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Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)


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[sblock=OOC]I'd be happy as punch for SR to take over and run the last few encounters if he's willing and the other 3 players don't mind. I can put together my notes on the remainder of the adventure and get it forwarded to him once we hear back from the other 3 players. I'll also work up the XP totals for after this fight and get that ready to post. I believe the PC's were going to take an extended rest after this fight anyway and will most all level up.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC] I'm sorry to see you leave PB. Though I completely understand the burnout factor been there myself before. I hope everything goes well for you in the future to come, and thank you very much for running what you did. I had a blast with you.

As for SR taking over. I'm cool with it. Think I might level twice with the XP handout and months of backlogged monthly XP. Heh. [/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Sorry to see you go, but completely understandable. I've felt burnout every once in a while too and tend to finish up games I'm running.

Re: SR taking over, sounds good to me.[/sblock]


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After finishing off the remaining mechanical foes, the group searches the room, finding some nice valuables in Redblade's personal stash! They also find a locked and barred door (with the key hanging on a hook nearby) that they discover leads to a stairwell going downward into the unlit darkness.
[sblock=XP]Okay. Gonna go with the assumption that the group would be able to finish off the Cobra with 4 hps, the Turret with 10 hps, and the remaining uninjured Clay Scout with 31 hps once everybody teamed up on it.

Forge fighters
Dire Wolf = 200xp
3 dwarven Hammerers = 600xp
2 Dwarven Bolters = 350xp

Total=1,150 xp x2 = 2,300 xp +100 bonus XP = 2,400 divided by 6= 400 xp each

Interrogation Skill Challenge
400 xp x2 = 800 xp divided by 6 = 133 xp each

1 Human Mage = 175xp
3 Human Guards = 450 xp
2 Doppleganger Sneaks = 300xp
3 Human Rabble = 93

Total = 1,018 x2 = 2,036xp divided by 6 = 339 XP each

Redblade's Quarters
2 Magic Crossbow Turrets = 150xp
Iron Cobra = 250xp
Iron Defender = 150xp
3 Clay Scouts = 375xp

Total = 925xp x2 = 1,850xp divided by 6 = 308 xp each

Grand Total = 400 + 133 + 339 + 308 = 1,180 xp each

Time XP
Last XP was given on 18 Dec, 2009 for the fight in the warehouse. So we have 5 months of time XP (up to 18 May, 2010) to account for. [sblock=Time XP amounts]# 1st level characters gain 83 xp and 63gp per month of adventuring.
# 2nd level characters gain 104 xp and 89 gp per month for adventuring.
# 3rd level characters gain 125 xp and 127 gp per month for adventuring.
# 4th level characters gain 145 xp and 175 gp per month for adventuring.
# 5th level characters gain 166 xp and 233 gp per month for adventuring.[/sblock]
Hrav gets 5 months times 166xp and 233 gp = 830 time xp, 1,165 time gp
Quagmire gets 5 months times 145xp and 175 gp = 725 time xp, 875 time gp
Girth gets 5 months times 145xp and 175 gp = 725 time xp, 875 time gp
Dang't gets 5 months times 104xp and 89gp = 520 time xp, 445 time gp
Beyrk gets 5 months times 104xp and 89gp = 520 time xp, 445 time gp
Kauldron gets 5 months times 83xp and 63gp = 415 time xp, 315 time gp

Final PC XP totals
Level 5 Hrav: 5,540/7,500xp + 1,180xp + 830 Time XP = 7,550/10,000 (Lvl 6!)
Level 4 Quagmire: 4,335/5,500 xp + 1,180xp + 725 Time XP = 6,240/7,500 (Lvl 5!)
Level 4 Girth: 4,335/5,500 xp + 1,180xp + 725 Time XP = 6,240/7,500 (Lvl 5!)
Level 2 Dang't: 1,430/2,500 xp + 1,180xp + 520 Time XP = 3,130/3,750 (Lvl 3!)
Level 2 Beyrk: 1,430/2,500 xp + 1,180xp + 520 Time XP = 3,130/3,750 (Lvl 3!)
Level 1 Kauldron: 380/1,000 xp + 1,180 + 415 Time XP = 1,975/2,250 (Lvl 2!)

I think that catches up to current for XP. If you spot any errors, let me know. I'm not gone quite yet.[/sblock][sblock=Treasure] Within Redblade's quarters, you find the following valuables:
250 gp silk robe with picture of 5 headed dragon on it.
40 gold pieces in a belt pouch within a bedside drawer
1 potion of healing

Magic Items:
+2 Irrefutable Leather Armor - for Girth (Adventurers Vault, let me know if you need stats for this)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power - for Quagmire (PHB)
+1 Lightning Dagger - for Hrav (PHB)[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Sounds like near complete approval for SR taking over the DMing for the rest of this adventure. (Haven't heard from Digger yet on the subject.) But with 5 out of 6 approving, I'm guessing he'd be willing to go along and finish the adventure as well.

Now that I've caught up on the XP and such, I'll start gathering and sending my notes for the remainder of this adventure to SR so he can be good to go.

For SR: The previous XPs in this adventure were given on 2 Nov 2009 and 18 Dec 2009. This is mostly important for the Time GP that is effectively given at the end of the adventure (for in story reasons, this will be the profit earned on selling the stolen goods from Redblade's warehouse.) The Time GP from today's award will be added to that.

I'll comm more with SR to get him the info he needs to continue very soon.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=xp]okay. Gonna go with the assumption that the group would be able to finish off the cobra with 4 hps, the turret with 10 hps, and the remaining uninjured clay scout with 31 hps once everybody teamed up on it.

forge fighters
dire wolf = 200xp
3 dwarven hammerers = 600xp
2 dwarven bolters = 350xp

total=1,150 xp x2 = 2,300 xp +100 bonus xp = 2,400 divided by 6= 400 xp each

interrogation skill challenge
400 xp x2 = 800 xp divided by 6 = 133 xp each

1 human mage = 175xp
3 human guards = 450 xp
2 doppleganger sneaks = 300xp
3 human rabble = 93

total = 1,018 x2 = 2,036xp divided by 6 = 339 xp each

redblade's quarters
2 magic crossbow turrets = 150xp
iron cobra = 250xp
iron defender = 150xp
3 clay scouts = 375xp

total = 925xp x2 = 1,850xp divided by 6 = 308 xp each

grand total = 400 + 133 + 339 + 308 = 1,180 xp each

time xp
last xp was given on 18 dec, 2009 for the fight in the warehouse. So we have 5 months of time xp (up to 18 may, 2010) to account for. [sblock=time xp amounts]# 1st level characters gain 83 xp and 63gp per month of adventuring.
# 2nd level characters gain 104 xp and 89 gp per month for adventuring.
# 3rd level characters gain 125 xp and 127 gp per month for adventuring.
# 4th level characters gain 145 xp and 175 gp per month for adventuring.
# 5th level characters gain 166 xp and 233 gp per month for adventuring.[/sblock]
hrav gets 5 months times 166xp and 233 gp = 830 time xp, 1,165 time gp
quagmire gets 5 months times 145xp and 175 gp = 725 time xp, 875 time gp
girth gets 5 months times 145xp and 175 gp = 725 time xp, 875 time gp
dang't gets 5 months times 104xp and 89gp = 520 time xp, 445 time gp
beyrk gets 5 months times 104xp and 89gp = 520 time xp, 445 time gp
kauldron gets 5 months times 83xp and 63gp = 415 time xp, 315 time gp

final pc xp totals
level 5 hrav: 5,540/7,500xp + 1,180xp + 830 time xp = 7,550/10,000 (lvl 6!)
level 4 quagmire: 4,335/5,500 xp + 1,180xp + 725 time xp = 6,240/7,500 (lvl 5!)
level 4 girth: 4,335/5,500 xp + 1,180xp + 725 time xp = 6,240/7,500 (lvl 5!)
level 2 dang't: 1,430/2,500 xp + 1,180xp + 520 time xp = 3,130/3,750 (lvl 3!)
level 2 beyrk: 1,430/2,500 xp + 1,180xp + 520 time xp = 3,130/3,750 (lvl 3!)
level 1 kauldron: 380/1,000 xp + 1,180 + 415 time xp = 1,975/2,250 (lvl 2!)

i think that catches up to current for xp. If you spot any errors, let me know. I'm not gone quite yet.[/sblock][sblock=treasure] within redblade's quarters, you find the following valuables:
250 gp silk robe with picture of 5 headed dragon on it.
40 gold pieces in a belt pouch within a bedside drawer
1 potion of healing

magic items:
+2 irrefutable leather armor - for girth (adventurers vault, let me know if you need stats for this)
gauntlets of ogre power - for quagmire (phb)
+1 lightning dagger - for hrav (phb)[/sblock][sblock=ooc]sounds like near complete approval for sr taking over the dming for the rest of this adventure. (haven't heard from digger yet on the subject.) but with 5 out of 6 approving, i'm guessing he'd be willing to go along and finish the adventure as well.

Now that i've caught up on the xp and such, i'll start gathering and sending my notes for the remainder of this adventure to sr so he can be good to go.

For sr: The previous xps in this adventure were given on 2 nov 2009 and 18 dec 2009. This is mostly important for the time gp that is effectively given at the end of the adventure (for in story reasons, this will be the profit earned on selling the stolen goods from redblade's warehouse.) the time gp from today's award will be added to that.

I'll comm more with sr to get him the info he needs to continue very soon.[/sblock]



First Post
[sblock=ooc]ok good, sounds like we're on the same page.

Since you all just got an xp dump, go ahead and level if possible. That will give you something to do, while I am prepping my half of the adventure. Don't worry, I got Phoenix's notes. I'd like to start up again sometime at the end of this week.[/sblock]

The Digger

First Post
Sorry to be so late in responding - I've had a stinking cold for the last couple of days and have been not up to much.

Can I just say a very big thank you to PH8008 for all his hard work over the last many months. I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of these adventures and I will miss his gentle '?' dm'ing.

Thank you also for the treasure (I have AV) and I hope you remember to award yourself the relevant DM's XP for when (not if!) you return to the fold.

I hve also enjoyed playing with Cov and the others and am very pleased that SC has agreed to continue the adventure to the end.

I just have 1 last question. Should we add the GP to our sheets or should we wait until the end of the adventure?


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OOC: All leveled up. Didn't add any gold though thought I'd wait on that. So that everyone knows. I'll be going away this Wednesday to Palm Desert. Be away for the week, then I'll be back after that. So I may or may not be able to post down there. Depends on if the family is nice and let's me borrow there lap top for a bit.

The Digger

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I have a busy week ahead so I doubt if I will level up much before the w/e. Having said that it will only be a level 5 Daily and some more xp (that is right insn't it). I might also look at re-training something.

Edit: OK I tried to start updating Girth but it seems the template thingie has changed and I can't figure out how to amend Girth's character (properly). In particular how do I add in a new Daily Power?
Last edited:


First Post
OOC: Ok, I've been through Phoenix's notes and up to page 26 or something. I'm up to the dwarf riding a wolf and the start of the new year. I've also read you're character pages.

Girth and Kauldron have a bit of coding issues. I can fix it, but it may be a bit tedious. For the moment, having approved PCs isn't my number one concern.

I just wanted to confirm my understanding of this group.

You are a bunch of mercenaries, working for a pirate, who was cheated by another pirate. Even though Azrael got back what was taken from him, he still feels cheated so you agreed to ransack the other pirate, Redblade, 's compound. Through most of this your number one tactic has been to 'bust heads'. And Quagmire is good aligned. . . did I get that right?

Voidrunner's Codex

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