[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


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Marna is Missing: Voyage to the Living Isle


Paying Your Passage

As you exit the Hanged Man you are buffeted by high winds propelling a spray of tiny rainy drops. The sky overhead is a heavy steel grey. Traveling conditions are far from ideal.

Nonetheless Botj's need is urgent, and if your party is to make its way to Kythira you'll need to secure some means of transport. The docks of Daunton seem the most likely prospect.

[sblock=Rules]Welcome to the adventure! Action and RP can begin now. Please put a summary of your character with a link to the character's wiki page in your first posts and any combat post like so:

[sblock="Yimayngurr stat block"]Yimayngurr Male Half-Orc Ranger 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light Vision
AC:16, Fort:15, Reflex:15, Will:12
HP:22/22, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:5/6
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: unused
Powers:Twin Strike, Nimble Strike, Evasive Strike - used, Furious Assault, Hunt's End

Ammo -
Javelin: 5/5
Sling: 17/20

Conditions -[/sblock]
Feel free to make your own rolls, linking to Invisible Castle or some other place for the result. Please post your speech and thoughts in your character's color, using italics for the latter. Please post at least once a day when in combat or a skill challenge. I will NPC or write out characters who are inactive for long periods of time. OOC text should be in grey, like this or in sblocks.[/sblock]
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Bann-ur steps along the streets of Daunton with a spring in his step. Not only has he found employment almost immediately, but the weather was a beautiful grey and rainy. With luck, there might be some lightning sometime soon as well. The large goliath smiled as the drops ran down his thick skin and he clomped along splashing in the puddles as he followed the others.

"Thanks I give unto you for this chance to serve." Bann-ur says to the heavens as they continue.

[sblock=Stat block/Actions][sblock=Actions]Start=




[/sblock]Bann-ur- Male Goliath Warden 1
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +10, Init: +0
AC: 17, Fort: 16, Reflex: 10, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Maul +7 vs AC, 2d6+5 dmg (Crit = 17 dmg)
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Crossbow +2 vs AC, 1d8 dmg, Range 15/30 (Bolts: 20/20)
Warden's Fury, Warden's Grasp, Earth Shield Strike, Strength of Stone
Stone's Endurance, Thunder Ram Assault,
Form of Winter's Herald
Combat notes:
-Markings of the Victor feat: Roll twice for first attack of each encounter and use either result.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Character Careers]
All character careers have been updated for each character in this adventure.

Please check here to make sure there are no errors.
Enjoy the adventure!

(L4W Archivist)


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[sblock="Wish Lists"]If you haven't already done so, please add a "wish list" of magic items to your L4W character's wiki page. Ideally this list should include one item each for levels one through six. It should indicate what your character's most desired item would be, and the sourcebook the item is found in. Like so:

  1. Amulet of Protection +1 (PHB)
  2. Dwarven Plate Armor +1 (PHB)
  3. Inescapable Mace +1 (AV)
  4. Winter's Grasp Totem +1 (PHB2)
  5. Most Desired: Holy Symbol of Daring +1 (AV2)
  6. Final Messenger (EPG)
This will be a big help in doling out rewards for this adventure.[/sblock]


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Alnar follows Bann-ur at some distance. He figures if they are ambushed it would be good to have the Goliath between him and the foes, but does not want to get splashed.

[sblock=Stat block]Alnar Male Human Sorcerer 1
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: +12, Passive Insight: +10, Init: +0
AC: 12, Fort: 13, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 -- Speed: 6
HP: 26/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
Basic Attack Quarterstaff +4 vs AC 1d8+2
Ranged Basic Attack Acid Orb +4 vs. Reflex 1d10+4+2 acid damage
Burning Spray, Acid Orb, Dragonfrost
Explosive Pyre,
Chromatic Orb

Conditions -


Lovely...more water...

Ferris muses to himself as heads towards the docks, almost running right into the huge goliath ahead of him, who seemed to be enjoying the winds and rain more than any sane creature should.

The relative coldness of this odiferous city made him long for the warm scents and breezes of Kythira.

His attention returned to the present, he notices another of this motley crew behind him. Who are these people...?

"Hail and well-met large one... what dream brings you to this busy place?" Ferris queries the Goliath.

[sblock=Stat block/Actions][sblock=Actions]Start=




[/sblock]Ferris Cacamoujai, Cleric of Dayna 1- Male Longtooth Shifter, Cleric of Dayna 1
Conditions: none
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19, Init: +2
AC: 17, Fort: 14, Reflex: 13, Will: 16 -- Speed: 5
HP: 24/24, Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones:
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Battleaxe +6 vs AC, 1d10+4 dmg (Crit = 14 dmg)
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Javelin +4 vs AC, 1d6+4 dmg, Range 10/20 (2/2)
Righteous Brand, Invigorating Assualt
Healing Word Used:0, Longtooth Shifting, Healing Strike, Channel Divinity (Healer's Mercy/Divine Fortune)
Weapon of Astral Flame
Combat notes:
-Only use 1 Channel Divinity per encounter. Can use Healing Word 2x per encounter[/sblock]
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"Come along then." Raiko says to no one and everyone as he steps outside. "Perhaps we will be favored and find a ship heading to the island regardless."

[sblock=Stat Block]Raiko, Male Dragonborn Paladin 1 ()
Init: +0; P.Insight: 18; P.Perception: 13
AC: 20; Fort: 16; Reflex: 13; Will: 14
HP: 25/25; Surges: 6 hp, 10/10
AP: 1

Skills: History +6, Insight +8, Intimidate +8, Religion +4
Languages: Common, Tsugo
Str: 20, Con: 10, Dex: 10, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 12

Sling Bullets: 20/20

Divine Challenge, Holy Strike, Valiant Strike, Lay on Hands (3/3 per day)
Dragon Breath, Piercing Smite, Chanel Divinity (Divine Mettle/Divine Strength)
Paladin's Judgement[/sblock]


First Post
His attention returned to the present, he notices another of this motley crew behind him. Who are these people...?

"Hail and well-met large one... what dream brings you to this busy place?" Ferris queries the Goliath.
The goliath stops in his tracks as his train of thought is inturrupted by the question aimed at him. "What dream?" the goliath questions in return, giving himself time to consider his words before replying. "To explore the world and find answers while fighting to protect myself and those around me is my dream. Hail to thee as well, fellow traveler, and to all of you who are new companions to me. Do well together the five of us will, I believe. Five blocks there are between the tavern and the docks, did you know?" Not wanting to tarry any longer, Bann-ur resumes walking so as not to slow the group down. With his long legs, he is soon caught up and shortening his stride so as not to outpace his fellow adventurers.


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Alnar shouts above the wind and rain "It would be nice to get a boat big enough so that it has a lower deck. Five luxury cabins would be nice as well!"

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