[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


First Post
Ashurn looks at Lenyara and then back to the rest of the party. "Where is subtlety when you need it?", muttered Ashurn as he sprints towards Lenyara.
OOC: Double move at speed 6. Taking care to not overtake Lenyara as well as looking around for potential ambush spots just in case there is an ambush laid by the kobolds.

[Sblock=Perception] 18 [/Sblock]

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First Post
Flervin sees the others pick up speed and head straight through the blast area without hesitation. He wishes to keep with them and follows in suit.

Movement: Double movement @ 5


The group decides to leave the bug cave behind. Everyone heads into the tunnel, retracing their steps back to the kobold settlement. It isn't long before the group runs into trouble. In a straight and particularly narrow section of the tunnel, a gang of armored kobolds with weapons can be seen ahead on a collision course with the adventurers.

"You softskins!" the lead kobold calls out. "You get through door but not us!"

GM: Map

Light sources from further down the tunnel are dimly illuminating everything. Light is not a problem (at the moment...)

The skill challenge was your second encounter of the day, so everyone gains an action point.

Ashurn: 21
Flervin: 21
Emsy: 19
Labraundos: 19
Lenyara: 12
Kobolds: 10
Nicodemus: 2

The kobolds flubbed their initiative roll, so everyone has a chance to act first (except Nicodemus, who flubbed worse than the kobolds).
Invisiblecastle is back up, so please roll using that.

[sblock=Combat notes]Ashurn: 19/22, 1 surge used
Emsy: 24/24
Flervin: 30/30, 1 surge used
Labraundos: 25/30, 4 surges used
Lenyara: 41/41, 1 surge used
Nicodemus: 30/30

Kobold Dragonshield 1: 36/36
Kobold Dragonshield 2: 36/36
Kobold Dragonshield 3: 36/36
Kobold Slyblade 1: 42/42
Kobold Slyblade 2: 42/42
Kobold Wyrmpriest: 36/36

Kobold Dragonshield
AC 18, Fort 14, Reflex 13, Will 13, resist 5 necrotic
Dragonshield Tactics: At-will immediate reaction, when an enemy adjacent shifts away or an enemy moves adjecent, the kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square.
Mob Attack: The kobold dragonshield gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.

Kobold Slyblade
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 14

Kobold Wyrmpriest
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 15, Will 15[/sblock]


First Post
Flervin grits his teeth and happily begins to trod forward towards the party's aggressors.

Minor: N/a
Standard: Double move (10 squares total, 5 for std and 5 for move actions) to M7

[sblock=Flervin's Stats]
Flervin- Male Dwarf Druid , Lvl 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18.
AC: 15, Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 14, Speed: 5.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges/Day: 11​(10 remaining).
AP: 0/2, Second Wind: Not Used , Milestones: 0.

Wild Shape
Storm Strike (Dwarf Form)
Grasping Claws (Beast Form)
Pounce (Beast Form)
Darting Bite (Beast Form)
Savage Frenzy (Beast Form)

Character Sheet


First Post
Without hesitation, Lenyara gave a fierce cry and raced forward. In the blink of an eye, she was in amongst the first rank of kobolds. The first lash of her net skated across the shield of the nearest kobold, and she overextended, trying to tangle the kobold on her backswing. She hardly seemed to realize how much danger she was in, having moved so far ahead of her companions...

[sblock= OOC]
(ABSOLUTE WASTE of a round, and an AP!)
>Move: forward to L6 (8 squares)
>Standard: Charge to R7 (or thereabouts- I presume the dragonshield will use his reaction shift, but Lenyara still has 2 squares of movement left at that point so she will be able to close if he moves back); Net MBA with charge 1d20+12 vs. AC= 15 (miss); rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4031367/
>AP= Standard: MBA with net; 1d20+11= 12 (miss, natural 1); rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4031369/
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First Post
Emsy moves through the constricting corridor to take a chance shot at the same kobold that Lenyara attacked.

Labraundos moves forward, but he is taken aback to see how far Lenyara is ahead of him. He moves to an observation spot from where he can plan ahead.

[sblock=Emsy's actions]Move Action: Emsy moves around the hard corners 5 squares from B9 to E7.

Standard action: Emsy shoots at Dragon Shield 1 with Jinx Shot - Total to Hit = 8. Miss

[sblock=Labraundos' actions]Move Action: Labraundos moves around the hard corners 5 squares from C8 to G7.

Standard action as a Move Action: Labraundos moves from G7 to J7.


Male Minotaur Paladin, Level 1.
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14. Senses: None.
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 11, Will: 15.
HP: 25/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 9/13
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Medium. Languages: Allarian, Hzakan.
Saving Throw Bonuses: Nothing to report.
Action Points: 1
Goring Charge
Second Wind
Vicious Backswing
Virtue’s Touch [Used 1 out of 4 uses]
Divine Challenge
Ardent Strike
Valiant Strike
Divine Strength
Divine Mettle
Divine Pursuit
Blood of the Mighty
Verve Armour +1 (Plate) - Daily Power

Conditions: None.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Emsy]Emsy - Bard
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 16, Fort: 11, Ref: 12, Will: 15
Initiative: +1; Speed: 5
HP: 25/25, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [ ]
Virtue of Prescience class feature [ ]
Majestic Words [ ][ ]
Words of Friendship [ ]
Prophesied Strike [ ]
Argent Rain [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Action Point [ ]

Arrow of Warning [ ]
Ardent Surge [ ]

Character Sheet[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing the Lenyara already engaging with the kobolds, Ashurn dashes at full speed together with Flervin in hope to support Lenyara in time.
[Sblock=Actions]Move+Standard Action=Double move for 12 squares to N7 from B8.[/sblock]
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The kobold furthest in the back, dressed in hide armor, raises his spear into the air and says, "We do strong by Laddon! Just like the serpent, we guard home and tear intruders apart!" The other kobolds cheer in unison and then dash into combat.

[sblock=Religion 18]Laddon is a somewhat obscure mythological dragon that is worshipped by some kobolds and lizardfolk. He was known for making his lair in a garden where the trees bore golden fruit. In Laddon's most well-known story, a famous human hero journeyed to the garden, confronted the dragon, and slew him after a fierce battle. However, the kobolds generally tell the story with a different ending that has Laddon devouring the evil thief.[/sblock]
As the kobolds with shields move into position, the kobold who preached about Laddon points his free hand at Lenyara. A ball of crackling necrotic energy forms at his fingertips and flies toward the ranger, but she twists aside just in time to dodge it.

One of the shield-bearing kobolds slips past Lenyara and charges screaming toward Ashurn. However, he seems to focus too much of his energy into the battlecry, as his shortsword goes completely wide of Ashurn. It slashes against the wall and generates a trail of sparks.

The other two kobolds with shields, one bearing a mace and the other a mining pick, take swings at Lenyara. Again, she evades the attacks without much difficulty. Next up are two female kobolds dressed in leather and both dual-wielding short swords. They advance on Lenyara and make several attacks from flanking positions. Lenyara does her best to parry the blows, but one of the strikes finally gets past her defenses and wounds her with a shallow cut.

GM: The PCs are up!


[sblock=Enemy actions]Wyrmpriest: Minor action to Incite Faith. All kobold allies in a close burst 10 gain 5 THP and can shift 1 square. DS1 goes to S8 and DS3 to T7. The other kobolds stay put. Energy Orb (ranged 10) vs Lenyara misses Reflex 14.

Dragonshield 1: Minor: Shifty to R7. Move: Shift to Q7. Standard: Charge to O6! Short Sword vs Ashurn misses AC 1.

Dragonshield 2: Minor: Shifty to S8. Move: Shift to R7. Standard: Mining Pick vs Lenyara misses AC 20.

Dragonshield 3: Standard: Mace vs Lenyara misses AC 15. Minor: Shifty to S8. Move: Shift to R8.

Slyblade 1: Move: Walk to T7. Twin Slash vs Lenyara misses twice at AC 16 and AC 17. Minor: Shifty to T8.

Slyblade 2: Move: Walk to T7. Twin Slash vs Lenyara misses AC 13 and hits AC 26 for 11 damage.

1 roll above a 10 out of 8 attacks this round...[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat notes]Ashurn: 19/22, 1 surge used
Emsy: 24/24
Flervin: 30/30, 1 surge used
Labraundos: 25/30, 4 surges used
Lenyara: 30/41, 1 surge used
Nicodemus: 30/30

Kobold Dragonshield 1: 5+36/36
Kobold Dragonshield 2: 5+36/36
Kobold Dragonshield 3: 5+36/36
Kobold Slyblade 1: 5+42/42
Kobold Slyblade 2: 5+42/42
Kobold Wyrmpriest: 36/36

Kobold Dragonshield
AC 18, Fort 14, Reflex 13, Will 13, resist 5 necrotic
Dragonshield Tactics: At-will immediate reaction, when an enemy adjacent shifts away or an enemy moves adjecent, the kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square.
Mob Attack: The kobold dragonshield gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.

Kobold Slyblade
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 14

Kobold Wyrmpriest
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 15, Will 15[/sblock]

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