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Adventure: Get Me to the Church on Time (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Renau1g)


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Eraden follows Spider towards the largest of the arachnids, a particularly tough creature that has been harasing the group's dwarf. As he approaches the group he attempts a trick learned in his travels, a small spell taught to him by a pair of gnomes. He is out of practice and the spell fizzles before it can form. They would be dissapointed He thought, vowing to refine the spell when he had the time, but Palladys never fails the faithful.

"Face me or Pallady's smite creature!" He yells at the spider with an outstretched arm. The beast may not know the words he spoke, but even spiders could feel the will of the gods.

Move - Move to P5
Minor - Devine Challange on "Joompin Spida" which nulls Graval's challange.
Standard - Eyebites Misses
Eraden-Male Half-Elf Paladin
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 21, For: 14, Ref: 14, Will: 16
HP: 41/41, Bloodied: 20, Surge Value: 10, Surges/Day: 12/12
Speed: 5 Squares, Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin
AP: 1, Second Wind: Unused

Powers: Lay on Hands, Divine Challange, Bolstering Stike, Enfeebling strike, Channel Divinity: Devine Mettle, Channel Divinity: Divine Strength, Shielding Smite, Eyebite, Virtue, Radiant Delirium

Condition: Mint
Sorry for the delay guys! I dont remember my last game moving this fast but I like it!
Also, are we focusing on the "Joompin Spida" before we search for the other spiders or should I go up to prevent them from rushing Mallaby?
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First Post
The spiders retreat from this overwhelming show of force, skittering off into the webs on the right.

The Venom Spitter on the left spits at Goldenhorn with gobbet that comes nowhere near the minotaur. Two more, as yet unrevealed, miss Spider and Graval.[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Herd Spider K
Move: Shift to L8
Standard->Move: to I11

Jumping Spider
Move: Shift to M7
Standard->Move: Shift to L8
AP: Move: to J12

Venom Spitter 53
Standard: Poison Spit vs. Goldenhorn (1d20+10=12)

Venom Spitter 12
Standard: Poison Spit vs. Graval (1d20+10=18)

Venom Spitter 38
Standard: Poison Spit vs. Spider (1d20+10=16)[/sblock][sblock=map]

The spiderweb patterns are cobwebs, and are difficult terrain.
They span from tree to tree, but large holes in them, so don't provide cover or concealment.
The brown circles are tree trunks, and impassible.
These can provide cover.[/sblock][sblock=status]Eraden: P5 HP 41/41, Surges 12/12, AP 1, second wind unused
Goldenhorn: M5 HP 13/27, Surges 10/10, AP 1, second wind unused
Graval: O7 HP 20/31, Surges 11/12, AP 1, second wind used, Immobilized (save ends)
Perin: N5 HP 20/25, Surges 7/7, AP 0, second wind unused
Spider: M6 HP 18/27, Surges 8/9, AP 1, second wind unused
Zardi: N6 HP 26/31, Surges 11/11, AP 1, second wind unused

Mallaby: O5 HP 21/26, Surges 5/5, AP 0, second wind unused

Jumping Spider: J12 HP 45/144, AP 0, Divine Challenge from Eraden
Herd Spider K: I11 HP 13/34
Venom Spitter 12: ?? HP 1/1
Venom Spitter 38: ?? HP 1/1
Venom Spitter 47: N9 HP 0/1 Dead
Venom Spitter 53: E3 HP 1/1[/sblock][sblock=Mallaby]Lord Adelin Mallaby
AC: 15, Fort: 12, Ref: 13, Will: 14
:bmelee: Rapier +6 vs. AC, 1d8+4
Speed 6
HP: 26, Surge Value 6, Surges per day 5
Second Wind: unused

Mallaby is not a fully trained fighter. He will only defend himself on his own. He will however, follow orders.
As a minor action, any character can have Mallaby spend an action. He can't use more than the usual complement (standard, move, minor) in one turn, but a PC's minor action can be used for any of them.

Try not to get him killed. He is paying for this, after all.[/sblock][sblock=enemies]Allarian Jumping Spider: AC 17, Fort 18, Ref 17, Will 14
:bmelee: +8 vs AC; 1d8 + 6 damage. Secondary attack +5 vs. Fort; 1d6 poison damage and the target is dazed until the end of the spider’s next turn.
NB: I screwed up the block last time. Secondary should be vs. Fort.

Herd Spider: AC 16, Fort 15, Ref 13, Will 14
:bmelee: +7 vs AC; 1d6+4 poison damage and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)
Venom Spitter: AC 17, Fort 16, Ref 13, Will 14
:bmelee: +8 vs AC; 5 damage[/sblock]


Slightly entitled.
"Where's all tha spittle comin' from? Just like me secon' cousin's daugh'er! Always spittin' e'erywhere." The dwarf scans the area, a bushy eyebrow raised comically, looking for other spiders hiding in the webbing.

"An' ye get back 'ere, ye hoppin' fiend! Me and me axe've got a few words fer ye ta nibble on!" He tugs on the webbing and, in a fit of frustration, swings his axe between his legs, freeing himself in quite the dangerous fashion.

[sblock=Actions]Minor - Perception check to spot spitting spiders. 1d20+7=27
EOT - ST vs. Immobilized (success) 1d20=20

Two natural twenties. Is very nice![/sblock]
[sblock=Graval]Graval Metalrent - Male Dwarf Fighter 1
Init: +2, Passive Percept: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC: 20, F: 16, R: 14, W: 12, Spd: 5
HP: 20/31, Blood: 15, Surge: 7, Surges left: 11/12
Second Wind: Used, AP: 1/1, Milestones: 0
Str: 18, Con: 16, Dex: 14, Int: 8, Wis: 14, Cha: 11

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +7 vs AC - Battleaxe; 1d10+4
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +7 vs AC - Throwing Hammer; 1d6+4

Combat Challenge, Brash Strike, Footwork Lure
Hack and Hew, Dwarven Resilience
Driving Attack

Misc: If an enemy marked by Graval shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include him, he uses Combat Challenge (+9 vs. AC; 1d10+4) as an Immediate Interrupt against them. If hit, and a shift or move action caused the attack, they lose the action.

OOC: I think the unspoken intent was to drop the jumping spider, especially after we found out it's an elite, and then round up the rest but that might've changed now that they've run off a bit.

We should definitely watch for him to charge back in again, as the spiders aren't affected by the difficult terrain.
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First Post
Watching the Spider hop away from Graval, Perin gave chase. "Oh no you don't!" Perin said slipping passed the group, focusing his energy into his staff, and sent it crashing out as a multicolored arrow, striking the Jumping spider mid air.

[sblock=Action Block]
Move: Move to J7
Standard: Chaos Bolt against da Joompin Spidah 1d20+4=22, 1d10+7=15
Minor: None. [/sblock]
[sblock="Stat Block"]Perin
AC: 13 F/R/W: 12/14/17
Init: +3 Passive Perception: 9, Passive insight: 9
HP: 25/25 Bloodied: 12 Surge value: 6 Surges/Day: 7 AP:0
Lightning Bolt, Chaos Bolt, Stormwalk
Thunder Slam
Shocking Magnetism[/sblock][/sblock]


Slightly entitled.
"Ah ha! Found ye both, ye harlots!" Graval shouts, pointing out the locations of the heretofore hidden vermin. "Ye see 'em, lads? Way in tha back an' over by tha hoppy bas'ard we been givin' tha whatfor!"
[sblock=Actions]Free - Curse a bunch and show the rest of the group where the remaining enemies are.[/sblock]


Zardi races forward shouting "We must not let them flee!" and ends up next to the Herd Spider, but now covered in the sticky webs stretching between the trees. The webs are thick enough to hamper his strike, and because of this his swing misses the spider. He curses loudly and swings again, but the webs have now so entagled him that his attack once again misses.
[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to J10
Standard: Howling Strike against Herd Spider K (miss)
Special: Spend Action Point - Howling Strike against Herd Spider K (another miss!) :rant: [/sblock][sblock=Rolls]Attack vs AC on Herd Spider K (1d20+7=9)
(AP) Attack vs AC on Herd Spider K (1d20+7=13)
[/sblock][sblock=Zardi's Stats]Zardi - Goliath Barbarian 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10, Senses: Normal vision
AC:16, Fort:17, Reflex:10, Will:12
Basic Attack Greataxe: +7 vs AC, 1d12 +5 damage
Ranged Basic Attack Throwing Hammer: +7 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage
HP:26/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike, Rageblood Vigor
Stone's Endurance, Feral Might: Swift Charge, Great Cleave
Bloodhunt Rage

crappy luck on die rolls[/sblock]


First Post
As soon as Zardi steps into the web, he realizes it's much stickier than he had anticipated, and he is caught up in the webs. He's still in range to attack, but can't move his feet.
[sblock=Hazard]Zardi is Immobilized (save ends)

Entangling Webs
Squares: J10, ???????
Hazard +8 vs. Reflex
Triggered by entering square.
Hit: Immobilized (save ends)
Miss: Slowed TENT
HP: 20 (per square)
AC: 12, Other defenses 10
Resist 5 all.
Destroying the hazard converts it to difficult terrain.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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