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Adventure: Delivery of Death (DM: Luinnar, Judge: renau1g)


First Post
Dorn trails flecks of shadow as he steps toward the remaining zombies (Move to W33). A blast of flame erupts from inside the darkness, felling two more zombies (Burning Spray destroys Zombie 10, Zombie 11 (misses Zombie 7). Sustain shroud.)

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 7
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 20 (base defenses)
HP 29/57 Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +9
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
+1 AC TENT from even roll
Wild Soul: poison (Resist 5 poison and ignore first 5 poison resistance)
Deep Shroud (sustain minor)

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Spark Form
Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
Moon and the Stars
USED Deep Shroud
Chaotic Defense
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

2x potion of healing

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First Post
Brenn moved back around behind the cover of the tomb, then fired another arrow at the largest zombie. The arrow seemed to have missed, sparking off the ancient floor tiles, but it skipped like a stone on a pond and sank into the creature's leg, sending it stumbling forward into the range of the warforged's ax...

[sblock= OOC]
>Move:walk to X 30
>Standard: Attack Ju-ju zombie with Clever Shot; 1d20+14 vs. AC (includes Dancing Serpent bonus)= 18 (miss by 1, again); rolls Roll Lookup
>Free action: Elven accuracy to reroll Clever shot; 1d20+14 vs. AC= 26 (hit, deals 14 damage and slides 2, to R 31, adjacent to Sir Ex); rolls Roll Lookup
>End of turn: shift to Y30

[sblock= Stat block]
elf Ranger (hunter) 5
Initiative +7/Passive Perception 27/Passive Insight 16; low-light vision
HP 37 (45)/Bloodied 22/Surge value 11/Per day= 7
AC 20/FORT 15/REF 19/WILL 17 (attacks from more than 5 square range take a -1)
Resist 5 necrotic, 5 poison
Speed 7/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 12 (+1)/DEX 20 (+5)/WIS 18 (+4)
CON 13 (+1)/INT 10 (+0)/CHA 8 (-1)
Melee basic: Short sword, +7 (AC), 1d6+2 damage
Ranged basic: +1 duellist’s longbow +13 (AC), 1d10+9 damage, range 20/40
Skills: Acrobatics +9; Athletics +10; Endurance +8; Nature +13; Perception +17; Stealth +12; Thievery +12 (+14 tools)
Aimed shot (at will)
Clever shot (at will)
Rapid shot (at will)
Aspect of the dancing serpent (at will/Stance)(active)
Aspect of the seeking falcon (at will/Stance)
Disruptive shot (Encounter, x2)(1 used)
Reactive shift (Encounter)(used)
Elven accuracy (Encounter)
Centered breath flurry of blows (Encounter)
Safe passage (Daily/utility)
Deathcut armor (Daily/item)



First Post
With his path clear of zombies, Andras takes a breath as he draws a line on another walking corpse. Unfortunately, his attack goes wide.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Sheath Longsword.
Move: Move to V30.
Standard: Second Wind, healing 11 and gaining +2 to all defenses.
Action Point: Relentless Wounding the Ju-Ju Zombie. Son of a... well, at least it's reliable.

[sblock=Andras's mini-stats]Andras genasi Warlord 5
Initiative: +3 | Passive perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 12
AC: 20 | For: 19 | Ref: 17 | Will: 15
HP: 17/46 | Bloodied: 23 | Surge value: 11 | Surges: 9/9
Resist: 5 Fire, 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 0 | Second Wind: used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
Powers: Paint the Bulls-Eye, Risky Shot
Race the Arrow, Staggering Shot
Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity
Firedeath, Inspiring Word (1/2), Shake It Off
Rebounding Longbow,
Deathcut Armor, Acrobat Boots

Skirmishing Presence:
When an ally who can see Andras spends an Action Point to make an attack, that ally can shift four squares before or after the attack, and gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls with said attack.

+2 to all defenses



First Post
I grow tired of this. Now it is time to witness the true power of the new master of Souragne! Marcel shrieks, sweeping closer, drawing the gaze of four of the party with his movement. Lightning flashes overhead as necrotic energy swirls around him, flooding the mind of Jax, Dorn, Sir ExSixTen and Andras. Their thoughts are overwhelmed with visions of terrifying deaths, animated rotting corpses, and the whole town carpeted with the bodies of the dead and dying. All these images fully conveying the true terror of what Marcel Tarascon's newfound dark powers are capable of.

Jax and Sir ExSixTen are so stricken with the sheer horror of this vision that that begin to flee as fast as possible away from this evil being. Dorn and Andras are able to resist their fears, but are dazed because of the dark and disturbing imagery.

The evil energy starts to coalesce into one spot near Marcel. From the ground another zombie rises up, one whose form is barley held together with the necrotic energy. Its face is nearly featureless, a dark void keeping together what little remains of the owner's original visage.

Without a work it raises its hand and blasts out three rays necrotic energy. One hits Andras and Sir ExSixTen while Dorn manages to dodge aside just in time. The Ju-ju zombie tries to grab Sir ExSixTen again, but it is only able to claw at his armor.

Move to S33
Standard: Vision of Horror Burst 3 (fear, necrotic)
Jax: 20 vs will hit, Jax is Horrified (save ends)
Sir ExSixTen: 18 vs will hit, Sir ExSixTen is horrified (save ends)
Dorn: 19 vs will miss, Dorn is Dazed (save ends)
Andras: 15 vs will miss, Andras is Dazed (save ends)

The character cannot make any attack actions, one move action each turn must be made to move as far away from Marcel as possible without going off the map (even if it draws OA). The character can take any other actions (second wind, healing, etc.).[/sblock]

Standard: Rise Zombie Horror, zombie horror appears in U32.

Ju-ju Zombie:
Standard: Crush vs Sir ExSixTen: 21 vs AC, miss ( [MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION] if Sir Ex SixTen uses Piecemeal Chainmail), if not 8 damage.

Zombie Horror:
Standard: Frightful Force
Andras: 29 vs ref, hit for 9 necrotic damage.
Dorn: 15 vs Ref, miss.
Sir ExSixTen: 31 vs Ref, hit 17 necrotic damage.

HP: 237/237 Bloodied 119
AC:22 Fort:19 Ref:19 Will:19
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Ju-ju Zombie
HP: 88/186 Bloodied 93
AC:19 Fort: 22 Ref:16 Will:17
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Zombie Horror:
HP: 134/134 Bloodied 67
AC:20 Fort: 20 Ref:21 Will:22
Immune: Disease, Poison
Resist 5 Necrotic, Vulnerable: 5 Radiant

Jax: 34/58, Horrified (save ends)

Andras: 8/46, bloodied, +2 to all defenses EONT, Dazed (save ends)

Brenn: 37/45

Sir ExSixTen: 18/63, bloodied, any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to Sir Exsixten takes 1d12+2 damage(reroll the first 1), regeneration 6 bloodied, Horrified (save ends).

Dorn: 29/57 Dorn's square and all adjacent are heavily obscured EONT, Dazed (save ends).

The character cannot make any attack actions, one move action each turn must be made to move as far away from Marcel as possible without going off the map (even if it draws OA). The character can take any other actions (second wind, healing, etc.).[/sblock]

The braziers (the circular things), are impassible, light the area, but don't block line of sight or line of effect.

The statues are impassible, block LOS/LOE.

The tomb is difficult terrain.

A DC 15 athletics check is needed to climb the sides of the raised platform in the middle.

GM: Party's turn. Keep going, you're Marais d’Tarascon's last hope!


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Jax's tail tucks between his legs and his knees start quivering. He suddenly babbles out to Sir Exsixten, "Maybe you can't be a zombie, but I can! Every kobold for himself! AHHH!" Screaming, he leaps backwards and flees to a distant corner of the tomb.

[sblock=Jax stat block / actions]Actions
Standard: Heal check to grant Sir Exsixten a saving throw. Heal 15, just enough! However, the save itself fails (I should have let IronSky roll!) with a 9. (1d20+4=15, 1d20=9)

Minor: Shifty to Q29.

Move: Walk to N23.

End of turn: Save vs horrified fails. (1d20=7)

PC:Jax (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Male Kobold Rogue 7
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 19
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:21, Will:15 -- Speed:6, 7 while not bloodied
HP:34/58, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:9/9
Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 (encounter)


Shifty, Clever Strike, Piercing Strike
Amulet of Life, Imperiling Strike, Low Slash, Perfect Feint, Second Wind, Sly Lunge, Sneak in the Attack
Rat Form, Mocking Strike, Press the Advantage

Combat notes: +1 damage with CA; +2 damage vs bloodied targets; +1 damage vs medium+ targets
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First Post
Dorn somehow manages to steady himself as his allies flee in terror.

"Steady, friends!" he calls, more for his own benefit than anyone else's.

The half-orc raises his hands high in the air, and a small section of the sky appears in the room above him. Two bolts of pure light flash down, tearing into the zombies with divine radiance and extinguishing Dorn's shroud in the process (Moon and Stars hits juju zombie for 18 radiant damage (add 5 for vulnerability takes it to 23), misses zombie horror, so half damage = 9 radiant damage (add 5 for vulnerability takes it to 14). Because Dorn hit with this power with radiant damage, he gets to spend a surge, healing 14 hps. Unfortunately, he is dazed, so his shroud vanishes. Fortunately, he saves vs Dazed.).

[sblock=Dorn Stat Block]
Dorn, Half-Orc Sorcerer 7
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 20 (base defenses)
HP 43/57 Bloodied 28 Surge Value 14, Surges 6/7
Speed 6, Initiative +9
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
+1 AC TENT from even roll
Wild Soul: poison (Resist 5 poison and ignore first 5 poison resistance)

Encounter Resources
Bedeviling Burst
USED Ice Dragon's Teeth
USED Spark Form
Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience
Goblin Stompers
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Ice Javelins
USED Moon and the Stars
USED Deep Shroud
Chaotic Defense
Deathstalker Dagger
Repulsion Leather Armor

2x potion of healing


First Post
Brenn drew another arrow and fired at the newly-summoned abomination. This time his arrow slammed into the wall beside the creature's head and ricocheted off into the darkness. With a curse, Brenn took another step back and reached for another arrow...

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: walk to Y28
>Standard: Clever Shot RBA against Zombie Horror; 1d20+14 vs. AC= 18 (miss); rolls Roll Lookup
>End of turn: shift to Z28

[sblock= Brenn]
elf Ranger (hunter) 5
Initiative +7/Passive Perception 27/Passive Insight 16; low-light vision
HP 37 (45)/Bloodied 22/Surge value 11/Per day= 7
AC 20/FORT 15/REF 19/WILL 17 (attacks from more than 5 square range take a -1)
Resist 5 necrotic, 5 poison
Speed 7/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 12 (+1)/DEX 20 (+5)/WIS 18 (+4)
CON 13 (+1)/INT 10 (+0)/CHA 8 (-1)
Melee basic: Short sword, +7 (AC), 1d6+2 damage
Ranged basic: +1 duellist’s longbow +13 (AC), 1d10+9 damage, range 20/40
Skills: Acrobatics +9; Athletics +10; Endurance +8; Nature +13; Perception +17; Stealth +12; Thievery +12 (+14 tools)
Aimed shot (at will)
Clever shot (at will)
Rapid shot (at will)
Aspect of the dancing serpent (at will/Stance)(active)
Aspect of the seeking falcon (at will/Stance)
Disruptive shot (Encounter, x2)(1 used)
Reactive shift (Encounter)(used)
Elven accuracy (Encounter)(used)
Centered breath flurry of blows (Encounter)
Safe passage (Daily/utility)
Deathcut armor (Daily/item)


Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Sir Exsixten stops fighting and just stares at Marcel for a long moment. Then, he suddenly steps out of the way of the ju-ju zombie and begin high-tailing it away from the fight.


OOC: I'll use Piecemeal Chainmail.

[sblock=Actions]Start of Turn: Regen 6 hp to 24.
Move: Shift to T30.
Standard->Move: Run to X24. Grant CA, -5 to attacks.
End of Turn Save: 1d20=2. I must warn you, I have a history of my characters failing repeatedly against conditions that take them out of fights...

Status Effects: bloodied, grants CA, -5 to attacks, enemies starting adjacent take 1d12+2(+2 more if THP), regen 6 bloodied

[sblock=Sir Exsixten's Statblock]Sir Exsixten, Male Warforged Fighter 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 21, Fort:19, Reflex:16, Will:16 -- Speed:5
HP:24/63, Bloodied:31, Surge Value:15, Surges left:11/13
Initiative +3, Action Points: 1
Powers: Crushing Surge, Brash Strike, Combat Challenge, Hack and Hew, Sweeping Blow, Warforged Resolve, Piecemeal Chainmail, Second Wind, Villain's Menace, Rain of Steel, Boundless Endurance, Amulet of Resistance, Dwarven Thrower

MBA/RBA: +11(+13 OA) vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage and enemy movement is stopped and Sir Exsixten gains 4 temporary hitpoints.
Notes: *Sir Exsixten does +2 damage with attacks he has any temporary hitpoints. *Sir Exsixten gains 5 THP whenever he spends a healing surge. *Sir Exsixten rerolls the first 1 on any damage roll.
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First Post
Andras ignores his fleeing companions and takes another shot at the zombies. Sadly, courage is not a substitute for accuracy.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Staggering Shot Ju-Ju. That's a two. Man, it would have been cool to hit with any of my attacks before getting torn apart by zombies.

Save vs daze: Thank fortune for small favors, that's a 14.

Also, Andras is at 13 hp for his armor gives 5 necrotic resist.

[sblock=Andras's mini-stats]Andras genasi Warlord 5
Initiative: +3 | Passive perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 12
AC: 20 | For: 19 | Ref: 17 | Will: 15
HP: 13/46 | Bloodied: 23 | Surge value: 11 | Surges: 8/9
Resist: 5 Fire, 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 0 | Second Wind: used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
Powers: Paint the Bulls-Eye, Risky Shot
Race the Arrow, Staggering Shot
Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity
Firedeath, Inspiring Word (1/2), Shake It Off
Rebounding Longbow,
Deathcut Armor, Acrobat Boots

Skirmishing Presence:
When an ally who can see Andras spends an Action Point to make an attack, that ally can shift four squares before or after the attack, and gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls with said attack.



Voidrunner's Codex

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