• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


First Post
[sblock=Opportunity Attack]Opportunity Attack: Basic Melee Attack
-Target: Goblin Hexer 1 (AB6)
-Attack: +9 vs. AC (Hit; 23)
-Damage: 1d10+5 damage + 1d10 Assassin's Strike + 1d8 Attack Finesse + 2d6 Sneak Attack. (26 damage)

No Action: Assassin’s Strike
-Target: The creature Cyrus hit.
-Trigger: Cyrus hit a creature within 5 squares of himself with an attack using a weapon.
-Effect: The target takes 1d10 extra damage from the triggering attack. If the target is helpless, this damage is maximized.

No Action: Sneak Attack
-Effect: When Cyrus makes an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hits an enemy granting combat advantage to him, that enemy takes 2d6 extra damage.[/sblock]

*Cyrus growls and with a quick downward thrust of his blade he punctures one of the crawling goblins legs. Mortally wounding him.*

Thought I couldn't see? *He grinned a toothy grin.* I was playing you the fool Goblin.

*He felt the magics pulse through his veins as the goblin hexed him with a curse. He growled once again lowly and hurled his dagger at the goblin. Though only manage to nick his leather hide before rebounding and returning to his hand once again.*

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Basic Ranged Attack
-Target: Goblin Hexer 1 (AB6)
-Attack: +10 vs. AC (Miss; 13)[/sblock]

[sblock=Cyrus]Cyrus- Male Khan Executioner 2
Passive Perception: 16, Passive Insight: 11

AC: 20, Fort: 14, Ref: 18, Will: 12

Initiative: +6, Speed: 6

HP: 12/31, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 9/9

Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge
Silent Stalker

Action Point [ ]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Predatory Eye [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Sneak Attack [X]

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice [ ]

Arrows 23/24[/sblock]
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First Post
Round 4 – Goblin Encampment
[sblock=Previous Rounds] Surprise Round
Round 1a
Round 1b
Round 2
Round 3 [/sblock]
An unseen force erupts from Jesse's palm, striking the Blackblade down. The goblin lets out a groan before slumping forward, unconscious. "Rest in your peaceful slumber, we're gonna slaughter all your comrades anyway. The weak shall fall to the strong..." The tiefling then chases after the goblin that has been taking potshots at his party. "That wretch will get it good...I shall squeal with joy as I make him jump off a cliff. Over and over and over..." (Auto-HIT)

Ixenvalignat, seeing, once again, that a comrade is attempting to steal all the glory, quickly bounds up the rocks to assure himself an opportunity to share in Cyrus' fun, "Leave a piece of that one for me!" (Double MOVE)

Cyrus growls and with a quick downward thrust of his blade he punctures one of the crawling goblins legs mortally wounding him. Thought I couldn't see? He grinned a toothy grin. I was playing you the fool Goblin. He felt the magics pulse through his veins as the goblin hexed him with a curse. He growled once again lowly and hurled his dagger at the goblin. Though only manage to nick his leather hide before rebounding and returning to his hand once again. (HIT & MISS)

Finnean decides to hunt down the last sharpshooter. (Double MOVE)
GM: Fierro (NPC)
Move: R17>M12
Standard: Charge: M12>O10 against cutter 2 (Fort 15): Knockdown Assault: +10 vs. Fort ; 5 damage and knock prone: 1d20+10=16 HIT and kills minion.

The sharpshooter steps back, fumbling with its crossbow back as Finnean advances on it. It manages to fire point blank, but the bolt flies wide of the diminutive humanoid. (MISS)

The Goblin Hexer squeals at Cyrus as the feline creature swats him. It scrambles deftly, not coming any closer to Cyrus and descends the arm down to solid ground and turns and tries to flee. (MOVE)
[sblock=Enemy Actions]Goblin Cutter x6
Goblin Blackblade x2

Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (AE27): Move: shift AF28>AE27; Minor: load crossbow; Standard: RBA (crossbow) against Finnean (AC 18); +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage: 1d20+11=18, 1d6+4=9 MISS (if forgot bonuses to defenses in IC)

Goblin Hexer (W6): Recharge Stinging Hex 4-6: 1d6=2 NO RECHARGE; Move: Stand; Standard>Move: AB6>W6 (avoiding AoO)[/sblock]
[sblock=Map & Terrain]

Illumination: sunset/dusk, pale green light provides dim light
Shore: difficult terrain (within 2 squares of water)
Water: From the shore out 2 squares, the water comes up to a medium-sized creature’s knees, any further and you must swim
Rock Outcroppings: 5-10ft tall; blocking terrain; provides total cover if hiding behind it; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Tide Pools (V19:X21 & X29:Y30): 3 feet deep; if pushed, pulled, or slid, save vs. falling in (make: fall prone at edge)
Shipwrecks: considered difficult terrain.
Upturned face: 5-feet tall; blocking terrain; Athletics (DC 15) to climb.
Raised Hand: slopes up 20-feet at palm; considered difficult terrain; one Acrobatics (DC 12) to keep balance (up or down)
*NOTE: height is listed on map in relation to the beach (i.e. beach is at 0-feet)[/sblock]
[sblock=Combatants]Goblin Cutter x6
Goblin Blackblade x2

Goblin Sharpshooter: AC 16; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 14; 44/44 hp; MBA (short sword): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; RBA (crossbow): Ranged 10/20; +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; Sniper: When a goblin sharpshooter makes a ranged attack from hiding and misses, it is considered to be hiding; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin sharpshooter can shift 1 square; Combat Advantage: the goblin sharpshooter deals an extra 1d6 damage against any creature it has combat advantage against, it can gain combat advantage against flanked creatures.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1:
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (AE27):31/44 hp; Status:

Goblin Hexer: AC 19; Fort 15; Ref 15; Will 16; 64/64 hp; MBA (hexer rod): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage; RBA (Blinding Hex): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Fort; 2d6+3 damage and the target is blinded (save ends); Stinging Hex (encounter; recharge 4-6): Ranged 10; +9 vs. Will; the target takes 3d6+3 damage if it shifts or moves during its next turn; Vexing Cloud (encounter; Zone; Sustain: Minor): area burst 3 within 10 squares; enemies only; all enemies within the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The zone grants concealment to the goblin hexer and its allies while within it. The goblin hexer can sustain the zone as a minor action and move it up to 5 squares with a move action; Incite Bravery: Immediate reaction: when an ally within 10 squares uses goblin tactics; the targeted ally can shift an additional square and make a basic attack; Lead from the Rear: immediate reaction: when targeted by a ranged attack; the goblin hexer can change the attack’s target to an adjacent ally of its level or lower; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin hexer can shift 1 square.
Goblin Hexer (W6):38/64 hp; Status:

Finnean (AE29): 21/29; HS 6/7; AP 1 ; Second Chance ; Ardent Surge [1]; Status: +6 to AC and Reflex TENT; +1 to all defenses TENT
Ixenvalignat (AA21): 28/32; HS 8/8; AP 1 ; Inspiring Word [1] , [2]; Status:
Cyrus (AB8): 12/31; HS 9/9; AP 1; Status:
Jesse (X26): 29/29; HS 7/7; AP 1 ; Potion of Healing; Status:
Fierro (O10): 18/35; HS 11/11; AP 1; Status: [/sblock]
GM: Summary:
Finnean: missed
Ixenvalignat: -
Cyrus: -
Jesse: -
Fierro: -
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First Post
OOC: If someone could give me Combat Advantage against the Hexer that would be grand. Either Fierro charging in to provide flank or Jesse firing off his at Will that makes enemies grant CA for the turn.

Speaking of Fierro. Did we lose him to the wild realms that is the Interwebs?


First Post
OOC: Unfortunately, Jesse can't reach the Hexer with his Phantasmal Assault. So his only options now are to engage the sharpshooter or Magic Missile the Hexer.
[MENTION=6672544]jsb420[/MENTION]: Do I have vision of the sharpshooter? As in, can I hit it right now? Perception check? Also, my AP has been used up (Combatants tab)


First Post
GM: [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION]: correct, your AP is gone. Jesse would need to move from his current position on the map (X26) in order to have line of sight.


First Post
OOC: I'm still here as well. Waiting to see if Fierro returns or not. Need CA on the Hexer as well. I know Jesse can't get there nor Ixen. Jsb if your going to control Fierro this turn as well. Can I just state in my write up that Cyrus charges after Fierro flanks from the other side? Then I can roll up my attacks and actions now instead of waiting.


Ixenvalignat reaches the berm just in time to see the hexer slide down the rise, "Hold, *huff* still! *puff*." The dragonbord climbs down and rushes again toward his moving target. [sblock=Actions]Move: Double Move to W12
Minor: *pant*pant*pant*[/sblock]
OOC: Sorry. I can't even get to the hexer at a run. Otherwise I would have used Intuitive Strike and given you CA. Maybe next turn if the guy holds still.
[sblock=Ministats] Ixenvalignat
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 3 Initiative: +1
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 20; Fortitude; 18; Reflex: 14; Will: 17
HP: 28/32
Surge Value: 8; Surges Left: 1+2/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Brash Assault (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 damage

Effect: The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action asn has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes the attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

:melee: Intuitive Strike (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10+5 damage. Until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Encounter Powers:
:close: (5) Dragon Breath (Minor) 1d20+8 vs. Reflex
Bostering Breath Feat: Targets enemies only

Hit: 1d6 Lightning damage

Battlefront Shift (No Action)

Effect: Target (either Ixenvalignat or an ally) shifts half speed on initiative roll

:close: (5) Inspiring Word (Minor) 1 2
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints

Can be used twice per encounter

:ranged: (5) Encouraging Boost (Minor)
Effect: The target can use its second wind and regain an additional +4 hit points.

Can be used twice per encounter
:melee: Tactician's Invitation (Standard) 1d20+8 vs. AC
2d10+5 Damage. The next time an ally hits the target before the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn, that ally can slide the target two squares, shift 2 squares or deal 4 extra damage to the target.

:melee: Flattening Charge (Standard, Charge)1d20+8+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+5 Damage, and Ixenvalignat knocks the target prone.

Bravura Presence:
If the attack hits, this power is not expended

The target gains combat advantage against Ixenvalignat until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: Bastion of Defense 1d20+8 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+5=Damage. Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains 9 temporary hit poins.


  • Armored Warlord: Ixenvalignat gains proficiency with scale armor, and he increases his number of healing surges by one.
  • Bolstering Breath: Your dragon breath power targets enemies in the area, instead of all creatures in the area. In addition, allies in the area of your dragon breath gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

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