[Adventure] Dusk and Her Embrace (Judge: THB)

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: Then let's ask our DM to jump over the waiting time to the next thing thatt happens. And if nothing happens we destroy the crystal at dawn ;)

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Slightly entitled.
GM: Alright, gang. Now that the issue has been settled, look forward to a post from me tonight. I would like to post it right now, but I'm entirely too busy at work, my apologies.


Slightly entitled.
The temple is filled with a cacophony of thick, horrid moaning and the staccato rhythm of hundreds of undead fists beating against the temple doors. Suddenly, a sharp cracking noise echoes through the temple, and you realize your defenses have been breached!

A large group of zombies burst through the side doors. A pair of undead dogs slip in behind them, eyes a dull and lifeless red; their flesh hanging in rotting strips.

[sblock=Initiative]Initiative: Bellegon, Brondin, Deimos, Ghourra, Tana, Monsters (1d20+6=20, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+3=11, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+3=5)

Everyone goes before the monsters. [/sblock][sblock=Map]
[/sblock][sblock=Skill Challenge Status]Current Successes: 0
Failures: 0[/sblock][sblock=PLEASE READ]The combat and skill challenge will be run concurrently once again. There needs to be at least one primary skill check per round, or the group will be given a failure.

As per usual, if a skill isn't mentioned, but you can come up with a plausible reason to use it, please do. The DC for a skill check not listed, however, is 19.[/sblock][sblock=Shoring Up the Defenses]Level: 5
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
Primary Skills: Athletics, Dungeoneering, Religion, Thievery.
  • Athletics (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character realizes finesse is no trade for quick and effective physical labor. The character pounds nails, carries heavy objects, and uses brute strength shove invading zombies back through the doors.
  • Dungeoneering (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character’s knowledge of stone and underground construction lets him or her see how the temple might best be fortified using the meager supplies available.
  • Religion (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character offers a prayer to Onatar, asking him to lend his strength to the characters’ endeavor and slow the tide of undead seeking to further desecrate his temple.
  • Thievery (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character has spent a lifetime getting into places he or she is not wanted. It’s not terribly difficult to turn that concept on its head and use those skills to craft sturdy barricades.
Secondary Skills: Perception.
  • Perception (DC 10, minor action, no successes): The character’s keen eyes help more skilled companions find the best materials to aid in fortifying the temple. A successful check grants a +2 bonus to one ally’s next Dungeoneering or Thievery check made as part of this skill challenge.
[/sblock][sblock=Status]Zombie Soldier (F12, E15) - HP: 54/54
Zombie Rotters (E7, D10, E11, F17, D19, E20) - HP: 1/1
Undead Dog (D7, C16) - HP: ??/??
[/sblock][sblock=Enemies]Zombie Soldier - AC: 20, F: 17, R: 17, W: 15
:melee: +9 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage.
Zombie Rotter - AC: 15, F: 15, R: 11, W: 12
:melee: +10 vs. AC; 5 damage.
Undead Dog - AC: 16, F: 16, R: 14, W: 13
:melee: +10 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends) and is knocked prone if Medium creature or smaller.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=all players]
Deimos could hit the 5 enemies up right of him with one attack, possibly pushing everyone and and killing the minions. (I need only a 5-7 to hit)

But I will wait to do it until a skill roll succeeds.

Bellegon doesn't even try to recrete the defenses. His job is to drop the attackers and so he does.

He curses closest zombie, moves forward a step and then glares at the new type of undead mushing it's simple mind.

"I prefer lizards!"

Minor: Curse closest (E7 minion)
Move: H8
Standard: Spiteful Glamour vs Will (undead dog at C16); psychic damage (1d20+9=15, 1d12+6+9=27)

[sblock=Bellegon Stats]
CURSED: zombie rotter E7
Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 12, Darkvision
HP 45/50 Bloodied 25, Surge Value 12, Surges 5/7
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 19
1 AP
Saving Throws:
Speed 6

Eldritch Strike
Spiteful Glamor
Fast Hands

Cloud of Darkness
Second Wind
Shadow Step
Shared Agony
Life Siphon

Your Glorious Sacrifice
Twilight of the Soul

Talon amulet - Daily: Minor: melee attacker suffers 1d6 damage 'till the end of the encounter
Knifethrower gloves: Daily : Free Action. When Bellegon hits with a thrown weapon attack he can add +5 power bonus to damage roll

Gloves of eldritch admixture: 4/5 charges

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First Post
Tana quickly considered the tactical situation, and saw that unless she wanted to throw her blade -- which she could do, if the situation warranted it -- she would have a few seconds before things came to blade work. On the other hand, if she could work a bit of a warding into this place -- and she had always been good with defensive magic -- that would be quite useful.

"Let me try something." She said, quickly scratching sigils on the floor with her rapier. She continued talking, but it was under her breath; those trained in arcane arts recognized the words, but it was quite fast.

"That should help." She said when she finished, sounding satisfied.

Arcana check (1d20+15=33)
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Walking Dad

First Post
Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage) 5

"Begone!" Deimos shouts at the suddenly entering undead.
One undead falls down and the zombie dog flees toward the other one.
"Rise creature of molten rock!" Deimos intones. The suddenly appearing Magma Beast lashes out at the dog but misses by inches.


Standard: Beguiling Strands vs Will
- Kills 11 E
- 5 psychic to 7D, push it to 12D
move: to 9J
minor: Summon Magma beast to 12E

Magma Beast
Intrinsic attack vs Zombie Dog

Immediate Interruption: Shield (if it prevents a hit)
Immediate Reaction: Infernal Wrath (if hit by enemy in range)

Bad roll and one minion in my blast was killed before my action with 27 damage...

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 40 / 40 Bloodied: 20
Temporary Hit Points: -
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.5
Healing Surge:10 Surges per day: 7 / 8
At-Will Powers: Magic Missle, Scorching Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Fire Shroud, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Summon Magma Beast

Condition: slowed

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First Post
OOC: Any chance that we have reached a milestone?

My attacks include Zombie Rotter (E11). I rolled on IC while Deimos posted.

Brondin feels his adrenaline rise as the undead breach the temple’s defenses. Finally, some action.

OOC: Be sure to read my stat sblock. I have multiple friendly zones going.

Move: H10>G13 (avoiding OA)
Minor: Rune of Mending (on himself regain 12 hp) Rune of Destruction: close burst 5: Brondin and each ally within the burst (C8:K18) gains +2 power bonus to damage TENT (Brondin)
Standard: Rune of Undeniable Dawn (Daily): close burst 3: +6 vs. AC; 1d10+4 radiant damage (MISS: half damage); creates a zone (D10:J16): Brondin and all allies within zone gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses TENT (Sustain: Minor): Zombie Soldier (F12); Zombie Rotter (E11); Zombie Rotter (D10); Zombie Soldier (E15): 1d20+6=23, 1d20+6=19, 1d20+6=18, 1d20+6=7, 1d10+4=6 HITS ZS(F12) for 6+2(rune of mending dmg) radiant damage; kills ZR(E11) and ZR(D10); MISSES ZS(E15) only takes 4 radiant damage
Free: Nature’s Wrath: Zombie Soldier (F12)

[sblock=Immediate Interrupt] Warden's Fury: If the Zombie Soldier (F12) attacks and doesn't include Brondin as a target, Brondin can make an attack (if Brondin is adjacent to his mark) +11 vs. Fort; 1d10+9 damage and it grants CA Brondin and his allies until EoNT.[/sblock]

[sblock=Immediate Reaction]Warden's Grasp: If the Zombie Soldier (F12) attacks and doesn't include Brondin as a target (-2 to its attack roll), Brondin can slide it 1 square and it is slowed until EoNT (close burst 5). [/sblock]

[sblock=Stats] Status:
#1: Wrathful Hammer: Brondin gains a +3 (Con mod) bonus to damage against any enemy that damaged him TENT
#2: Rune of Mending: Close burst 5; Brondin and all allies within the zone (C8:K18) gain a +2 power bonus to damage TENT
#3: Rune of Undeniable Dawn: Close burst 3; Brondin and all allies within the zone (D10:J16) gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses TENT (Sustain: minor)

Rune State:
[ X ] Destruction: (Allies gain +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies adjacent to Brondin.)

[ ] Protection: (Allies gain Resist 2 to all damage while adjacent to Brondin.)

Brondin Hurndin
Level 4 Runepriest|Warden
Init: +2 Speed: 5
Passive Perception:13; Passive Insight: 13
AC: 20(22) Fort 18(20) Ref 16(18) Will 16(18)
HP: 40/48 Surges: 8/11 Surge Value: 12 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:20 Dex:14 Wis:12 Con:16 Int:8 Cha:10

Warden's Fury, Warden's Grasp, Weight of Earth, Rune of Diminishment
Dwarven Resilience, Rune of Mending , Roots of Stone, Word of the Blinding Shield
Rune of Undeniable Dawn , Shield of Sacrifice
[FONT=&quot]Dwarven Chainmail +1 (Daily Power), Potion of Healing, Vial of Holy Water[/FONT][/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
Like the previous battle, Ghourra engages the undead with a weapon bathed in radiance, keeping an eye out for spots where her allies can shore up the defenses.

[sblock=actions]Move: G12
Standard: Brand of the Sun (F12) (1d20+10+2+1=17, 2d6.minroll(2)+8+2=16) (MISS)
Minor: Perception (auto-success)[/sblock]

[sblock=Ghourra Gravedigger]Status:

Ghourra Gravedigger - Level 4 Cleric|Warlord
Init: +2 Speed: 5
Passive Perception: 23; Passive Insight: 18
AC: 21 Fort 18 Ref 13 Will 18
HP: 42/42 Surges: 7/10 Surge Value: 10 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:18 Con:15 Dex:10 Int:8 Wis:18 Cha:10

Brand of the Sun
Paint the Bulls-Eye

Incredible Toughness[]
Inspiring Word[]
Healing Word[]
Healer's Mercy[]
Healing Strike[]
Deadly Distraction[]
Second Wind[]

Inspiring Shot[]
Resurgent Strength[]
Dwarven Armor[]
Dwarven Thrower Gouge[]


Slightly entitled.
With bright and warming light bursting forth from the stout dwarf, the heroes rush forth to stem the inevitable tide of undead attempting to feast upon their flesh. A line is formed by Ghourra, Brondin, and Deimos' summoned minion, all lashing out with weapons and fiery limbs.

The undead are quick to retaliate however. The zombies move towards the nearest of the adventurers, reaching out with gnarled hands and rusted swords. Brondin and Ghourra manage to block of deflect each of these attacks but they are ill-prepared for the speed and ferocity of the undead canines, each of them latching on to the two and dragging to them to the floor.
GM: Sorry for the slowing posting, I'm preparing for a business trip and things have been very hectic.

The group did reach a milestone and have received an action points. Stats should be updated correctly for the group below.

Ghourra and Brondin both have ongoing 5 necrotic damage and are prone.

[sblock=Brondin]Forgot the Undead Dog that Deimos pushed into Brondin's AOE. Here's the attack and damage: Rune of Undeniable Dawn vs. Undead Dog; damage. (1d20+6=21, 1d10+4=8)[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Actions]Zombie Rotter (G7)
Move - > G7
Standard -
  • Target - Bellegon
  • Attack - Slam vs. AC 18; 1d20+10=20; 5 damage.

Zombie Rotter (G14)
Move - > G14
Standard -
  • Target - Brondin
  • Attack - Slam vs. AC 22; 1d20+10=11; miss.

Zombie Soldier (F12)
Standard -
  • Target - Brondin
  • Attack - Longsword vs. AC 22; 1d20+9=12

Zombie Soldier (F14)
Move - > F14
Standard -
  • Target - Brondin
  • Attack - Longsword vs. AC 22; 1d20+9=12

Zombie Dog (F11)
Move - > F11
Standard -
  • Target - Ghourra
  • Attack - Bite vs. AC 23; 1d20+10=26
  • Damage - Bite; 2d6+6=9, ongoing 5 necrotic damage and knocked prone.

Zombie Dog (F13)
Move - > F13
Standard -
  • Target - Brondin
  • Attack - Bite vs. AC 22; 1d20+10=25
  • Damage - Bite; 2d6+6=14, ongoing 5 necrotic damage and knocked prone.

The lighter green area (Close Burst 5) is Brondin's Rune of Mending and provides a +2 to damage for this turn.
The darker green area (Close Burst 3) is Brondin's Rune of Undeniable Dawn and provides a +2 to all defenses until he stops sustaining it.[/sblock][sblock=Skill Challenge Status]Current Successes: 1
Failures: 0

Ghourra is providing a +2 to the next Dungeoneering or Thievery check.[/sblock][sblock=PLEASE READ]The combat and skill challenge will be run concurrently once again. There needs to be at least one primary skill check per round, or the group will be given a failure.

As per usual, if a skill isn't mentioned, but you can come up with a plausible reason to use it, please do. The DC for a skill check not listed, however, is 19.[/sblock][sblock=Shoring Up the Defenses]Level: 5
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
Primary Skills: Athletics, Dungeoneering, Religion, Thievery.
  • Athletics (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character realizes finesse is no trade for quick and effective physical labor. The character pounds nails, carries heavy objects, and uses brute strength shove invading zombies back through the doors.
  • Dungeoneering (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character’s knowledge of stone and underground construction lets him or her see how the temple might best be fortified using the meager supplies available.
  • Religion (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character offers a prayer to Onatar, asking him to lend his strength to the characters’ endeavor and slow the tide of undead seeking to further desecrate his temple.
  • Thievery (DC 15, standard action, 1 success, no maximum): The character has spent a lifetime getting into places he or she is not wanted. It’s not terribly difficult to turn that concept on its head and use those skills to craft sturdy barricades.
Secondary Skills: Perception.
  • Perception (DC 10, minor action, no successes): The character’s keen eyes help more skilled companions find the best materials to aid in fortifying the temple. A successful check grants a +2 bonus to one ally’s next Dungeoneering or Thievery check made as part of this skill challenge.
[/sblock][sblock=Status]Bellegon (H8) - HP: 40/50, Surges: 5/7, AP: 2, Second Wind: avail; +2 to damage until EONT
Brondin (G13) - HP: 26/48, Surges: 8/11, AP: 1, Second Wind: avail; +2 to damage until EONT, +2 to all defenses until EONT, ongoing 5 necrotic damage, prone
Deimos (J9) - HP: 40/40, Surges: 7/8, AP: 2, Second Wind: avail; +2 to damage until EONT
Ghourra (G11) - HP: 33/42, Surges: 7/10, AP: 1, Second Wind: avail; +2 to all defenses until EONT, ongoing 5 necrotic damage, prone
Tana (J8) - HP: 40/49, Surges: 11/11, AP: 2, Second Wind: avail; +2 to damage until EONT

Zombie Soldier (F12) - HP: 36/54; marked by Brondin
Zombie Soldier (F14) - HP: 54/54

Zombie Rotters (G7, G14, G16, F15) - HP: 1/1; G7 cursed by Bellegon

Undead Dog (D12) - HP: 26/74; bloodied
Undead Dog (D12) - HP: 74/74
[/sblock][sblock=Enemies]Zombie Soldier - AC: 20, F: 17, R: 17, W: 15
:melee: +9 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage.
Zombie Rotter - AC: 15, F: 15, R: 11, W: 12
:melee: +10 vs. AC; 5 damage.
Undead Dog - AC: 16, F: 16, R: 14, W: 13
:melee: +10 vs. AC; 2d6+6 damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends) and is knocked prone if Medium creature or smaller.[/sblock]

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