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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


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Squash those Bugs!
Nicodemus, Human
Warlock 1 (Partial Concealment UENT)
30/30 HP (4THP)

Once the explosives are placed in the whole, Nicodemus studies the placement and then breathes out a serpent composed entirely of sickly green flame onto the floor. The fiery asp slithers to and fro toward the device, coiling up right in front, striking the whole bomb while the warlock waits in complete safety, just around the southwest corner where he takes cover. The inflammatory viper remains for a few moments after, as if waiting to strike again.
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Speak, Knowledge Arcana 14
Minor: ...
Move: to southwest corner for cover
Standard: Hellish Rebuke vs explosives Ref 25 for 10 fire
Action Point: -
[/sblock][sblock=Nicodemus]Nicodemus—Male Human Warlock 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 17, Will: 13 — Speed: 6
HP: 30/30 (4THP), Bloodied: 15, Surge: 6, Surges left: 10/10;
AP: 0/1, Second Wind: Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldrich Blast
Dire Radiance
Hellish Rebuke
Warlock's Curse
Dark One's Blessing

Arms of Hadar

Flames of Phlegethos

OOC: Orokos.com is still up for rolls

Shadow Walk is always active. Nicodemus still needs 1 approval.

Damage Summary: (Total damage if all attacks hit)
Explosives 10 Fire

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With as much care as he handled the explosives with, Ashurn brought the bag of holding containing the volatile materials to the stone door where Emsy had made holes in. Taking deliberate caution, Ashurn unload the explosives one by one and load them unto the holes. And after that is done, Ashurn return the bag of holding back to Lenyara before making his way to the safe spot Flervin has pointed out. But not before he took a sausage from Labraundos' makeshift pot.
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Nicodemus's conjured viper fails to have any effect on the bomb. His earlier magic flickers in strength and sparks of energy unexpectedly fly from the bomb. It fails to immediately ignite.

GM: Vertexx69: Your first roll in round 1 did have the +9 mod; it was just a 1. So right the group has 8 successes and 1 failure.


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As the arcane flames begin to lick at the explosives, Lenyara stepped back away from the door. She took another quick look around the room, trying to find a place to hide herself from the expected blast- once again, she expected the explosion to act like a flood of water or a gust of wind, and she selected her cover accordingly...

OOC: Nature again (no penalty for using same skill twice?), 1d20+9= 21; rolled by hand (not really interested in registering with yet another site for my dice rolling unless IC is gone for good)


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Ashurn finds Labraundos chewing, with the remnant pieces of sausage and jerky being prepared nicely in the helmet. The Minotaur is sat there with a piece of heated jerky in his hands, but he is rubbing it against a length of unravelled flax from one of the victim's bedroll.

After cutting a short length from his prepared flax, Labraundos puts the end into the fire; it burns sure enough, but doesn't spark and the flame is low and steady.

Labraundos nods when he sees Ashurn return, doesn't comment on the piece of sausage being swiped, but he does hand Ashurn the rest of the length of flax string, "Try using this to safely light those 'candles?' Go and fix it to the wick and light the safe end at a distance with a burning piece of cloth from this fire. Everybody should have time to get under cover. Well, except for the kobold guards."

[sblock=Nature roll] Nature roll = 17. [/sblock]


The bombs are ready and the group has made their preparations as best as possible. All that's left to do is light the extended fuse that Labraundos has provided.

GM: Success! The group has 10 successes and 1 failure. Who wants to do the honors of detonating the explosives?


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OOC: I would let the casters have the honor. :p
Oh, as a suggestion, want to try and bluff the kobolds to the door by hollering at the top of our voices that we are going to push it open with brute force so we might get some of them with the explosion?
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Flervin changes back in to his normal form, and with a slightly cheery tone offers up his Storm Spike.
He yells through the door "We're going to break this thing down if it isn't opened up! Hope you have a lot of friends to call to keep us in!"
He turns and winks to the party and gives a brief moment of time to see if any additional kobolds are able to be within blast radius.

Flervin whisper, "Be sure you are well concealed...don't want anythin' bad to happen to any of us."
He then positions himself within range of being able to hit it, but in a manner that would not bring him too close to the blast radius. Lightening Sparks from his finger tips in the direction of the hoped escape route.

Move: Get in position
Standard: Storm spike = 6 vs Ref, if hit 9 damage
Minor: N/A

Not sure what would be required to set them off, so I was light on the descriptive details of the lightening and whether it fizzled or not.
Also IC was up for the roll...hopefully it will stay up for longer.
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OOC: If the lightning doesn't hit, Nicodemus curses the explosives, the snake reappears where it had previously fizzled and ignites/damages the explosives with the above rolls.

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