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(Adventure) Rivenblight's Castaway [Creamsteak judging]


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Velbrik nods to the dwarf, "Also, what kind of cargos have been targeted?"

"I'm Velbrik, by the way."
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Ioleta touches her brow in a similar manner to Daggreth with a checked glance to Voran, Valin, Vursur... or sons... or associates or whoever he is. Her voice rasps, "eeee... eeee, 'scuse... frog..." her hand flaps at her throat. She clears it regaining some of her voice's tone, "Ioleta." She coughs, "Awfully... dry in here. Is there a tavern nearby where we might get something to drink?" She peers around the dim and something of the dryness catches in her throat again, she coughs, turning quite red, "and sssi... and sit." She drops her head, "My pardon, I," She rubs her eyes where they've teared, "...I need some air. And something to drink."

Ioleta falls against the door and fumbles for the catch. She winces as the bright streams in and slips outside into the street.


Ioleta takes a deep breath once outside... and turns back toward the door.

"Rule, the Thirteenth, of thievery," his voice was smoked honey, "'Do not trust folk who work for free.'" The silk whispered through his hands and he arched an eyebrow, "'And to that add, 'Do not trust folk who work for coin.' Especially when the work is trust." Crower. The document's he'd prepared for Ioleta's defense were laugable. The rope played out and drew taut and the man turned, face blacked with grease-paint. "Do you trust me, girl?" Ioleta's stomach churned as she took the rope in shaking hands.

She scans the street for a likely tavern candidate, waiting for the others. "Stuffy in there, eh?" she says weakly if they follow.


"Now where were we? Background of the attacks. And cargoes?" She looks to Daggreth hand rising to her throat, "And that tavern?"

OOC: Bluff +8. She hasn't really got a frog in her throat. :)


Jaan watches Ioleta's performance with troubled eyes. He excuses himself and follows her outside.

Sparky said:
She scans the street for a likely tavern candidate, waiting for the others. "Stuffy in there, eh?" she says weakly if they follow.

"Yes. A little."

He pulls one of the recently refilled waterskins from his bag and offers it to her silently. Once she has finished with it, he returns it to his bag.

"You never did get around to telling us what you do. Later perhaps. I think that we should return now."

And... he follows her back inside.

Sparky said:
"Now where were we? Background of the attacks. And cargoes?" She looks to Daggreth hand rising to her throat, "And that tavern?"


Daggreth Vurssurson
"Daggreth Vurssurson. Yer here 'bout that trouble northerly? Damn poncy Elves..."

Troi nods in response to the dwarf's greeting.

"I'm Troi Delmontes, an' my associates have already introduced themselves." He waves his hand to indicates his companions. "An' while they're int'rested in what kinda things've been goin' on, I'd also like ta add that we're int'rested in th' cash bein' offered... somethin' along the tune of three-hundred, I seem ta recall?"

"My pardon, I, ... I need some air. And something to drink."

Troi gives her an appraising eye, and he raises an eyebrow as she leaves. Once she is outside, he turns to the dwarf.

"Sorry 'bout that," He says, "she's a little nervous indoors. Claustrophobia, er somethin' like that..." He shrugs. "Nothin' ta worry 'bout, it'll pass. But please, do tell us 'bout what's been happenin' in th' north."

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
"How long have the attacks been going on? How often have they attacked and how do they do it? What has already been done?"

"Also, what kind of cargos have been targeted?"

"'Bout a month. Irregularly, with one or two stoppin' the wagon and the rest in the trees, never against anything that looks dangerous. Guard on caravans worth protecting increased. An' they go after anythin' that's poorly guarded, easily moved and easily sold off agin." He bares his teeth a little. "Cowardly an' lazy."

His eyebrows close the small gap between them like continents colliding as Ioleta leaves. "What the devil's wrong with 'er?" he says bluntly in the brief period between the door closing after Jaan and opening as the two of them return.

"Sorry 'bout that," He says, "she's a little nervous indoors. Claustrophobia, er somethin' like that..." He shrugs. "Nothin' ta worry 'bout, it'll pass. But please, do tell us 'bout what's been happenin' in th' north."

Daggreth grunts again, not showing any paticular level of interest. "Right, whatever. Pay's three 'undred crowns from us, half up front, and another two 'undred from the kid with the shiny armor."

"And that tavern?"

He turns his head to Ioleta. "Nothin' close." He bares his teeth again, although in this case it might be a smile. "Well, Dwarf bars."

Incidentally, yup, frog. Bluff check natural 20. Watch you use up your luck here... :p
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First Post
Daggreth said:
"Cowardly an' lazy."

Velbrik nods. "Unsurprisingly. How do they attack - archers hidden in the trees, or perhaps felling trees and swarming the wagon while it maneuvers? Also, do you know if there any caravans leaving on that route in the next couple days or so?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
"One or two on the road, more in the trees. No more than 'alf a dozen." He frowns at the second question. "Stuff heads on that road all th' time. I'd have to check the records. Lookin' for anythin' in particular?"


and ...
Thomas Hobbes said:
and another two 'undred from the kid with the shiny armor.

Jaan grins at that. Its not nice really. The kid is trying so hard, but all the same ... he must burn some elbow grease on that armour each night.

"You said that they go after anything that's easily moved and easily sold off again. Is that always the case?

"Have there been any attempts to lure then with an easy looking target, but actually with a some guards hidden inside?"

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Daggreth sees Jaan grin and grins back, and his speech becomes more congenial. "I kin show ye the lists of what they took. But usually they just roll the mark for 'is coin, any jewelry, 'cetra."

At the second question Daggreth claps his hands together. "Heh! That's what I'd do, if I was going after the bug- the bandits," he says, cutting himself off with a glance at the seated Dwarf. "You've got the right idea, but the watch dinnae want to for some damnfool- for some reason. Manpower or somesuch. Captain's a devil for, eh, watchacallit, 'ficiency.'"

"One thing though- anything that needs a cart to transport they leave unless they look like they're coming back from wherever they sold their goods. Then they got the good, lightweight stuff. They got a couple farmers that way. Damn shame. Poor bas- poor guys got not much, and then they take what they got for sellin' the last mule or whatnot." He shakes his head. "The one tha' actually got our employers," (he puts a certain distasteful emphasis on the word ) "-that's to say, the Bolin' brook consortium- pissed off is the bandits went after some poor wizard's apprentice for pocket change. Then it turns out the guy was hired in Ustler to schlep some diamond dust or somesuch. Lost some glinty on that one."


Jaan nods at the information. He trys to keep a straight face but Daggreth grin sets him off again. Getting control of himself, Jaan continues.

"We have considered trying to spring a surprise on them. Do you think that anyone going out in the next day or so would allow us to travel with them?"

And if so ...

"Which caravan would you choose to travel with if you were to do it?"

ooc: Sorry. Not trying to hog the spotlight. I was going to let someone else jump in, but seeing as Daggreth just warmed a little, Jaan thought he would go with it. I'll shut up now.

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