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Adventure: Into the Wild

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Virgil comes awake with a smoky cough and looks around blearily at the combat ranging around him. Dante looks like he's trying to turn his nap into a dirt nap.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: -
Move Action: -
Minor Action
: -

Dante's Saving Throw: 1d20=1, utter fail.
Virgil's Saving Throw: 1d20=20, utter success.
Of course it couldn't have been the other way around...

[sblock=Statblocks]Dante, Male Human Ranger 4
Passive Perception:20, Passive Insight:15
AC:19, Fort:18, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:16/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:6/6
Initiative +6, Action Points:0
Powers: Twin Strike, Throw and Stab, Marauder's Rush, Off-Hand Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Jaws of the Wolf

Status Effects: DR 4, unconscious(save ends)

Opportunity Attack: +10 vs. AC, 2d4+7 damage.
Note: Dante makes an OA on any enemy that makes a melee attack on Virgil as long as the enemy is within reach 2 of Dante or Virgil is adjacent to Dante.

Virgil, Beast Companion(Lizard) 4
Passive Perception:13, Passive Insight:13
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:36/46, Bloodied:23, Surge Value:11, Surges left:2/2

Status Effects: DR 4

Opportunity Attack: +10 vs. AC, 1d8+3 damage.
Note: Virgil's OA uses Dante's Immediate Reaction.[/sblock][/sblock]
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
GM: Rocco: He can't have acted this round. You save at the end of the turn, not the beginning. Unless you are a warden, of course.

The Goliath falls to Max's blade but with his last breath flails wildly with his club in an attempt to bring somebody with him. He fails to do so.

Triggered action at 0 hp

Vengeful Clout 1:Max 2:Magma Monster (1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=13, 3d6+5=19)

That was vs Fortitude, fails on both count.

Haruka will get her 9 thp.

Yep, I completely forgot about that for the previous Goliath. I guess it's a lucky break for you in the circumstances.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: It's only Ibram :) He could take it. And yes, such save to be had at the start of the round is a reason to take warden multiclass if you get Font of Life.

Also, two 20s to be had on saving throws instead of combat rounds, that just sucks!

Primera lashes at the sword wielder, threatening with her vicinity.

Nementah moves away from dangerous swordsman and Primera moves over Renquist to protect as much allies as she can.

She calls upon her primal connection to impart some energy to Dante. Rocco feels succor flowing from Primera.

Minor: Healing spirit on Dante for surge; Rocco regains 3 (see below)
Standard: Certain Threat vs Swordmage Ref; damage; heal for Rocco (1d20+7=22, 2d6+5=9, 1d6=3) - swordmage is marked and at -5 to hit from mark

Move: Shift to O3 threatening the scimitar wielder, Primera moves to L3, standing over Dante ON GROUND LEVEL (so he can shift when he gets up)

IMPORTANT: if swordmage or scimitar wielder adjacent to her move on their turn, Nementah shifts away to Q2 as immediate reaction, hopefuly spoiling an attack on her or at least drawing the attacker away

NOTE: Rocco is now without Primera protection, but swordmage cannot get her with melee attack so mark will be enforced :D - everyone else gets +1 NADs[/sblock]

OOC: Just to be clear, Nementah cannot stand in melee and will total defense/second wind unless she drops in this round. hm...maybe I should change and heal Nementah and let Dante get 3 hp?
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
GM: Yes, Ashir is blind past 2 square. But unless the targets have made a stealth check, you still know where they are and can target them with a -5 penalty for total concelament or bypass the need for targeting altogether with an area attack.

Being blind tend to be more of an hindrance for a typical striker then a typical controller. Though ranged attack from outside your limited field of vision should get +2 CA. Did I forget that previous round against Haruka? Hmmm. I'll remember this time for sure.

Move: Shift to O3 threatening the scimitar wielder, Primera moves to L3, standing over Dante ON GROUND LEVEL (so he can shift when he gets up)

L3 on ground level is Dante's spot. Primera can't be there. Allies can pass through your companion but they can't occupy the same spot.

But more importantly, Spirit Companions moving out of threatened area are not immune to OA.

OA vs Primera (1d20+10=27, 1d8+4=12)

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First Post
Ashir stumbles semi-blindly forward, sustaining the sphere and he commands the magma beast to assault the crystal creature. The beast bounds forward and leaps into the air, crashing hard into the Shard Monster.

Just a reminder to me:

Property: When you use a wizard fire power that can be sustained through this tome, you regain hit points equal to the tome’s enhancement bonus each round that you sustain the power while bloodied. For example, if you used the flaming sphere power with a tome of the replenishing flame +2, you would regain 2 hit points each round you sustain the flaming sphere while you are bloodied. [/sblock]


Minor: Sustain Sphere (regain 1 hp from tome)
Move: to V14
Standard: Direct the beast to charge the Shard Monster - vs ref; fire (on shard) (1d20+8=28, 1d10+9=17) crit fire dmg (1d10=2) crits for 21 fire damage + 5 ongoing and slowed (save ends)


[sblock=L4W Ashir]
Init: +0 Speed: 6 Perception:12 Insight: 12
AC: 19 NAD:18/17/16
HP: 24/38 Surges: 6/7 Surge Value: 9 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:19 Dex:12 Wis:13 Con:12 Int:19 Cha:8

Scorching Burst
Burning Hands
Icy Rays
Fire Shroud
Promise of Storms
Second Wind
Tome of Readiness
Flaming Sphere (Summon Dretch)
Summon Magma Beast (Stinking Cloud)



L3 on ground level is Dante's spot. Primera can't be there. Allies can pass through your companion but they can't occupy the same spot.

But more importantly, Spirit Companions moving out of threatened area are not immune to OA.

OA vs Primera (1d20+10=27, 1d8+4=12)


OOC: Sorry, no.

First of all, one can stand in allies square if that ally is prone (which Dante is) - this can be discussed since Primera is not a creature which brings us to another points

Only creatures provoke as per PHB2 FAQ (see #2) and altough we say SHE (Primera) it's actually IT (spirit companion conjuration)
so you can't get out of the mark that easily :)
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
OOC: Oh, great. Companions are 'Creature' enough to be a target of a standard action but not 'creature' enough to be the target of an opportunity action? And what about immediate reaction? Should I wait for another FAQ? Ridiculous, counter-intuitive ruling. And they assume DM will read the fine print to know that their design does not behave logically? They wrote in the companion description that Companions can be targeted by melee and ranged attacks. Isn't an opportunity attack a melee attack? Arg! I hate when they do that. It stinks of an ad hoc decision not thought out properly, probably because the people who designed the class and the people who answered the FAQ did not talk to each other. Typical WoTC. Mind you it was much worse in the early days of 3E ten years ago. I remember the early mess of their first erratas. But it still galls me when they fall back into old patterns. Didn't they take enough flak for it back in the days?!

But I can't argue these kind of rulings in a communal world. I just make a mental note for the house games.

End of :rant:
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The heat is on. Nementah and Primera are the only one from their side who are still standing and they receive a lot of attention. Swords and arrows fly their way and Nementah is barely standing but through some miracle she is still conscious. Primera on the other hand is again temporarily disrupted.

The Swordmage continues his methodical demolition work. It's high time Rocco gets back on his feat.

On the other hand of the field, Ashir, Haruka and Max are cleaning house and putting the hurt on the powerful Shardmonster.

OOC: Ashir's been hit for 11 on a roll of 19 by an archer. Shield? I didn't fluff the part were ashit is reduced to -4 because it seems so clear cut that shield is coming.

Scimirar Maniac 1
Vs Primera (1d20+10=30, 1d8+6=10) Crit, disrupted, 6 dmg to Nementah, no more marks

Scimitar Maniac 2
vs Nementah (1d20+10=23, 1d8+6=11) forgot -4 dr

vs 1:Vs Virgil 2:vs Renquist 3:Rocco (1d20+8=23, 1d20+8=14, 1d20+8=20, 1d6+6-2=5), all hit for 5

1:Nementah 2:Magma Beast 3:Ashir (1d20+9=16, 1d10+5=6, 1d20+9=27, 1d10+5=6, 1d20+9=19, 1d10+5=11) hits Nementah for 1, Magma beast for 6, Ashir for 11

Wow, damn lucky of the Magma Beast and Nementah to still be standing!

Shard Monster
Takes 5 ongoing fire
Shared Astimgatism 1:Haruka (-2) 2: Ashir (1d20+11+2=29, 2d6+5=7, 1d20+11+2=33, 2d6+5=10) hits Haruka for 7, crits Ashir for 17

Triggers both Tyr. Th. and the Hellish rebuke for a total of 16 damage.

Save (1d20+2=6)

Lonely Minion
Minion vs Virgil (1d20+10=26) 1 dmg on Virg

save (1d20=4)

So... Yeah.

Dante 25/37 Resist 4, AP spent, - 1HS Unconscious (save ends)
Ibram 25/40 Resist 4 Unconscious (save ends), AP spent
Nementah 3/35 Resist 4 AP spent
Renquist 23/37, Resist 4, AP Spent, -1 hs, Unconscious (save ends), Bl.wea.
Rocco 32/43 Resist 4,
Virgil 30/46 Resist 4,

Magma Beast: 1/19

Max: 42/42, AP spent, -1HS
Haruka: 32 +2 /56, Can only see 2 square away TENT
Ashir: -11/38 slowed TENT, Can only see 2 square away TENT

Shard Glass Monster: 74 (69) /154 Cursed, AP spent, Tyr.Thr
Swordmage: 61/90 quarry, AP spent

*I have no clue why I had that Goliath at 20 in the previous S&S. I count 12 dmg from Tyranical Threat, 11 from Max's last attack, 19 from the magma beast and 10 from the fire sphere. Total: 52 dmg so 13 left.

Goons (G)
Perception 14;
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 17
Speed 6,
OA: +11 vs AC; 5 damage (6 damage against a bloodied target).

Elf Archer
Perception 22; low-light vision
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 15
OA: +8 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage (if longsword is drawn).

Scimitar Wielding Maniacs (white token with ninja type)
Perception 15; low-light vision
HP 62; Bloodied 31
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
OA Scimitar +10 vs AC; 1d8+6 damage (crit 1d8+14).

Shard Monster
Perception 16; truesight
Emotion bending aura 1; enemies grant combat advantage while in the aura.
HP 154; Bloodied 77
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 20, Will 19
OA: Quick Illusion (standard, at-will) Illusion, Psychic
+11 vs Will; 1d6 + 5 Psychic damage and the target is knocked prone.

Lightning Genasi Swordmage
Perception 13
HP 90; Bloodied 45
Resist Thunder and Lightning 5
AC 19; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15
OA: Longsword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+10 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.


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