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[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


OOC: Coming right up, preventing any save-ends effects are one of my priorities, so I tend to look out for it. If I miss it in the future though, don't hesitate to point it out.

EDIT: Is it a legal move to push the DragonShield1 to Q7, then slide Lenyara diagonally to P7? My guess is yes, and it wouldn't provoke OoA either, but I'm just checking.
GM: Sure, I don't see why not.
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First Post
Flervin pounces toward the Dragon nearest him, attempting to allow an advantage to his comrades.

Movement: Shift to O7
Minor: N/A
Standard: Pounce vs. Shield 2 = 14 (hit)
Damage Total: 7 and target grants Combat Advantage to the next creature that attacks it prior to the end of my next turn as per Pounce Rules.

[sblock=Flervin's Stats]
Flervin- Male Dwarf Druid , Lvl 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18.
AC: 15, Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 14, Speed: 5.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges/Day: 11​(10 remaining).
AP: 0/2, Second Wind: Not Used , Milestones: 0.

Wild Shape
Storm Strike (Dwarf Form)
Grasping Claws (Beast Form)
Pounce (Beast Form)
Darting Bite (Beast Form)
Savage Frenzy (Beast Form)

Character Sheet

OOC: First come first serve on the Combat Advantage vs. Shield 2:) Looks like Invis Castle likes me again.
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First Post
OOC: Does RPing Lenyara count as godmodding?
EDIT: The roll was made before Flerv's attack, and the post was in construction, the attack would have hit without the CA, can I choose to not "consume" the CA?
EDIT2: Welp, the reading of Pounce says otherwise. Anyway, I can't edit the google doc, so could someone move Lenyara and Dragonshield1 for me?

Again, a glimpse into the future, Emsy's eyes beam with white and her vision turns slightly blurred, colours dulled: Lenyara, rushing forth, a flurry of blades. A kobold catches her from behind, a quick slash and a stab that leaves Lenyara lying on the ground, gasping for air as her lungs fill with blood.

"Lenyara, from behind!" Emsy gasps. And just in time...Lenyara spins around, flourishing her blades by reflex. She still takes one of the slashes from the kobold, but manages to parry the lethal stab that would have went through her.

"I have to get her out of there..." Emsy mutters under her breathe. Knocking an arrow, she blows some magic onto it, before letting it fly. The kobold spots the arrow coming at him and manages to block it with his shield. It lands on the floor with a pathetic plink and makes the kobold smirk. As he sneers back in Draconic, the arrow explodes with a ear-shattering boom, which sends him sprawling him backwards.

"Lenyara, to us! To us!" Emsy yells over the explosion. "With us lies hope! Get up, come, please!" With Emsy egging her on, Lenyara does a roll past the Dragonshield and somehow manages to lash out at him mid-roll.

[sblock=Actions]Move= None
Immediate Interrupt = Virtue of Prescience: Lenyara gains a +2 power bonus to AC during Slyblade 2's Twin Slash. She doesn't lose her 7 HP or have the ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Standard = Staggering Note @ Dragonshield 1 (HITS for 4 thunder damage): Dragonshield 1 is pushed to Q7, Lenyara can make an MBA against it before, during or after the push as a free action.
Minor = Majestic Word @ Lenyara: Lenyara spends one healing surge and heals an additional 4 hitpoints, she is then slid to P7.[/sblock]
  • DragonShield1 takes 4 thunder damage and is pushed to Q7.
  • Lenyara is slid to P7.
  • Virtue of Prescience prevents second hit of Slyblade2. Lenyara doesn't take the damage or gain ongoing 5 damage. (Now at 15/41)
  • Lenyara spends one surge and gains 10+4 hitpoints. (Now at 29/41)
  • Lentara is no longer bloodied.
  • As a free action, Lenyara can make a melee basic attack against DragonShield1.
[sblock=Stat Block]Emsy - Bard
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 13
AC: 16, Fort: 11, Ref: 12, Will: 15
Initiative: +1; Speed: 5
HP: 25/25, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 12, Surge Value: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [ ]
Virtue of Prescience class feature [x]
Majestic Words [x][ ]
Words of Friendship [ ]
Prophesied Strike [ ]
Argent Rain [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Action Point [ ]

Arrow of Warning [ ]
Ardent Surge [ ]

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First Post
OOC: To start, I made the changes to the map for you treex. Secondly, I made changes to my post to reflect the changes that took place based on roll times. Treex's rolls took place at 7:22, and mine at 9:10, so his should have occurred first. In that Flerv could then no longer occupy O6 and swing at Shield 1, I changed to post to put him at O7 and swinging at Shield 2. Dekana, if you don't agree with me changing target after the fact, I will delete and re-do my post/rolls .


First Post
OOC: Taking care of the MBA from Stagering note first- will do a post for the round later

Lenyara reacted blindly, lashing out with her long knife as the shield-bearing kobold slid past her- and almost cutting his head off.

[sblock= OOC]
>MBA from Staggering note (using short sword); 1d20+13= 32, hits for 12 damage (and since Dragonshield 1 was, at the time, still slowed from Flerv's Grasping Claws hit last round, kobold is knocked prone); rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4036498/
>EDIT: Prone may not matter- with 19 from Nicodemus, 4 from staggering note and 12 from the MBA from staggering note, he should be at -1 (35 dealt vs. 34 HP)
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First Post
Lenyara gave a feral snarl as the kobold collapsed in a quickly-spreading pool of blood, then quickly turned on the remaining dragonshield. In a blur of motion, she lashed out repeatedly, leaving that kobold on the floor as well- though it was still moving.

[sblock= OOC]
>Standard: Net MBA at dragonshield 2 (with CA from Pounce, +1 from Dancing Serpent), 1d20+14 vs. AC= 23, hit for 11 damage and slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4036549/
>Free: Dual-weapon attack at dragonshield 2; 1d20+14 (vs. AC, includes Dancing Serpent but not CA)= 31, hit for 8 damage and dragonshield 2 is knocked prone; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4036552/
>Move: shift to O6
>Free (end of turn): shift to N6

>Summary: Dragonshield 2 takes 19 damage, slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn, and prone; Lenyara is at 29/41, now 2 surges spent
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First Post
Seeing Lenyara's smooth action that took down 1 kobold and knocked the other one down onto it's feet while managing a swift retreat made Ashurn stare in awe. But not wanting to waste the opening due to Lenyara's act, Ashurn dash forward and plunges his dagger into the fallen kobold's chest. Darting away as the life in the kobold's eyes bled away.
[sblock=Actions]Move=Escape Artist's Trick. Shift 1 square to P7.
Standard=Melee Basic Attack vs. Dragon Shield 2 (proned) at P8. 21 vs AC. 18 damage on hit.
Free=Escape Artist's Trick. Shift 1 square to O6.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ashurn's stats]Status: Ashurn D'Haran – Human Rogue (Thief)
Speed: 6
Passive Perception:+16
Passive Insight: +15
AC:17 Fort: 12 Ref: 18 Will: 13
HP: 19/22 Bloodied: 11
Surges: 5/6 Surge Value: 5
AP: 2
Languages: Allarian, Hzakan
Str:10 Dex:20 Wis:10 Con:10 Int:10 Cha:14
Melee Basic Attack:
[+12 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+7+(2d6*) *Sneak Attack 1/turn with CA.]
+9 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+6 without CA.
Ranged Basic Attack:
[+12 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+7+(2d6*) *Sneak Attack 1/turn with CA.]
+9 vs. AC. Hit: (1d4)+6 without CA.
Escape Artist's Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Heroic Effort 1/1
Backstab 1/1[/sblock]
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First Post
Labraundos reins in his instinct to charge and instead manoeuvres to steady the line by creating a possible flank problem for the kobolds. He also takes a quick breather; the blow from the kobold dragonshield winded him more than he first thought.

[sblock=actions]Move action: Moves from N7 to P6.

Standard action: Uses Second Wind. +2 to Defences until the end of his next turn.



Male Minotaur Paladin, Level 1.
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 14. Senses: None.
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 11, Will: 15.
HP: 23/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 8/13
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Medium. Languages: Allarian, Hzakan.
Saving Throw Bonuses: Nothing to report.
Action Points: 1
Goring Charge
Second Wind [Used]
Vicious Backswing
Virtue’s Touch [Used 1 out of 4 uses]
Divine Challenge
Ardent Strike
Valiant Strike
Divine Strength
Divine Mettle
Divine Pursuit
Blood of the Mighty
Verve Armour +1 (Plate) - Daily Power

Conditions: None.[/sblock]


The kobolds' defensive line collapses as Lenyara and Ashurn deliver fatal blows to the two remaining shield users. Upon seeing this, the two female kobolds exchange nervous glances. One of them speaks to her comrade in nearly perfect Common.

"Omigosh, did you see that?! The woman almost took Klaxis's head off! Let's get out of here!" She then takes off to the east, fleeing the battle. Unlike the first guard that ran off, she keeps her weapons with her. The second female starts backing away as well, but the kobold spellcaster intervenes before she gets very far. He yells something sinister at her in Draconic which causes her to stop dead in her tracks.

The wyrmpriest advances toward the party, rears back his head, and then fires a cloud of black dust straight out of his mouth! Lenyara, Ashurn, Flervin, and Labraundos are all engulfed by the deadly dust and instantly develop fevers and cold chills. Labraundos, protected by the strength of Joven, is the only one who resists at least some of the effects of the dust.

The female kobold grits her teeth and then charges into the group of adventurers! She singles out Ashurn for her attacks and delivers two very well aimed slashes toward his legs. Blood trickles down his legs, and he starts swaying woozily.

GM: The PCs are up!


[sblock=Enemy actions]Wyrmpriest: Walk to W7. Dragon Breath (close blast 3) in N6:p8...
  • vs Lenyara hits Fort 23 for 10 necrotic damage.
  • vs Ashurn hits Fort 15 for 10 necrotic damage.
  • vs Flervin hits Fort 17 for 10 necrotic damage.
  • vs Labraundos misses Fort 10. It still deals 5 necrotic damage on the miss.
Slyblade 1: Double run and Shifty to flee 17 squares to the east off the map.

Slyblade 2: Move: Walk to P7. Twin Slash vs Ashurn hits AC 28 for 1 damage and crits for 6 damage. Since Ashurn was hit by both attacks, he also takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Minor: Shifty to Q8.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat notes]Ashurn: 2/22, 1 surge used, ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
Emsy: 24/24
Flervin: 20/30, 1 surge used
Labraundos: 18/30, 5 surges used, +2 defenses USNT Labraundos
Lenyara: 19/41, 2 surge used
Nicodemus: 30/30

Kobold Dragonshield 1: dead
Kobold Dragonshield 2: dead
Kobold Dragonshield 3: fled the battle
Kobold Slyblade 1: fled the battle
Kobold Slyblade 2: 5+42/42
Kobold Wyrmpriest: 36/36

Kobold Slyblade
AC 18, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 14

Kobold Wyrmpriest
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 15, Will 15[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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