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(Adventure) Crocodile Rock [Knight Otu judging]

Thomas Hobbes

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Fant does a double take. "What?" she shakes her head. Must be imagining things. She returns her attention to Calamar and Cain.

You elicited from me a most undignified giggle. Hehehehe...

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Nielan Tal

While I'd like to give Nielan's reaction to the most recent events, first I need to know if Donoros didn't respond to what Nielan said in my last post because the DM overlooked it, or because Donoros simply ignored him. The latter would have a significant impact on his mood.
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The Goblin King

First Post
OOC: Nielan aid another check: 11 [success]
Fant diplomacy check: 7+12+2=21 vs DC15 [success]

Donoros crosses his arms looking from Fant to Nielan then back. He pauses for a moment thinking. "Negotiate? Hazard pay? I would be willing to go as high as 200 gold each for services rendered. However, you must understand I don't buy anything sight unseen unless it is from someone I implicitly trust. I trust Joe, he is a good man. But..." He waves his hand indicating the rest of the room.
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Calamar the Dark positions himself against a wall where he casually leans his back against it as if he didn't have a care in the world. He keeps an eye on the small Cain and the fiery Fant while he lovingly fondles his always ready bag of Alchemist's fire with one hand and checks his finger nails on the other for conditioning.

"I believe that I heard something about 200 gold?," he says off handedly, talking to no one inparticular.

He pretends to not have noticed the ranting and raving of the Lady Fant but instead continues to stare down the little Cain. He says not another word on the matter, for his words have already been said, his warnings already laid out, his mind made up on a plan of action.

Ooc, Still at the ready to cast a Ray of Enfeeblment at Cain should he attack or move towards me, which I would consider an attack.

Thomas, I felt I might hurt his feelings by killing him if I didn't give him a propor say so why;) . Anyway, this is loads of fun, well, for me anyway, I love this PBP stuff, just mad I never tried it before. I know that others would like to get about to Croc killing, so I will say sorry for that, hopefully this will be resolved soon:) .

Ps, damn I wish I had Robillard, so much more I could role-play with him and the fiery Fant, of course if I had him, we wouldn't have this arguement, he has a more cheery disposition towards others, lol:D .


First Post
or you can leave this room now and settle your dispute elsewhere. I'm sure there's a back alley that can accomodate you." The last she says with a bit of a sneer. "Do we understand each other?"

Cain finally lowers his hand. "Yes, Ma'am! I'll take the second option. Come on, Calamar. Let's finish this outside."
Cain backs out of the room and says to the others "I'll see you in the morning, Grendath willing."
He closes the door behind him. He draws his sword on the way out of the Red Dragon.

I wish we knew Goblin King's email address so that both Calamar and I could send secrets in private. It isn't really fair to Rocco for me to have OOC knowledge of Calamar's already-poised bottle of alchemist fire, for example.

Speaking of which, Calamar really walks around with a bottle of alchemist fire in his hand all the time? That's pretty badass.

Anyway, Rocco already revealed publicly that Calamar had the bottle of alchemist fire, so I'll try to disregard that OOC knowledge when determining Cain's actions.
My email is in my sig.
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Calamar watches as Cain backs out of the room and then closes the door. He pauses a moment, and then snaps his fingers and flicks his wrist.

"Shirka," he says in the language of magic and the bolt on the door slams home by an unseen touch and when he flicks his wrist, lavender glowing balls of energy float above his hand, which he playfully juggles with skill.

"Most uncivilized," he mumbles more than speaks.

He moves to a chair and leans back, satisfied that the little Cain cannot get in. The aroma of cinnamon fills that air and the candles brighten so he can see the faces of those that he would deal with more clearly.

"Now, I trust that the rest of us can get along quite famously. Allow me to introduce myself for those that came in late, My name is Calamar the Dark, I am a mage in training. I tend to be a bit at odds with rogues, nothing personal mind you if you are one of course. Now, Lady Fant is it, and you are of course Donoros, and you there, you are a dwarf are you not, your name was Eberk if I recall correctly," he says, but offers no hands to shake, just eye contact and a slight node when given one first.

"Now, unless anyone else wants to see me die, I believe that the order of the day way 200 gold?"

Ooc, Calamar continues to fondle his Alchimist's fire in his one hand that is hidden in his robes while he juggles his glowing lavender flame balls (prestidigitation) in the other. He continues to watch the door, just in case, still a readied action should Cain return. He also makes note of the windows and other enterances and exits, he understands the ways of rogues.;)

Mighty kind of you to not try to use player knowledge against me.:cool:

Side note, Encore channel has Albino Alligator on leter today, I thought it was humorous given the quest.:D
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First Post
OOC: Well, I guess the rest of you are locked in there with Calamar all night. I hope there is a chamberpot.

Since Calamar and Cain very well may still fight at some point, can we get some rules issues out of the way?
1) Can a character ready an action without initiative being rolled first?
2) Can you perform other actions (such as spellcasting) while you have an action readied?

The Goblin King

First Post
OOC: my email is thefirsttheonetheonly_dglass@yahoo.com
Ready actions in this case would be kind of wierd. You are both aware of each other so there wouldn't be a suprise round. Personally, I would make it an opposed roll to notice the other guy is acting funny, like he is waiting for you to make a move.

Okay, after looking it up I think it would go like this:
1) Ready alchemists fire (standard action)
2) Cast Prestidigitation to slide door bolt(standard action)
3) Redirect Prestidigitation to produce balls(move equivilent action)
Ready alchemists fire again (standard action)
4) Redirect Presidigitation to levitate ball slowly (move eq action)
Ready alchemists fire again (standard action)

Note: I am new the D&D. I got started in RPGs with the GURPS system 12 years ago. I played the Storyteller system for about 8 years. I will try and be as fair as possible but my knowledge of the game is not complete.
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First Post
Nielan Tal

Realizing that Lady Fant is better suited to the negotiations than himself, Nielan will let her finish them and merely support her points. (Continue aiding.)

In regards to readied actions, while the PHB doesn't specify that you can't perform one out of combat, (or at least an initiative order,) allowing people to do so raises some real logical paradoxes. In the situation above, where Calamar readied a spell if Cain attacked, what would allow Calamar to cast the spell first? Attacking and casting a spell both take the same amount of time, and Cain necessarily starts his action first. Even worse, what if Cain readies an action to attack if Calamar renews his readied action? Readying an action only makes sense in the frame of the initiative chart, which is why it's an initiative action. - Kangaxx, resident rules lawyer

As a footnote, I'd like to add that I think in general rules questions should be left to the sole discretion of the DM to keep from stalling the game. However, if there's specific questions that need resolving, I've been DMing this game since long before 3.0 came out, and I'll be happy to throw my 2-cents in if someone asks.


Eberk Torunn

Shaking his head slightly, Eberk responds to the halfling: "I'm afraid that Grendath doesn't protect those who throw away their lives, and honor, in meaningless fights. You'd be wise in either changing your mind about this or seeking patronage in another deity"

Voidrunner's Codex

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