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(Adventure) Feral Smackdown Battle Royale


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sorry GW, rolled a '4' and a '3' for you, ugh...
I somehow forgot to insert the Good Monks into the initiative Order...
Tara 6
Gunter 21
William 18

Gunter smashes the head of the Orc that telerin had shot <5 HP>, though the Orc still stands.

William slashes at one of the Orcs with his Kama, hitting it twice <6HP>, failing to drop it.

Troi slashes and lashes at the orc, missing in his haste to avoid the beasts claws.

Sturm is up...

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First Post
Velbrik - Init on 12; AC: 16; HP: 18/18; Atk: Longsword +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)

Continuing to chant, Velbrik whirls his longsword back and slashes at the orc he'd previously feinted at. He takes a five-foot step to the right, and, upon hearing Sir Ishmael's call, interrupts himself during an appropriate pause in the rhythm to shout, "Jassa, die rakke un!" encouraging him onward in Draconic before resuming his chant.

Longsword +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2) (standard action), five-foot step (free action), continuing inspire courage: +1 morale bonus [not factored in] to attack, damage, and saves vs. charm and fear for all who can hear (free action). Are any of the enemies holding weapons?
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Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sturm on Auto, though I think i know what he'd do...

Sturm hacks mightily at the Orc in front of him, though he fails to hit.

Ishmael, likewise misses with Violet...

Round two

Orcs Nat 20
The Orc caught between Velbrik and Thurgan swings at Thurgan, missing him.

The unhurt Orc nearest Gunter swings as well, missing.
The second Orc, the one with an arrow and a crossbow bolt in him, swings his massively muscled arms at the Monk. Telerin watches in horror, as the Monk (who must way 220 pounds, at least) is lifted bodily and thrown back, unmoving,blood pouring from his abdomen.

Sturm's and ishmael's opponants fail to connect.

William, facing two foes is caught first by a clawed blw to the head,sending his head lolling back,blood flying from his mouth. His pain is short,however, as the second feral literally tears his left arm from it's socket, killing him <The poor guy took 13 and 14 HP...he had 13HP>.

Gunter 21
<Dead or dying on the ground>

Feral Leader 20 <Casting Defensively>
Intoning to his Dark God, the Feral Priest Summons a massive beast, a Dire Wolf appearing next to him and rushing to the area where the Ferals seem to be faring the worst, running right at Thale.As it moved past,roi makes a quick stab at it <hit it for 7 HP on an AofOp>

The Massive Lupine beast misses taking off the Elf's head by a fraction of an inch...


Telerin 19 We are Here
Feral Monks 19
Aranel 18
William 18
Thurgan 17
Rurik 12
Velbrik 12
Kirin 11
Felix 10
Troi 9
Sturm 7
Ishmael 6
Tara 6

OoC:You have no idea how horrified I was when I rolled 17 (modded to 20) for the Leader, a nat 20 for the orcs and 18 (mdded to 19 for the Monks
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Living EN World Judge
WizWrm said:
Are any of the enemies holding weapons?[/color]
OoC: None are currently using Weapons. the Monks are using unarmed strikes or talons, the Orcs their talons. They were in the middle of some Ritual, so they weren't expecting to be using their weapons (there are many axes and falchions against one wall, however).


Troi (Inspired) - AC: 18; HP: 12/20; Atk: Whip +6 (1d4+2), Shortsword +5 (1d6+2)

"We're not gonna live if we keep messin' up like this!" Troi calls. "Somebody's gotta do somethin' ta even th' playin' field!"

He slashes at the orc again, takes a quick step back, and lashes out at it with his whip, or the feral leader if the orc falls.

Attack orc with shortsword, 5-foot step south, attack orc (or feral leader if orc is down) with whip.


LEW Judge
Ishmael on 6, AC 19, HP 19/19

The sound of an answer snapped Sir Ishmael from his battle madness. He had heard his own cry in Draconic and felt rage surge through his mind, but he had no idea from whence these came from. At best, he had a hazy idea... one better explored when a Feral Orc was not trying to make him a head shorter.

He stoppered the power from his strikes, trying for accuracy over power this time. The answer in Draconic piqued his curiosity, but such thoughts were shrugged aside as well.

"For honor!" he struck at an exposed kneecap.

<"Violet" +5 1d6+2>


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 18; HP: 29/29; Atk: W-axe +6 (1d10+2), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

"Ugly bugger!" Thurgan commented as he swung his war axe at the orc between him and Velbrik. As he completed his follow through, Thurgan noted the hulking wolf loping toward the exposed side of his group. With a sigh, Thurgan moved to intercept the wolf, readying his shield against the impact of the large creature.

OOC: +2 for flanking is not factored in above, +1 to hit and Damage for morale not factored in above either, +1d6 sneak vs. orc which is flanked. Thurgan will either move to be ten foot in front of the group (between them and the wolf) if the orc is down. If not he will adjust 5' in that direction.


Rurik - on 12, AC 16, 21/21 - Waraxe w/ PA (Inspired) +5 1d10+6

[Are there any feral monks left to go on count 19?]

"Vexin' 'ell, I thought the monks c'd fight! Look alive, boys, thar comin' o'er 'ere!"

Rurik will Power Attack Sturm's orc (as before, 1 pt., but he's Inspired, right?), if it drops from his swing, he'll take 5 ft. step and attempt to Cleave Ishmael's orc with the same Power Attack.

Telerin cursed to himself as he saw the Orc's attack. This wasn't looking great...switching the bow to his off hand, he extended his other, quietly going through an old spell. When the flame appeared in his hand, he hurled it at the second Orc.

((Casting Produce Flame and throwing it at the Orc that Telerin watched...should be able to do the same next round too.))

Voidrunner's Codex

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