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Adventure: Lord Byron's Lost Silver (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)

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First Post
[sblock=Please Read]
I forgot Ryry didn't post. I didn't want to delay my post any longer, so I did this: I treated his Init roll as a fail, moved him toward the south east room you are trying to clear, and then the extra zombies on the west side I didn't double move, so that should even out if he missed a turn.

If Ryry is not back in time to post, I dub R1 as designate to post his next turn.

And, for some theme music/video: Please enjoy
"A hunter, you say? Hmmm... an undead hunter will be such a boon to my master's plans, yes. Now, an undead dwarf... well, we've plenty of those, but another wouldn't hurt,"
the priest mocked, before reeling back from Wil's attack. "You'll pay for that!"

An arc of black lightning spit from his hand, striking Wil and sending burning pain across his face. The priest then motioned for his minions to advance. "Protect me!"

The two armed dread zombies, who looked like deceased town's guards, Advanced upon Wil, positioning themselves between the archer and the priest, though one was slow to move. The quicker Dreads stabbed with its longsword, and connected on the attack.

In the southeast passage, the Zombie growned a bit at the attacks, but otherwise seemed unphased. Grabing the arrow, it pulled the bolt loose from it's body and dropped it carelessly to the floor. Charina saw the wound close up a bit before it moved. It slings a black glob at the Drow, but it strikes the wall instead.

The second Corruption corpse stood up on the top of a casket, and flung a glob at Kane.

The Corpse of Despair in the south of the passage charged forward, around Kane, slamming itself into Charina. But, the Drow managed to rebuff the attack, bracing herself at just the last moment. However, while free of injury, the force of the impact sent putrid bile from the zombie on to Charina's face.

The rest of the zombie's advanced slowly.

Standard: Decaying Ray vs Wil (Fort)
Attack: 1d20+12=22
Damage: 1d6+5=9
Effect: Wil is Weakened (Save ends)
Move: Shift to C20

Dread Zombie A18
Move: to C18

Dread Zombie A16
Move: to D18
Standard: Longsword vs Wil (AC)
Attack: 1d20+12=30
Damage: 1d8+5=8

Corruption Corpse: H17
Regen 5 HP
Move: Shift to G17
Standard: Mote of Corruption vs Charina (Reflex)
Attack: 1d20+7=17 Miss

Corruption Corpse: H17
Move: to H18
Standard: Mote of Corruption vs Kane (Reflex)
Attack: 1d20+7=17 Miss

Corpse of Despair K15
Move: to H15 (avoiding Kane OA)
Standard: Crushing Despair (AC)
Attack: 1d20+9=19 Miss

Corpose of Despair G5
Move: to H8

Chillborn H0
Move: to H4

Chillborn L2
Move: to I6

Move: to F9

Wil Rando: E17 23/40 HS 10/10 AP 1 MW 2/2, Weakened
Hergunna: G13 51/51 HS 9/9 AP 1
Kane: I16 59/59 HS 10/10 AP 1
Kruk: H10 67/67 HS 12/12 AP 1
Carolina: H11 44/44 HS 7/7 AP 1
Charina: G15 39/39 HS 7/7 AP 1

Father Niris: C20 177/186 AP 2/2
Dread Zombie: D18 66/66, Auto-Phoenix-10hp*
Dread Zombie: E18 55/66, Auto-Phoenix-10hp*, slowed-TENT
Corruption Corpse: G17 17/46, Regen 5, Bloodied
Corruption Corpse: H18 46/46, Regen 5
Corpse of Despair: H15 86/86
Wraithborn: F9 150/150, Regen 5
Corpse of Despair: H8 86/86
Chillborn Zombie: I6 71/71
Chillborn Zombie: H4 71/71


Father Niris (Reskin: Kalarel, Scion of Orcus)
Medium natural humanoid, human
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +9
HP 186; Bloodied 93
AC 22; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 24
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5
Action Points 2
Rod of Ruin (standard, at-will) Weapon
+14 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage plus ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
Decaying Ray (standard, at-will) Necrotic
Ranged 10; +12 vs Fortitude; 1d6+5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Weakened Attacks deal half damage.
Touch of Ruin (minor, at-will) Necrotic
Kalarel must have combat advantage against the target.; +12 vs Fortitude; target gains only half the value of healing done to it until the end of Kalarel's next turn.
Call of the Grave (minor, recharge ) Necrotic
Ranged 5 (affects creatures with ongoing necrotic damage only); +12 vs Fortitude; the target is immobilized until the end of Kalarel's next turn.
Unlife to Life (standard, encounter) Healing
Close burst 5; undead allies heal 5 hp and can shift 3 as an immediate action.

Medium natural humanoid (undead)
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
HP 150; Bloodied 75
Regeneration 5
AC 25; Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 19
Immune disease, poison, fear; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5
Action Points 1
Longsword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+14 vs AC; 2d8+2 damage.
Vengeful Strike (standard, at-will) Necrotic, Weapon
Requires longsword; +14 vs AC; 1d8+1 damage plus 5 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.
Pinning Chains (standard, recharge ) Necrotic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +12 vs Reflex; 3d8+3 necrotic damage. Hit or Miss: Each enemy adjacent to the wrathborn is immobilized until the end of the wrathborn's next turn.
Survival Instinct
A wrathborn gains a +2 bonus to all defenses while bloodied.
Equipment: heavy shield , longsword , plate armor.

Corruption Corpse
Medium natural animate (undead)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
Grave Stench aura 1; living enemies in the aura take a -5 penalty to attack rolls.
HP 46; Bloodied 23
Regeneration 5 (if the corruption corpse takes radiant damage, regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn)
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 4
Slam (standard, at-will)
+8 vs AC; 1d6+3 damage.
Mote of Corruption (standard, at-will) Necrotic
The corruption corpse hurls a black glob of necrotic filth: ranged 10; +7 vs Reflex; 2d6+3 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) Necrotic
The corruption corpse explodes: close burst 1; +7 vs Fortitude; 2d6+3 necrotic damage.

Corpse of Despair
Medium natural animate (undead)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +4; darkvision
HP 86; Bloodied 43
AC 18; Fortitude 19, Reflex 15, Will 16
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 4
Slam (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage.
Crushing Despair (standard, at-will)
+9 vs AC; 2d6+4 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Death of Hope Psychic
A dazed target hit by the corpse of despair also takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Chillborn Zombie
Medium natural animate (undead)
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
Chillborn Aura (Cold) aura 2; any creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 5 cold damage. Multiple chillborn auras deal cumulative damage.
HP 71; Bloodied 35
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 16, Will 16
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 radiant
Speed 4
Slam (standard, at-will) Cold
+11 vs AC; 1d6+4 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the chillborn zombie’s next turn and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends).
Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) Cold
The chillborn zombie explodes: close burst 1; +9 vs Fortitude; 2d6+2 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Ice Reaper Cold
The chillborn zombie deals +5 cold damage to an immobilized creature.

Dread Zombie
Medium natural animate (undead)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 66; Bloodied 33
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 15, Will 16
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 5
Longsword (standard, at-will) Weapon
+12 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage.
Zombie Grab (standard, at-will)
+10 vs Reflex; the target is grabbed. Attempts to escape the zombie's grab take a -5 penalty.
Rise Again
If a dread zombie is reduced to 0 hit points by an attack that does not deal fire or radiant damage, the creature is not destroyed. The dread zombie falls prone and appears to be destroyed, but instead, the creature returns with 10 hit points at the beginning of its next turn.
Zombie Weakness
A critical hit scored against a dread zombie reduces the zombie to 0 hit points.
Equipment: heavy shield , longsword , plate armor .
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Carolina scrambles around the corner, careful to stay out of reach of the zombie threatening Charina. While it is occupied by the drow, she sneaks up behind it and slams her dagger deep into it.

[sblock=Actions]Move: to I15 (take the scenic route to avoid the OA)
Standard: Sly Flourish vs. Corpse of Despair; 1d20+13+2 (CA from flanking) hits AC 29 for 23 damage. (Roll Lookup)

Damage breakdown:
1d4+10 (normal damage output)
1 (attacking with Subtle weapon and CA)
2d8 (sneak attack)



First Post
Kane is nearly overwhelmed by the stench and can't find a way to clear his senses. The powerful bugbear flails again, but slams his axe into the coffin next to the zombie.

*Tenchuu - Kane should be down 5 hp, from missing with Whirling Frenzy if you miss all targets he takes 1d6 damage (which I rolled a 5)

I can go for Hergunna tomorrow if you'd like, ryry should be back by now, hopefully he can update himself.

Standard: Whirling Rend on Corpse at H18 - vs ac; dmg (1d20+7=13, 1d12+8=19) miss... dammit...
Move: na


[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian 6
Initiative: +10, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Low-light
AC:22, Fort:20, Reflex:19, Will:14
HP:54/59, Bloodied:29, Surge Value:14, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1
Howl of Fury
Whirling Rend

Furious Assault
Hunter's Quarry
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Whirling Step
Shrug it Off
Walk it Off

Swift Panther Rage
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Vanguard Weapon
Vagabond's Die

Important Stuff:
+1d8 damage when charging. Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy


Full sheet: PC:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]
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Wil smiles through the pain. He shouts in triumph Darkness never wins against light! as his voice rises to a crescendo pushing back the three before him with thunder. He moves around to join his friends and brings his bow up threateningly, though his pull seems slight.

[sblock=OOC] Standard: Shout of Triumph C20/E18
1d20+8=28 CRIT vs Dr Evil push to D21
1d20+8=26 Hits Dread 1 push to C19
1d20+8=22 Hits Dread 2 push to D19
to each of the zombies and boss takes max (18) plus additional 1d10=9 for 27/2= 13 :( weakened crit
Move: Walk to H13
Save: 1d20=9 Can't win them all

Question, since I beat Kane at initiative, would I have gone first? I think he can hit with Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade. Tenchuu

Triggers: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade when ally misses by 6 or less, Virtue of Prescience if ally hit by 1 or less, Arrow of Warning (if bloodied ally in melee is attacked)

Status: Weakened (save ends)
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:19 Insight: 17
AC: 19 NAD:14/16/19
HP: 28/45 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 10 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:13 Int:10 Cha:21

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind[/s], Shout of Triumph, Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Word[/s], Words of Friendship, Moment of Escape[/s], Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade[/s], Virtue of Prescience[/s]
Daily - Arrow of Ill Omen[/s], Arrow of Warning[/s], Inevitable Shot[/s], Songbow of Vanishment[/s]

Full Character Sheet


First Post
Kruk moves to a location so that he can charge an undead creature next to Kane. Once satisfied, he attaks with fire and fury in his eyes, obviously fuming from the words of the evil cleric. His rage however causes the fighter to badly miss his target. Kruk in frustration glares at his foe and the one next to him. "AAAGHHHH! You wont be so lucky next time!"

movement: move to j14
minor: none
attack: bullcharge to 117 to attack foe at H18: 1d20+12 vs AC: 14

misses: wow! when it rains it pours.

mark H18 enemy, and if possible, the one at G17


Kruk- Dwarf Guardain Fighter Level 6

*Adverse Condition: None
*Initiative: +3
*Passive Insight 15
*Passive Perception 15
*Senses low light vision
*HP 67
*Bloodied 32 Surge Value 11; Surges Per-Day 12 6
*AC 24 Fortitude 22 Reflex 16 Will 18 Speed 5
*Save +5 vs. poison
*action Points:
*Second Wind:
basic attack:+1 Thundering Battleaxe: To Hit: +12: Damage 1d10+5: additional 1d6 for a crit
*1 healing potion: reward from To Catch a Crimelord
*1 Regeneration potion: reward from Lord Byron's High Seas High Stakes
*At will:
Brash Strike
Resolute Shield
Covering Attack
Bull Charge USED
Boot Power
Comeback Strike
Bedeviling Assault
Thundering Weapon power
Cloak Power
Boot Power

*+2 to attack rolls for Opprotunity Attacks and target stops after a hit
*Armor Property: Resist 5 necrotic and resist 5 fire per round
*Shield Proptery: When flanking an enemy with an ally, that ally gets a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex


Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Charina, feeling a little cornered, throws some blinding powder in her opponent's face and dances away, disappearing in the diversion. Then one bolt flies out of nowhere, narrowly missing the weakened corpse. Then another, missing just as narrowly. Charina is nowhere to be seen but everyone can almost imagine they hear her cursing violently.

Standard: Shadow Steel Roll
Effect: Before the attack, shift your speed and you can make a stealth check to become hidden.
Charina shifts to K13
Stealth (1d20+16=36) *Poof* she is gone!
Shadow Steel Roll vs G17 AC (1d20+12+2=15, 1d10+10+2d8=29) damn, miss
Effect: If hidden when you made the attack, you remain hidden
Minor: Reload
Shadow Strike
vs G17 AC (1d20+12+2=15, 1d10+8+2d8=15)


Effect: If you are hidden when you make the attack, you can make a stealth check to remain hidden.

Stealth (1d20+16=25)

Charina is still hidden to anyone column 15 and beyond (the three undead in the room)
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First Post
[sblock=Wil/Initiative]For my games, initiative is only relevant for determining who acts first first (i.e., on turn 1, which players act before the monsters). Once that first round is resolved, all actions occur as first-post first-occur, for simplicity/time sake. So since Kane posts first, his actions happen first. [/sblock]


First Post
Welcome to my world sucka! Charina and Ashir can hang out talking about the terrible gods of luck that so despise them ;) [/sblock]

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