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[Adventure] Dirty Money: (The Final Encounter; Rohna, Tondrek up)[Judge: THB]

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[sblock=effect of zone]I think that since the zombie left the zone, and then got pushed back into it again, that counts as "entering" the zone again, meaning it takes another 5 damage. (I guess the slow effect is still in play already since it lasts until the end of their next turn...)

I think. The whole business with moving in and out of zones is a bit squirrelly...[/sblock]

Roswyn tensely listens to the sounds of battle from around the corner. As first Rohna then Tamarand rush past her in retreat, she grimaces and prepares to follow... but then stops cold. "Where's Tondrek?" she asks no one in particular.

That noble fool! He's going to get himself killed, which is really too bad, but it's too hot for this girl to stay... live to fight another day, don't let his sacrifice be in vain, et cetera... But despite her thoughts, she finds her feet taking her back towards the corner. Peeking around the wall, she sees the half-orc facing down the three powerful foes with nothing but Doggie beside him.

Her shadow illusion is quickly fading out, but she holds up her newly acquired orb and focuses her energy. The grasping tendrils instantly regrow and thicken. She gathers lights in its transparent surface and flings them down the corridor where they pulse and dance behind the zombie. Mindlessly, it shambles over to stand over them, staring down, but the mummy ignores their lure.

"Tondrek! Pull back!" the gnome shouts desperately.

[sblock=Actions]Move: To N24, assuming she can "peek" around that corner in order to place Hypnotic Pattern at O14. If necessary, she will move to O24.

Minor: Use Orb of Inevitable Continuance power to extend the Grasping Shadows zone for one more round.

Standard: Hypnotic Pattern at N24. This can target M and Z. (In theory it might also be able to target a skull depending how far down the corridor it is, but even if it's in range, there's nothing to be gained by pulling it closer, so forget that.)

Hypno Pattern vs M, Z (1d20+11=17, 1d20+11=25) Crap, probably misses M, but almost certainly gets Z and pulls him to N24. Well, at least he's not going to get to anybody next round!

Reactions: Use Shield to negate an attack. Use Fade Away only if an opponent gets close enough for melee.
[sblock=Roswyn stat block]Lady Roswyn d'Sivis- Female Gnome Wizard 5
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:18, Will:19 -- Speed:5
HP:32/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/7
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: NOT USED
Powers: Cantrips, Illusory Ambush, Scorching Burst,
Orb of Deception, Grasping Shadows, Hypnotic Pattern,
Shield, Horrid Whispers, Summon Abyssal Maw,
Majestic Word, Fade Away, Cloak of Resistance,
Orb of Inevitable Continuance

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Rohna shakes her head as most of the group blatantly ignore her tactical advice and bunch up to allow the blasters to capitalize just like she said they would. "This threat is beyond any of us. Retreat if you want to live." Rohna uses the fact that her racial power is still active to disengageand move as far back down the hall as she can, Mitra follows around the corner as best she can.

The skeleton slashes out with two of the four blades as the goliath retreats away. One manages to find slice through the goliath's hardened skin, leaving a trickle of blood.

OA vs Rohna AC (1d20+13=25, 1d8+4=6, 1d20+13=19, 1d8+4=12)One hit for 1 damage after DR.[/sblock]

Seeing Tamarand up, Tondrek focuses on the skeletal menace before him while eying the other undead coming with an uncertain gaze. Bad feeling. Baaaad feeling. He stepped around the skeleton, a dangerous move he knew, but he wanted to help Little Big Girl. Twin scimitars lash out as he steps around, hacking hard into his wrists. He barely has the prescence of mind to call Doggie into the flank that Rohna left. He traced along the well-worn patterns of magic to call forth some binding force and then raised his staff to the many-armed foe. The staff catches on something, but Tondrek invokes its magic to try again, this time with a better result and anger behind it!

[sblock=ooc]S vs Tondrek AC OA (1d20+13=24, 1d8+4=8, 1d20+13=29, 1d8+4=12)Ouch, 20 damage. I took the opportunity to move Doggie into line to flank. Without it you wouldn't have hit.[/sblock]

Shava keeps a cool head as Roswyn keeps most of the group back. "Excellent work." She raises her dagger and takes aim, sending a blast of lightning arcing over most of the group and slamming into the frosted undead. It's forced to stagger back into the shadows, transferring some of the energy to the mummy as well.

Shava quickly moves back, next to Roswyn, preparing for another go.

Tamarand shivers despite himself and stares at the foes around him. Not wanting to get close to these foes with the skulls hiding around the corner, the drow calls upon the cosmic energies to bombard the mummies with meteorites. The calls is answered as one particularly large one slams into the eastern undead and slams it back into the shadows that Roswyn had created. The zombie shudders and explodes in a blast of frozen flesh and bone. The mummy is battered and it's muscles stiffen even more. As the meteor slams into the mummy, another whirlwind of air fills the hallway and carries Tamarand next to Shava. As he flies by the skeleton, the creature lashes out with both blades, Tondrek's shield of force bulges as one blades slashes at him, protecting the drow. The other breaks through, at least temporarily, shearing muscles from the drow's arm as he flies by.

[sblock=ooc]xplody on M; OA atts vs Tam AC (1d20+9=22, 2d6+2=8, 1d20+13=25, 1d20+13=29, 1d8+4=5, 1d8+4=12)

He tosses her a wink as he lands gracefully on his feet. "Miss me?" he jokes as he continues his assault on the enemies. The drow is distracted by the sudden movement though and his attacks are not terribly effective, though against the lone foe they seem enough. Seeing Rohna running back down the hall he mutters "When the going gets tough, the tough get going. So true." so low only Shava can hear, and he turns to follow the goliath "C'mon!" he hisses as he passes the half-elf.

[sblock=ooc]ryry is correct. No 5 damage, out of the aura. Blazing starfall does fire damage too, which does matter against the mummy as well. Tamarand kills the zombie, which explodes and hurts the mummy as well as slowing(save ends). xplody on M; OA atts vs Tam AC (1d20+9=22, 2d6+2=8, 1d20+13=25, 1d20+13=29, 1d8+4=5, 1d8+4=12)First attack misses on the OA, second hits. [/sblock]

Roswyn tensely listens to the sounds of battle from around the corner. As first Rohna then Tamarand rush past her in retreat, she grimaces and prepares to follow... but then stops cold. "Where's Tondrek?" she asks no one in particular.

That noble fool! He's going to get himself killed, which is really too bad, but it's too hot for this girl to stay... live to fight another day, don't let his sacrifice be in vain, et cetera... But despite her thoughts, she finds her feet taking her back towards the corner. Peeking around the wall, she sees the half-orc facing down the two powerful foes with nothing but Doggie beside him.

Her shadow illusion is quickly fading out, but she holds up her newly acquired orb and focuses her energy. The grasping tendrils instantly regrow and thicken. She gathers lights in its transparent surface and flings them down the corridor where they pulse and dance. Mindlessly, the mummy shambles over to stand over them, staring down

"Tondrek! Pull back!" the gnome shouts desperately.

[sblock=ooc]Nice post. Z is down, but the 17 hits M. Flameskulls aren't affected, too far away.[/sblock]

Round 2

Baddies: 24--
Rohna: 19--
Tondrek: 17--
Shava: 10
Tamarand: 7
Roswyn: 4

Tondrek: 32/58 5/10(13) AP: 1
Tamarand: 17/46 6/8(11) AP: 1--; mummy rot; bloodied
Shava: 44/44 2/7(11) AP: 1
Roswyn: 32/39 4/7(9) AP: 1
Rohna: 36/57 ; 10/15 AP: 1

M: -85; slowed(save ends); bloodied
S: -25; -3 to attacks until end of next turn.
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First Post
The flameskulls do not show themselves once more, avoiding the zone of shadow that the gnome conjured. The mummy moves forward, it's wrappings still smoldering, even after the bombardment of frozen viscera. The shadows rip at the creature's undead psyche, injuring it further, though it barely has mind of it's own. Tondrek hears the unsteady footfalls and the rustle of the wrappings as they drag on the floor. The stench of burnt flesh fills the half-orcs nostrils, infusing fear in his attacks.

[sblock=ooc]Mummy moves forward. Saves, but I think it will still be slowed from the shadows until the end of it's next turn. mummy save vs slowed (1d20=10)[/sblock]

The skeleton slashes out with two blades at Doggie, the second isn't needed though, as the first carves the construct's head from it's body. The undead turns and target's the half-orc with the other two blades. The artificer is able to deflect one with the butt of his staff. The other finds it's mark, and blood pumps through the artificer filling him with vigor.

skel attacks doggie; tondrek (1d20+10=30, 1d8+4=8, 1d20+10=16, 1d8+4=5, 1d20+10=26, 1d8+4=9, 1d20+10=20, 1d8+4=10)Second attacks hits for 10 and half orc resilience activates.[/sblock]

Round 3

Baddies: 24--Acted
Rohna: 19--
Tondrek: 17--
Shava: 10
Tamarand: 7
Roswyn: 4

Tondrek: 22+5/58 5/10(13) AP: 1; bloodied
Tamarand: 17/46 6/8(11) AP: 1--; mummy rot; bloodied
Shava: 44/44 2/7(11) AP: 1
Roswyn: 32/39 4/7(9) AP: 1
Rohna: 36/57 ; 10/15 AP: 1

M: -85; slowed(end of next turn); bloodied
S: -25


  • The Dead walk round 3 all over Tondrek unless somebody saves him..xls
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As much as I hate to say this I the +5 AC bonus to Tamarand expired at end of Tondrek's turn so he takes 12 more damage and down to 5 hp [/sblock]


First Post
Shava starts to make a comment to Tammarand when suddenly he and everyone else runs past.

"Where's Tondrek? . . . Tondrek pull back!" Shava was already trying to formulate a proper escape plan even as Roswyn called out. Racing out to the open space of the hallway she brings up her dagger calling forth a huge gust of wind, slamming into the skeleton.

Shava's eyes flashed with electricity as she kept up the tiring effect. Usually like to save this for groups but I need to full force to get him clear. The winds seem to stop right before the half-orc, leaving him unharmed, but flinging the skeleton far around him and into the shadows.

The winds then separate, picking Shava and Tondrek slightly off the ground. Need to explain things quickly. . .

"Tondrek, make like a pixie!" She then follows the group.

[sblock=ooc]Move to O24.
Thundering Gust. Targets only S. 18 vs Fort, 10Thunder damage. Slide S to P17.

AP: Sorcerous Sirocco. Shava moves to G24, flying and then landing. Tondrek can move 8 squares, with flight, for free.[/sblock]

[sblock=Quick Stats]
Shava Devla d'Lyrandar
Female Half-Elf Sorcerer 5
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 12
HP 44/44, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 2/7
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 19
Speed 6
AP: 0

Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +12, Diplomacy +13, Insight +9
Feats Mark of Storm, Sorcerous Blade Channeling, Sure Climber
Equipment Challenge-Seeking Dagger +2, Sylvan Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Identification Papers, with Portrait, Waterskin, Sunrod (2), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Pouch, Belt (empty), Rations, Trail (10), Grappling Hook, Flint and Steel, Everburning Torch, Backpack (empty), Arcane Signet Ring, Ritual Book, Belt of Vim, 1 Healiing Potion
Rituals Summon Winds

Lightning Strike, Storm Walk
Guiding Strike, Thunder Slam, Thundering Gust, Sorcerous Sirocco, Storm Power Defenses, Second Wind
Howling Tempest, Thunder Leap
Full Sheet[/sblock]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek does his best to keep the skeleton's attention as the others escape, too stubborn, too stupid, or too selflish to retreat. The whimpers a bit at the at the cuts, though, and his eyes clench when Doggie is put down once more. When Shava flings the skeleton back and pulls him forth with wings of air, Tondrek flaps his arms uselessly as he uses her magic to float around the corner. Big ugly things with fire down there. Bad. But Cloth Scary Deadle not like fire and light. As he lands, he reaches into his pack and pulls out a smashed-together bit of junk with a brown whiskey bottle on top, releases something, and it springs to life. He then takes a moment to catch his breath and wrack his brain.[sblock=Actions]Free: Fly to L24. Two minors to retrieave Clockwork bomb and activate it (placing it in M24; 2 round timer) then spend second wind. Knowledge checks on what he's seen: Mummy: Arcana 29, Religion 8; Skeleton Arcana 31, Religion 27; Flameskulls Arcana 36, Religion 14[/sblock][sblock=Tondrek (second wind). ]Tondrek—Male Half-orc Artificer 7
Initiative: +7, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 23 (24 with Staff), Fort: 21, Reflex: 21, Will: 19 — Speed: 6, 8 when charging
HP: 36+5/58, Bloodied: 29, Surge: 14, Surges left: 4/10; Half-orc Resilience
Action Points: 1/2, Second Wind: Used
Powers -
Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Scouring Weapon
Repulsion Strike
Gale-Force Infusion

Obedient Servant
Flameheart Defender

Healing Infusion x2
Swift Mender
Furious Assault

Regeneration Infusion
Battle Staff +1 (daily) (Maybe used)
Targeting Crossbow +2 (daily)
Point Blank Repeating Crossbow +1 (encounter)
Skald's Leather Armor +2 (daily)
Onyx Dog (daily)
Clockwork Bomb
2 Woundpatches
2 Alchemist's Acids

Clockwork Bomb
AC: 21, Fort: 19, Reflex: 19, Will: 17
Explodes on hit.

Doggie—Construct 4
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 14, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 0/9; Bloodied 4

Full character sheet[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: It'll hurt more if he stays. And he's already used an oa or interrupt against me and has a -3 to attack if he can.

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