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[Adventure] Kingmaker (DM:renau1g; judge: garyh)



The dark woman shudders a little having a sudden premonition that the Teifling's mouth is going to be the death of her. She makes a sign against evil eye and keeps walking. She mouths the words "Spirits Protect," but keeps her own counsel with regard to this new fear.

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First Post
"That's a dangerous philosophy," Ez muses to Ruarc. She grins impishly. "I like it."

She gives Faustus a quizzical smile as he ribs her, and shrugs as they all swagger out the front gates...a little amused at his antics, and equal parts relieved that their new allies see it as the joke it is.

"So I suppose you haven't been to sea much," the blue-skinned woman says to Ruarc, by way of making conversation.


First Post
You enter the large, open gates and see that it opens into a small courtyard, with a few small buildings, some long tables next to a fire pit, an empty wagon, and a trio of middens in the far corner of the area. The building to your left has its door slightly open and you can see inside. A horse whinny's and you see that it is obviously a stable. There is a storage area just across the yard from you, its fenced in and has a crude roof over it to keep out the elements. That area is currently empty, as are the tables, although they have plates and utensils set out. The fire pit is smoldering and a black iron pot is sitting over it, the smell of some fine cooking waft in the air. The larger building to the north-east of the gates is perhaps the living quarters for Oleg and Svetlana. The sound of a hammer ringing is evident.

Out of that building emerges a woman, a pretty young thing, although a bit plain looking. Her hair is held out of her face by a red handkerchief that keeps the hair back. She wears a simple brown dress and an apron over it. At the sight of your group she smiles ear to ear, and moves towards you.

"Oleg, we have guests!" She shouts, and you see a man stand up on the roof of the building to your right. He has a hammer in his hand and nails in his teeth. He looks at you, eyes narrow, and then he returns to his hammering.

She shakes her head and continues her smile. "Hello, forgive my husband, it's been a rough while out here and he's a proud sort. He doesn't like to be asking for help, oh he'd like to take care of it all on his own if he could, but I told him not to be a fool. Oh... listen to me going on like an old biddy, you're probably hungry and tired from the trip. I got a stew ready for you, just pulled the bread out and if you grab a seat I'll get something special.... oh me, I get ahead of myself again, I'm Svetlana and that is my husband, Oleg. We run this trading post." the woman says excitedly, then before you even have a chance to reply, she rushes off towards the larger building, and carries out a few loaves of still steaming bread and sets them down on the table. She returns inside and returns again bearing a glass bottle, with what appears to be wine inside.

She pops the cork and places the bottle on the table, gesturing for you to come sit. After you grab a seat, Oleg climbs down a ladder and moves towards you, his brow covered in sweat from the exertion of his hammering. "Hello, name's Oleg. Glad you're here" he says gruffly, before heading inside, muttering "Gotta change". Svetlana smiles, but you can tell its a fake one, the smile never reaching her eyes.

She sits down and offers to ladle the stew into the bowls for you, after which she makes small talk, asking about the road, and how things are in Restov. Oleg has returned by now and sits quietly at the other table, a pipe in his hands as he watches you.

"It is so glad that the Lord Mayor sent you here to aid us, after so many requests were were beginning to think they didn't care. But now that you're here, our problems shall be taken care of. You'll get rid of the threat and we'll be free to continue our work" Svetlana says happily.




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"I am Mari Champanel." With a gesture she introduces her companions as well. "We'll begin by mapping the areas around here and dealing with any bandits we find. Our intent was to use this place as a base camp if that's alright with you?" She takes a healthy swig of wine and tastes the stew. She surreptitiously adds a sprinkle of dark red pungent dried ground pepper from her pouch to the food and continues. "What can you tell us about the land here and more importantly the treats you face? It must not be too bad with the gate wide open and only two of you to defend this place? I guess you can see trouble coming long before it arrives from up there?" She gestures to where Oleg was working when they arrived. She blows on the hot bread and dips it in the stew and washes a generous bite down with more wine. "Mmm, quiet good." The wine and the pepper brings a sheen of perspiration to her forehead.


First Post
What's up Svetlana?

The half-elf has been chatting amiably and eating heartily, all the while paying close attention the the couple[sblock=insight]Is there something they are not telling us? 1d20+11=26[/sblock]


First Post
You can tell that the woman is doing a good job of hiding her tremendous relief at your arrival, but as talks turn to exploring the area she appears to be quite crestfallen.

Oleg is gruff, but as the talk turns to exploration he grows angry.

There certainly appears to be something going on that would ellicit that response[/sblock]


Faustus, Tiefling Avenger

"Begging your pardon, Lady Svetlana," says the oily smooth Tiefling, "but why don't you tell us more about this ... ah ... 'thread' did you say?"

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Ruarc sits gingerly on the furniture, though it appears sturdy enough to bear even his weight. As he eats he looks around at the fortifications and minds the conversation of the others.


First Post
"Oh, did I? I must have been thinking about that dress I was to make soon. Ah forgive me, I meant threats, I assumed that you already knew about this. We had made many petitions, but it does seem like we are two unimportant." Svetlana says, her eyes turning glassy, as Oleg swears up a storm, throws up his hands and walks away. You hear him grumbling "Lousy, beaurocrats and their red tape, why I should..." as he storms off.

"Forgive his outburst, it's just...we are living as hostages here. Those damn bandits showed up 3 months ago and it's been a living hell ever since. They threatened to burn down the trading post and take me back to their camp for their own... own... amusement" she sobs, tears running freely "Unless we hand over all the furs and trade goods that we acquire during the month from the hunters and trappers. They've come two other times, each time within an hour of sunrise on the first of the month. There were about a dozen of them on their first trip here, led by a cloaked man with a bow and a woman with a pair of hatchets who did all the talking. On the second and third visits only the hooded man showed up with a few of the cronies, six the first time and then just four this last time. They're set to arrive tomorrow morning to collect this months "taxes" as they call them... oh please by the gods will you help us" Svetlana says deploringly.

Ok, so I had a typo, Scotley called the same thing treats in his last post.... apparently they're not that bad here ;) [/sblovk]

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