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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)

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Lenyra stepped forward to stand with the others. "We have already killed one wolf, we are ready to start on the bugs. Are the tunnels large enough for us to move around in?" She had dealt with similar creatures in the rocky deserts near her homeland, but it was possible that centipedes living underground might be different...

OOC: Nature check 27, Dungeoneering check 16- not sure which would be appropriate; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3973997/


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Squash those Bugs!
Nicodemus, Human
Warlock 1
30/30 HP (0THP)

"I do believe we can hazard just a bit more light to find and deal with your pest problem... highness?"
Nicodemus reaches into his thick leather vest to retrieve something from inside. When he opens his fist, several glowing points of light rise lazily from it, slowly buzzing around him in no particular pattern, but staying with him as he moves. The light they shed throws back the the heavy shadows left by the braziers, giving everyone a better look at everyone else. "I do like the sound of being paid in gold, ore or otherwise. All the more you need do is show us the way to this so called dread tunnel majesty."
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Speak
Minor: ...
Move: retrieve mechanical flies
Standard: Release Everburning flies
Action Point: ...
[/sblock][sblock=Nicodemus]Nicodemus—Male Human Warlock 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 17, Will: 13 — Speed: 6
HP: 30/30 (0THP), Bloodied: 15, Surge: 6, Surges left: 10/10;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldrich Blast
Dire Radiance
Hellish Rebuke
Warlock's Curse
Dark One's Blessing

Arms of Hadar
Spirit of Athas

Flames of Phlegethos

[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Shadow Walk is always active. Nicodemus still needs 2 approvals.

Damage Summary: (Total damage if all attacks hit)

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Emsy stops paying attention as she stares at the wondrous mechanical flies, her eyes following one in particular as it drifts around pointlessly.

OOC: Do these "Everburning Mechanical Flies" provide a mechanical benefit? I did a few searches and I had no hits (save for your character sheet of couse) as I was curious about it. So I'm guessing that it's just a mundane fluffed ki focus, right?


First Post
Sensing that the time for action is neigh, Flervin takes this opportunity to bow out of respect (though clearly not loyalty) to the King, he places his right fist on the ground, and brings his animalistic self back in to the natural world.

"We'll see it done, majesty."
He then turns and begins making way toward the dread tunnel, his beak surprisingly twisting slightly to show a smirk of delight.


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OOC: They are a mundane Ki Focus with continual flame cast on them instead being cast on a stick for a continual flame torch. Just flavor since I really don't even need a free hand to cast my rays, and a way to show Nicodemus as an avid student of Arcana and History.


OOC: Nature 10: Centipedes are plentiful in woodlands and caves, and their poison can drain a victim's strength.

While the Boss does not return Flervin's sign of respect, he does seem impressed by Nicodemus's magical display.

"Ooh, a sorcerer? None of the others so far have been able to cast magic. Maybe you lot actually have a chance, hehe."

The Boss then calls over one of the armored kobolds milling about and directs him to lead the group to the bugs. The guard quietly motions for everyone to follow him. He leads the party through one tunnel, then a cave with a blacksmithing workshop, through one more tunnel, and then into another cavern. This chamber features an apparently bottomless chasm dividing half of it. A bridge is set up to cross the pit, but it has no sides or handrails, so the adventurers have to be a little careful not to fall off as they cross. Four large stone statues of kobold warriors are located at each corner of the bridge, all facing away from the settlement. The tunnel walls after the bridge are entirely rough, and the lighting fades to pitch black after this point. It appears that this is as far as the kobold settlement reaches.

The next tunnel past the bridge is very tight, obviously being channeled for short kobolds rather than the taller races. The discomfort doesn't last long though, as the tunnel leads directly to a heavy stone door. The guard unbars and opens it, and then he motions for the group to enter. He waits by the door.

"Bugs in there. I listen for screams, write song for you when dead."

OOC: Let's get a marching order, shall we?


First Post
Lenyara looked around the group, then purred "I'll take the lead, unless any of you are quicker than you look..." Without waiting for a response, she unlimbered her weapons and stepped towards the doorway.

OOC: Switching Aspect to soaring Hawk, adds +2 Perception for +11 or 21 passive

[sblock=Lenyara's Stats]Lenyara - Human Ranger (Scout) 4 Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 14 AC 21, Fort 17, Reflex 20, Will 16 HP 41/41, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 9/9 Speed 6, Initiative +7 Action Points: 1, Second Wind At-Will Powers: Fading Strike, Dual weapon attack, Aspect of the Dancing serpent, Aspect of the Soaring hawk,Body of the Lioness (wolf) Encounter Powers: Power strike 1, Power strike 2 Daily Powers: Safe passage [/sblock]
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First Post
Flervin gives a slight nod in approval of Lenyara's request to take the point."Middle of the pack would be best suited for me, I feel." He says in earnest.

[sblock=Flervin's Stats]
Flervin- Male Dwarf Druid , Lvl 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18.
AC: 15, Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 14, Speed: 5.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges/Day: 11.
AP: 1, Second Wind: Not Used , Milestones: 0.

Wild Shape
Storm Strike (Dwarf Form)
Grasping Claws (Beast Form)
Pounce (Beast Form)
Darting Bite (Beast Form)
Savage Frenzy (Beast Form)

Character Sheet

OOC: Thanks to Vertexx69 for the template on reporting stats, and I too am in need of approvals...just for the record
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