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[Adventure]: Land Ho! FWBTHW (DM:H.M.Gimlord,Judge:Ozymandias79)


OOC: I'll post in this spot later tonight. Sorry for the delay. I'm adjusting to all of the "Spring" activities available to me since the return of that big yellow thing hanging in the sky, uh...what's it called...? Oh yeah... The Sun!!!!

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[sblock=Action Block]
Move: Shift to I46 (+1 to AC/Ref)
Standard: Booming Blade vs AC Readied

  • Targets: First foe to move adjacent
  • Attack K47: 1d20+13=17 Miss
  • Damage: 1d8+6=0
  • Effect: None
AP: Sword of Sigils vs AC

  • Targets: I47, J46, K47
  • Attack I47: 1d20+13=22
  • Attack J46: 1d20+13=19
  • Attack K47: 1d20+13=16
  • Damage: 1d8+6=12
  • Effect: I47 is Marked TENT. Until the mark ends, if the target makes an attack that does not include you as a target, it takes force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier after the attack is resolved. If a target marked by this power hits a creature within 10 squares of you with an attack that does not include you as a target, you can use an immediate interrupt to reduce the damage dealt by that attack to any single creature by an amount equal to 3
  • Effect: Tattoo: Gain 5 THP
GM: [MENTION=85539]Tenchuu[/MENTION]: Not sure what you're doing here. Technically, a readied action isn't resolved until it triggers, so spending an AP to cover a missed readied action doesn't seem possible (APs can only be spent on your turn, and the readied action would resolve on the kobold's turn, if it triggers at all).

Theoretically, you could have spent the AP before you rolled the readied action, but if this were the case, you would be targeting squares with nothing in them (the kobolds have moved back into the antechamber).

I'm missing something here. Help me out :-S.


First Post
The beleaguered thri-kreen stands up and lashes out at the kobolds surrounding him with his only weapon, his claws. One of his attacks catches a kobold in the face, but there are just so many of them.

Tikchik's mandibles click together quickly, his nerves are on edge.

Move: Stand
Minor: Thri-kreen Claws - vs ac (horde 1, 2); dmg (incl +2 from armbands, if not -2) (1d20+12=26, 1d20+12=14, 1d8+7+2=11) hits horde 1 for 5 after reduction.
Standard: MBA (using unarmed) - vs ac (horde 1); dmg (incl +2 from armbands, if not -2) (1d20+9=16, 1d4+7=10) miss [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Tikchik Tiktikchik Male Thri-Kreen Ranger 9
Initiative: +7, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 17, Senses: Low-light
AC:24, Fort:22, Reflex:19, Will:19
HP:32/70, Bloodied:35, Surge Value:17, Surges left:6/7
Action Points: 1; Second Wind: Used
Twin Strike
Throw and Stab

Thri-Kreen Claws
Off-Hand Strike
Disruptive Strike
Lashing Leaves
Invigorating Stride
Natural Terrain Understanding

Jaws of the Wolf
Snarling Wolf Stance
Attacks on the Run
Steadfast Amulet +2
Dwarven Drakescale
Casque of Tactics

Important Stuff:
+1d6 damage on quarry target


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:CS:Tikchik_Tiktikchik_(renau1g)[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Edited. Sorry about that. AP was a left over from my haste to post. I used it last round. So, no AP, just a missed readied.


A lone kobold steps out into view, but before he can get too far, Fenwick and Rujah are upon him. Rujah swings his hammer wide, but Fenwick catches the hapless reptile slashing deep into its shoulder.

"Ssssssss! Sari wer pit mrith wux!" The kobold hisses a hateful curse at the duo.[sblock=Rujah]The kobold is hissing,"Into the pit with you!"[/sblock]Before either Rujah or Fenwick can react, the kobold steps to the side, stomping its clawed foot on the intersection between two floor tiles. The action causes the floor to shudder and give way sweeping all three of them into a pit twenty feet below.

The pit seems to be divided. Fenwick and the kobold fall down one shaft, while Rujah falls down another into an unknown darkness.

Two other kobolds come forward carrying a make-shift bridge and lay it across the pit.

As they do this Mervin springs into action, "You won't get away with that!" Tiny furies fly from the wizard's fingertips and pick away at the the kobolds' faces, "Aaaaah! Make it ssssstop!"

The Rat Master, however, has ideas of unleashing pestilence of its own. Crossing the plank bridge, both the kobold and its infectious entourage move right into the midst of the remaining adventurers. Rats scurry everywhere biting at Riardon and Gensai.

The kobold sorcerer emerges from the stinking cloud, walks out onto the bridge, and sends howling winds down the corridor that grab Gensai and smash him against the wall. The blademaster stumbles and falls into the pit, disappearing into the darkness.

Riardon and Mervin look at each other, suddenly realizing that they are alone.

GM: BenBrown & Tenchuu: See the "Cells" spoiler, below, for where you end up.
[sblock=Rujah's Actions]Move: to H46
Standard: Ready Action
Standard: Charge vs. first kobold to move into K46-M47
[sblock=Enemy Actions]Kobold Pikeman 1:
Warding Strike Recharge: 1d6=2 Fail
Free: Take 13 damage
Move: to J47, interrupted by Fenwick's and Rujah's Charges and stops at L47
Fenwick's Charge: to K47 1d20+12=31 vs. AC for 1d12+1d8+2d6+8=26
Rujah's Charge: to K46 1d20+10=19 Miss
Standard: Kobold Pike
Target: Fenwick
Attack: 1d20+12=21 vs. AC for 1d10+7=17 damage
Minor: Shift to L46 triggering pit trap.
Free: Laugh

Pit Trap:
Standard: Pit trap attack
Target1: Fenwick
Attack1: 1d20+15=35 vs. Reflex (Crit, but only goes to automatic hit. Since fall damage is incidental and not direct, it is not maximized)
Target2: Kobold Pikeman 1
Attack2: 1d20+15=24 vs. Reflex+2(Trap Sense) Hit
Target3: Rujah
Attack3: 1d20+15=34 vs. Reflex
Fall Damage: 2d10=14
Effect: Rujah, Fenwick and the Kobold fall out of sight. See "Cells" Spoiler below.

Kobold Pikeman 2:
Warding Strike Recharge: 1d6=2Fail
Free: take 13 damage
Minor: Pick up plank bridge
Move: Carry bridge to pit at M47
Standard: Place Bridge across pit

Kobold Pikeman 3:
Warding Strike Recharge: 1d6=1 Fail
This one's not in the cloud, so it takes no damage
Minor: Pick up plank bridge
Move: Carry bridge to pit at M46
Mervin's readied Action triggers: KP 2 takes 7 damage, KP 3 takes 18
Standard: Place Bridge across pit

Kobold Rat Master:
This one's not in the cloud, so it takes no damage
Move: to G46
Gensai's OA: 1d20+13=15 vs. AC Miss
Standard: Gnawing Rats
Target 1: Gensai
Attack 1: 1d20+13=28 vs. Fort
Target 2: Riardon
Attack 2: 1d20+13=25 vs. Fort
Target 3: Mervin
Attack 3: 1d20+13=14 vs. Fort
Damage: 2d6+2=9 and Ongoing 5(Save Ends)

Kobold Stormseer:
Free: Take 13 damage
Move: to L47
Standard: Wind Burst
Target: Gensai
Attack: 1d20+12=32 vs. Reflex Crit for 17 damage and the Kobold Stormseer slides Gensai into the open pit at K46
Gensai's Save vs. Fall: 1d20=9
Fall Damage: 2d10=13

[/sblock][sblock=Status]Riardon: F47 45(35)/59 HP 4/9 HS 1AP in Rat Horde Aura
Mervin: E46 37/44 HP 2/8HS 0AP
Rujah: MIA
Fenwick: MIA
Gensai: MIA

Kobold Pikeman 1: MIA
Kobold Pikeman 2: M47 74/115HP No OAs
Kobold Pikeman 3: M46 83/115HP No OAs

Kobold Stormseer: L47 78/78HP
Kobold Rat Master: G47 168/182HP[/sblock][sblock=Map]



Just so you know:
[/sblock][sblock=Cells]Fenwick and the kobold fall down the shaft, separated, perhaps forever, from Rujah. Fenwick lands hard, crumpling to the floor, for that is what it is, on top of what appears to be a chamber pot, and from the smell, it has not been cleaned out since its last use. A quick glance around reveals that he and his kobold assailant have ended up in some kind of prison cell, a little less than a dozen feet across. A small pallet lies in the corner of the room, and through the barred cell door, Fenwick can see a couple more kobold guards who look like they have their hands full dealing with an unruly prisoner in a cell down the way to his left.

The kobold in the cell with Fenwick stirs, but Fenwick is ready for him. While the orc contemplates his next move he hears a howling cry coming from the shaft above.

Gensai tumbles down the shaft in the ceiling and lands in a heap on the pallet next to Fenwick, "Ooooh my head."

The first of the kobolds in Sheng' s cloud is clueless as to its enemy's whereabouts, and seeks advice from its comrade "Svaklar re astahii?"

"Svanoa jalla vucoti?"
replies the other as it lashes out in all directions, seriously clipping Tikchik, bringing the thri-kreen to the floor again, "Itheik! Jahus batobot wux??"

"Thric." comes a fork-tongued reply from somewhere in the mist

"Bensvelk. Hak si siofme si itrewica ir." the second hisses again.

"Ssssssssaaaah" The first kobold then lunges forward in the direction of Tikchik's moans cutting deeply into the insectoid's carapace.

The scouts outside the cloud, send electric attacks ad-hoc into the swirling mist, hoping to do some damage, and they do. Sheng howls in pain despite his arcane protections.

[sblock=Sheng's Actions]Minor: Sustain Deep Shroud
Standard: Chaos Bolt
Primary Target: Kobold Horde 1
Primary Attack: 1d20+9-5(Total Concealment)=8 Miss
Move: to Q45
Stealth: 1d20+6=20. Kobold Hordes 1 & 2 can't see Sheng.
[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Actions]

Kobold Horde 2:

Swarm the Fallen Recharge: 1d6=2 Fail
Standard: Overwhelm Surge
Target 1: Sheng
Attack 1: 1d20+11-5(Total Concealment)=19 vs. Fort+2(Chaotic Defense) Miss
Target 2: Kobold Horde 1
Attack 2: 1d20+11-5(Total Concealment)=15 vs. Fort Miss
Target 3: Tikchik
Attack 3: 1d20+11-5(Total Concealment)=26 vs. Fort Hit
Damage: 1d8+6=12
Tikchik falls prone
Free: Take 2d6=6 psychic damage from Sheng's Chaotic Defense

Kobold Horde 1:
Overwhelm Surge Recharge: 1d6=4 Fail
Delay until after Kobold Horde 2
Standard: Swarm the Fallen
Target: Tikchik
Attack: 1d20+15-5=28 vs. AC for 1d10+7=13 damage
Wyrmguard Scout 1:
Move: Scratch head in confusion, then say, "Aw heck with it, kill em all!"
Standard: Dragon Clash centered on Q45
Target 1: Sheng
Attack 1: 1d20+12=22 vs. Fort+2 Hit
Target 2: Tikchik
Attack 2: 1d20+12=18 vs. Fort Miss
Damage: 3d6+5=15 damage
Minor: Kobold Horde 1 is Wyrmguard Scout 1's ward
Free: Take 6 damage from Sheng's Chaotic Defense

Wyrmguard Scout 2:
Move: Scratch head in confusion
Standard: Dragon Bolt
Target: Sheng
Attack: 1d20+14-5(Total Concealment)=21 vs. Reflex+2 for 2d6+5=12 lightning damage
Minor: Kobold Horde 2 is Wyrmguard Scout 2's ward
Free: Take 6 damage from Sheng's Chaotic Defense

GM: I neglected to notice in previous rounds that Sheng's shroud is actually a close burst 1, granting total concealment to anything inside. Since I've been neglecting the expanded range of concealment bonus on both sides, I'm hoping everyone will forgive me for the oversight. From now on, I will apply the bonus properly to adjacent squares.
Tikchik: R46 7/70HP 6/7HS 1AP Prone, Bloodied, Prone
Sheng: R47 10/57HP 8/8HS 1AP Bloodied, Chaotic Defense, Deep Shroud
Fenwick: K47 20 31/67 HP 7/11 HS 1AP Bloodied, Prone
Gensai: K46 20 18(13)/68 HP 9/11 HS 1AP Bloodied, Ongoing 5 (save ends), Prone

Kobold Pikeman 1: L46 41/115HP Bloodied, Prone
Kobold Horde 1: Q46 32/84 Bloodied Warded by Wyrmguard Scout 1
Kobold Horde 2: R45 66/84 Warded by Wyrmguard Scout 2
Wyrmguard Scout 1: Q40 60/75
Wyrmguard Scout 2: O41 59/75[/sblock][sblock=Map]


GM: @renau1g : I NPC'd Voda Vosa's move, and updated this post to reflect the kbolds' moves as well. Now all good guys have their turn.
Last edited:


OOC: In that case, I'll NPC his move and do the bad guys in the prison before Fenwick and Gensai drop in with their kobold cellmate. Might be tonight before I get to it though. I'll do this by editing "Cells" in the post above.


First Post
OOC: DM: Can you update my HP in the status block? I'm not sure if I am bloodied or not.

"Didn't I say we should take the stairs?"
Gensai asked rhetorically.


OOC: What about Riardon's readied readied ranged basic attack (+13/1d6+9)?
GM: Dang! Forgot about that!

1d20+13=32 vs. AC for 1d6+9=13 dmage.

Thus the fall into the pit kills Kobold Pikeman 1.
OOC: Are the trapdoors still hidden? I cannot see them on the map.
GM: There is only one pit trap that you can see, and it is on the map (K46-L47). It is spanned by the make-shift bridge (K47-L47).
OOC: DM: Can you update my HP in the status block? I'm not sure if I am bloodied or not.
GM: Done. He's bloodied, and getting bloodier (OG 5).
Last edited:

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