Adventure: A Fish Story (DM: BenBrown; Judge: renau1g)


First Post
Ok, so a couple questions:
*Are people kind-of in the midst of their turns? So someone with (moved) next to their name has already taken their move action and we're waiting until everyone has "completed" their turns?
The Mercenaries have completed their (readied) actions.
Anyone else who still has any actions left may use them. (Alastair has done a double move, but Dante, Eraden, and Talks-to-the-Moon still can use a standard action. Abigail should just post the full turn of actions).

It's always tricky when combat involves moving into a hidden area.

*Mechanically, what is "crouched" and how does one do it? I know what prone is, but I've never seen crouched in 4e.

First time running this. still getting used to what the terminology is. I guess it's the same as prone. you need to use an action to get up from it.

Sorry for any confusion.

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Virgil pushes through the curtain and darts forwards towards the fish, pushing his way across them easily. Dante follows close behind, staring hard at one of the mercs as he leaps across the fish after Virgil.

[sblock=Actions]Virgil's Athletics Check: Yet another Natural 20 + 8 = 28.(Can I stop wasting these on skill checks please?) Dante's Athletics Check: 13 + 8 = 21.
Standard Action converted to Move: Virgil moves to B8, Dante moves to B7.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on M1[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Actions/Finishing turn]
I attempted to move foward with my standard but 1d20-4=-1...-1!! I think Eraden is about to sink in a pond of fish...
I fall prone, at least my defense against ranged is 23 now!
As a minor I curse at the fish...and my heavy armor...

"I can't get a steady footing on theese blasted fish!" Eraden yells as he falls back on the pile of dead trout, his heavy armor plastering several of the fish beneath its weight.
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=Strategy]It looks like I'll be tanking this one for a bit since, assuming I don't roll 6 or less on Dante and/or Virgil's rolls, I'll be over there next turn.

Eraden, if I were you, I'd either stand up and move back to "land" then use the catwalk to get over there or "double-run crawl" through the fish for your next two turns. It looks like if you do a running double crawl, you can make it to the other side in two turns without having to make an check and if no-one moves over there, the second could even be a crawling charge (which is a funny image).

If you stand up, move back out of the fish (no check required to move out of the fish thankfully), then head to the catwalk, and run across it it'll also take two turns, though you may be able to do a charge at the end of the second move, depending on whether you can cut diagonally through the corner of one of the squares with the big boxes(I would assume no).

Anyone else, I could use some back-up as soon as possible. If you can get a hand free, catwalks are your friend(I would have used them too, but it would have taken an extra turn for me to get into combat...)[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Strategy]It looks like I'll be tanking this one for a bit since, assuming I don't roll 6 or less on Dante and/or Virgil's rolls, I'll be over there next turn.

Eraden, if I were you, I'd either stand up and move back to "land" then use the catwalk to get over there or "double-run crawl" through the fish for your next two turns. It looks like if you do a running double crawl, you can make it to the other side in two turns without having to make an check and if no-one moves over there, the second could even be a crawling charge (which is a funny image).

If you stand up, move back out of the fish (no check required to move out of the fish thankfully), then head to the catwalk, and run across it it'll also take two turns, though you may be able to do a charge at the end of the second move, depending on whether you can cut diagonally through the corner of one of the squares with the big boxes(I would assume no).

Anyone else, I could use some back-up as soon as possible. If you can get a hand free, catwalks are your friend(I would have used them too, but it would have taken an extra turn for me to get into combat...)[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I'll cover you. I'll be in range after another crawl. This is like Agincourt, except unfortunately, we're the French.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Strategy]It looks like I'll be tanking this one for a bit since, assuming I don't roll 6 or less on Dante and/or Virgil's rolls, I'll be over there next turn.

Eraden, if I were you, I'd either stand up and move back to "land" then use the catwalk to get over there or "double-run crawl" through the fish for your next two turns. It looks like if you do a running double crawl, you can make it to the other side in two turns without having to make an check and if no-one moves over there, the second could even be a crawling charge (which is a funny image).

If you stand up, move back out of the fish (no check required to move out of the fish thankfully), then head to the catwalk, and run across it it'll also take two turns, though you may be able to do a charge at the end of the second move, depending on whether you can cut diagonally through the corner of one of the squares with the big boxes(I would assume no).

Anyone else, I could use some back-up as soon as possible. If you can get a hand free, catwalks are your friend(I would have used them too, but it would have taken an extra turn for me to get into combat...)[/sblock]

I think I will crawl through the fish. It will up my defense against these crossbows as i cross and give me a better position to flank once i get there. If I sheath my sword to use the cat walk, it will also use my minor to pull it out once im there, which means I wont be able to challange a target. So far I think we are in good shape, those of you who plan to fight from the starting side should seek cover untill targets get mixed up in melee.


First Post
OOC: Sorry about the late reply! Two long work days + Insomnia!

Abigail curses under her breath and runs up towards the catwalk, leaping over the fish and landing gracefully behind Dante.

Abigail moves from behind Dante and Virgil, using one hand to move quickly across the catwalk while keeping her other hand on her blade. As she nears Dante, he feels unnatural heat radiating from her body, and is perhaps a bit surprised to see flickering flames reflected in her irises. Abigail's red hair has become very fiery in nature, and the slowly shifting colours remind Dante of the burning embers in a dying campfire.

She shuffles forward, keeping an eye on the snipers. As she does so, Azuras flies into the room from the open door, seemingly a flashing ball of flame before reforming upon Abigail's shoulder, snarling and hissing at the nearby enemies.

Abigail moves and jumps to square B7, easily beating the DC. With her second move action, she runs down the catwalk, using her free hand to do so (does she keep her Warding bonus when she does so? I'd assume so, but if not, her AC is 2 points lower).

Abigail's Athletics Check to jump, Round One (1d20+8=19)

Abigail then uses her second action to move to square B13. As a minor action, she switches Azuras from Active to passive mode - Azuras is now in Abby's space, and cannot be targeted.

[sblock=Abigail]Female Human Assault Swordmage 1
Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 19, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:27/27, Bloodied:13, Surges:9/9 (Value 8)
Special: Surge value drops to 6 if Azuras is "dead"
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Available
Greenflame Blade, Sword Burst, Luring Strike, Aegis of Assault, Flame Cyclone, Sneak Attack, Burning Blade

Opportunity Attacks: +6 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage

Azuras: Dragonling Companion (passive)
Azuras has all the same defenses as Abigail when active, and has 1 hit point. Azuras is healed on a short rest, and can only be targeted when active - he is immune to attacks whilst passive.


First Post
Abigail moves and jumps to square B7, easily beating the DC. With her second move action, she runs down the catwalk, using her free hand to do so (does she keep her Warding bonus when she does so? I'd assume so, but if not, her AC is 2 points lower).

[sblock=wik]I'm a little confused.
Is the first move action a run? If not, you aren't going to be able to make it to B7. The curtain is an extra square to move through, and you can't move through the crate without climbing on top of it (another extra square).[/sblock]

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