Adventure: Echoes of O


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If Kruk gets a chance to swing at the fleeing gnoll with his, so be it. Personally, Kruk feels that none should be allowed to survive as they all had a role to play in the horrid O ritual.

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Don Incognito

First Post
Kruk charges at the gnoll, swinging his club at the beast's feet, but the gnoll sees the attack coming and jumps at the last second (miss).

A grisly scene is unfolding between Marley and Burodorub. The ganglord has one hand wrapped around the fat tiefling's throat, and is holding him aloft in the air. The tiefling gurgles and coughs, struggling to breathe. The rage is clearly visible on Marley's face, and his wings of blue fire have evaporated. Suddenly, he tightens his grip, and the tiefling bursts into blue flame. Marley stands unmoving, watching in grim fascination as the tiefling is burned alive in his iron grip.

[sblock=Ash]You've never seen Marley do anything like this before. The blue fire, the brutality, this isn't the Marley that you've come to respect.[/sblock]

[sblock=7 Rabbit]You have heard that manifesting blue fire is the sign of something called a "spellscar". What that entails, you do not know.[/sblock]

The winged flesh beast flies around to flank Kruk with the gnoll and thrusts its sharp tail at the dwarf. It is able to find a weak spot in Kruk's armor (hit! Kruk takes 12 damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends)).


"Fluffy" (4 damage): 26
Sessadore (6/27, prone): 22<<Your Turn!
Dawn Raven (16/24): 19
Spear Gnoll J7 (25 damage, marked by Kruk, bloodied): 18
JNC (4/30, marked by J7): 17
Club Gnoll D10 (Dead): 17
Pierce (19/24, 6thp): 16
Spear Gnoll D7 (Dead): 13
Club Gnoll I13 (30 damage, bloodied): 13
Dimsdale (14/31, 5 ongoing poison damage): 33

Lord Sessadore

Marley's displays trouble Raiyek a little, but he puts it out of his mind, at least until the battle is finished.

Then, seeing the spear-wielding gnoll shaken by Rabbit's magics, he eyes the gnoll, finding a gap in his defenses after a moment. With a look of grim determination he stands up and charges toward the gnoll.
[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand up.
Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Spear Gnoll
Standard: Charge vs. Spear Gnoll: 1d20+6+1=25, 1d8+3=8, 1d6=6 for a total of 25 vs. AC and 14 damage. (I just re-used the same roll, but the modifiers change slightly the roll will say 26 vs. AC.)
[/sblock][sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 1
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 18; Low-light vision
AC:20, Fort:15, Reflex:16, Will:15 -- Speed:6
HP:6/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges Left:3/11
Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Valiant Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands (1/3)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Elven Accuracy, Hunter's Quarry
Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]
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Don Incognito

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Raiyek fell prone when he fell unconscious. Les was able to shake him back to reality, but you need to spend a move action to stand up.[/sblock]


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"Aaaaghhhhhhhh!" Kruk screams as the pain from the poison of the sting rushes through his body, advancing rapidly through his bloodstream. As he deals with his pain, he can't help but notice Raiyek and 7-Rabbitt, badly beaten and close to their own deaths, still dealing incredible damage against their foes. Kruk is inspired by this. His forgets his pain and looks at both the flying fiend and the gnoll who currently flank him. "I'm not done with either of you yet. You'll feel the pain of the club soon." Kruk grips his club tight and plans his next move.

the rapid pace is back! Yessssss!

Dawn Raven

First Post
After helping Raiyek to recover from his wounds, Les whips out her chain. "They're routed, but likely to be desperate. Be on your guard." She moves closer to the devilish pet of the tiefling and lashes out at it. As she does, she looks to Ashburn and jerks her head to the side toward the creature. Her eyes harden for a moment though and her momentary look seems to have thrown off her aim.

Standard: Warlord's Favor: 10
Move: H11
Minor: Hm.
Les Ghentel- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC:16, Fort:15, Reflex:13, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:16/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:4/8
Notes: Marked by Spear Gnoll 1
Initiative +5
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Used
Powers: Commander's Strike, Viper's Strike, Warlord's Favor, Telekinetic Leap Bastion of Defense, Special: Inspiring Word x0


Don Incognito

First Post
Raiyek's charge draws blood, and the gnoll is barely left standing (hit!).

Les is unable to hit the flying beast with her chain (miss).

The gnoll is apparently braver than his companion, and stands to fight in the face of a losing battle. He strikes with his spear, the force of the blow knocking Kruk off of his feet (Powerful Strike just barely hits. Kruk takes 10 and fails his special dwarven saving throw, thus falling prone. Ouch).


"Fluffy" (4 damage): 26
Sessadore (6/27): 22
Dawn Raven (16/24): 19
Spear Gnoll J7 (40 damage, marked by Kruk, bloodied): 18
JNC (4/30, marked by J7): 17<<Your Turn!
Club Gnoll D10 (Dead): 17
Pierce (19/24, 6thp): 16
Spear Gnoll D7 (Dead): 13
Club Gnoll I13 (30 damage, bloodied): 13
Dimsdale (4/31, 5 ongoing poison damage): 33


First Post
7 Rabbit whimpers in pain and backs away from the melee. "Healing!" he cries. "Can anyone heal me?"

Suddenly he realizes he's backed close to the fleeing gnoll. He spins around with frustration and anger in his eye and intones a curse as he fires an eldritch bolt at it.

At least you will not escape! The stars hold a darker] fate for you!"

Move: Move to G12, activating Shadow Walk
Minor: Warlock's Curse on the club gnoll
Standard: Eldritch Blast at the club gnoll: 12 to hit vs. Reflex (including Prime Shot), 14 damage (including Warlock's Curse)

Sorry, Kruk, I totally didn't notice how close you were to death or I'd have tried to take out that spear gnoll! I'd already made the rolls on Invisible Castle, though. I guess it doesn't matter, since you go before it does, and I would have missed anyway.

[sblock=7 Rabbit stat block]7 Rabbit- Male Dwarf Warlock 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC:15 (17 vs. OA), Fort:14, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:5
HP:4/30, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/10
Initiative -1
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Dire Radiance, Eldritch Blast, Diabolic Grasp, Armor of Agathys
Effects: Warlock's Curse on spear gnoll and club gnoll, concealment until end of next turn


First Post
Swiftly, Ashurn moves himself behind the gnoll who is occupied with Kruk. Silently, Ashurn plunges his dagger into the back of the gnoll before it knows what is coming.
[sblock=Actions]Move=To J6, avoiding movements that would otherwise provoke OA.
Action= Sly Flourish vs J7. 19 vs AC. 14 damage. 10 Sneak Attack damge.[/sblock]
With the dagger plunged into the gnoll's kidney, Ashurn gave the dagger a twist to better finish off the threat to his friends.
With that done, Ashurn look into Marley's direction. No, Marley. What's happening to him.
"Wake up, Marley! What are you doing!" shouted Ashurn, hoping his friend is still himself.

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