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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


First Post
Flervin takes the opportunity to engage the nearby Dragonshield. He focuses on his target and bears down with a fury of his razor sharp claws.

Move: Shift to N6
Minor: N/a
Standard: Grasping claws against Dragonshield 1, 17 vs. Ref (Hit)
Damage Dealt: 9 damage, and Dragonshield 1 is slowed until the end of my next turn as per Grasping Claws rules.

[sblock=Flervin's Stats]
Flervin- Male Dwarf Druid , Lvl 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18.
AC: 15, Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 14, Speed: 5.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges/Day: 11​(10 remaining).
AP: 0/2, Second Wind: Not Used , Milestones: 0.

Wild Shape
Storm Strike (Dwarf Form)
Grasping Claws (Beast Form)
Pounce (Beast Form)
Darting Bite (Beast Form)
Savage Frenzy (Beast Form)

Character Sheet

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First Post
Emsy, round 2

Emsy moved carefully forward down the hallway, towards the chaos of the fight. While she held her bow ready in her hands, it was her voice that she brought to bear- a single word in some unknown (or long-forgotten language) echoed down the hall like a peal of thunder, and one of the shield-bearing kobolds stumbled away...

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: walk to J6 (5 squares)
>Standard: Staggering note at Dragonshield 3; 1d20+4 vs. WILL= 14 (hits for 4 thunder, dragonshield pushed to S8); rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032954/ ; Lenyara can make a free MBA at dragonshield 3 (will be included in her post, next



First Post
Lenyara glanced quickly left and right, trying to keep an eye on all of her foes at once. As one of the dragonshields stumbled under the arcane force of Emsy's voice, Lenyara responded quickly, lashing out with a backhand swing of her net. This time the cords of her net slapped against the kobold's head as it reeled away. Lenyara shifted her feet and her balance, whipping out with the net again- she caught the kobold's legs as it raised its shield reflexively, and with a sharp tug she pulled the creature to the ground. Almost as an afterthought she stabbed downwards with her long knife, punching deep into the kobold's chest- and she remembered to twist the blade before she pulled it free. With a lane now open, she danced backwards away from most of the other kobolds...

[sblock= OOC]
>Free: Net MBA at Dragonshield 3, 1d20+11 vs. AC= 24, hits for 10 damage and dragonshield 3 is slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032959/
>Minor: switch aspect to Dancing serpent
>Standard: Net MBA at dragonshield 3; 1d20+11 vs. AC= 23, hit for 11 more damage, dragonshield is slowed until end of Lenyara's NEXT turn, and is knocked prone; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032961/
>Free: Dual weapon attack at dragonshield 3, using Power Strike if it hits; 1d20+13 vs. AC= 21 (+2 for CA- prone), hit for 8 weapon +6 Power Strike= 14 total damage; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4032962/
>Move: shift to R8 (dragonshield 2 can reaction/shift; dragonshield is prone, not sure if he can shift)
>Free (end of turn): shift to Q8

>Summary: Dragonshield 3 is slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn, prone, and has taken 39 damage (including Emsy's attack)


First Post
Hallway Round 2
Nicodemus, Human
Warlock 1 (Partial Concealment UENT)
30/30 HP (4THP)

Nicodemus move up methodically as the others charge into the fray. An alien skull of smoke and shadow laughs silently above the head of kobold that charged the group. Nicodemus tries to blast the kobold with pure arcane power, but the wall of teammates in between makes the blast hit high on the wall behind the shield bearer. "Bah, Stand still you scaley schmuck!"
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Speak
Minor: Warlock's Curse on Shield 1
Move: to I7
Standard: Eldrich Blast vs Shield 1 Miss
Action Point: -
[/sblock][sblock=Nicodemus]Nicodemus—Male Human Warlock 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 17, Will: 13 — Speed: 6
HP: 30/30 (4THP), Bloodied: 15, Surge: 6, Surges left: 10/10;
AP: 0/1, Second Wind: Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldrich Blast
Dire Radiance
Hellish Rebuke
Warlock's Curse
Dark One's Blessing

Arms of Hadar

Flames of Phlegethos

[/sblock][sblock=ooc]Shadow Walk is always active. Nicodemus still needs 1 approval.

Damage Summary: (Total damage if all attacks hit)
Explosives 10 Fire[/sblock]


First Post
Ashurn darts behind the kobold after it misses with it attacks and then lashes out at the kobold with an attack of his own! But the attack misses mark by a wide margin, Ashurn curses himself for being so tardy.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action=Escape Artist's Trick. Shift 2 squares to P6, flanking Dragon Shield 1 with Flervin.
Standard Action=Melee Basic Attack against Dragon Shield 1. 14 vs. AC. 19 damage on hit.
Free Action=Escape Artist's Trick. Shift 0 squares, staying on P6.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ashurn's stats]Status: Ashurn D'Haran – Human Rogue (Thief)
Speed: 6
Passive Perception:+16
Passive Insight: +15
AC:17 Fort: 12 Ref: 18 Will: 13
HP: 19/22 Bloodied: 11
Surges: 5/6 Surge Value: 5
AP: 2
Languages: Allarian, Hzakan
Str:10 Dex:20 Wis:10 Con:10 Int:10 Cha:14
Melee Basic Attack:
[+12 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+7+(2d6*) *Sneak Attack 1/turn with CA.]
+9 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+6 without CA.
Ranged Basic Attack:
[+12 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+7+(2d6*) *Sneak Attack 1/turn with CA.]
+9 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+6 without CA.
Escape Artist's Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Heroic Effort 1/1
Backstab 1/1[/sblock]

OOC: Wow, with a +12 to-hit and I have to roll a natural 2. Haha. Man, that sucked.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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