. One of the first things she does is pass a healing potion to Zuri and then she offers her own opinion about what to do next.

"I think blundering around in the forest under arms may offend Lord Carric. We should head to the Toll Bridge and make ourselves known to him or his people, just as we have here. If the more diplomatic amongst us can convince him that we mean to help both sides, he should lead us (or have us guided) to this Crystal Cave, hopefully without mishap."

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha had been quietly following along, observing, trying to gain a feel for the mood of the people around her. She'd been startled and amazed speechless by the display of the newcomer in the group. The mysticism of the vistani people is far more subtle than such displays, but it was impressive nonetheless.

She pipes up with a pleasant tone and hint of a smile at Rain's suggestion (finally), "I do belief zat Rain has ze right of tsings. We should speak to both sides, not only as a sign of goodwill, but also to ensure ve are not being deceived."

OOC: Does Sabynha know about any traditions concerning diplomatic relations in this world, or specifically about dealing with elves? i.e. should we be flying a flag of truce going into their territory, wearing scarves of a particular colour, etc? If she does know something of that sort, she will suggest it.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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