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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


First Post
[sblock=ooc]First off, Circio, I’m glad your situation is taken care of (hopefully). Real life will always come first.

If I came across as pushy to you or to any others, I apologize. Like you said these games are supposed to be fun for all seven people (8 including covaithe) involved in this adventure.

So as to clear everything up, as stated in the rules in the OP, please post your actions within 48 hours or sooner. If unable to post, with respect to other players, please contact either myself or another player to forward to the group. Once the allotted time has passed, ONE message will be posted in the thread and if not responded to within 12 hours of that message, your PC’s actions will be made for you (using at-wills only).

Whew… Now that stuff’s done… Game on![/sblock]

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*Cyrus grunts as a pincer cuts his arms. He growls lowly and strikes out again at the Impaler attempting to end it's suffering. His blade barely sinking into the right spot. Though he manages to down the heavily wounded Impaler. With the Impaler crashing to the ground, Cyrus darts forwards giving Ixen the melee support he needed.*

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Basic Melee Attack
-Target: Imapler 2 (X9)
-Attack: +10 vs. AC (Hit; 17)
-Damage: 1d10+5 damage + 1d8 Attack Finesse. (15 damage)

Move: Move to T9[/sblock]

[sblock=Cyrus]Cyrus- Male Khan Executioner 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 15

AC: 19, Fort: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 11

Initiative: +5, Speed: 6

HP: 18/26, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 9/9

Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Action Point [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Predatory Eye [X]
Second Wind [ ]
Sneak Attack [X]

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice [ ]

Arrows 83/84[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]With Impaler 2 down and out of the way. Just leaves Impaler 1 to put down. Damien could rapid shot the lot of them and put down Impaler 1 that way. Leaving Jesse to Magic Missile anything else. Or Jesse could Magic Missile Impaler 1 and just get it out of the way, leaving Damien to do. Well anything really. He could knock prone Impaler 4, that would make it so Impaler 4 could only stand up and charge Ardens or Finnean as the rest would be too close to charge. Though if he charged he would eat an OA from Cyrus. Just a couple of thought is all.[/sblock]
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First Post
The Crusher that Jesse helped to kill off spurred it's mate into a fit of rage. With a swipe of it's claw, it knocked Jesse back.

Grasping his stomach, he kneels over in agony. That hit probably crushed half of his vital organs.

"Don't break ranks! They're getting through!" Jesse cried in fear. The pain was agonizing, but he tried to keep his focus on the battle.

Seeing one of the oversized lobsters retreating, the tiefling decided that it should pay for it's cowardice.

"Better to die on your feet, then to live on your knees!" he roared, blood and spit dribbled from his mouth. He got up and flicked his hand, sending a silvery stream of magic towards the Impaler. A sickening crunch later, it fell.

Jesse slipped out the potion that his dwarven captain had gifted him, but couldn't get the stopper out.

"Blast these cork stoppers! They need to redesign these cursed bottles!"

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand Up
Action: Magic Missile @ Craud Impaler 1 (No roll, 7 force damage)
Minor: Draw Potion[/sblock]

[sblock=Circio]Hey, it's cool man. Wasn't calling you out, just wondering to myself what was taking you. Hope your IRL business is taken care off ^^ That said, rules were made for order. And order leads to smooth games. But I'm still cool with waiting :D[/sblock]

OOC: Summary:
  • Craud Impaler 1 is dead.
  • Jesse is no longer prone.
  • Minor: Draw Potion
  • Seriously, what else could Jesse have done :p Magic Missile @ Impaler 1 is the most logical move.
  • This went better than I thought, we even freed up Damien to do whatever he pleases ^^

Jesse Tey’un – Tiefling Wizard
Init: +0 Speed: 6
Passive Perception:11; Passive Insight: 16
AC: 15 Fort 12 Ref 16 Will 15
HP: 12/23 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 5 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Elven
Str:8 Dex:10 Wis:13 Con:13 Int:20 Cha:15

Ghost Sound
Magic Missile
Phantom Bolt
Phantasmal Assault
Infernal Wrath
Grasping Shadows

Second Wind
(Illusory Obstacles -Spellbook)
Phantom Chasm
Cloak of Resistance +1
(Horrid Whispers – Spellbook)
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First Post
Damien notices out of the corner of his eye a Craud sneaking upon him and his fellow teammates. Silly Craud! Down you go! he thought. With that he took a step back and launched his arrow, knocking the beast upside the head and knocking the thing to the ground.

[sblock=Actions]Move: U10 -> V9
Standard: Clever Shot on Craud Impaler 4
1d20+8=22 for 2d6+5=9

AP -> Standard: Second Wind (up to 17/28)
Minor: Draw health potion

Roll to end on going damage 13.[/sblock]

[sblock=Clever Shot]
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You make a ranged basic attack with a weapon. If the attack hits, the target is also subject to one of the following effects of your choice:
* You slide the target up to 2 squares.
* The target falls prone.
* The target is slowed (save ends).[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat block]Damien Bugbear Hunter 1
Initiative +4+4, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight 12, Senses: Low Light
Action Point: 0
Defenses: AC: 16, Fort: 14, Ref: 15, Will: 12
HP: 15/28, Bloodied: 14, Surge Value: 7, Surges/day: 8/9, Speed: 6
Languages: Allarian, Hzakan

Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, Rapid Shot
Disruptive Shot [X], Predatory Eye [X] , Second Wind [X]
Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx selected , Aspect of the Seeking Falcon


First Post
Reef(er) Madness – Round 3

[sblock=ooc]For reference:
Reef(er) Madness Round 1 & HERE
Reef(er) Madness Round 2[/sblock]

Focusing on keeping the dragonborn from dying caused Ardens to briefly lose track of the swarm to his side. Suddenly, he felt a quick pull as his ally pulls him out of reach of the swarm's attack. "I was going to be just fine. There's no reason for you to be touching me with those grubby claws of yours," Ardens says as he turns back to the swarm. Using the skills he learned from the swordmage he met on the way to Daunton, Ardens thrusts forward and skewers a couple of craud on his dagger.

Finnean gives ground to the craud attacking him and slips his rapier between the natural armor of the one on Cyrus; the tip easily pierces the creature, causing it significant pain.

Ixenvalignat swings out at the carnivorous crustacean in front of him, but can't connect, "You and I seem to be bearing the brunt of this attack," the dragonborn leans over toward Ardens, "You're welcome to come over here and help out." He draws and quaffs a potion of healing.

"Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to avoid close combat whenever possible," Ardens says to Ixen as he uses the opening the dragonborn created to get out of melee. With that, he casts a spell, scorching the Impaler and Crusher next to Ixen. Without even pausing to see the effects of his spell, Ardens turns and runs up behind the Craud Cyrus is engaging. "Hey you overgrown shrimp. Why don't you turn around and attack the only target that's actually a threat to you."

Cyrus grunts as a pincer cuts his arms. He growls lowly and strikes out again at the Impaler attempting to end its suffering. His blade barely sinks into the right spot, though he manages to down the heavily wounded Impaler. With the Impaler crashing to the ground, Cyrus darts forwards giving Ixen the melee support he needed.

"Better to die on your feet, then to live on your knees!" he roared, blood and spit dribbled from his mouth. He got up and flicked his hand, sending a silvery stream of magic towards the Impaler. A sickening crunch later, it fell.

Damien notices out of the corner of his eye a Craud sneaking upon him and his fellow teammates. Silly Craud! Down you go! he thought. With that he took a step back and launched his arrow, knocking the beast upside the head and knocking the thing to the ground.

The shrimp swarm churns, striking out at Cyrus just because he was nearby, nearly striking him, then with no other source of food closer, it pounces upon Cyrus again drawing some blood.

The craud crusher turns to Ixen, absently kicking the slain craud impaler’s carcass into the water, where it starts to be eaten by craud shrimp as the corpse sinks into the brine. Ixen swings and connects, as the crusher grabs the dragonborn in its claws, holding him fast.

The remaining impalers advance further onto the atoll to strike at the intruders of their breeding grounds; one swiping its claws at Finnean just hitting the nimble halfling in the shoulder, while the other focuses on Damien stands up from prone and is rather ineffectual.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Craud Shrimp Swarm: Aura Attack: vs. Cyrus: MISS; Standard: attack vs. Cyrus: HIT for 7 and ongoing 3 damage (save ends)

Craud Impaler 1: dead

Craud Impaler 2: dead

Craud Impaler 3: Standard: attack vs. Finnean: HIT for 10

Craud Impaler 4: move from T11 to U10; Standard: attack against Damien: HIT for 8; stands up at T11

Craud Crusher 1: Move from S8 to S7; Opportunity attack from Ixen: HIT for 14, Standard: Attack vs. Ixen: HIT for 11 Ixen is grabbed until he escapes

Craud Crusher 2: dead


[sblock=Terrain, Please Read]Coral Atoll (whitish area): firm ground, not difficult terrain; if knocked prone, that PC takes 1d4 damage in addition to any other damage.

Coral Mounds (C7: D8; G10:H12; J10:L11; U7:V8; Y10:Z11; AB10:AC11): considered difficult terrain.

Submerged Coral (light green area): Consider one FULL square adjacent to the Coral Atoll to be underwater and difficult terrain, this also applies to the area between the two coral atolls. Depth ranges from 1 to 2 feet of water.

Deep Water: Beyond one square from the coral atoll is a 20-foot vertical drop to the sea floor.

Swim or Tread: (as part of movement): DC 10 (calm waters) If swimming north or south, every 2 squares of movement towards the coral atoll will slide you 1 square to the east. If swimming to the west, you can only move 1/4 speed. If swimming east, double your swimming movement.

Success: you swim half your speed

Failure (by 4 or less): you can’t swim any further as part of a movement action, but you are treading water
Failure (by 5 or more): you can’t move any further and you sink 1 square.

*NOTE: The sea grass becomes thicker as you move away from the coral atoll. The DC to swim increases by 2 for each square beyond the start of the Deep Water (EX: DC 10 - 1 sq away from the Submerged Coral; DC 12 - 2 sq away, etc).

**NOTE: There is no Athletics check to climb up onto the difficult terrain of the Submerged Coral areas.



Finnean: W10
Ixenvalignat: T7; BLOODIED; GRABBED until escape (craud crusher 1)
Damien: V9; +2 to all defenses until SoNT
Ardens: W9
Jesse: V8

Craud Shrimp Swarm: R9:S10 (on atoll)
Craud Impaler 1: dead
Craud Impaler 2: dead
Craud Impaler 3: V11 (in water; difficult terrain)
Craud Impaler 4: T11 (in water; difficult terrain)
Craud Crusher 1: S7 (in water; difficult terrain)
Craud Crusher 2: dead

[sblock=Notes on Aquatic Combat]*Any power that has the keyword FIRE takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Damage rolls are unaffected. NOTE: the target must be in the water for this penalty.

*While swimming or submerged: -2 to melee attack rolls with non spear-type melee or ranged weapons or crossbow-type ranged weapons.

Craud Shrimp Swarm: Swarm Attack Aura 1: at the start of the craud swarm’s turn it makes a MELEE basic attack against each enemy it is adjacent to it; HP 37/56; Resist half damage from melee/ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 to close/blast attacks; AC 17, FORT 15, REF 15, WILL 14; MBA Swarm of Mandibles: +7 vs. Ref; 1d6+4 and ongoing 3 damage (save ends).

Craud Impaler: HP 51; AC 17, FORT 15, REF 15, WILL 13; MBA Claw: +8 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage;
Impaler 1:
Impaler 2:
Impaler 3: 44/51; Impale
Impaler 4: 31/51; Impale

Craud Crusher: HP 70; AC 15, FORT 16, REF 16, WILL 15; MBA Claw: +9 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage and grabbed (until escape)
Crusher 1: 36/70; Hammerclaw
Crusher 2:
[sblock=Escape]Action: Move action
Acrobatics DC 16
Athletics DC 16
Success: escape and shift 1 square[/sblock]

Finnean: 14/24; HS 6/7; AP 1; Ardent Surge; Potion of Healing; Status
Ixenvalignat: 4/22; HS 5/8; AP 1; Healing Word: 1, 2; Potion of Healing; Status BLOODIED; GRABBED until escape (craud crusher 1)
Cyrus: 11/26; HS 9/9; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status BLOODIED; Ongoing 3 damage (save ends)
Damien: 17/28; HS 8/9; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx
Ardens: 16/26; HS 9/9; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status
Jesse: 12/23; HS 7/7; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Status
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First Post
[sblock]Craud Impaler 4: move from T11 to U10; Standard: attack against Damien: HIT for 8
It cannot make this action it is knocked prone (as stated in roller I am not sure if I made it clear in chat)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Wouldn't Cyrus get an OA on the Crusher as well? He was right next to Cyrus when he moved into difficult terrain.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: If I slide the Craud Crusher away from Ixen does it end the grab or does Ixen follow? What if I slid the Crusher to T8 (between Ixen and Cyrus?)

[sblock=EDIT]This is neat but you can hardly read anything. MOVED TO BELOW LOL[/sblock]

[sblock=Tactics]Who should we focus fire? I was hoping to help kill the swarm by granting CA to you all (but he has resistance to melee/ranged). Or should I slide the Crusher so Ixen and Cy can flank him?(I'm leaning towards the slide)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Jesse]Yes sliding the Crusher between Cyrus and Ixen would be a great thing to do. Myself and Ixen along with Jesse for the slide should be able to put down the Crusher.

Sliding a grabbed or grabbing target away from one another usually ends a grab. Though the must be slid of of each others reach. I this case the Crusher has reach 2 so you would need to slide it at least two squares away from Ixen. Just for Clarification for you.

The prime targets this round would be the Crusher. Which can be taken out as I explained above. Impaler 4 can go down this round as well if Damien knocks if prone once again giving Finnean a target with CA to sneak attack. And of course the Swarm which Ardens can continue to bomb the heck out of. Ardens can even bomb the swarm and help put more damage toward finishing off Impaler 4.

Though this is entirely up to what others wish to do. I'm just answering Jesse's question with what I believe is optimal. :) [/sblock]

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