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(Adventure) Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro [Judge - garyh]


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Hallador nods his agreement. You definitly have the plan in mind, so the captaincy seems fit for you....although I don't want to be the one cleaning the bilges..

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ao'Thuir of the Ghost Tribe, male Wood Elf Barbarian 1

ao'Thuir nods in agreement, "I agree. It would be best to have someone to follow in this situation, especially at sea. Such a foreign place for me, and I guess all of us, is no place to be without a person in charge. Katherine gets my vote too."

OOC: I hope no one minds if i shift Thuir's personality a bit, being the strong silent type is getting boring fast.

Kahuna Burger

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Katherine smiles. "I appriciate the votes of confidence and I would be glad to act as our voice with the crew. I'd also agree with our paladin that potential crew need to know no more than that we are heading south to trade. Aside from reducing our pool of applicants, I don't want any rumors about our ship spreading." She gives an impish grin. "And if it makes you feel better, I really do have no intention of a headlong assualt on pirate vessels... And the risk of being attacked BY pirate vessels is certainly something any merchant sailor must content with!"


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"Great! Now that we've got that out of the way we should see about a crew and some trade goods.

Jericho, what are the major ports to the south of here and what'll they be needing this time of year?"


ao'Thuir of the Ghost Tribe, male Wood Elf Barbarian 1

"I knew that you had a plan. We are bait eh, I can deal with that. I think we voted right. Well lets get to the crew picking, no time like the present." ao'Thuir says as Katherine accepts the appointment.


"Jericho, what are the major ports to the south of here and what'll they be needing this time of year?"

"Em... well, ye be knowin' that Orussus is a trade city, right?" Jericho asks. "Anything ye can think of, lad, comes through this city. So if ye're plannin' ta go disguised as a merchant vessel, ye could take anythin' and be fine. Ships headin' south this time a year generally have furs an' food, of varyin' sorts, though I'm not knowin' anythin' specific. Lumber, too, aye, Orussus has that in great supply, an' that heads out quite a bit."

"As fer ports, there be several small towns south of here ye could stop at. I'm not knowin' if there be any major cities south of here, but there are decent ports at least every few days or so."


"I will put up my share from the money we are getting upfront to go towards the cargo and crew. Specially it it gets up closer to smiting some pirates. It being late summer I think that furs might go well with the winter coming on." ao'Thuir says, thinking of the trade markets that his tribe used to trade furs at during this season.

OOC: I think I remember some one posting that that was the season. If I am wrong I can re-write my post.

Kahuna Burger

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Erekose13 said:
"I will put up my share from the money we are getting upfront to go towards the cargo and crew. Specially it it gets up closer to smiting some pirates. It being late summer I think that furs might go well with the winter coming on." ao'Thuir says

Katherine nods approvingly. "Furs and perhaps some spices and herbs. Nothing perishable, since we plan to be sidetraced before we can recoup the investment, but there's no need to lose money on this part of the plan... I need to go to the temple and see if I can procure some healing power as well, but the rest of my share and perhaps some extra can go to crew and goods as well...."

She thinks for a moment, obviously torn between all the things which need to be acomplished. "Remi, perhaps you and Zumar could inspect the ship and get a feel for how it could best be defended while still looking a ripe merchant vessel. If ao'Thuir and Hallador come with me in the hiring, it should ward off any sailors' worries of being commanded by a weak woman." She gives a self deprecating grin. "And then, shopping!"

OOC: Katherine will also be trying to subtlely gain some information about the practices of pirates while finding a trustworthy crew. (she would rather have a weaker sailor who will stay loyal to the best of his ability than a tough as nails fighter who will instantly sign over to pirates who seem to have the upper hand.) Specific information she needs would be how pirates relate to each other (is there a 'divytown' or other place of congregation with some honor amoung theives) if they are more inclined to take prisoners for ransom or kill witnesses, if they accept surrenders, etc. Diplomacy +9, Gather Info +11, Sense motive +6 (+8 when dealing with humans).

Oh and not to put too fine a point on it, but if you are inclined to a gritty campaign, let me know and some of katherine's spending money will be allocated to any *ehem* concerns she might have about being captured by pirates...


First Post
Remi nods and responds with a grin,
"Sounds good.
Jericho, would you be so kind as to show Zumar and I the way to this fine vessel of yours?"


OoC: Kahuna - basically, I would call the way I run games 'realistic'. I try to go for as much realism as possible, while still remaining within the bounds of the game. For instance, I'm quite a bit more lax on alignment than I imagine most are, but I'm also willing to have a villain act fully within the realms of his/her personality. If that's what you consider 'gritty'... well, then, expect a gritty game. :)

If I didn't answer your question, just feel free to ask for more clarifications either here or in email.

"Jericho, would you be so kind as to show Zumar and I the way to this fine vessel of yours?"

"Aye." He says, and he heads out the door.

Following him, the pair head only a short distance along the docks, before Jericho stops at a ship. "This be her." He says. "She hasn't got a name yet, but she's sturdy enough."

The ship before you is much like how Jericho described it: three sails, roughly sixty feet long, and roughly twenty wide; the deck stands roughly ten to fifteen feet above the water. A ballista stands at each end of the ship.

The overall quality of the ship seems to be rather good; there are several areas that are visibly patched, and the type of wood used seems to vary randomly throughout its construction. The sails, too, are patched, though the spots are difficult to detect.

"She's a tad light on weaponry." Jericho observes. "An' she's not much ta look at, but as I said... she'll hold in a storm."

Voidrunner's Codex

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