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Adventure: Lord Byron's Lost Silver (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)


First Post
GM: In fairness, he is not offering to take you hostage. He's offering: if you leave, I'll leave, and we both live. OR if you try to kill me, I will kill Kruk.

I'm not sure this changes anything, but I thought I should offer you a chance to retcon in case it does.

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[sblock=OOC]Looks like you didn't notice my post from the 16th, after your mention that you were waiting on me. I tried to get De Luccia away from his altar and set him up for a charge or something from Kane. [/sblock]


Kruk no! shouts will as he draws his bow. Looking at the menace in De Luccia's posture, the bard turns and fires at the Flaming Skull. He then advances on the dark priest threateningly.

OOC: Can any of the Thieves get him with one hit sneak attack? I move to half of a flank.
Standard: Jinx Shot on Skull
Move: Walk to M38


First Post
OOC: Do Over.

So all actions prior to my last post are all retcon'd. I totally missed IG's post, and I apologize. Net effect: He has less hit points and he is further away from the altar, no longer behind cover. Still, the same Mexican standoff begins.

So, Kruk is still alive.

[sblock=Wil's Triggers]

The flaming skull floated backwards until it bumped into the corner.

After seeing the Death Priest fall, De Luccia aimed his rod at Kruk. "Back! All of you, or the Dwarf dies! You have ruined my plans, but you will not take me, not without sacrificing one of your own. I am not stupid. I can see how the numbers work out here. But know this well: I will not go down without a fight. So leave, now, or leave later carrying the corpse of your friend."

[sblock=De Luccia Readied Action (okay to read)]
Trigger: Any character:
A. attacks De Luccia,
B. Carolina attacks or shifts to another adjacent square, or ends here turn adjacent to De Luccia, OR
C. any character moves into the any adjacent square to De Luccia

Also, the altar is providing cover.
[sblock=Triggered Action (only read if you activate the trigger)]
Readied Action: Hellish Rebuke vs Kruk
Attack: 1d20+16=25
Damage: 1d6+8=13 fire damage
Effect: If De Luccia takes damage before the start of his next turn, Kruk takes an extra 1d6+5=11 fire damage

Move: to S34
Standard: Total Defense
Save: 1d20=5 fail

Master Mosser De Luccia
Move: to L38
Standard: Readied Action.

Wil Rando: K33 35/61 HS 7/10 AP 0 MW 0/2, +1 AC/Ref-Shift-TENT,
Kane: K24 26/77 THP 0/5 HS 8/11 AP 0, Resist-5, Bloodied, Immobilized,
Kruk: J36 1/80 THP 0/11 HS 5/12 AP 0, Bloodied
Carolina: N34 53/54 HS 6/7 AP 0,
Charina: J21 59/59 HS 7/7 AP 2,

Flameskull: S34 51/70, Blinded & Can't Shift,
Master Mosser De Luccia: M32 54/92,

Deathpriest of Orcus: K35 -1/96, dead
Amendfohl: K25:L26 -alot/214 AP 0, dead
Gnall Demon: M38 -6/66, dead
Arzanezra, Paladin of Slaughter: L29 0/96, Dying
Corrupted Commander: L28 -7/96
Human Slaver: M28 -13/102, Dead
Human Slaver: K23 0/102
Gnall Demon: L23 -11/66 dead

Master Mosser De Luccia (Reskined: Pelgor)
Medium natural humanoid
HP 92; Bloodied 46
AC 27; Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 24
Speed 6
Barbed Rod (standard, at-will) Weapon
+14 vs AC; 1d8+2 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Hellish Rebuke (standard, at-will) Arcane, Fire
Ranged 10; +16 vs Reflex; 1d6+8 fire damage. If Pelgor takes damage before the end of his next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6+5 fire damage.
Howl of Doom (standard, recharge 5,6) Arcane, Fear, Thunder
Close blast 5; +16 vs Fortitude; 2d6+8 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 5 squares.
Summons of Marlug (standard, encounter) Arcane, Psychic, Teleportation
Ranged 10; +16 vs Will; 2d10+8 psychic damage, and Pelgor teleports the target to an unoccupied square within 3 squares of him. Sustain Minor: +16 vs. Will; Pelgor teleports the target to an unoccupied square within 3 squares of him. On a miss, the effect ends.
Shielding Shades (immediate reaction, when hit by an attack; daily) Arcane
Reduce the damage from the attack to 0.
If Pelgor is ever more than 3 squares away from the altar, his powers deal -2 damage and he cannot use his summons of Marlug power.
Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Equipment: barbed rod, leather armor .

Small natural animate (undead)
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11
HP 70; Bloodied 35
Regeneration 5
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 23, Will 21
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 5 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed fly 10 (hover)
Fiery Bite (standard, at-will) Fire
Reach 0; +10 vs AC; 1 damage, plus 1d8 fire damage.
Flame Ray (standard, at-will) Fire
Ranged 10; +10 vs Reflex; 2d6+6 fire damage.
Fireball (standard, encounter) Fire
Area burst 3 within 20; +12 vs Reflex; 3d6+6 fire damage. Miss: Half damage. The flameskull can exclude two allies from the effect.
Mage Hand (minor; at-will) Conjuration
As the wizard power mage hand.
The flameskull sheds bright light out to 5 squares, but it can reduce its brightness to dim light out to 2 squares as a free action.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, one other
Skills Stealth +12
[/sblock][sblock=Adventure Summary]
Kruk: Find his friend Greggor
Charina: Use the group to collect more bounties (ears)
Everyone Else: Locating the missing Silver shipment for Lord Byron

Summary of Events
1. Bested Pirates en route to Allaria. Traveled on the ship Wind's Will captained by Captain Levenbrech, and mated by Porse and Trig.
2. Arrived in the port, to find it besieged by Lizards from the unending mire. Defeated lizards and met/teamed up with Charina.
3. Journeyed to Geardagas and asked the locals for information with mixed results (link to the leads gathered).
4. Went to the temple of Netari, where the new priest, Father Niris, has been tending to the ill (apparently quite poorly). He led the players into the catacombs, where his zombie minions ambushed. The priest, over confident, rambled on about Hellview (background reference for players).
5. Dealing a mortal blow to the Priest, he says Master De Luccia (First time they have heard the name) cannot be stopped, and he stated that Greggor "will be... among the first... at Hellview." The priest laid dying on the floor with his fallen minions.
6. As they approach Hellview, they encounter the ghost of Sir Alistair Glasston, who begged them to enter the cave and retrieve his lost battleaxe.
7. They entered Hellview, and came across a portal, as well as some guards/workers. It seems they were using zombies to dig a new path near the portal...
8. They step through the portal into a bizarre world. A demon statue looms ahead, with a tall gate behind. The bodies of fallen adventurers, as well as a dead demon, lay about the floor. Wil Triggered the Demon statue trap, alerting the nearby demon's.
9. After a long battle, they slew all of the demons who had come through the hell gate, and they found Sir Alistair Glasston's lost battleaxe. But Greggor was still missing, and there is the question of why the demons were digging.
10. Hergunna departed the group to alert the local militia, while the others pressed ahead North, trying to find the source of the demon-aligned miners, as well as the lost silver.
11. They came upon a wall blocking the road to the mine. Mounted knight Brother Arleas leads a band of outlaws and zombies to defend the mine entrance. After slaying the Knight and half his men, the remaining wizards and archers closed the gate. The battle continued until only the fat temporal wizard, Alaria, remained alive. She pleaded for her life to be spared.
12. Alaria identified the men who hired her as being part of the Brotherhood.
13. They entered the mine and found Greggor with some other miners. Greggor shows them a path recently carved from the mine into the Hellview portal tunnels. They are using the tunnel to subvert the protection which bars them from exiting the portal into Alaria.
14. By the portal, they opened up the wall to reveal a hidden demon temple. Inside, Master De Luccia brings the demon Amendfohl (the same demon that Sir Alistair Glasston fought during the fall of Allaria) back to life.
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First Post
OOC: I would say yes, but I would also ask you try to be fair minding about what Kruk would know regarding that. Ultimately, I'll go with whatever action you choose to do.


First Post
OOC: I would say yes, but I would also ask you try to be fair minding about what Kruk would know regarding that. Ultimately, I'll go with whatever action you choose to do.

OOC: You and both know that Kruk would never duck and cover :)

Kruk, with one final burst of energy, rushes around the alter and attacks De Lucci. Kill him! He doesn't deserve to live after what he's done.

ooc: Please keep the rolls from the other attack to be the ones used here: Brash strike

As his axe sinks deep into the foe, Kruk is blasted by the counter attack. The mighty warrior stands for a split second, then collapses to the ground.

ooc: I know there are rules on the death of a charcter. Kruk didn't take enough damage to the point that he can't be brought back to life with healing, right? :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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