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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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[sblock=checks]Religion: 1d20+10=15
History: 1d20+5=24[/sblock]

At the sound of the grating Azryah moves into a position, blade still in hand, with her back to a wall and both the door and throne in sight as best she can. Her main attention is on the throne, but she is keeping at least a peripheral eye on the doorway with the wights. After moving, she resumes her statuesqe-ness.

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As she replied back to Jynxx her face got this far off look before shaking herself and returning mentally to the room. She notices Papolstaanas tasting the food. "Find anything delicious?" She walks closer to the table and lets her eyes roam over the food choices.

"This is great," Papolstaanas replies, pointing to a bowl of some sort of exotic fruity sauce. When the head man appears, he hastily shoves the remaining morsel he is holding into his mouth and wipes his face clean. Unfortunately, this last mouthful contains a small but potent pepper, and only with immense effort does Papolstaanas manage to avoid spitting the thing out on the table and gagging uncontrollably. His face becomes rigid with effort; his eyes redden and tear up; his jaw clenches; and a thin, faint keening note of distress emanates from his nose--but he otherwise maintains his composure.


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[sblock=religion roll]1d20+5=7
nope. no religion here.[/sblock]

Kaeysari looks nonplussed by the dwarf's casual attitude. "Um," she says. "We're from all over. Daunton most recently." She glances nervously over at Papolstaanas, wondering if he's been poisoned or something.


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Cillani smiles and tries abit of the sauce Papolstaanas indicated, the grinding of the slab only receives a slight look as she finishes chewing the bite. The man radiated energy and after getting a good look definitely intrigued her. Noticing Papolstaanas' dilemma she quietly pours him a glass of water and hands it to him indicating that he should take a sip immediately. Once the party is addressed she looks to her brother but decides it's best to keep her mouth shut.


[sblock=religion check]


Jynxx bows, "Well met Hulgrimi." Jynxx spends the next few moments introducing each member of the party. "We unfortunately come for business reasons only, as I would love to spend some time here and look around your wonderful palace. You have many things here that intrigue me." Jynxx smiles warmly and continues on with his tale, relating the events as they occurred. Jynxx hesitates in telling of the dwarf that had sent them in this direction, but does so. "And so, good sir, it is with a heavy heart that I must ask that we please make haste, as my party does not have much time to waste."[/color


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The headman keeps an eye on Papolstaanas's conniptions. "Do you think he's getting ready to breath fire?" he asks Bwarli in a loud whisper. "I thought the dragon men were... taller." He seems a bit disappointed when the kobold drinks water rather than coughing up flame.

At first, Hulgrimi listens to Jynxx's tale with rapt attention. When told that the group was sent to bring zocalti back to Daunton, he sits up a little bit straighter. "Ah, they are learning to appreciate zocalti in Daunton?" he interjects. "That's great! I didn't think you would like it - forgive me, or I would have ordered some prepared. So..." He turns to Urtamklatl and barks a command in Magari.

[sblock=Magari->Dwarven]Bring zocalti for <something> guests right away![/sblock]
Urtamklatl bows slightly and exits through the corridor through which you entered the room.

[sblock=Insight DC 15 (passive)]When Jynxx mentions zocalti for the first time, both of his subordinates stiffen slightly. Following his order to Urtamklatl, they react again, exchanging a quick glance. Bwarli shrugs slightly before Urtamklatl takes her leave.[sblock=Insight DC 20 (active)]You don't think they are concerned about anything that Jynxx is saying in particular, especially because Urtamklatl's understanding of Allarian is poor. Their worry seems centered rather on Hulgrimi, though you can't tell exactly what it is about. They seem resigned about something.[/sblock][/sblock]
The headman continues to listen intently as the bard describes the attack on the plantation and its defense. When told that the attackers were zocaltipapatlaca, he exclaims, "Wow, really? Those nuts, here? How bizarre!"

[sblock=Insight DC 20 (active)]His surprise seems genuine. He seems intrigued and amused, but not particularly concerned over their presence.[/sblock]

Hulgrimi gets really excited as Jynxx describes the battle. He asks for more details about the action. From his questions, it's clear that he must have witnessed the fight in the garden - "Did the deva do that, that thing with the wings made of light? That, uh - 'BZZZOOWWT!' thing, you know?" "I bet that hafling was surprised when the goliath chased him down - what a long stride he's got! Ha ha, I would have liked to have seen his face just before it got smashed in!"

As Jynxx moves on to the mercenaries, following the tracks through the jungle, the encounter with the caravan, and the journey here to Newhill, the headman gradually loses interest. His gaze wanders to each of the adventurers in turn. When he faces Cillani, one of his eyelights vanishes briefly - a wink? Hulgrimi ignores Jynxx's final plea for aid. It's not clear that he even really heard it.

ooc: Yes, he wasn't listening... but on top of that, I think you need to say explicitly what you are asking him to do. What you ask for, and how you ask for it, is important.

After a few moments of silence, Hulgrimi's head snaps up. "So," he says to Kaeysari. "From Daunton, huh? I figured as much! I'm really glad to meet some people from Daunton in person, I have so much to ask. Like, have you ever been to the Great Library? How about the Forge? Did you ever see a warforged being made? How does it work, anyhow?"


Jynxx smiles and nods to himself. [sblock=telepathy to Kaey and Cillani] "Go ahead and tell him what he wants to know, his interest does seem genuine. Perchance, if it comes up; do ask for his aid. I feel my role is silence for now."[/sblock]


First Post
Taking Jynxx message as permission, whether he meant it that way or not, and she winks back at Hulgrimi. " Oh my yes, the Library is such a treat. I've not been to the forge since my interests are strictly academic. Unfortunately my studies have been interrupted by some very rude thieves as my brother explained to you just a moment ago. And in order to return to my studies I must retrieve several bushels of zocalti. So form one studious person to another could you help us? The Everwalking One would be most pleased for me to return to my studies as soon as possible. " She really isn't one for formalities and so she tends to get straight to the point. And she really wants this to be over so she can return Jynxx home and go back to her studies whatever they were.


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"Um..." Kaeysari begins, then waits for Cillani to finish speaking. "I'm actually from the Imperium myself. Well, from Tereanden, which is part of the Imperium now, but wasn't when I was born. I haven't spent much time in Daunton itself. I'm sorry if I we seem to be in a hurry, it's just that this place is strange to us, although it's very beautiful. Have you traveled much?"



First Post
Again, Hulgrimi either does not pick up on, or chooses to ignore, Cillani's somewhat oblique request for zocalti... "Your studies? What are you studying? The library I have here is very modest, pitiful really, but there are a few works that one blessed by the Hairy One might find interesting."

He claps his hands excitedly after Kaeysari's remark. "The Imperium? Fantastic! I've heard a lot of tales of that place! But I've never been there... no, I'm afraid I haven't had the opportunity to travel much outside the Valley, only here to the Isle... but I don't really get to leave the pyramid much..." He winds down suddenly, staring down at the floor in silence.

During the pause, Bwarli looks around at the group, seeming to pick up on their urgency, taking particular note of Azryah's continued guarding stance. He clears his throat. "Um, great uncle - ah, I mean, Honored Ancestor," he begins. "I think that our guests are - "

He is interrupted by the return of Urtamklatl bearing a large tray. A fat jug and a stack of drinking bowls sit on the tray. Bwarli approaches her, and the two circulate among the group. Bwarli pours a steaming dark liquid from the jug, offering Jynxx, Chaku, and Papolstanaas each a bowl. One bowl remains on the tray as he starts towards the headman's chair.

"Bwarli!" Hulgrimi snaps. "What about our other guests?"

"But... but... they are women, Honored Ancestor," Bwarli responds.

Hulgrimi waves a hand airly. "What of it? They are not of our land, they are not bound by our traditions! We will not insult them by ignoring them. Especially not the blessed of the Hairy One! And that is a stupid tradition, anyhow. Now, offer them some zocalti at once!"

Bwarli looks surprised, while Urtamklatl looks shocked and offended. She sputters for a moment, but Bwarli shakes his head at her. He goes over to the banquet table, collects some extra bowls, and offers a portion to each of the three female adventurers. At last he goes back and pours the last bowl for the headman.

[sblock=Insight DC 15 (passive)]Bwarli and Urtamklatl share another significant glance after the bowl is passed up to Hulgrimi.[/sblock]
Hulgrimi stands and raises the bowl aloft in both hands. "To the honor of the Weeping King," he toasts, "and the power of the Hairy One!"

[sblock=ooc]In your posts, please indicate if you accept the bowl of zocalti, and if you drink from it, and if you drink from it, how you react to the taste. Your character's reaction is up to you of course, but FYI the drink is quite hot, bitter, and spicy. Not set your mouth on fire spicy like the raw pepper, but spicy. Beneath the bitterness and spice is a nutty note that might be pretty nice...[/sblock]

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