[Adventure] Hysteria's Ascendency (Judge: Stonegod)


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[sblock= OOC/FYI]
>Beginning this Friday evening I will be offline and unable to read or post, for an indeterminate period of time. I am moving halfway across the country, from Massachusetts to Indiana, and our internet set-up on the far end is still unresolved. Will catch up when I can after things are sorted- please NPC if needed (probably a Second Wind, further rounds longbow RBA and maintain distance from fight)

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Round 5: Sewer Scramble

[sblock=Previous Rounds]Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4 [/sblock]

OOC: Sorry for the lag. I had a death in the family, my wife’s grandmother. We had to leave in a hurry and there wasn't any time to give you guys a heads up. I was in a remote area in Texas, no internet and barely any cell service. But I am back now!

Quan insect swarm coalesces into the form of the elf. He seems to weaken even more, but will not fall as the poison courses through his veins. His legs spin in a whirlwind sweeping two opponents catching the Otyugh in the center of its horrid maw and pushing it toward Orsik, and then backflips into the corner, wary of his remaining foes. (MISS & HIT)

Goliath draws a blood red rune which flies onto the monk and erases some of his wounds. He then turns toward the rat that tried to hit him. Orsik slams his terrible weapon into the guard, but the weapon lacks the bane of the shifters on it and it barely moves to deflect it. But Orsik remains ready for its reaction, holding the maul behind in taut hands. (HIT)

"Weee!" Braddock skips forward. He focuses the ire of Xandor upon the writhing sewer beast. He then blasts the rat-man sewer guard with purple eldritch energy and a second chaotic purple energy blast explodes over the otyugh. (HIT)

Rikka moved carefully along the ledge in the darkness- but her senses were VERY keen. Once she turned the corner, she raised her long bow and fired at one of the larger ratlings- the creature and most of the other combatants simply saw an arrow come flying out of the darkness to sink into the guard's shoulder... (HIT)

"I'll rip off yer head and make it my puppet!" the dwarf jumps over the water, axe over his head, as he sinks it in the rat's shoulder. The rat screams in pain, but looks defiant at the dwarf, still standing. [FONT=&quot]"Laugh about this, idiot!" the dwarf spits, and punches the rat in the nose, sinking it's inner bones into its skull. The lifeless body drops to the ground. "I told ya, I told ya!" Happily, the dwarf starts browsing for the rope that holds his pants, ready to urinate over the fallen body, but then remembers that the battle still rages, so he accommodates his armor again, and lifts his axe over his head. "Ye are next, I'll cut yer head off and spit in yer neck!" (HIT)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

GM: Kellindil (NPC’d)
Standard: Deft Strike against wererat sewer guard 2 (AC 20): +11 vs. AC; 1d6+5 damage (No move as part of attack): 1d20+11=20, 1d6+5=10 HIT for 10 damage

The remaining wererat sees that most of his comrades are dead and dying, so it shows its true colors and attempts to flee through the sewer drain, heading deeper into the sewer system.

GM: This ends the encounter. The fleeing wererat knows the sewer layout and can slip away in the various twists and turns of the underground system of drains and culverts.

You find 120 gp and 3 moonstone gems (100gp each) among the bodies of the wererat sewer guards. One wererat was carrying an elixir of dragon breath (fire)

Let me know how many surges are used.

I’m not sure if we should proceed without horticulture or pathfinderq1. Do you want to see if they continue to be MIA or press on?

[sblock=Orsik & Rikka]FILTH FEVER
At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21

Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex and loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points.[/sblock]

[sblock=Sewer Map]

Illumination: Dark; PCs must provide their own light (SUNROD DROPPED AT M15 BY Braddock)
Sewage: Hindering Terrain (3-feet high); difficult terrain; If a non-sewer native starts their turn in the sewer sludge, they take 5 poison damage; Athletics check DC 10 to climb out
Debris: difficult terrain (O1:p4)
Rickety Bridges (O16:O17 and W16W17): Acrobatics/Athletics check (DC 10) to cross
Sewer Slime: LEAVING the square, PC must make a Acrobatics Check (DC 10) or knocked prone

[sblock=XP awards]300XP Otyugh
249 XP Wererat Minions (3)
400XP Wererat (2 – 1 escaped)
500XP Wererat Sewer Guard (2)
1449XP Sub-total
2898XP Doubled

+483XP each

Braddock: 5635*+505 (last encounter)+483=6118XP
Kellindil: 3750*+505 (last encounter)+483=4738XP
Quan: 3750*+505 (last encounter)+483=4738XP
Orsik: 9337*+505 (last encounter)+483=10325XP LEVEL UP!
Rikka: 10305*+483=10788XP
Muzdum: 8952*+483=9435XP

*Original XP totals were taken from your Wiki pages (only pathfinderq1 updated his page)

[sblock=Reward Points]Started: May 26, 2011>July 25, 2011

2 months: +2RP (except Muzdum)[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Player’s Stats]Braddock (P15): 36+5thp/52 hp; HS 9/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Kellindil (L15): 33/38 hp; HS 4/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Quan (O20): 12/37; HS 5/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: BLOODIED;
Orsik (P18): 41/53 hp; HS 7/10; AP 1; Second Wind; stone’s endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status: Filth Fever (stabilized)
Rikka (T5): 37/50 hp; HS 6/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: Filth Fever
Muzdum (N15): 52/62; HS 11/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:

[FONT=&quot]Everyone has reached a milestone except for Muzdum, so +1 AP. [/FONT][/sblock]


Quan searches the bodies, but is dismayed when others find the loot. He eyes the potion with lust then off-handedly remarks Well, let us continue then. Is everyone ready?

OOC: Spend 2 surges, though ready if any extra healing is available from a Leader.
Could we have their characters watch the entrance and they could immediately catch up if returning?

[sblock=ministats] Status:

Init: +7 Speed: 7 Perception:21 Insight: 14
AC: 22 NAD:17/19/16
HP: 30/37 Surges: 3/7 Surge Value: 9 AP: 0

Languages: Common, Elven Str:14 Dex:20 Wis:14 Con:10 Int:8 Cha:10
Powers: At-Will: Five Storms, Dragon's Tail, Centered Flurry of Blows, Wild Shape
Encounter: Drunken Monkey, Enduring Champion, Swarming Locusts, Elven Accuracy, Stoneskin Robes

Daily: Masterful Spiral, Supreme Flurry, Cobra Strike Ki Focus, Necklace of Keys
[Full Character Sheet LEB:pC:Quan Reah (johnmeier1) - ENWorld Living Eberron Wiki] [/sblock]

Thanks for the XP. Can I level up immediately or wait for extended rest? Probably better that way.

I cannot receive XP before being approved (and for that I need at least one judge to look him over)

Orsik takes the time and cleans his wounds, his hardy form shaking off remnants of rat disease.

Endurance (1d20+11=23)

OOC: Spend a surge to get to full


First Post
OOC: Sorry to hear about your wife's grandmother jsb.

Braddock seems to calm a little bit. His eyes stop the strnage purple glow and return to the normal brown color.

"Whew, tha' Xandor be a bit of a loon. But a powerful one at that. I'll be better able to control him next time."

OOC: I think JM1's idea is good, let them guard the sewer entrance until they get back and then rejoin us. It sounds like pathfinderq1 would just be a limited absence and here's to hoping horticulture comes back when he can.

Also, Braddock will spend a surge to be at 8/11 and 49/52 hit points

Voda Vosa

First Post
"What's tha'ye mutter Braddock? Who's that Xandor ye mention?" Muzdum asks curiously, as he takes out a shard of metal from the cut in his forearm. Patting the wounded extremity with a smile, the dwarf is ready to go.

OOC: Sorry for your loss man. Spending a surge to be at full hp.


First Post
GM: So it’s decided that the two elves - Rikka and Kellindil - will stand guard over the sewer entrance while the remaining heroes venture deeper into the sewer system, looking for the wererats.

We are now entering a skill challenge. Once everyone has posted their actions, I’ll post their results and any other information discovered. (Hopefully, this will allow time for Horticulture and pathfinderq1 to come back from their hiatus).

[sblock=Skill Challenge]*GOAL: You are trying to find the location of the wererat’s den.

*Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures)

*DC: All DCs are 15

*Skills: You can use any skill that you can reasonably explain (excluding Endurance – see below). Any explanation I feel doesn’t correspond with the given skill, I will impose a -2 penalty to it.
[sblock=Endurance Check (everyone)]
Stage 1: Once per round, each player must make an Endurance check DC 10, due to the effort required to navigate the sewers.

Failure: You gain a -1 penalty to your next skill roll, in addition to any other modifiers you currently have for that roll. Two consecutive failures with this skill means you have contracted Filth Fever.[/sblock]
*Rolls: Stage 1: Everyone must roll one Endurance check and one other skill check per round. No need for initiative rolls, just keep track of who has gone and who needs to go. The same rules apply for skill challenges as apply for encounters (48-hour rule, etc).

*Repeating the Same Skills: Any character repeating the same skill check in two successive rounds will impose a -2 cumulative penalty to the triggering roll (i.e. -2 for second check, -4 for third check, etc.)

*Critical Success: A natural 20 counts as 2 successes OR 1 success and remove 1 failure (a Total success - i.e. succeeding at this challenge with no failures - will result in extra goodness for the party).

*Critical Failure: A natural 1 counts as 2 failures.

*Aid Another: You can roll to aid another PC. Using the new compendium rules, a roll of 10+1/2 the rolling PC’s level or higher grants a +2 to that player’s skill check, while a failure grants a -1 penalty to that player’s skill check. A successful aid another roll does not count towards the total number of successes.

*Primary Skills: Stage 1:
Perception: Any player who attempts this skill check gains a +2 to their roll (unless making the same skill check, then see above for cumulative penalties).[/sblock]

[sblock=STATS]Braddock: 49+5thp/52 hp; HS 8/11; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:
Quan: 30/37; HS 3/7; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Orsik: 53/53 hp; HS 6/10; AP 1; Second Wind; stone’s endurance; Rune of Mending [1], [2]; Status:
Muzdum: 62/62; HS 10/12; AP 1; Dwarven Resilience; Status:

Kellindil: 33/38 hp; HS 4/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status:
Rikka: 37/50 hp; HS 6/8; AP 1; Second Wind; Elven Accuracy; Status: Filth Fever

[sblock=Filth Fever]
At the end of the encounter, those afflicted by Filth Fever must make a check to see if the disease stabilizes (or improve)
Stabilizes: Endurance check DC 14
Improves: Endurance check DC 21

Stage 0: cured
Initial Stage: target loses 1 healing surge
Stage 2: target takes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude and Reflex
Stage 3: target takes an additional -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex and loses all healing surges and cannot regain hit points.[/sblock]

OOC: Do we get short rest?

Orsik looks over fallen ratmen and then at the sewers, trying to remember where they stood and where the majority came from. Focusing on their behaviour he is trying to get into their minds. Thinking to himself, he walks few times between the dead and various passages, peering into them.

"This one is just a rat, he would hide regardless of where his nest is. This one is a fighter, he would probably place himself between us and the nest. Big filth is hopefully just a bonus to them."

Insight (1d20+12=17)

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